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An implementation of the NPA hierarchy in Common Lisp.


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An implementation of the NPA hierarchy in Common Lisp.

This is a small library that grew out of some code for generating the NPA-hierarchy relaxations for a class of problems I was studying, and got carried away with.

The library can handle problems consisting of the maximisation or minimisation of the quantum expectation value of a linear combination of projection operators (i.e., a Bell operator) subject to zero or more equality and inequality constraints on the expectation values of such operators. The number of parties, inputs, and outputs is arbitrary. It works with the SDPA family of semidefinite programming solvers.

It is written in Common Lisp (currently, specifically the SBCL implementation), but you don't necessarily have to know Lisp in order to use it. It supports a notation similar to what you might see in a research paper. For example, the code you need to type to maximise CHSH at level 1 + A B of the hierarchy is

 (maximise A1 (B1 + B2) + A2 (B1 - B2))
 (level 1 + A B))

Assuming everything you need is properly installed and loaded, running this expression will

  • detemine the SDP relaxation of the problem at the indicated level,
  • write the corresponding input file for SDPA,
  • call SDPA on it,
  • extract the solution, and
  • return the primal and dual solutions and an SDPA status indicator (usually "PDOPT" or "PDFEAS", if everything went OK).

It is inferred from the symbols appearing in the problem (A1, A2, B1, and B2) that there are in this case two parties each with two binary-outcome measurements.

Some more examples of its use are given below.

There are other freely-available libraries that can work with the NPA hierarchy. You may find one of these is more convenient, depending on what you want to do and what programming environments you are already comfortable with:


The following installation instructions are quite detailed since I assume most people who might consider using this library are not already familiar with Lisp. On Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and Mac OS, the short version is:

  • You will need SDPA, SBCL, and Quicklisp installed.
  • You install npa-hierarchy by putting the project directory somewhere where Quicklisp can find it, like ~/common-lisp/ or ~/quicklisp/local-projects/, and doing (ql:quickload :npa-hierarchy) to load it. This will pull in dependencies in the process.
  • It is recommended to run Lisp in an environment that supports it, such as SLIME. Inputting multi-line Lisp expressions in a plain terminal is not a fun experience.

If you're using Microsoft Windows, the following procedure seems to work:

  • Download SDPA from here and arrange for the sdpa.exe executable to be located in a folder in the %PATH% environment variable. SDPA should run if you type "sdpa" into a DOS prompt.
  • Download and install the Windows version of Portacle.
  • Download the npa-hierarchy library. Unzip it if necessary and copy or move the npa-hierarchy folder and its contents into Portacle's projects/ subfolder. The exact location depends on where you installed Portacle.
  • Start Portacle and run (ql:quickload :npa-hierarchy) at the Lisp prompt to install the dependencies.

Install SDPA and SBCL

If you want to use this library, you will need SDPA installed in your $PATH (i.e., SDPA should run if you enter sdpa at the prompt in a terminal window). You will also need the SBCL Lisp implementation. If you are using Ubuntu Linux (or I assume Debian or any of its derivatives) then both are available via the package manager, e.g.

$ sudo aptitude install sdpa sbcl rlwrap

On other Linux distributions and Unix-like systems you may need to download SDPA and compile it from source yourself. Compilable versions of SDPA-DD and SDPA-QD can be found at and

Install Quicklisp and npa-hierarchy

Quicklisp is a package manager for Lisp that lets you download libraries off the internet and does dependency resolution (like Pip for Python). Download Quicklisp and install it, following the instructions on their website. This basically means typing the following into a terminal ($ and * are the shell and Lisp prompts):

$ wget
$ rlwrap sbcl --noinform --load quicklisp.lisp
* (quicklisp-quickstart:install)
* (ql:add-to-init-file)

and type y to confirm that you are OK with it editing the init file when it asks. Among other things, this should create a quicklisp/ directory in your home directory. Download npa-hierarchy into the local-projects/ subdirectory:

$ cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects/
$ git clone

(Or download it wherever you like and copy it to ~/quicklisp/local-projects/ or create a symlink there.) At this point you should be able to use Quicklisp to load the npa-hierarchy library, which will pull in a few other libraries it depends on. A simple test session, starting SBCL in a terminal, loading the library, and maximising CHSH should look something like this:

$ rlwrap sbcl --noinform
* (ql:quickload :npa-hierarchy)
;; Info about all the packages being loaded omitted.
* (in-package :npa-user)

* (solve-problem
   (maximise A1 (B1 + B2) + A2 (B1 - B2))
   (level 6))


(Press Ctrl-D to escape.)

Configure Emacs (optional but recommended)

It is possible to start an interactive Lisp session from the terminal (as illustrated above). However, you can get a much nicer environment by running Lisp from Emacs via the SLIME mode. If you don't already use Emacs, a simple way to get started is to copy the sample .emacs file included with the project to your home directory:

$ cp ~/quicklisp/local-projects/npa-hierarchy/.emacs ~

If SBCL is located somewhere other than /usr/bin/ then edit the line

      '((sbcl ("/usr/bin/sbcl" "--dynamic-space-size" "16384"))))

in the .emacs file accordingly (run which sbcl in a terminal if you're not sure). Then:

  • Start Emacs (install it if needed, e.g. sudo aptitude install emacs).
  • Do M-x slime to start SLIME. This means press whatever Emacs considers the "Meta" key and 'x' at the same time, then type "slime" and press enter.

In key chords like C-c and M-x, 'C' and 'M' mean you should press whatever Emacs considers the "Control" or "Meta" key along with the key that follows. "Control" and "Meta" are usually Ctrl and Alt (they might be bound to the Command and/or Option keys if you are using a Mac). So on most installations, M-x means hold down the 'Alt' key while pressing the 'x' key.

Once SLIME is running you can give it Lisp expressions to evaluate. Some useful Emacs and SLIME commands:

  • C-x 1 to make the current window take up all of the Emacs frame. C-x 2 to split horizontally.
  • C-<up> and C-<down> (or M-p and M-n) cycle through the history of previously entered expressions.
  • C-a and C-e go to the beginning and end of the current line.
  • C-k deletes everything on the current line after the cursor.
  • In a Lisp file, C-c C-c compiles the expression containing the cursor. C-x C-e evaluates the expression immediately preceding the cursor.
  • If you find yourself in the Lisp/SLIME debugger following an error, you can get out of it by pressing q.
  • Cut, copy, and paste are C-w, M-w, and C-y, not C-x, C-c, and C-v.
  • C-g cancels a partially-entered Emacs key chord or command.
  • C-h t starts the Emacs tutorial.

You can type ",quit" to quit SLIME and C-x C-c to quit Emacs.

Emacs is probably the most used general-purpose editor for developing Lisp code, however there are plugins that add Lisp support for other editors and IDEs including Vim, Atom, Sublime, and Eclipse. I have no experience with them, but if you are already very familiar with one of these editors and would prefer to use it over Emacs then you can see if one of the plugins listed on these websites will work for you:


If you install an updated version of this library, it's a good idea to update Quicklisp itself before loading the new version. You can do that by running the following in Lisp:


You can then load the new version by running (ql:quickload :npa-hierarchy).

If you're using Emacs and want to check for updates to SLIME or other Emacs packages, do M-x package-list-packages and then (capital) U to start installing updates if there are any.

Using the library


To use this library, start Lisp and run one of the following three commands to load it:

(ql:quickload :npa-hierarchy)
(asdf:load-system :npa-hierarchy)
(require :npa-hierarchy)

You should use the first one, (ql:quickload :npa-hierarchy), the first time you load the library after installing it or after an update. The rest of the time it doesn't matter which one you use.

After loading the library, run

(in-package :npa-user)

If you're running Lisp in Emacs/SLIME, you can alternatively do C-c M-p npa-user. This puts you in a working package that imports the most important symbols from other packages in the library, so you don't need to prefix them with their package names (so, for example, you can type solve-problem instead of npa-hierarchy:solve-problem).


The following examples illustrate general interactive use of this library. They can be typed in at the prompt if you have loaded the npa-hierarchy library and are in the npa-user working package, as described above.

The simplest way to use the library is to use the solve-problem macro. The basic invocation is illustrated by the example for CHSH given above. The library uses the Collins-Gisin projection. Projectors can be written like A1\|1 or A1/1. The letter(s) indicate the party, the first number is the output, and the second number (after the '/') is the input. (The identity can be written Id but it can usually be omitted: numbers are usually treated as themselves multiplied by the identity.) For example, you can maximise the CH74 form of CHSH with

 (maximise A1/1 B1/1 + A1/1 B1/2 + A1/2 B1/1 - A1/2 B1/2
           - A1/1 - B1/1)
 (level 1))

You can also use dichotomic operators for cases where there are only two outputs. These are translated to 2 times the first projector minus the identity. For instance, A1 is treated the same as (2 A1/1 - Id) (NB: not (A1/1 - A2/1), since in the Collins-Gisin projection this would be taken to mean there is an implicit third output). You can use the px macro to find out what polynomial is being generated for an expression, e.g. ("NPA-USER>" is the prompt):

NPA-USER> (px A1 (B1 + B2) + A2 (B1 - B2))
#<POLYNOMIAL 2 Id - 4 A1|1 - 4 B1|1 + 4 A1|1 B1|1 + 4 A1|1 B1|2 + 4 A1|2 B1|1
             - 4 A1|2 B1|2>

The order in which commuting operators appear does not matter. B1/1 A1/1 is the same as A1/1 B1/1. The case also does not matter. The Lisp reader converts all variable and operator names (symbols) to uppercase by default.

The general format understood by the solve-problem macro is

 (*imise POLYNOMIAL)
 (subject-to CONSTRAINTS...)
 (level LEVEL)
 (scenario SCENARIO...)
 (name NAME))

Each of the forms should be surrounded with parentheses, as shown, and they can appear in any order. The *imise and level forms are required. The other four are optional. An example using most of them is

 (maximise A1/1)
 (subject-to (A1 (B1 + B2) = x)
             (A2 (B1 - B2) = y))
 (where (x = 1.4)
        (y = 1.4))
 (level 1 + A B + A A B)
 (name "pguess"))

*imisecan be either maximise or minimise. The synonyms maximize and minimize are also accepted.

Each constraint in the subject-to form needs to be surrounded with parentheses; this is so that the solve-problem macro can tell unambiguously where one constraint ends and the next begins. Constraints can also be chained, as in

 (subject-to (A1 (B1 + B2) = A2 (B1 - B2) = 1.4))

Constraints can include inequalities as well as equalities, denoted by >= or <=. > and < are also accepted and treated the same as >= and <=. In a chain containing multiple relations, each relation is applied to the expressions immediately on its left and right and then rearranged to an expression equal to or lower bounded by zero. For example, a chain of the form

A >= B <= C = D >= E

would be translated to the following four constraints:

A - B >= 0
C - B >= 0
C - D = 0
D - E >= 0

The where form lets you define local variable bindings of the form variable = VALUE, where VALUE can be any number or operator expression. For instance, the example above could just as well have been written

 (maximise A1/1)
 (subject-to (r = x)
             (s = y))
 (where (r = A1 (B1 + B2))
        (s = A2 (B1 - B2))
        (x = 1.4)
        (y = 1.4))
 (level 1 + A B + A A B))

Variables in the where form can refer to later assignments (they are processed in reverse order) as well as variables defined elsewhere, so things like

 (where (y = x + 3)
        (x = 2))

will also work. Like in the subject-to form, each assignment needs to be surrounded with parentheses. Unlike the subject-to form, they cannot be chained. Things like (where (x = y = 1.4)) will not work. with is accepted as a synonym for where.

In order to run SDPA, solve-problem needs to write the SDP relaxation into an input file and tell SDPA what file name it should use for the output file. This implies some decisions:

  • What file names to use?
  • Should these files be overwritten if they already exist?

If you don't specify a name using the name form, solve-problem by default uses the names .npa_sdpa_tmp.dat-s and .npa_sdpa_tmp.out for the input and output files. It also raises an error if either of these files already exists and deletes them after it has finished, so that you won't get an error the next time you solve a problem. Specifying a name in the name form overrides this behaviour: if the name given is a string, solve-problem appends the suffixes ".dat-s" and ".out" and uses these as the input and output file names (for example, "pguess.dat-s" and "pguess.out"); it will also assume it is fine to overwrite these files if they already exist and it won't delete them afterwards.

The scenario form lets you explicitly constrain the scenario. Its arguments should be lists of the numbers of outputs each of the parties' inputs have, starting with Alice's. For example,

 (scenario (3 4) (2 2 2))

indicates that Alice has two inputs, with three and four outputs, and Bob has three inputs, each with two outputs. Specifying a scenario has two effects:

  • Output and input numbers are forced to cycle in a limited range, starting with 1 by default. For example, with the above scenario, the projectors A4/1, A5/3, and B3/10 would be changed to A1/1, A2/2, and B1/1. (The starting output and input numbers used are determined by the values of global variables *default-output* and *default-input*. They are set to one by default, but can be changed if you prefer zero-based numbering.)
  • The projector with the highest-numbered output in the scenario is then changed to the identity minus all the other projectors. For example. A3/1 would be replaced with (Id - A1/1 - A2/1).

The main reason you might want to specify the scenario is if expressing the problem in the Collins-Gisin projection is inconvenient and you want to explicitly use all the projectors. A macro, with-scenario is also provided that lets you locally specify the scenario when running code. It may be useful to help understand the effect that setting the scenario has if you're in doubt:

NPA-USER> (values (px A4/1)
                  (px A6/4)
                  (px B1/1 + B2/1 + B3/1)
                  (px B1/2 + B2/2))
#<POLYNOMIAL B1|1 + B2|1 + B3|1>
#<POLYNOMIAL B1|2 + B2|2>
NPA-USER> (with-scenario ((4 4) (3 2))
            (values (px A4/1)
                    (px A6/4)
                    (px B1/1 + B2/1 + B3/1)
                    (px B1/2 + B2/2)))
#<POLYNOMIAL Id - A1|1 - A2|1 - A3|1>

As the notation would suggest, problems can involve more than two parties, inputs, and outputs. For example, the three-party Mermin expression can be maximised like this:

 (maximise A1 B1 C1 - A1 B2 C2 - A2 B1 C2 - A2 B2 C1)
 (level 1 + A B + A C + B C))

Froissart (level 4 takes 1-2 minutes):

 (maximise A1 + A2 + B1 + B2 - (A1 + A2) (B1 + B2)
           + A3 (B1 - B2) + (A1 - A2) B3)
 (level 4))

CGLMP with three outputs:

 (maximise 2 - 3 (A1/1 + A2/1 + B1/2 + B2/2)
           + 3 A1/1 (B1/1 + B2/1 + B1/2)
           + 3 A2/1 (B2/1 + B1/2 + B2/2)
           - 3 A1/2 (B1/1 + B2/1 - B1/2 - B2/2)
           - 3 A2/2 (B2/1 - B2/2))
 (level 1 + A B))

There are a few functions included that return families of Bell operators (currently CGLMP, Mermin, and Bell-Klyshko). Thus the maximisation of CGLMP could have been done with

 (maximise (cglmp 3))
 (level 1 + A B))

In this case an important feature of the solve-problem macro, namely processing an expression written in terms of operators like A1 or A1/1, is not used, and we could just as well call the simpler maximise function:

NPA-USER> (maximise (cglmp 3) '(1 + A B))
NPA-USER> (maximise (cglmp 4) '(1 + A B))
NPA-USER> (maximise (cglmp 5) '(1 + A B))

Operator expressions can include variables, which may be defined elsewhere or function parameters, as long as the variable names won't be confused for a dichotomic operator or projector. An invocation of the solve-problem macro is itself an expression that returns three values. So a convienient way to study a family of problems could be to wrap it in a function definition, e.g.

(defun tilted-chsh (b a)
   (maximise b A1 + a A1 (B1 + B2) + A2 (B1 - B2))
   (level 1 + A B + A A B)))

A few calls:

NPA-USER> (tilted-chsh 0 1)
NPA-USER> (tilted-chsh 1 1)
NPA-USER> (tilted-chsh 1/2 2)

The first return value is the one used if the expression appears in a context where one return value is expected, e.g.

NPA-USER> (format t "Primal = ~a.~%" (tilted-chsh 1/2 2))
Primal = 4.609771878272943.

If you need more than just the first return value, you can use Lisp's multiple-value-bind macro to get them:

NPA-USER> (multiple-value-bind (primal dual) (tilted-chsh 1/2 2)
            (format t "Sol in range [~a, ~a].~%" primal dual))
Sol in range [4.609771878272943, 4.6097724260714665].

If you want to quickly time an evaluation, wrap it in Lisp's time macro:

NPA-USER> (time
            (maximise A1 + A2 + B1 + B2 - (A1 + A2) (B1 + B2)
                      + A3 (B1 - B2) + (A1 - A2) B3)
            (level 4)))
Evaluation took:
  80.275 seconds of real time
  0.132304 seconds of total run time (0.120906 user, 0.011398 system)
  0.16% CPU
  216,034,249,956 processor cycles
  41,014,480 bytes consed

This tells us we were waiting about 80 seconds for the solution, with about 0.13 of those seconds spent running Lisp code (this includes generating the hierarchy relaxation at level 4 and writing the SPDA input file).

The name of the solver is represented as a string in the global variable *solver*. You can change it if the SDPA executable is named something other than "sdpa" or to switch between multiple versions of SDPA. For example, if you have SDPA-GMP installed and the executable is named "sdpa_gmp",

NPA-USER> (setf *solver* "sdpa_gmp")
NPA-USER> (maximise (cglmp 3) '(1 + A B))
NPA-USER> (+ 1 (sqrt (/ 11.0 3)))

Running SDPA manually

You may want to export a problem without running SDPA on it, for example to run on a more powerful computer. You can accomplish this by calling the export-to-file function on a problem, for example,

  (maximise A1 + A2 + B1 + B2 - (A1 + A2) (B1 + B2)
            + A3 (B1 - B2) + (A1 - A2) B3)
  (level 5)))

You can then run SDPA on the generated input file in a terminal, e.g. with

$ sdpa -ds i3322_lvl5.dat-s -o i3322_lvl5.out -pt 0

The output file contains the comment lines

*Offset = 8
*Scale = 1
*Maximise = T
*Solution = -(SDP_sol / Scale + Offset).

and, further down, the primal and dual solutions to the SDP,

objValPrimal = -1.3003501538055906e+01
objValDual   = -1.3003501538055906e+01

(The high precision here is due to using SDPA-DD to solve the SDP.) The format of the SDP passed to SDPA is a minimisation problem and the constant part (the coefficient multiplied by the identity) is ignored. The comment lines tell us we need to divide the primal and dual solutions returned by SDPA by the scale factor of 1, add the offset 8 to the result, and finally flip its sign to get the solution 5.003501538055906 to the original NPA problem. The solution can also be imported into Lisp by calling the function extract-solution on the output file, which applies these operations automatically:

NPA-USER> (extract-solution "i3322_lvl5.out")

The *Scale = comment line exists because the npa-hierarchy library by default rescales the problem if it contains rational coefficients. In that case, npa-hierarchy translates the entire SDP to one that is equivalent to the original, up to a scaling factor, in such a way that it contains only exact integer and floating point coefficients. This is done in order to avoid a possible loss of precision when the library is used with high-precision versions of SDPA such as SDPA-GMP. This behaviour is controlled by a global variable *scale-ratio*. It can be disabled by running (setf *scale-ratio* nil) and reenabled with (setf *scale-ratio* t).

The problem macro used above processes a problem in the same format as solve-problem and returns an object representing the NPA relaxation. (In fact, (solve-problem ...) is just defined as a shorthand for (solve (problem ...)).) The returned object does not necessarily have to be passed immediately to the export-to-file function. You could, for instance, save it to a variable first:

(defvar *my-problem*
   (maximise A1 + A2 + B1 + B2 - (A1 + A2) (B1 + B2)
             + A3 (B1 - B2) + (A1 - A2) B3)
   (level 5)))

(export-to-file "i3322_lvl5.dat-s" *my-problem*)

The generation of the NPA relaxation is actually handled by a simpler function, npa->sdp. It can be used if you don't need the problem macro to process an expression with symbols like A1 in order to generate the objective and constraints. For example, an SDPA input file for the CGLMP expression could be generated more simply by running

(export-to-file "cglmp3.dat-s"
                (npa->sdp (cglmp 3) '(1 + A B) () () t))

using the cglmp function already included in the library. In the call to npa->sdp above, the third and fourth parameters are (in this case, empty) lists of constraints (polynomials whose expectation values we want to set to or lower bound by zero) and the fifth, t, indicates we want to maximise the expectation value of the objective polynomial.

It is possible to run SDPA from Lisp itself, if you want to do this for some reason. The function run-sdpa will run SDPA with specified input and output file names:

(run-sdpa "cglmp3.dat-s" "cglmp3.out")

This works if you have already generated the input file, such as by calling the export-to-file function described above.

Getting the expectation values

As well as the primal and dual solutions, it is possible to extract and report the expectation values of individual monomials for the solution found by SDPA. One way to do this is to set the value of the global variable *return-expectation-values* to true:

(setf *return-expectation-values* t)

This will cause the solve-problem macro and optimisation functions like maximise to return an association list of monomials and their expectation values as a fourth return value. An example, maximising CHSH at level one, now looks like this:

NPA-USER> (solve-problem
           (maximise A1 (B1 + B2) + A2 (B1 - B2))
           (level 1))
((#<A1|1> . 0.5) (#<A1|2> . 0.5) (#<B1|1> . 0.5) (#<B1|2> . 0.5)
 (#<A1|1 A1|2> . 0.25) (#<A1|1 B1|1> . 0.4268) (#<A1|1 B1|2> . 0.4268)
 (#<A1|2 B1|1> . 0.4268) (#<A1|2 B1|2> . 0.07322) (#<B1|1 B1|2> . 0.25))

This behaviour is disabled by default because the list of expectation values rapidly gets very long for large problems.

npa-hierarchy also includes two functions, print-expectation-values and write-expectation-values, that can print out the expectation values in a nicer format. The first one, print-expectation-values, simply prints the expectation values to standard output:

NPA-USER> (multiple-value-bind (primal dual status exp-values)
               (maximise A1 (B1 + B2) + A2 (B1 - B2))
               (level 1))
            (declare (ignore primal dual status))
            (print-expectation-values exp-values))
<A1|1> = 0.5
<A1|2> = 0.5
<B1|1> = 0.5
<B1|2> = 0.5
<A1|1 A1|2> = 0.25
<A1|1 B1|1> = 0.4268
<A1|1 B1|2> = 0.4268
<A1|2 B1|1> = 0.4268
<A1|2 B1|2> = 0.07322
<B1|1 B1|2> = 0.25

(The (declare (ignore primal dual status)) line tells Lisp not to print a warning about the variables primal, dual, and status being unused in the code.) Note that the accuracy is limited by the number of significant digits to which SDPA writes them in the output file. Unfortunately this is hard-coded into the solver and can't be changed without recompiling SDPA.

The argument to print-expectation-values can alternatively be a string or pathname, in which case the function will interpret it as the name of an SDPA output file and attempt to extract the expectation values from it. For example, if you ran the CGLMP maximisation example from the previous section you could print the values like this:

NPA-USER> (print-expectation-values "cglmp3.out")
<A1|1> = 0.3333
<A2|1> = 0.3333
<A1|2> = 0.3333
<A2|2> = 0.3333
<B1|1> = 0.3333
<B2|1> = 0.3333
<B1|2> = 0.3333
<B2|2> = 0.3333
<A1|1 A1|2> = 0.1377
<A1|1 A2|2> = 0.1377
<A2|1 A1|2> = 0.05803
<A2|1 A2|2> = 0.1377
<A1|1 B1|1> = 0.2694
<A1|1 B2|1> = 0.03734
<A1|1 B1|2> = 0.2694
; 81 more lines like this printed.

The write-expectation-values function is similar but lets you explicitly say where you want the output to go (a stream or file). We could use it to write the previous output into a text file instead of showing it at the prompt:

(write-expectation-values "cglmp3_exp_values.txt" "cglmp3.out")

You can extract the monomials and their expectation values from a file without printing them by calling the expectation-values function. This may be useful if you want to print them in your own custom format. As an illustration, the following code prints the expectation values of monomials in a format that could be copied and pasted into a LaTeX source file:

NPA-USER> (dolist (pair (expectation-values "cglmp3.out"))
            (write-string "  \\langle")
            (destructuring-bind (monomial . value) pair
              (do-sites (s a x monomial)
                (format t " ~a_{~d|~d}" (site->string s) a x))
              (format t " \\rangle &\\approx& ~f \\,, \\\\~%" value)))
  \langle A_{1|1} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle A_{2|1} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle A_{1|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle A_{2|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle B_{1|1} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle B_{2|1} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle B_{1|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle B_{2|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.3333 \,, \\
  \langle A_{1|1} A_{1|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.1377 \,, \\
  \langle A_{1|1} A_{2|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.1377 \,, \\
  \langle A_{2|1} A_{1|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.05803 \,, \\
  \langle A_{2|1} A_{2|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.1377 \,, \\
  \langle A_{1|1} B_{1|1} \rangle &\approx& 0.2694 \,, \\
  \langle A_{1|1} B_{2|1} \rangle &\approx& 0.03734 \,, \\
  \langle A_{1|1} B_{1|2} \rangle &\approx& 0.2694 \,, \\
; 81 more lines like this printed.

The do-sites macro used here loops over all of the site (party), output, and input numbers in a monomial. The site->string function used converts site numbers to strings:

NPA-USER> (loop for k from 0 below 100 collect (site->string k))
("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S"
 "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z" "AA" "AB" "AC" "AD" "AE" "AF" "AG" "AH" "AI" "AJ"
 "AK" "AL" "AM" "AN" "AO" "AP" "AQ" "AR" "AS" "AT" "AU" "AV" "AW" "AX" "AY"
 "AZ" "BA" "BB" "BC" "BD" "BE" "BF" "BG" "BH" "BI" "BJ" "BK" "BL" "BM" "BN"
 "BO" "BP" "BQ" "BR" "BS" "BT" "BU" "BV" "BW" "BX" "BY" "BZ" "CA" "CB" "CC"
 "CD" "CE" "CF" "CG" "CH" "CI" "CJ" "CK" "CL" "CM" "CN" "CO" "CP" "CQ" "CR"
 "CS" "CT" "CU" "CV")

There is a corresponding string->site function that does the opposite conversion.

For all three functions expectation-values, print-expectation-values, and write-expectation-values, the argument indicating the source is optional. If it is omitted, the default output file name is used. Obviously, this will only work if the output file is still there on your file system, for example, if you ran solve-problem with a (name t) form.


Lisp is not Matlab, but there are ways to get a plot done, for example using a library to call out to gnuplot. This code snippet uses the vgplot library ((ql:quickload :vgplot)) to plot the local guessing probability vs. CHSH violation:

(defun pguess (s)
   (maximise A1/1)
   (subject-to (A1 (B1 + B2) + A2 (B1 - B2) = s))
   (level 1 + A B)))

(let* ((s (vgplot:range (sqrt 8.0) 2 -0.005))
       (p (map 'vector #'pguess s)))
  (vgplot:plot s p))

Though if you are generating a plot to include in a document, you will get a nicer result by printing the numbers to a text file and using PGFPlots to do the actual plotting. You could call the function pguess above and print its results to a file in a loop with code like this:

(with-open-file (f "results.table"
                   :direction :output
                   :if-exists :supersede)
  (loop for i from 0 to 1000
        for s = (alexandria:lerp (/ i 1000) 2 (sqrt 8.0))
        do (multiple-value-bind (primal dual) (pguess s)
             (format f "~6,4f  ~8,6f  ~8,6f~%" s primal dual))))

(The function lerp in the Alexandria package does linear interpolation: (lerp v a b) = a + v*(b - a). Alexandria is a dependency of the npa-hierarchy library, so you should already have it installed.)

Some tips and possible pitfalls


A lot of the whitespace in the examples above is mandatory:

  • You generally need space around the arithmetic operators like + and -. The reason for this is that, unlike most programming languages, these are valid characters in variable names. B1+B2 is a perfectly valid five-character variable name as far as Lisp is concerned.
  • Use a space to separate operators that are being multiplied. A1 B1 is the product of A1 and B1. A1B1 is an unrelated variable with a four-character name that Lisp will expect is defined somewhere.
  • In levels like "1 + A B", you also need spaces separating the different parties. A B means parties 0 and 1. AB means party 27.

Where whitespace is needed it doesn't matter what kind (spaces, tabs, or newlines).

Floating-point precision

Lisp has single- and double-precision floating-point numbers. Unlike most programming languages, decimal numbers like 1.0 are read as single precision by default. If this annoys you, you can change this by evaluating

(setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)

Note that some functions (like sin and cos) will still return a single-precision result if you call them with an integer argument. Make sure to call these functions with a double-precision argument if you want a double-precision result.

SBCL init file

SBCL runs code in the file .sbclrc in your home directory on startup. You can put any code here that you want run every time you start SBCL. For example, if you wanted to always use double-float as the default and you are only planning to use Lisp for the npa-hierarchy library, you could add

(setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
(asdf:load-system :npa-hierarchy)
(in-package :npa-user)

Some Lisp resources

If you need or want to learn some Lisp, a good introduction is Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel. The entire book is freely readable on the author's website. It is about K&R level: it assumes you already know how to program and you just need to learn the specifics of how things are done in Lisp.

These resources may also be useful:

Some computed cases

The tables below list upper bounds on the Froissart (a.k.a. I3322) and CGLMP expectation values computed using SDPA-DD.


The following table lists upper bounds on the Froissart expectation value at levels 1 through to 5 of the hierarchy.

Level I3322 bound
1 5.5
2 5.0037588865482327(71-96)
3 5.003502248092139(39-45)
4 5.00350153805590723(11-30)
5 5.0035015380559061(08-55)

At levels 2-5, the digits that are the same for the primal and dual solutions are listed, followed by their next two digits (rounded outwards) in brackets, e.g. 1.23(45-67) would mean the primal is greater than 1.2345 and the dual is less than 1.2367.


This table lists upper bounds on the expectation value of the family of CGLMP expressions for different numbers of outputs at level 1 + A B of the hierarchy. The results are accurate to about double precision.

Outputs CGLMP bound
2 2.8284271247461903
3 2.914854215512676
4 2.9726982671022437
5 3.0157104755226736
6 3.049700419240848
7 3.077648311434258
8 3.101280587905469
9 3.121684417680056
10 3.1395874077348047
11 3.1554996820414862


An implementation of the NPA hierarchy in Common Lisp.








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