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Quality Assurance - Drupal

This package provides a set of Quality Assurance tools and configuration files for Drupal websites and extensions (modules, themes or profiles).

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The versions support different PHP & Drupal versions:

  • Until 1.4.x : PHP 7.3 or 7.4 & Drupal 8.8+ or 9+.
  • From 1.5.x : PHP 7.4 & Drupal 9.1 or higher.
  • From 1.7.X : PHP 7.4, 8.X & DRUPAL 9.3 or higher.
  • From 3.0.x : PHP 8.3, DRUPAL 10.3 or higher.


The installation depends on the type of project: website or Drupal module.

Drupal website

Add the grumphp entry to the extra section of your composer.json.

"grumphp": {
    "config-default-path": "vendor/digipolisgent/qa-drupal/configs/grumphp-site.yml"

Add the qa-drupal package as dev requirement:

composer require --dev digipolisgent/qa-drupal:^1.5

Drupal module

Add the grumphp entry to the extra section of your composer.json.

"grumphp": {
    "config-default-path": "vendor/digipolisgent/qa-drupal/configs/grumphp-extension.yml"

Add the qa-drupal package as dev requirement:

composer require --dev digipolisgent/qa-drupal:^1.5



If required you can extend or override the provided configuration file of a task. Simply create the matching configuration file in the root of your project.

For example, to override the provided phpcs.xml file you can either create a phpcs.xml or phpcs.local.xml file.

Note that the .local. files should only be used for changes that shouldn't be committed. Exclude them in .gitignore:


Yaml and Neon files will extend (merged into) the provided configuration file by default. Create a .env or .env.local file and add following contents to change this behaviour:


Wherein [FILENAME] matches the configuration filename and [TYPE] is either:

  • LOCAL to skip for example your phpstan.local.neon file.
  • PROJECT to skip for example your phpstan.neon file.
  • PACKAGE_TYPE to skip for example the provided phpstan-extension.neon or phpstan-site.neon file.
  • PACKAGE_GLOBAL to skip for example the provided phpstan.neon file.

Other file types cannot be merged and will just override all other less specific files.

PHPStan in deprecations only mode

Create a phpstan.neon file and add following contents to ignore everything except deprecations:

  customRulesetUsed: true
    - '#^(?:(?!deprecated).)*$#'

Ignore automatically created config files

Some GrumPHP tasks require a config file. These are automatically creacted, from the examples within vendor/qa-drupal/config or by the project specific files within your website or drupal module root directory. The generated files are also stored in the same website/module root. You can recognize these files by the .qa-drupal. suffix.

These files should not be committed! Add them to the .gitignore file:


Ignore PHPUnit build files

When the PHPUnit task runs, coverage report files are stored into the build directory located in the root of your website/project. Add this file to the .gitignore file:


Run PHPUnit locally without coverage

Running PHPUnit with coverage report is time-consuming. You can locally speed up PHPUnit by copying the generated file to phpunit.local.xml and remove the <logging> section from it.

Run GrumPHP

GrumPHP will automatically run all tasks on the changed code on git commit and push.

You can run all tasks at once:


Or you can run one or more specific tasks manually by running:

vendor/bin/grumphp --tasks phpcs,phpmd
vendor/bin/grumphp --tasks phpunit


PHPStorm requires config files for PHP_CodeSniffer, PHP Mess Detector & PhpUnit. Run the grumphp command at least once (successfully) to generate these files.

The files will be created as:

  • : PHP_CodeSniffer config file.
  • : PHP Mess Detector config file.
  • : PHPUnit config file.

Configure the paths to these files in PHPStorm:

  • Editor > Inspections > PHP > Quality tools > PHP Mess Detector validation Add to the "Custom rulesets".
  • Editor > Inspections > PHP > Quality tools > PHP_CodeSniffer validation Set "Coding Standard" to "Custom" and set the path to
  • Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Test Frameworks > Test Runner Set "Default configuration file" to


Update the .codeclimate.yml file within your project.

Make sure that you use the CodeClimate specific phpcs config file:

    - url: ""
      path: ".phpcs.xml"

Make sure that you use the beta channel for the PHPCodeSniffer plugin:

    enabled: true
    channel: beta
      standard: ".phpcs.xml"

PHP compatibility

In order to check php compatibility you can use the phpcs PHPCompatibility sniff:

php vendor/bin/phpcs -p --ignore="*/vendor/*" --extensions=php,inc,module,install,theme --runtime-set testVersion 8.1 --standard=PHPCompatibility ./web/modules/contrib