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Use-cases and other examples for IOP

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This repository is part of ROS/IOP Bridge.

It contains ROS-packages with different examples for using ROS/IOP-Bridge.

fkie_iop_cfg_ocu: example shows the usage with mapviz.
fkie_iop_cfg_sim_turtle: simple example shows the usage of PrimitiveDriver with turtle simulator.
fkie_iop_cfg_sim_stage_waypoint: shows the integration of local waypoint navigation with stage simulator. Local robot position and laser scans are also visualized on the OCU-site.
fkie_iop_cfg_sim_stage: complex example with multi-robot, map and video integration using stage simulator. fkie_iop_cfg_sim_video: shows how to provide video on robot and consume the IOP video on OCU.

Use in a Docker

docker build -t fkie:iop .

Launch example:

# for Rviz, Rqt and Stage GUI
xhost +local:root

# 1. Terminal
docker run -it --network host  --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1"  --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --env="XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY" --volume="$XAUTHORITY:$XAUTHORITY" --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri --security-opt apparmor:unconfined -v /tmp:/tmp --rm fkie:iop rosrun fkie_iop_node_manager

# 2. Terminal
docker run -it --network host  --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1"  --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --env="XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY" --volume="$XAUTHORITY:$XAUTHORITY" --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri --security-opt apparmor:unconfined -v /tmp:/tmp --rm fkie:iop roslaunch fkie_iop_cfg_sim_stage_waypoint robot.launch

# 3. Terminal
docker run -it --network host  --env="DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1"  --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" --env="XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY" --volume="$XAUTHORITY:$XAUTHORITY" --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri --security-opt apparmor:unconfined -v /tmp:/tmp --rm fkie:iop roslaunch fkie_iop_cfg_sim_stage_waypoint control.launch