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Repository containing client and server files of website.


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Repository files navigation is your comprehensive hub for everything related to Discord. Whether you're a developer, server owner, or a regular user, offers valuable resources to enhance your Discord experience.

From finding perfect emojis for your Discord servers to discovering the latest bots and servers, caters to all your Discord needs. Enjoy easy navigation and up-to-date content designed to help you make the most out of your Discord interactions.

This repository contains the client, server and docs files for the website.


To self-host, you will need to have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Node.js (Node.js 18.x should be used on the client side)
  • npm (usually comes with Node.js)
  • Git
  • MongoDB

Once you have the prerequisites installed, follow these steps to self-host

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the cloned repository:
  1. Install the required dependencies for bot server & client:
cd server

npm install

cd ../client

npm install
  1. Get information about how to fill in the environment values from the sections below, two for server and client.

  2. Get information about how to fill in the config file from the sections below, two for server and client.

  3. Start the server:

cd server

npm start
  1. Start the client:
cd client

npm run dev
  1. Start the docs (optional):
cd docs

npm run dev
  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the website locally.
  2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3535 to view the documentation locally. (optional)

Environment Variables Configuration (Client)

Create a .env file in the client directory with the following environment variables:

Name Description
ANALYZE Set to true to enable bundle analysis.
NEXT_PUBLIC_PORT Port for the client.
NEXT_PUBLIC_CF_SITE_KEY Cloudflare site key for Turnstile.


  • When ANALYZE is set to true, the client will generate a bundle analysis report. This is useful for debugging and optimizing the client bundle.
  • Refer to the Cloudflare Turnstile documentation to get your Turnstile site key.

Environment Variables Configuration (Server)

Create a .env file in the server directory with the following environment variables:

Name Description
COOKIE_SECRET Secret key for cookie encryption.
GITHUB_AUTO_DEPLOY_SECRET Secret key for GitHub auto-deploy webhook. (not required)
GITHUB_AUTO_SYNC_TRANSLATORS_SECRET Secret key for GitHub trigger to sync translators roles. (not required)
BOT_API_KEY_ENCRYPT_SECRET Secret key for bot API key encryption.
USER_TOKEN_ENCRYPT_SECRET Used for encrypting user access tokens.
PAYMENTS_CUSTOM_DATA_ENCRYPT_SECRET_KEY Secret key for encrypting custom data in the payments.
JWT_SECRET Secret key for JWT token encryption.
DISCORD_CLIENT_TOKEN Discord bot token.
DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET Discord OAuth client secret.
DISCORD_CLIENT_ID Discord OAuth client ID.
MONGO_URL MongoDB connection URL.
S3_BUCKET_NAME S3 bucket name.
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID S3 access key ID.
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY S3 secret access key.
S3_REGION S3 region.
S3_ENDPOINT S3 endpoint.
S3_DATABASE_BACKUP_BUCKET_NAME S3 bucket name for database backups.
S3_DATABASE_BACKUP_ACCESS_KEY_ID S3 access key ID for database backups.
S3_DATABASE_BACKUP_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY S3 secret access key for database backups.
S3_DATABASE_BACKUP_REGION S3 region for database backups.
S3_DATABASE_BACKUP_ENDPOINT S3 endpoint for database backups.
CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY Cloudflare Turnstile secret key.
CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL Cloudflare email.
CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID Cloudflare account ID.
CLOUDFLARE_BLOCK_IP_LIST_ID Cloudflare block IP list ID.
LEMON_SQUEEZY_WEBHOOK_SECRET Lemon Squeezy webhook secret. (not required)
LEMON_SQUEEZY_API_KEY Lemon Squeezy API key. (not required)
HEARTBEAT_ID_DAILY_DATABASE_BACKUP Heartbeat ID for daily database backup. (not required)
DISCORD_BOT_GET_APPROXIMATE_GUILD_COUNT_API_URL Base API URL for getting approximate guild count of a bot. (not required)
DISCORD_BOT_GET_APPROXIMATE_GUILD_COUNT_API_SECRET Secret key for getting approximate guild count of a bot. (not required)
WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_PROTOCOL Protocol for the proxy server.
WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_HOST Host for the proxy server.
WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_PORT Port for the proxy server.
WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_USERNAME Username for the proxy server. (not required)
WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_PASSWORD Password for the proxy server. (not required)


  • The GITHUB_AUTO_DEPLOY_SECRET is used for auto-deploying the server when a new release created in the GitHub repository. When this secret is set and you have set up the GitHub webhook, the server will automatically deploy the new release when a new release is created in the repository.
  • The GITHUB_AUTO_SYNC_TRANSLATORS_SECRET is used for syncing the translators roles when a push is made to the main branch. When this secret is set and you have set up the GitHub webhook, the server will automatically sync the translators roles in the base guild with the ids in the client/locales/translators.json file.
  • You should use 256-bit secret keys for the BOT_API_KEY_ENCRYPT_SECRET, USER_TOKEN_ENCRYPT_SECRET and PAYMENTS_CUSTOM_DATA_ENCRYPT_SECRET_KEY values. You can use this tool to generate a 256-bit key in hexadecimal format quickly.
  • For the MONGO_URL value, you can use a local MongoDB instance or a cloud-based MongoDB service like MongoDB Atlas. Refer to the MongoDB documentation for more information on constructing the connection URL.
  • Values starting with S3_ are required. This is used for storing emojis & sounds files in S3 (and also database backups). We personally use Cloudflare R2 Storage for this. You can use any S3-compatible storage service with the same configuration.
  • The CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY is used for verifying the Turnstile token. We use Cloudflare Turnstile for ensuring that the user is a human and not a bot on the website. Refer to the Cloudflare Turnstile documentation to get your Turnstile secret key.
  • The CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY, CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL, and CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID values are required for interacting with the Cloudflare API. You can get the API key from the Cloudflare dashboard.
  • The CLOUDFLARE_BLOCK_IP_LIST_ID is used for blocking IP addresses within the Cloudflare firewall. Refer to the Cloudflare WAF documentation to create a list. After creating the list, you can get the list ID from the URL. (usually should be in the end of the URL)
  • The LEMON_SQUEEZY_WEBHOOK_SECRET is used for verifying the Lemon Squeezy webhook. This is not required for self-hosting. We use Lemon Squeezy for our payment system. Refer to the Lemon Squeezy documentation for more information.
  • The LEMON_SQUEEZY_API_KEY is used for authenticating requests to the Lemon Squeezy API. This is not required for self-hosting. We use Lemon Squeezy for our payment system. Refer to the Lemon Squeezy Developer Guide to get your API key.
  • Values starting with HEARTBEAT_ID_ are used for the heartbeat IDs for the heartbeats. We use Better Stack Uptime for monitoring the uptime of the website.
  • The DISCORD_BOT_GET_APPROXIMATE_GUILD_COUNT_API_URL and DISCORD_BOT_GET_APPROXIMATE_GUILD_COUNT_API_SECRET values are used for getting the approximate guild count of a bot. This is half required for self-hosting. If you don't want to use this feature, you can leave these values empty, but this will result in bots not being able to update server_count using the API. For now, we use private API for this because Discord doesn't provide an official API for getting the approximate guild count of a bot. We don't want to share this API source code with everyone.
  • The WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_PROTOCOL, WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_HOST, WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_PORT, WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_USERNAME, and WEBHOOKS_PROXY_SERVER_PASSWORD values are used for the proxy server settings. We use a proxy server for sending webhooks requests. If you don't want to use a proxy server, you can leave these values empty. Username and password are not required for the proxy server.

About Configuration File (Client)

Navigate to the client directory and find the config.js file. This file contains the configuration for the client. You can modify the values in this file to customize the client according to your requirements.

Name Type Description
availableLocales Array Available locales for the website.
supportInviteUrl String URL for the your Discord support server invite. Used in the many places in the website.
docsUrl String URL for the your website documentation website.
statusUrl String URL for the your website status page.
statusBadgeUrl String URL for the embeddable status badge for the website.
api.url String Base API URL for the website. In development, it will be http://localhost:3001.
analytics.url String Your analytics website URL.
analytics.script String Your analytics script URL.
analytics.websiteId String Your analytics website ID. Array Your analytics allowed domains.
botTestGuildId String Your test guild ID for the bots testing.
getEmojiURL Function Function for getting the emoji URL. You may need to change this to your own CDN URL.
getSoundURL Function Function for getting the sound URL. You may need to change this to your own CDN URL.
botInviteURL String URL for the your bot invite. Used in the many places in the website.
customHostnames Array Custom hostnames for the profiles. You may need to change this to your own custom hostnames.


  • The availableLocales value is used for the available locales for the website. You can change these values to your own available locales. Locale files should be in the client/locales directory with the format en.json, tr.json, etc. You can add new locale files to this directory and add the locale key to the availableLocales value. To find more details about the adding new languages to the website, check the New Languages section.
  • The supportInviteUrl and docsUrl values are used in the website for the support server and documentation links. You can change these values to your own support server and documentation links.
  • The api.url value is used for making API requests from the client to the server. You should change this value to your own API URL.
  • The analytics.url, analytics.script, analytics.websiteId, and values are used for setting up analytics on the website. We use Umami Analytics for analytics. Any other analytics service is not supported.
  • The botTestGuildId value is used for when you want to quickly invite newly added bots to your test guild for testing. You can change this value to your own test guild ID.
  • The getEmojiURL and getSoundURL functions are used for getting the emoji and sound URLs. You should change these functions to your own CDN URL.
  • The botInviteURL value is used for the bot invite link. You can change this value to your own bot invite link.
  • The customHostnames value is used for the custom hostnames for the profiles. You should change this value to your own custom hostnames. You should connect these hostnames to the same server where you host the website with different ports and use a reverse proxy to redirect the requests to the correct port.


  • If you wanna change the default locale, you should change the default value in the client/config.js file. This value should be one of the values in the availableLocales array. After changing this value, you also need to change the DEFAULT_LOCALE_CODE environment value in the .github/workflows/validate-locale-files.yml file. (if you don't want to get any unnecessary errors in the GitHub Actions)

About Configuration File (Server)

We use YML files for the configuration of the server. You can find the configuration file in the server directory. You can modify the values in these files to customize the server according to your requirements.

Name Type Description
discordScopes Array Discord OAuth scopes required for the website.
botPresenceStatus String Presence status for the bots.
rateLimitWhitelist Array Whitelisted user IDs for bypassing rate limits.
trustProxy Number Trust proxy setting for the server.
frontendUrl String Client website URL for the website.
backendUrl String Server API URL for the website.
cdnUrl String CDN URL for the website.
supportInviteUrl String URL for the your Discord support server invite.
emojis Object Emojis used in the bot.
port.frontend Number Port for the client.
port.backend Number Port for the server.
guildId String Base guild ID for the Discord bot.
guildInviteUrl String Invite URL for the base guild.
permissions Object Permissions for the server.
maxServerCountDifference Number Allowed maximum server count difference for the provided server_count and the actual server count in the bot's stats API route.
roles Object Role IDs from the base guild.
excludeCollectionsInBackup Array Collections to exclude from database backups.
customHostnames Array Custom hostnames for the profiles.
globalRateLimit.maxRequests Number Maximum requests allowed in the global rate limit.
globalRateLimit.perMinutes Number Requests allowed per minute in the global rate limit.
globalRateLimit.cleanUpIntervalInMinutes Number Clean-up interval for the global rate limit.
lemonSqueezy.variantIds Object Variant IDs for the Lemon Squeezy.
availableLocales Array Available locales for the website.


  • The discordScopes value is used for the Discord OAuth scopes required for the website. You can change these values to your own required scopes. Usually, the identify, email, and guilds scopes are required.
  • The botPresenceStatus value is used for the presence status of the bot. You can change this value to your own presence status.
  • The rateLimitWhitelist value is used for whitelisted user IDs for bypassing rate limits. You can change these values to your own whitelisted user IDs.
  • The trustProxy value is used for the trust proxy setting for the server. You can change this value to your own trust proxy setting.
  • The frontendUrl, backendUrl, and cdnUrl values are used for the client website URL, server API URL, and CDN URL for the website. You can change these values to your own URLs.
  • The supportInviteUrl value is used for the support server invite URL. You can change this value to your own support server invite URL.
  • The emojis value is used for the emojis used in the bot. You should change these values to your own emojis.
  • The port.frontend and port.backend values are used for the client and server ports. You can change these values to your own ports.
  • The guildId and guildInviteUrl values are used for the base guild ID and invite URL for the base guild. You can change these values to your own guild ID and invite URL.
  • The permissions value is used for the permissions for the server. If permission name has Roles in the end, that means that permission is role-based. Otherwise, that permission is user ID-based. You can change these values to your own permissions.
  • The maxServerCountDifference value is used for the allowed maximum server count difference for the provided server_count and the actual server count in the bot's stats API route. When new requests come to the stats API route, we check the server count of the bot. If the difference between the provided server count and the actual server count is greater than this value, we reject the request.
  • The roles value is used for the role IDs from the base guild. You can change these values to your own role IDs.
  • The excludeCollectionsInBackup value is used for collections to exclude from database backups. We take daily backups of the database. If you don't want to take backups of some collections, you can add those collections to this value. Make sure to add the collection name exactly as it is in the database.
  • The customHostnames value is used for the custom hostnames for the profiles. You should change this value to your own custom hostnames. You should connect these hostnames to the same server where you host the website with different ports and use a reverse proxy to redirect the requests to the correct port.
  • The globalRateLimit.maxRequests, globalRateLimit.perMinutes, and globalRateLimit.cleanUpIntervalInMinutes values are used for the global rate limit settings. You can change these values to your own rate limit settings.
  • The lemonSqueezy.variantIds value is used for the variant IDs for the Lemon Squeezy. We sell some products on Lemon Squeezy with different variants. You should create these variants on the Lemon Squeezy and get the variant IDs from there.
  • Make sure to fill all fields that end with ChannelId with the correct channel IDs from the base guild.
  • The availableLocales value is used for the available locales for the server. You can change these values to your own available locales. Locale files should be in the server/src/locales directory with the format en.json, tr.json, etc. You can add new locale files to this directory and add the locale key to the availableLocales value. To find more details about the adding new languages to the website, check the New Languages section.

New Languages


To add a new language to the website, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new JSON file in the client/locales directory with the format xx.json, where xx is the language code. For example, fr.json for French. You can use the existing language files as a reference.
  2. Add the language code to the availableLocales value in the client/config.js file.
  3. Import the new language file in the client/stores/language/index.js file.
  4. Add the new language to the localeContents object in the client/stores/language/index.js file.
  5. Add the translations for the new language to the JSON file you created. The JSON file should have the following structure:
  "key": "value",
  "key2": "value2"


To add a new language to the server, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new JSON file in the server/src/locales directory with the format xx.json, where xx is the language code. For example, fr.json for French. You can use the existing language files as a reference.
  2. Add the language code to the availableLocales value in the server/config.yml file.
  3. Add the translations for the new language to the JSON file you created. The JSON file should have the following structure:
  "key": "value",
  "key2": "value2"


  • Some languages may not supported by Discord client. If you want to add a language that is not supported by Discord client, you can just copy & paste the tr.json file to the new language file and change the translations in the new language file. Otherwise, you can copy & paste the az.json file to the new language file which is not supported by Discord client.


We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and ensure the code passes any existing tests.
  4. Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages.
  5. Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request to the main branch of the original repository.

Please make sure to follow the Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines when contributing to this project.

Contributing Translations to the Website If you'd like to contribute translations to the website, follow these steps:
  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally.
  2. Create a new branch for your translation.
  3. Find the language file you want to translate in the client/locales directory.
  4. Add the translations for the missing keys in the language file or update the existing translations.
  5. Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages.
  6. Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request to the main branch of the original repository.
Contributing Translations to the Server If you'd like to contribute translations to the server, follow these steps:
  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally.
  2. Create a new branch for your translation.
  3. Find the language file you want to translate in the server/src/locales directory.
  4. Add the translations for the missing keys in the language file or update the existing translations.
  5. Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages.
  6. Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request to the main branch of the original repository.


If you encounter any issues with the or have any questions, feel free to open an issue on this repository. We'll do our best to assist you!