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No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.0.37
  • Package version: 2.0.5
  • Generator version: 7.4.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 3.7+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import ecotaxa_py_client


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import ecotaxa_py_client


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import ecotaxa_py_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = ecotaxa_py_client.Configuration(
    host = ""
# In case of ssl error

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ecotaxa_py_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ecotaxa_py_client.AuthentificationApi(api_client)
    login_req = ecotaxa_py_client.LoginReq(
        ) # LoginReq | 

        # Login
        api_response = api_instance.login(login_req)
        print("The response of AuthentificationApi->login:\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling AuthentificationApi->login: %s\n" % e)

# Call the show_current_user endpoint to check your connexion : 
from ecotaxa_py_client.models.user_model_with_rights import UserModelWithRights

configuration.access_token = os.environ["ACCESS_TOKEN"]

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with ecotaxa_py_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = ecotaxa_py_client.UsersApi(api_client)

        # Show Current User
        api_response = api_instance.show_current_user()
        print("The response of UsersApi->show_current_user:\n")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when calling UsersApi->show_current_user: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
FilesApi list_common_files GET /common_files/ List Common Files
FilesApi list_user_files GET /my_files/{sub_path} List User Files
FilesApi post_user_file POST /my_files/ Put User File
TaxonomyTreeApi add_taxon_in_central PUT /taxon/central Add Taxon In Central
TaxonomyTreeApi get_taxon_in_central GET /taxon/central/{taxon_id} Get Taxon In Central
TaxonomyTreeApi pull_taxa_update_from_central GET /taxa/pull_from_central Pull Taxa Update From Central
TaxonomyTreeApi push_taxa_stats_in_central GET /taxa/stats/push_to_central Push Taxa Stats In Central
TaxonomyTreeApi query_root_taxa GET /taxa Query Root Taxa
TaxonomyTreeApi query_taxa GET /taxon/{taxon_id} Query Taxa
TaxonomyTreeApi query_taxa_set GET /taxon_set/query Query Taxa Set
TaxonomyTreeApi query_taxa_usage GET /taxon/{taxon_id}/usage Query Taxa Usage
TaxonomyTreeApi reclassif_project_stats GET /taxa/reclassification_history/{project_id} Reclassif Project Stats
TaxonomyTreeApi reclassif_stats GET /taxa/reclassification_stats Reclassif Stats
TaxonomyTreeApi search_taxa GET /taxon_set/search Search Taxa
TaxonomyTreeApi taxa_tree_status GET /taxa/status Taxa Tree Status
WIPApi system_status GET /status System Status
AcquisitionsApi acquisition_query GET /acquisition/{acquisition_id} Acquisition Query
AcquisitionsApi acquisitions_search GET /acquisitions/search Acquisitions Search
AcquisitionsApi update_acquisitions POST /acquisition_set/update Update Acquisitions
AdminApi db_direct_query GET /admin/db/query Direct Db Query
AuthentificationApi login POST /login Login
CollectionsApi collection_by_short_title GET /collections/by_short_title Collection By Short Title
CollectionsApi collection_by_title GET /collections/by_title Collection By Title
CollectionsApi create_collection POST /collections/create Create Collection
CollectionsApi darwin_core_format_export POST /collections/export/darwin_core Darwin Core Format Export
CollectionsApi erase_collection DELETE /collections/{collection_id} Erase Collection
CollectionsApi get_collection GET /collections/{collection_id} Get Collection
CollectionsApi get_collection_taxonomy_recast GET /collections/{collection_id}/taxo_recast Read Collection Taxo Recast
CollectionsApi search_collections GET /collections/search Search Collections
CollectionsApi update_collection PUT /collections/{collection_id} Update Collection
CollectionsApi update_collection_taxonomy_recast PUT /collections/{collection_id}/taxo_recast Update Collection Taxo Recast
InstrumentsApi instrument_query GET /instruments/ Instrument Query
JobsApi erase_job DELETE /jobs/{job_id} Erase Job
JobsApi get_job GET /jobs/{job_id}/ Get Job
JobsApi get_job_file GET /jobs/{job_id}/file Get Job File
JobsApi get_job_log_file GET /jobs/{job_id}/log Get Job Log File
JobsApi list_jobs GET /jobs/ List Jobs
JobsApi reply_job_question POST /jobs/{job_id}/answer Reply Job Question
JobsApi restart_job GET /jobs/{job_id}/restart Restart Job
MiscApi do_nothing GET /noop Do Nothing
MiscApi query_ml_models GET /ml_models Query Ml Models
MiscApi system_error GET /error System Error
MiscApi used_constants GET /constants Used Constants
ObjectApi object_query GET /object/{object_id} Object Query
ObjectApi object_query_history GET /object/{object_id}/history Object Query History
ObjectsApi classify_auto_object_set POST /object_set/classify_auto Classify Auto Object Set
ObjectsApi classify_object_set POST /object_set/classify Classify Object Set
ObjectsApi erase_object_set DELETE /object_set/ Erase Object Set
ObjectsApi export_object_set POST /object_set/export Export Object Set
ObjectsApi export_object_set_backup POST /object_set/export/backup Export Object Set Backup
ObjectsApi export_object_set_general POST /object_set/export/general Export Object Set General
ObjectsApi export_object_set_summary POST /object_set/export/summary Export Object Set Summary
ObjectsApi get_object_set POST /object_set/{project_id}/query Get Object Set
ObjectsApi get_object_set_summary POST /object_set/{project_id}/summary Get Object Set Summary
ObjectsApi predict_object_set POST /object_set/predict Predict Object Set
ObjectsApi query_object_set_parents POST /object_set/parents Query Object Set Parents
ObjectsApi reclassify_object_set POST /object_set/{project_id}/reclassify Reclassify Object Set
ObjectsApi reset_object_set_to_predicted POST /object_set/{project_id}/reset_to_predicted Reset Object Set To Predicted
ObjectsApi revert_object_set_to_history POST /object_set/{project_id}/revert_to_history Revert Object Set To History
ObjectsApi update_object_set POST /object_set/update Update Object Set
ProcessesApi process_query GET /process/{process_id} Process Query
ProcessesApi update_processes POST /process_set/update Update Processes
ProjectsApi create_project POST /projects/create Create Project
ProjectsApi erase_project DELETE /projects/{project_id} Erase Project
ProjectsApi import_file POST /file_import/{project_id} Import File
ProjectsApi project_check GET /projects/{project_id}/check Project Check
ProjectsApi project_merge POST /projects/{project_id}/merge Project Merge
ProjectsApi project_query GET /projects/{project_id} Project Query
ProjectsApi project_recompute_geography POST /projects/{project_id}/recompute_geo Project Recompute Geography
ProjectsApi project_recompute_sunpos POST /projects/{project_id}/recompute_sunpos Project Recompute Sunpos
ProjectsApi project_set_get_column_stats GET /project_set/column_stats Project Set Get Column Stats
ProjectsApi project_set_get_stats GET /project_set/taxo_stats Project Set Get Stats
ProjectsApi project_set_get_user_stats GET /project_set/user_stats Project Set Get User Stats
ProjectsApi project_stats GET /projects/{project_id}/stats Project Stats
ProjectsApi project_subset POST /projects/{project_id}/subset Project Subset
ProjectsApi search_projects GET /projects/search Search Projects
ProjectsApi set_project_predict_settings PUT /projects/{project_id}/prediction_settings Set Project Predict Settings
ProjectsApi simple_import POST /simple_import/{project_id} Simple Import
ProjectsApi update_project PUT /projects/{project_id} Update Project
SamplesApi sample_query GET /sample/{sample_id} Sample Query
SamplesApi sample_set_get_stats GET /sample_set/taxo_stats Sample Set Get Stats
SamplesApi samples_search GET /samples/search Samples Search
SamplesApi update_samples POST /sample_set/update Update Samples
UsersApi activate_user POST /users/activate/{user_id}/{status} Activate User
UsersApi create_user POST /users/create Create User
UsersApi get_admin_users GET /users/user_admins Get Admin Users
UsersApi get_current_user_prefs GET /users/my_preferences/{project_id} Get Current User Prefs
UsersApi get_user GET /users/{user_id} Get User
UsersApi get_users GET /users Get Users
UsersApi get_users_admins GET /users/admins Get Users Admins
UsersApi reset_user_password POST /users/reset_user_password Reset User Password
UsersApi search_organizations GET /organizations/search Search Organizations
UsersApi search_user GET /users/search Search User
UsersApi set_current_user_prefs PUT /users/my_preferences/{project_id} Set Current User Prefs
UsersApi show_current_user GET /users/me Show Current User
UsersApi update_user PUT /users/{user_id} Update User

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: password
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes: N/A
