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📋 Project

Unitip is a RestFul API created with the purpose of helping college students by providing the necessary routes to create an application that provides tips.

💻 How to install?

To clone and run this application you need to have Git and Docker installed on your computer

In your command line:
# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Run the application through docker
$ docker compose up --build

# To close the application
$ docker compose down -v

Done, now you can acess the endpoints locally with http://localhost:4444

💻 How to acess endpoints without installing?

You can acess endpoints through Postman using

💻 Entities


Professors who teach at this university

Method Description endpoint
POST Create professor /add/professor
GET Read all professors /professors
PUT Update professor /update/professor/:id
DELETE Delete professor /delete/professor:id
  • Body
       "name": STRING,
       "email": STRING,
       "stars": INTEGER


Existing courses at this university

Method Description endpoint
POST Create course /add/course
GET Read all courses /courses
PUT Update course /update/course/:id
DELETE Delete course /delete/course/:id
  • Body
      "name": STRING,
      "idUniversity": UUID,
      "duration": INTEGER,
      "field": STRING,
      "type": STRING


University where the student studies

Method Description endpoint
POST Create university /add/university
GET Read all universities /universities
PUT Update university /update/university/:id
DELETE Delete university /delete/university/:id
  • Body
      "name": STRING,
      "email": STRING,
      "city": STRING,
      "state": STRING,
      "street": STRING,
      "neighborhood": STRING


Existing Semesters at this course

Method Description endpoint
POST Create semester /add/semester
GET Read all semesters /semesters
PUT Update semester /update/semester/:id
DELETE Delete semester /delete/semester/:id
  • Body
      "period": INTEGER,
      "level": STRING,
      "idCourses": UUID


Existing matters at this semester

Method Description endpoint
POST Create matter /add/matter
GET Read all matters /matters
PUT Update matter /update/matter/:code
DELETE Delete matter /delete/matter/:code
  • Body
      "code": STRING,
      "name": STRING,
      "hours": INTEGER,
      "level": STRING,
      "idSemesters": UUID


User acessing application

Method Description endpoint
POST Create student /add/student
GET Read all students /students
PUT Update student /update/student/:registration
DELETE Delete student /delete/student/:registration
  • Body
      "registration": STRING,
      "full_name": STRING,
      "email": STRING,
      "password": STRING,
      "idCourses": UUID,
      "date_admission": DATE,
      "photo": BLOB,
      "idCourses": UUID


Tip written by student

Method Description endpoint
POST Create tip /add/tip
GET Read all tips /tips
PUT Update tip /update/tip/:id
DELETE Delete tip /delete/tip/:id
  • Body
      "tittle": STRING,
      "date": DATE,
      "tip": TEXT,
      "idMatters": STRING,
      "idStudents": STRING


Proof made by student

Method Description endpoint
POST Create proof /add/proof
GET Read all proofs /proofs
PUT Update proof /update/proof/:id
DELETE Delete proof /delete/proof/:id
  • Body
      "date": DATE,
      "tip": TEXT,
      "file": BLOB,
      "idMatters": STRING,
      "idStudents": STRING


Subjects a teacher teaches

Method Description endpoint
POST Create professorMatter /add/professorMatter
GET Read all professorMatters /professorMatters
GET Read all matter from a professor /professor/:professorId/matters
GET Read all professor from a matter /matterr/:matterId/professors
DELETE Delete professorMatter /delete/professorMatter
  • Body
      "professorId": UUID,
      "matterId": STRING

👨‍💻 Technologies

These are the technologies used in this project

Backend: Node.js, Express, MySQL.

📝 License

This project are is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE to get more details.