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[For a full technical description, see this paper. When using gtab in your own work, please cite the paper.]

Quick install

The package is available on pip, so you just need to call

python -m pip install gtab

The explicit list of requirements can be found in requirements.txt. The code was developed and tested in Python 3.8.1.

Which problem does gtab solve?

Google Trends allows users to analyze the popularity of Google search queries across time and space. Despite the overall value of Google Trends, data scientists face certain problems when using it:

  1. Per Google Trends request, only up to 5 Google queries can be compared, and the results are relative (between 0 and 100), not absolute.
  2. Results are rounded to integer precision, which may cause major problems.

Let's illustrate these two problems visually. For example, lets say you want to compare the popularity of searches for "Facebook" to searches for "Swaziland":

Image portraying rounding issues with Google Trends

We find that the comparison is highly non-informative: Since the popularity of "Swaziland" is always "<1%", we simply can't compare the two! Moreover, if we did another query, say, "Facebook" and "Google", the values for "Facebook" would be different, since the results are relative:

Image portraying transitivity issues with Google Trends

Trivia: The former Kingdom of Swaziland changed its name to the Kingdom of Eswatini in 2018, to prevent confusion with Switzerland.

gtab to the rescue!

Fortunately, this library solves these problems. Simply run this code:

import gtab
t = gtab.GTAB()
# Make the queries which will return precise values!
query_facebook = t.new_query("facebook")
query_swaziland = t.new_query("swaziland")

And you will have the two queries in a universal scale. Your output is a Pandas DataFrame that looks like this:


            max_ratio  max_ratio_hi  max_ratio_lo
2019-01-06   8.692366      9.284194      8.141688
2019-01-13   8.503401      9.084534      7.962750
2019-01-20   8.503401      9.084534      7.962750

Here, max_ratio is the calibrated value and max_ratio_(hi|low) are error bounds determined by our method. You could plot those (we use log-scale to make things nicer) and get something like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# lots of plotting code omitted here :)

Image portraying output of the library, where issues are fixed

In this plot, "Swaziland" is now not distorted by the huge difference in popularity anymore. (You can even see some oscillations of popularity.)

Importantly, if we now queried "Google", as in the example above, results would appear on the same scale:

query_google = t.new_query("Google")
plt.plot(query_swaziland.max_ratio )
# lots of plotting code omitted here :)

Image portraying output of the library, where issues are fixed

Command line usage

More of a command-line person? Not to worry! You can also use gtab with it (on UNIX-like computers at least...). First, you have to initialize the gtab config directory somewhere:

gtab-init your-path-here

And then you can simply query anything with:

gtab-query Swaziland Google Facebook --results_file my_query.json 

Your queries will be saved in your-path-here/query_results/my_query.json. The output looks like this:

    "Swaziland": {
        "ts_timestamp": [
            "2019-01-06 00:00:00",
            "2019-01-13 00:00:00",
        "ts_max_ratio": [
        "ts_max_ratio_hi": [
        "ts_max_ratio_lo": [
    "Google": {...},
    "Facebook": {...}

Here, ts_timestamp is an array with dates, and, max_ratio is the calibrated value and max_ratio_(hi|lo) are error bounds related to our method.

How does it work?

TL;DR: gtab constructs a series of pre-computed queries, and is able to calibrate any query by cleverly inspecting those.

More formally, the method proceeds in two phases:

  1. In the offline pre-processing phase, an "anchor bank" is constructed, a set of Google queries spanning the full spectrum of popularity, all calibrated against a common reference query by carefully chaining multiple Google Trends requests.

  2. In the online deployment phase, any given search query is calibrated by performing an efficient binary search in the anchor bank. Each search step requires one Google Trends request (via pytrends), but few steps suffice (see empirical evaluation).

A full description of the gtab method is available in the following paper:

Robert West. Calibration of Google Trends Time Series. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM). 2020. [PDF]

Please cite this paper when using gtab in your own work.

Code and data for reproducing the results of the paper are available in the directory cikm2020_paper.

For a less technical explanation, see our 7-minute summary video.

Example usage

Want to use Python? See example/example_python.ipynb.

Want to use the command line? See example/example_cli.ipynb.


Q: I'm getting the "too many 429 error responses" error

This is likely due to Google itself and not something in gtab. The workaround we have used is to employ proxies(IPv4 proxies, whitelisted through your IP address). These can be added to the conn_config parameter in a list in the set_options method (see here).

Q: How can I select subregions (e.g. a U.S. state)?

You need to use ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes, these are freely available here. For example, the code for the state of Utah in the US would be US-UT, while the code for the region of Viena (Wien) in Austria would be AT-9.

Q: Where can I understand more on the maths behind gtab?

Your best bet is to read the CIKM paper. The PDF can be found here.

Q: Do I need a new anchor bank for each different location and time I wanna query Google Trends with?

Yes! But building those is easy! Be sure to check our examples, we teach how to do this there.

Q: Okay, so you always build the anchor banks with the same candidates (those in /gtab/data/anchor_candidate_list.txt), can I change that?

Yes, you can! You can provide your own candidate list (a file with one word per line). Place it over the ./data folder for whatever path you created and enforce its usage with:

import gtab
t = gtab.GTAB()
t.set_options(gtab_config = {"anchor_candidates_file": "your_file_name_here.txt"})

We then need to set N and K, as described in the paper. Choosing N and K depends on the anchor candidate data set we are using. N specifies how deep to go in the data set, i.e. take the first N keywords from the file for sampling. K specifies how many stratified samples we want to get. N has to be smaller than the total number of keywords in the anchor candidate data set, while it is good practice to set K to be in the range [0.1N, 0.2N]. For example, if we want to set N=3000 and K=500, we call:

t.set_options(gtab_config = {"num_anchor_candidates": 3000, "num_anchors": 500})

You can also edit these parameters in the config files:

  1. config/config_py.json if you are using the Python api
  2. config/config_cl.json if you are using the CLI.

Confused? Don't worry! The default candidate list works pretty well!

Q: Can I make queries by U.S. state or metropolitan area?

Yes, you can! You can do it by simply using the state and area codes (like this:

The syntax is: "US-XX-YYY" where XX is the state (e.g., NJ) and YYY is the area code (e.g., 609).

Here is a stub on how you can make an anchorbank for the New Jersey area:

import gtab
t = gtab.GTAB()
t.set_options(pytrends_config={"geo": "US-NJ-609", "timeframe": "2004-01-01 2020-12-31"})
t.create_anchorbank() # takes a while to run since it queries Google Trends.

Q: Does the time frame for anchorbanks need to be precise? Can I run my anchorbank for months/years that were not considered when building it?

Unfortunately, the time frame needs to be precise. The scale provided is only meaningful for the months you created the anchorbank in!

Q: Can I use categories?

Yes! You simply have to change the cat parameter in the pytrends config file, e.g., "cat": "71" corresponds to the food category. List of all available categories is available here.

Here is a stub of how to do this in practice:

import gtab
t = gtab.GTAB()
t.set_options(pytrends_config={'cat': "71"},
              # when using categories, please use this alternate candidate file!
              gtab_config= {"anchor_candidates_file": "550_cities_and_countries.txt"}
t.create_anchorbank() # takes a while to run since it queries Google Trends.

Also, see this example.