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OpenTofu / Terraform / Terragrunt and Atmos version manager


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OpenTofu, Terraform, Terragrunt, and Atmos version manager, written in Go.
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About The Project

Welcome to tenv, a versatile version manager for OpenTofu, Terraform, Terragrunt and Atmos, written in Go. Our tool simplifies the complexity of handling different versions of these powerful tools, ensuring developers and DevOps professionals can focus on what matters most - building and deploying efficiently.

tenv is a successor of tofuenv and tfenv.

Key Features

Difference with asdf

asdf-vm share the same goals than tenv : simplify the usage of several version of tools.

asdf-vm is generic and extensible with a plugin system, key tenv differences :

  • tenv is more specific and has features dedicated to OpenTofu, Terraform, Terragrunt and Atmos, like HCL parsing based detection (see Key Features).
  • tenv is distributed as independent binaries and does not rely on any shell or other CLI executable.
  • tenv does better in terms of performance and platform compatibility. It works uniformly across all modern operating systems, including Linux, MacOS, Windows, BSD, and Solaris, whereas asdf-vm natively supports only Linux and MacOS.
  • tenv checks the sha256 checksum and the signature of the checksum file with cosign. Check Signature support section for getting more information about it.
  • tenv command compatibility: In nearly all places you can use the exact syntax that works in tfenv / tofuenv. If you're coming from tfenv/tofuenv and comfortable with that way of working you can almost always use the same syntax with tenv.
  • tenv performance: It sounds incredibly useful, though it might be tough to get a real apples to apples comparison since the tools work differently in a lot of ways. The author of asdf did a great writeup of performance problems. asdf-vm is written in bash which certainly makes it challenging to be performant, whereas tenv is written in Golang and works much faster.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Table of contents
  3. Getting Started
  4. Usage
  5. Environment variables
  6. Version files
  7. Technical details
  8. Verifying tenv Signatures
  9. Contributing
  10. Community
  11. Authors
  12. Licence

Getting Started


If you need to enable cosign checks, install cosign (v.2.0+) tool via one of the following commands:

MacOS (Homebrew)
brew install cosign
Windows (go install)
go install
Alpine Linux
apk add cosign
Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S cosign
Linux: RPM
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl | jq -r .tag_name | tr -d "v")
curl -O -L "${LATEST_VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm"
sudo rpm -ivh cosign-${LATEST_VERSION}-1.x86_64.rpm
Linux: dkpg
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl | jq -r .tag_name | tr -d "v")
curl -O -L "${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.deb"
sudo dpkg -i cosign_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.deb


Automatic Installation

Arch Linux (AUR, Nix)

This package is available on the Arch Linux User Repository. It can be installed using the yay AUR helper:

yay tenv-bin

Installation via Nix package manager:

nix-env -i tenv
MacOS (Homebrew, Nix)
brew install tenv

Installation via Nix package manager:

nix-env -i tenv
Windows (Chocolatey, Scoop, Nix)

Installation via Chocolatey:

choco install tenv

Installation via Scoop:

scoop install tenv

Installation via Nix package manager:

nix-env -i tenv
Linux: Snapcraft
snap install tenv
apk add tenv --repository=

Install via dpkg

LATEST_VERSION=$(curl --silent | jq -r .tag_name)
curl -O -L "${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.deb"
sudo dpkg -i "tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.deb"

Install via Nix

Installation via Nix package manager:

nix-env -i tenv

Manual Installation

Get the most recent packaged binaries (.deb, .rpm, .apk, pkg.tar.zst , .zip or .tar.gz format) by visiting the release page. After downloading, unzip the folder and seamlessly integrate it into your system's PATH.

Docker Installation

You can use dockerized version of tenv via the following command:

docker run -it --rm tofuutils/tenv:latest help

The docker container is not meant as a way to run tenv for CI pipelines, for local use, you should use one of the packaged binaries.

Install shell completion


If you install tenv via Brew or Nix, completion will be installed automatically.

tenv completion zsh > ~/.tenv.completion.zsh
echo "source \$HOME/.tenv.completion.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc
tenv completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
tenv completion bash > ~/.tenv.completion.bash
echo "source \$HOME/.tenv.completion.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
tenv completion fish > ~/
echo "source \$HOME/" >> ~/.config/fish/


tenv supports OpenTofu, Terragrunt, Terraform and Atmos. To manage each binary you can use tenv <tool> <command>. Below is a list of tools and commands that use actual subcommands:

tool (alias) env vars description
tofu (opentofu) TOFUENV_ OpenTofu
tf (terraform) TFENV_ Terraform
tg (terragrunt) TG_ Terragrunt
at (atmos) ATMOS_ Atmos

Without subcommand tenv display interactive menus to manage tools and their versions. example interactive mode usage

tenv <tool> install [version]

Install a requested version of the tool (into TENV_ROOT directory from <TOOL>_REMOTE url).

Without a parameter, the version to use is resolved automatically (see resolution order in tools description, with latest as default in place of latest-allowed).

If a parameter is passed, available options include:

  • an exact Semver 2.0.0 version string to install.
  • a version constraint string (checked against versions available at <TOOL>_REMOTE url).
  • latest, latest-stable (old name of latest) or latest-pre (include unstable version), which are checked against versions available at <TOOL>_REMOTE url.
  • latest:<re> or min:<re> to get first version matching with <re> as a regexp after a descending or ascending version sort.
  • latest-allowed or min-required to scan your IAC files to detect which version is maximally allowed or minimally required. See required_version docs.
tenv tofu install
tenv tofu install 1.6.0-beta5
tenv tf install "~> 1.6.0"
tenv tf install latest-pre
tenv tg install latest
tenv tg install latest-stable
tenv atmos install "~> 1.70"
tenv atmos install latest
tenv <tool> install latest-allowed
tenv <tool> install min-required

A complete display :

$ tenv tofu install 1.6.0
Installing OpenTofu 1.6.0
Fetching release information from
Installation of OpenTofu 1.6.0 successful
tenv <tool> use <version>

Switch the default tool version to use (set in TENV_ROOT/<TOOL>/version file).

tenv <tool> use has a --working-dir, -w flag to write a version file in working directory.

Available parameter options:

  • an exact Semver 2.0.0 version string to use.
  • a version constraint string (checked against versions available in TENV_ROOT directory).
  • latest, latest-stable (old name of latest) or latest-pre (include unstable version), which are checked against versions available in TENV_ROOT directory.
  • latest:<re> or min:<re> to get first version matching with <re> as a regexp after a descending or ascending version sort.
  • latest-allowed or min-required to scan your IAC files to detect which version is maximally allowed or minimally required. See required_version docs.
tenv tofu use v1.6.0-beta5
tenv tf use min-required
tenv tg use latest
tenv atmos use latest
tenv tofu use latest-allowed
tenv <tool> detect

Detect the used version of tool for the working directory.

$ tenv tofu detect
No version files found for OpenTofu, fallback to latest-allowed strategy
Scan project to find .tf files
No OpenTofu version requirement found in project files, fallback to latest strategy
Found compatible version installed locally : 1.6.1
OpenTofu 1.6.1 will be run from this directory.
$ tenv tg detect -q
Terragrunt 0.55.1 will be run from this directory.
$ tenv atmos detect -q
Atmos 1.72.0 will be run from this directory.
tenv <tool> reset

Reset used version of tool (remove TENV_ROOT/<TOOL>/version file).

$ tenv tofu reset
Removed /home/dvaumoron/.tenv/OpenTofu/version
tenv <tool> uninstall [version]

Uninstall versions of the tool (remove it from TENV_ROOT directory).

Without parameter, display an interactive list to select several versions.

If a parameter is passed, available parameter options:

  • an exact Semver 2.0.0 version string to remove (no confirmation required)
  • a version constraint string
  • all
  • but-last (all versions except the highest installed)
  • not-used-for:<duration>, <duration> in days or months, like "14d" or "2m"
  • not-used-since:<date>, <date> format is YYYY-MM-DD, like "2024-06-30"
$ tenv tofu uninstall v1.6.0-alpha4
Uninstallation of OpenTofu 1.6.0-alpha4 successful (directory /home/dvaumoron/.tenv/OpenTofu/1.6.0-alpha4 removed)
tenv <tool> list

List installed tool versions (located in TENV_ROOT directory), sorted in ascending version order.

tenv <tool> list has a --descending, -d flag to sort in descending order.

$ tenv tofu list -v
* 1.6.0 (set by /home/dvaumoron/.tenv/OpenTofu/version)
found 2 OpenTofu version(s) managed by tenv.
tenv <tool> list-remote

List installable tool versions (from <TOOL>_REMOTE url), sorted in ascending version order.

tenv <tool> list-remote has a --descending, -d flag to sort in descending order.

tenv <tool> list-remote has a --stable, -s flag to display only stable version.

$ tenv tofu list-remote
Fetching all releases information from
1.6.0 (installed)
1.6.1 (installed)
tenv <tool> constraint [expression]

Set or reset a default constraint expression for the tool.

$ tenv tf constraint "<= 1.5.7"
Written <= 1.5.7 in /home/dvaumoron/.tenv/Terraform/constraint

Or without expression :

$ tenv tg constraint
Removed /home/dvaumoron/.tenv/Terragrunt/constraint
tenv help [command]

Help about any command.

You can use --help -h flag instead.

$ tenv help tf detect
Display Terraform current version.

  tenv tf detect [flags]

  -a, --arch string          specify arch for binaries downloading (default "amd64")
  -f, --force-remote         force search on versions available at TFENV_REMOTE url
  -h, --help                 help for detect
  -k, --key-file string      local path to PGP public key file (replace check against remote one)
  -n, --no-install           disable installation of missing version
  -c, --remote-conf string   path to remote configuration file (advanced settings)
  -u, --remote-url string    remote url to install from

Global Flags:
  -q, --quiet              no unnecessary output (and no log)
  -r, --root-path string   local path to install versions of OpenTofu, Terraform and Terragrunt (default "/home/dvaumoron/.tenv")
  -v, --verbose            verbose output (and set log level to Trace)
$ tenv tofu use -h
Switch the default OpenTofu version to use (set in TENV_ROOT/OpenTofu/version file)

Available parameter options:
- an exact Semver 2.0.0 version string to use
- a version constraint expression (checked against version available in TENV_ROOT directory)
- latest, latest-stable or latest-pre (checked against version available in TENV_ROOT directory)
- latest-allowed or min-required to scan your OpenTofu files to detect which version is maximally allowed or minimally required.

  tenv tofu use version [flags]

  -a, --arch string           specify arch for binaries downloading (default "amd64")
  -f, --force-remote          force search on versions available at TOFUENV_REMOTE url
  -t, --github-token string   GitHub token (increases GitHub REST API rate limits)
  -h, --help                  help for use
  -k, --key-file string       local path to PGP public key file (replace check against remote one)
  -n, --no-install            disable installation of missing version
  -c, --remote-conf string    path to remote configuration file (advanced settings)
  -u, --remote-url string     remote url to install from
  -w, --working-dir           create .opentofu-version file in working directory

Global Flags:
  -q, --quiet              no unnecessary output (and no log)
  -r, --root-path string   local path to install versions of OpenTofu, Terraform and Terragrunt (default "/home/dvaumoron/.tenv")
  -v, --verbose            verbose output (and set log level to Trace)
tenv update-path

Display PATH updated with tenv directory location first. With GITHUB_ACTIONS set to true, write tenv directory location to GITHUB_PATH.

This command can be used when one of the managed tool is already installed on your system and hide the corresponding proxy (in that case which tenv and which <tool> will indicate different locations). The following shell call should resolve such issues :

export PATH=$(tenv update-path)
tenv version

Display tenv current version.

$ tenv version
tenv version v1.7.0

Environment variables

tenv commands support global environment variables and variables by tool for : OpenTofu, Terraform, TerraGrunt and Atmos.

Global tenv environment variables


String (Default: current tenv binaries architecture)

Allow to override the default architecture for binaries downloading during installation.

tenv <tool> subcommands detect, install and use support a --arch, -a flag version.


String (Default: false)

If set to true tenv will automatically install missing tool versions needed.

tenv <tool> subcommands detect and use support a --install, -i enabling flag, and a --no-install, -n disabling flag.


String (Default: false)

If set to true tenv detection of needed version will skip local check and verify compatibility on remote list.

tenv <tool> subcommands detect and use support a --force-remote, -f flag version.


String (Default: "")

Allow to specify a GitHub token to increase GitHub Rate limits for the REST API. Useful because OpenTofu, Terragrunt and Atmos binaries are downloaded from GitHub repository.

tenv tofu and tenv tg subcommands detect, install, list-remote and use support a --github-token, -t flag version.


String (Default: false)

If set to true tenv disable unnecessary output (including log level forced to off).

tenv subcommands support a --quiet, -q flag version.


String (Default: "warn")

Set tenv log level (possibilities sorted by decreasing verbosity : "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "off").

tenv support a --verbose, -v flag which set log level to "trace".


String (Default: ${TENV_ROOT}/remote.yaml)

The path to a yaml file for advanced remote configuration (can be used to call artifact mirror).

tenv <tool> subcommands detect, install, list-remote and use support a --remote-conf, -c flag version.


String (Default: ${HOME}/.tenv)

The path to a directory where the local OpenTofu versions, Terraform versions, Terragrunt versions and tenv configuration files exist.

tenv support a --root-path, -r flag version.


String (Default: false)

If set to true tenv proxies exposes proxied output stdout, stderr, and exitcode by writing them into GITHUB_OUTPUT in multiline format. GitHub Actions set it (see default environment variables).


String (Default: "")

Needed when GITHUB_ACTIONS is set to true, path to a file to write proxied output.


String (Default: "")

Used by tenv update-path when GITHUB_ACTIONS is set to true, path to a file to write tenv directory location.

OpenTofu environment variables


Same as TENV_ARCH (compatibility with tofuenv).


Same as TENV_AUTO_INSTALL (compatibility with tofuenv).

Example 1

Use OpenTofu version 1.6.1 that is not installed, and auto installation stay disabled :

$ tenv use 1.6.1
Written 1.6.1 in /home/dvaumoron/.tenv/OpenTofu/version

Example 2

Use OpenTofu version 1.6.0 that is not installed, and auto installation is enabled :

$ TOFUENV_AUTO_INSTALL=true tenv tofu use 1.6.0
Installing OpenTofu 1.6.0
Fetching release information from
Installation of OpenTofu 1.6.0 successful
Written 1.6.0 in /home/dvaumoron/.tenv/OpenTofu/version



String (the default depend on TOFUENV_REMOTE, without change on it, it is "api" else it is "direct")

  • "api" install mode retrieve download url of OpenTofu from Github REST API (TOFUENV_REMOTE must comply with it).
  • "direct" install mode generate download url of OpenTofu based on TOFUENV_REMOTE.
  • "mirror" install mode generate download url with TOFUENV_URL_TEMPLATE (as specified in TofuDL mirror specification)

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (the default depend on TOFUENV_LIST_URL, without change on it, it is "api" else it is "html")

  • "api" list mode retrieve information of OpenTofu releases from Github REST API (TOFUENV_LIST_URL must comply with it).
  • "html" list mode extract information of OpenTofu releases from parsing an html page at TOFUENV_LIST_URL.
  • "mirror" list mode retrieve information of OpenTofu releases at TOFUENV_LIST_URL as TofuDL Mirroring format

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: copy TOFUENV_REMOTE, default is overloaded by "" when TOFUENV_LIST_MODE is "mirror")

Allow to override the remote url only for the releases listing.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: "")

Allow to specify a local file path to OpenTofu PGP public key, if not present download

tenv tofu subcommands detect, Γ¬nstall and use support a --key-file, -k flag version.


String (Default:

URL to install OpenTofu, when TOFUENV_REMOTE differ from its default value, TOFUENV_INSTALL_MODE is set to "direct" and TOFUENV_LIST_MODE is set to "html" (assume an artifact proxy usage).

tenv tofu subcommands detect, install, list-remote and use support a --remote-url, -u flag version.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: "")

Could be used with TOFUENV_REMOTE_USER to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with TOFUENV_REMOTE and TOFUENV_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


String (Default: "")

Could be used with TOFUENV_REMOTE_PASSWORD to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with TOFUENV_REMOTE and TOFUENV_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


Same as TENV_ROOT (compatibility with tofuenv).


String (Default:{{ .Version }}/{{ .Artifact }})

Used when TOFUENV_INSTALL_MODE is "mirror" (see TofuDL mirror specification).


Same as TENV_GITHUB_TOKEN (compatibility with tofuenv).


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides OpenTofu default constraint, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/OpenTofu/constraint file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides OpenTofu fallback version, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/OpenTofu/version file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides OpenTofu version, specified in .opentofu-version files.

tenv tofu subcommands install and detect also respects this variable.

e.g. with :

$ tofu version
OpenTofu v1.6.1
on linux_amd64

then :

$ TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION=1.6.0 tofu version
OpenTofu v1.6.0
on linux_amd64

Terraform environment variables


Same as TENV_ARCH (compatibility with tfenv).


Same as TENV_AUTO_INSTALL (compatibility with tfenv).




String (Default: "")

Allow to specify a local file path to Hashicorp PGP public key, if not present download

tenv tf subcommands detect, Γ¬nstall and use support a --key-file, -k flag version.


String (Default: "api")

  • "api" install mode retrieve download url of Terraform from Hashicorp Release API (TFENV_REMOTE must comply with it).
  • "direct" install mode generate download url of Terraform based on TFENV_REMOTE.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (the default depend on TFENV_LIST_URL, without change on it, it is "api" else it is "html")

  • "api" list mode retrieve information of Terraform releases from Hashicorp Release API (TFENV_LIST_URL must comply with it).
  • "html" list mode extract information of Terraform releases from parsing an html page in TFENV_LIST_URL.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: copy TFENV_REMOTE)

Allow to override the remote url only for the releases listing.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default:

URL to install Terraform, changing it assume an artifact proxy use (TFENV_LIST_URL copy it, and if it differ from its default value, TFENV_LIST_MODE is set to "html", because an artifact proxy usage will not disturb the retrieving of index.json for a release, but will freeze the json list of releases).

tenv tf subcommands detect, install, list-remote and use support a --remote-url, -u flag version.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: "")

Could be used with TFENV_REMOTE_USER to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with TFENV_REMOTE and TFENV_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


String (Default: "")

Could be used with TFENV_REMOTE_PASSWORD to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with TFENV_REMOTE and TFENV_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


Same as TENV_ROOT (compatibility with tfenv).


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Terraform default constraint, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/Terraform/constraint file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Terraform fallback version, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/Terraform/version file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Terraform version, specified in .terraform-version files.

tenv tf subcommands install and detect also respects this variable.

e.g. with :

$ terraform version
Terraform v1.7.2
on linux_amd64

then :

$ TFENV_TERRAFORM_VERSION=1.7.0 terraform version
Terraform v1.7.0
on linux_amd64

Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 1.7.2. You can update by downloading from

Terragrunt environment variables


String (the default depend on TG_REMOTE, without change on it, it is "api" else it is "direct")

  • "api" install mode retrieve download url of Terragrunt from Github REST API (TG_REMOTE must comply with it).
  • "direct" install mode generate download url of Terragrunt based on TG_REMOTE.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (the default depend on TG_LIST_URL, without change on it, it is "api" else it is "html")

  • "api" list mode retrieve information of Terragrunt releases from Github REST API (TG_LIST_URL must comply with it).
  • "html" list mode extract information of Terragrunt releases from parsing an html page in TG_LIST_URL.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: copy TG_REMOTE)

Allow to override the remote url only for the releases listing.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default:

URL to install Terragrunt, when TG_REMOTE differ from its default value, TG_INSTALL_MODE is set to "direct" and TG_LIST_MODE is set to "html" (assume an artifact proxy usage).

tenv tg subcommands detect, install, list-remote and use support a --remote-url, -u flag version.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: "")

Could be used with TG_REMOTE_USER to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with TG_REMOTE and TG_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


String (Default: "")

Could be used with TG_REMOTE_PASSWORD to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with TG_REMOTE and TG_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Terragrunt default constraint, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/Terragrunt/constraint file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Terragrunt fallback version, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/Terragrunt/version file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Terragrunt version, specified in .terragrunt-version files.

tenv tg subcommands install and detect also respects this variable.

e.g. with :

$ terragrunt -v
terragrunt version v0.55.1

then :

$ TG_VERSION=0.54.1 terragrunt -v
terragrunt version v0.54.1

Atmos environment variables


String (the default depend on ATMOS_REMOTE, without change on it, it is "api" else it is "direct")

  • "api" install mode retrieve download url of Atmos from Github REST API (ATMOS_REMOTE must comply with it).
  • "direct" install mode generate download url of Atmos based on ATMOS_REMOTE.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (the default depend on ATMOS_LIST_URL, without change on it, it is "api" else it is "html")

  • "api" list mode retrieve information of Atmos releases from Github REST API (ATMOS_LIST_URL must comply with it).
  • "html" list mode extract information of Atmos releases from parsing an html page in ATMOS_LIST_URL.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: copy ATMOS_REMOTE)

Allow to override the remote url only for the releases listing.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default:

URL to install Atmos when ATMOS_REMOTE differ from its default value, ATMOS_INSTALL_MODE is set to "direct" and ATMOS_LIST_MODE is set to "html" (assume an artifact proxy usage).

tenv atmos subcommands detect, install, list-remote and use support a --remote-url, -u flag version.

See advanced remote configuration for more details.


String (Default: "")

Could be used with ATMOS_REMOTE_USER to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with ATMOS_REMOTE and ATMOS_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


String (Default: "")

Could be used with ATMOS_REMOTE_PASSWORD to specify HTTP basic auth when same credential are used with ATMOS_REMOTE and ATMOS_LIST_URL (instead of URL format).


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Atmos default constraint, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/Atmos/constraint file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Atmos fallback version, specified in ${TENV_ROOT}/Atmos/version file.


String (Default: "")

If not empty string, this variable overrides Atmos version, specified in .atmos-version files.

tenv atmos subcommands install and detect also respects this variable.

e.g. with :

$ atmos version
πŸ‘½ Atmos v1.72.0 on linux/amd64

then :

$ ATMOS_VERSION=1.70 atmos version
πŸ‘½ Atmos v1.70.0 on linux/amd64

version files

default version file

The TENV_ROOT/<TOOL>/version file is the tool default version used when no project specific or user specific are found. It can be written with tenv <tool> use.

opentofu version files

If you put a .opentofu-version file in the working directory, one of its parent directory, or user home directory, tenv detects it and uses the version written in it. Note, that TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION can be used to override version specified by .opentofu-version file.

Recognize same values as tenv tofu use command.

See required_version docs.

terraform version files

If you put a .terraform-version or .tfswitchrc file in the working directory, one of its parent directory, or user home directory, tenv detects it and uses the version written in it. Note, that TFENV_TERRAFORM_VERSION can be used to override version specified by those files.

Recognize same values as tenv tf use command.

See required_version docs.

terragrunt version files

If you put a .terragrunt-version or a .tgswitchrc file in the working directory, one of its parent directory, or user home directory, tenv detects it and uses the version written in it. tenv also detect a version field in a .tgswitch.toml in same places. Note, that TG_VERSION can be used to override version specified by those files.

Recognize same values as tenv tg use command.

terragrunt.hcl file

If you have a terragrunt.hcl or terragrunt.hcl.json in the working directory, one of its parent directory, or user home directory, tenv will read constraint from terraform_version_constraint or terragrunt_version_constraint field in it (depending on proxy or subcommand used).

atmos version files

If you put a .atmos-version file in the working directory, one of its parent directory, or user home directory, tenv detects it and uses the version written in it. Note, that ATMOS_VERSION can be used to override version specified by those files.

Recognize same values as tenv atmos use command.


the latest-allowed or min-required strategies scan through your IAC files (see list in project binaries) and identify a version conforming to the constraint in the relevant files. They fallback to latest when no IAC files and no default constraint are found, and can optionally be used with a default constraint as detailed in project binaries.

Currently the format for Terraform required_version and OpenTofu required_version are very similar, however this may change over time, always refer to docs for the latest format specification.


version = ">= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0"

This would identify the latest version at or above 1.2.0 and below 2.0.0

Technical details

Project binaries


The tofu command in this project is a proxy to OpenTofu's tofu command managed by tenv.

The version resolution order is :

  • TOFUENV_TOFU_VERSION environment variable
  • .opentofu-version file
  • terraform_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl file
  • terraform_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl.json file
  • TOFUENV_TOFU_DEFAULT_VERSION environment variable
  • ${TENV_ROOT}/OpenTofu/version file (can be written with tenv tofu use)
  • latest-allowed

The latest-allowed strategy rely on required_version from .tofu, .tofu.json, .tf or .tf.json files with a fallback to latest when no constraint are found. Moreover it is possible to add a default constraint with TOFUENV_TOFU_DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT environment variable or ${TENV_ROOT}/OpenTofu/constraint file (can be written with tenv tofu constraint). The default constraint is added while using latest-allowed, min-required or custom constraint. A default constraint with latest-allowed or min-required will avoid the fallback to latest when there is no .tf or .tf.json files.


The terraform command in this project is a proxy to HashiCorp's terraform command managed by tenv.

The version resolution order is :

  • TFENV_TERRAFORM_VERSION environment variable
  • .terraform-version file
  • .tfswitchrc file
  • terraform_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl file
  • terraform_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl.json file
  • TFENV_TERRAFORM_DEFAULT_VERSION environment variable
  • ${TENV_ROOT}/Terraform/version file (can be written with tenv tf use)
  • latest-allowed

The latest-allowed strategy rely on required_version from .tf or .tf.json files with a fallback to latest when no constraint are found. Moreover it is possible to add a default constraint with TFENV_TERRAFORM_DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT environment variable or ${TENV_ROOT}/Terraform/constraint file (can be written with tenv tf constraint). The default constraint is added while using latest-allowed, min-required or custom constraint. A default constraint with latest-allowed or min-required will avoid the fallback to latest when there is no .tf or .tf.json files.


The terragrunt command in this project is a proxy to Gruntwork's terragrunt command managed by tenv.

The version resolution order is :

  • TG_VERSION environment variable
  • .terragrunt-version file
  • .tgswitchrc file
  • version from tgswitch.toml file
  • terragrunt_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl file
  • terragrunt_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl.json file
  • TG_DEFAULT_VERSION environment variable
  • ${TENV_ROOT}/Terragrunt/version file (can be written with tenv tg use)
  • latest-allowed

The latest-allowed strategy has no information for Terragrunt and will fallback to latest unless there is default constraint. Adding a default constraint could be done with TG_DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT environment variable or ${TENV_ROOT}/Terragrunt/constraint file (can be written with tenv tg constraint). The default constraint is added while using latest-allowed, min-required or custom constraint. A default constraint with latest-allowed or min-required will avoid there fallback to latest.


The atmos command in this project is a proxy to Cloudposse's atmos command managed by tenv.

The version resolution order is :

  • ATMOS_VERSION environment variable
  • .atmos-version file
  • ATMOS_DEFAULT_VERSION environment variable
  • ${TENV_ROOT}/Atmos/version file (can be written with tenv atmos use)
  • latest-allowed

The latest-allowed strategy has no information for Atmos and will fallback to latest unless there is default constraint. Adding a default constraint could be done with ATMOS_DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT environment variable or ${TENV_ROOT}/Atmos/constraint file (can be written with tenv atmos constraint). The default constraint is added while using latest-allowed, min-required or custom constraint. A default constraint with latest-allowed or min-required will avoid there fallback to latest.


The tf command is a proxy to tofu or terraform depending on the version files present in project.

The version resolution order is :

  • .opentofu-version file (launch tofu)
  • terraform_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl file (launch tofu)
  • terraform_version_constraint from terragrunt.hcl.json file (launch tofu)
  • .terraform-version file (launch terraform)
  • .tfswitchrc file (launch terraform)
  • fail with a message

Advanced remote configuration

This advanced configuration is meant to call artifact mirror (like JFrog Artifactory).

The yaml file from TENV_REMOTE_CONF path can have one part for each supported proxy : tofu, terraform, terragrunt and atmos.

yaml fields description

Each part can have the following string field : install_mode, list_mode, list_url, url, new_base_url, old_base_url, selector and part

With install_mode set to "direct", tenv skip the release information fetching and generate download url instead of reading them from API (overridden by <TOOL>_INSTALL_MODE env var).

With list_mode set to "html", tenv change the fetching of all releases information from API to parse the parent html page of artifact location, see selector and part (overridden by <TOOL>_LIST_MODE env var).

url allows to override the default remote url (overridden by flag or <TOOL>_REMOTE env var).

list_url allows to override the remote url only for the releases listing (overridden by <TOOL>_LIST_URL env var).

old_base_url and new_base_url are used as url rewrite rule (if an url start with the prefix, it will be changed to use the new base url).

If old_base_url and new_base_url are empty, tenv try to guess right behaviour based on previous fields.

selector is used to gather in a list all matching html node and part choose on which node part (attribute name or "#text" for inner text) a version will be extracted (selector default to "a" (html link) and part default to "href" (link target))


Those examples assume that a GitHub proxy at have the same behavior than JFrog Artifactory :

Example 1 : Retrieve Terraform binaries and list available releases from the mirror (TFENV_LIST_MODE is optional because TFENV_LIST_URL differ from its default(when TFENV_LIST_URL is not set, it copy TFENV_REMOTE)).


Example 2 : Retrieve Terraform binaries from the mirror and list available releases from the Hashicorp releases API.


Example 1 & 2, does not need install mode (by release index.json is figed in mirror without problem), however create a rewrite rule from "" to "" to obtains correct download URLs.

Example 3 : Retrieve OpenTofu binaries and list available releases from the mirror (TOFUENV_INSTALL_MODE and TOFUENV_LIST_MODE are optional because overloading TOFUENV_REMOTE already change them).


Example 4 : Retrieve OpenTofu binaries from the mirror and list available releases from the GitHub API (TOFUENV_INSTALL_MODE is optional because overloading TOFUENV_REMOTE already set it to "direct").


Example 3 & 4, does not create a rewrite rule (the direct install mode build correct download URLs).

Example 1 & 4 can be merged in a remote.yaml :

  url: ""
  install_mode: "direct"
  list_url: ""
  url: ""
  list_mode: "html"

Signature support

OpenTofu signature support

tenv checks the sha256 checksum and the signature of the checksum file with cosign (if present on your machine) or PGP (via gopenpgp). However, unstable OpenTofu versions are signed only with cosign (in this case, if cosign is not found tenv will display a warning).

Terraform signature support

tenv checks the sha256 checksum and the PGP signature of the checksum file (via gopenpgp, there is no cosign signature available).

Terragrunt signature support

tenv checks the sha256 checksum (there is no signature available).

Atmos signature support

tenv checks the sha256 checksum (there is no signature available).

Verifying tenv Signatures

You can use cosign to verify the signature of tenv releases. Below is an example installing the .rpm using dnf once we've verified the signatures/integrity.


The example below is a bash script that could be useful if you are wanting to automate installation of tenv in a developer environment. Adapt it to fit your specific use case.

# Get latest release
LATEST_VERSION=$(curl --silent | jq -r .tag_name) #v2.6.1

# Get checksum files
curl --silent -OL${LATEST_VERSION}/tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_checksums.txt
curl --silent -OL${LATEST_VERSION}/tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_checksums.txt.sig
curl --silent -OL${LATEST_VERSION}/tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_checksums.txt.pem

# Get RPM files
curl --silent -OL${LATEST_VERSION}/tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.rpm
curl --silent -OL${LATEST_VERSION}/tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.rpm.sig
curl --silent -OL${LATEST_VERSION}/tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.rpm.pem

# Verify signatures
cosign \
    verify-blob \
    --certificate-identity "${LATEST_VERSION}" \
    --signature "tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_checksums.txt.sig" \
    --certificate "tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_checksums.txt.pem" \
    --certificate-oidc-issuer "" \


cosign \
    verify-blob \
    --certificate-identity "${LATEST_VERSION}" \
    --signature "tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.rpm.sig" \
    --certificate "tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.rpm.pem" \
    --certificate-oidc-issuer "" \


# Check everything is good before installation
if [ "$TENV_SIG_CHECK" -eq "0" ] && [ "$TENV_ASSET_CHECK" -eq "0" ] && shasum -a 256 -c "tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_checksums.txt" --ignore-missing
  dnf install "tenv_${LATEST_VERSION}_amd64.rpm" -y
  tenv --version
  echo "Signature verification and/or checksum checks failed!"


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  • GitHub Issues
  • User/Developer Group: Join github community to get update of Harbor's news, features, releases, or to provide suggestion and feedback.
  • Slack: Join tofuutils's community for discussion and ask questions: OpenTofu, channel: #tofuutils


tenv is based on tofuenv and gotofuenv projects and supported by tofuutils team with help from these awesome contributors:

Star History Chart


The tenv project is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.


OpenTofu / Terraform / Terragrunt and Atmos version manager







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  • Go 98.2%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%
  • Makefile 0.7%