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Implementation of System.Drawing classes that are not cross-platform


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A cross-platform implementation of selected System.Drawing elements tailored for GeneXus development.

Table of Contents


The creation of this library was driven by Microsoft's decision to make the System.Drawing.Common NuGet package as Windows-specific as of .NET 6. For further details about this annoucement, please refer to Microsoft Learn Article: System.Drawing.Common only supported on Windows.

In response, this project aims to replicate the behaviour of System.Drawing library but focusing on GeneXus needs, rather than attempting to cover every use case of the original library. The primeray goal is to enable developers to seamlessy replace the using statements referencing the System.Drawing library in the GeneXus platform code with GeneXus.Drawing namespace. To achieve this goal, this project relies on the SkiaSharp library, a robust cross-platform graphics framework.


There are a few important considerations regarding GeneXus.Drawing that users should be aware of:

  1. The library may not fully replicate all the functionalities provided by System.Drawing, either because of limitations in SkiaSharp or subtle differences in behavior between SkiaSharp and System.Drawing.

  2. The library is focused on meeting the GeneXus needs, which means that not every feature of System.Drawing is required or implemented.


This repository is organized as follows:

├─ src                           : source code
│  ├─ Common
│  │  ├─ Imaging                 : elements for GeneXus.Drawing.Imaging
│  │  │  └─ ...
│  │  ├─ Interop                 : elements for GeneXus.Drawing.Interop
│  │  │  └─ ...
│  │  ├─ Text                    : elements for GeneXus.Drawing.Text
│  │  │  └─ ...
│  │  └─ ...                     : elements for GeneXus.Drawing
│  │ 
│  └─
├─ test                          : unit tests
│  ├─ Common
│  │  ├─ Text                    : unit-tests for GeneXus.Drawing.Text
│  │  │  └─ ...
│  │  └─ ...                     : unit-tests for GeneXus.Drawing
│  │
│  └─ Directory.Build.props      : specific configuration for tests
├─ .editorconfig                 : configuration for Visual Studio 
├─ .gitignore                    : patters in this repo to be ignored 
├─               : contribution policies
├─ Directory.Build.props         : default configuration for projects
├─ GeneXus.Drawing-DotNet.sln    : solutuon to build every project
├─ global.json                   : SDKs versions used in this project
├─ LICENCE                       : licence agreement
├─ Nuget.Config                  : nuget config settings
└─                     : this file

The src/ directory is organized in alignment with the structure of System.Drawing, reflecting the corresponding namespace for each implemented component. Similarly, the test/ directory mirrors the structure of the src/ directory, with each test case file named according to the tested component, suffixed with UnitTest (e.g. test/BitmapUnitTest.cs).


This section describes each module (namespace) specifiying which elements are part of GeneXus.Drawing library, either totally or partially supported.


Basic graphics funcionalities based on System.Drawing.

Name Type Description
Bitmap Class Represents an image defined by pixels.
Color Class Defines colors used for drawing.
Font Class Defines a format for text, including font family, size, and style.
Icon Class Represents an icon image.
Image Class Represents an image in a specific format.
Svg (1) Class Represents Scalable Vector Graphics.
Point Struct Defines an x and y coordinate in a 2D plane.
PointF Struct Defines a floating-point x and y coordinate in a 2D plane.
Rectangle Struct Defines an x, y, width, and height of a rectangle.
RectangleF Struct Defines a floating-point x, y, width, and height of a rectangle.
Size Struct Defines the width and height of a rectangular area.
SizeF Struct Defines the width and height of a rectangular area with floating-point values.
FontSlant Enum Specifies the slant of a font.
FontStyle Enum Specifies the style of a font.
GraphicsUnit Enum Specifies the unit of measure for drawing operations.
KnownColor Enum Defines predefined colors.
RotateFlipType Enum Specifies how an image is rotated or flipped.

(1) New element (does not belogs to System.Drawing library).


Advanced image processing based on System.Drawing.Imaging to support sophisticated image manipulation and format handling.

Name Type Description
ColorPalette Class Defines a color palette for an image.
ImageFormat Class Specifies the format of an image file.
PixelFormat Class Specifies the format of the pixels in an image.
ImageFlags Enum Specifies options for image processing.
ImageLockMode Enum Specifies the locking mode for an image.


Advanced typographic features based on System.Drawing.Text for managing and rendering fonts and text.

Name Type Description
FontCollection Class Represents a collection of fonts.
InstalledFontCollection Class Represents a collection of installed fonts.
PrivateFontCollection Class Represents a collection of private fonts.
GenericFontFamilies Enum Specifies generic font families.


Advanced interoperability utilities based on System.Drawing.Interop that includes definitions used in font management and graphics rendering.

Name Type Description
GDIDEFS Enum Defines constants for GDI+.
LOGFONT Struct Defines the logical font information for text rendering.

How to build


To build and run this project, the primary requirement is the ability to execute SkiaSharp. This necessitates having one of the following frameworks installed:

  • .NET 6 or higher
  • .NET Standard 1.3 or higher
  • .NET Core.


  1. Verify Installation Requirements:
    Ensure that the necessary .NET framework is installed by executing the following command in your console or terminal:

    dotnet --version 
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:
    Make sure you are in the correct project directory before proceeding. Use the appropriate command for your operating system. For example:

    Windows Command Line:

    cd C:/GeneXus.Drawing-DotNet

    Mac Terminal:

    cd ~/Documents/GeneXus.Drawing-DotNet

    Linux Shell:

    cd /home/GeneXus.Drawing-DotNet
  3. Build the project:
    Run the following command to compile the code:

    dotnet build GeneXus.Drawing-DotNet.sln
  4. Run Unit Tests:
    Run the following command to execute the unit test:

    dotnet test GeneXus.Drawing-DotNet.sln


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Third-Party License Attributions

The GeneXus.Drawing library is based on the SkiaSharp project which is licensed under open source license.


SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library ( It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images.

License (MIT):


We welcome contributions from the community to improve this project. Please follow the guidelines outlined in the CONTRIBUTION file for that.

Thank you for considering to work with us! We look forward to your contributions.


Implementation of System.Drawing classes that are not cross-platform







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Contributors 4

