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Releases: dhenry123/utdon

Version 1.7.0

02 Oct 18:00
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  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed the HTTP method for API input to "compare". The original method was not appropriate, as the function called alters the data, so it has been replaced by "PUT". If you use utdon in a "cron" task with curl, add the parameter: '-X PUT'.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Harmonization and improvement of server logs, log content has changed.
  • Refactor login/logout, login returns a new cookie (fix session fixation).
  • Several bugs fixed and methods refactored.
  • Search by uuid or part of uuid.
  • UserManager: The username field is inactive in "Edit" mode.
  • Presentation of controls as table.
  • Control duplication.
  • Support for "Gitea" git repositories with authentication, enabling Github authentication for private projects, value (HTTP HEADER) Key: Authorization value: Bearer .
  • Global Github authentication to remove the "rate-limit" barrier. The value is taken only if the control does not already have a specific authentication.
  • For applications that don't offer a version level entry point, it is possible to enter the value of the version in use. This can also be used to track the evolution of an application that is not in production.

Changelog (FR)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changement de la méthode HTTP pour l'entrée API: "compare". La méthode originale n'était pas appropriée, car la fonction appelée altère les données, par conséquent elle a été remplacée par "PUT". Si vous utiliser utdon dans une tâche "cron" avec curl, ajouter le paramètre: '-X PUT'
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Harmonisation et amélioration des logs serveur, le contenu des logs a changé.
  • Refactorisation login/logout, le login retourne un nouveau cookie (corrige session fixation).
  • Correction de plusieurs bugs et refactorisation de méthodes.
  • Rechercher par uuid ou partie d'uuid.
  • UserManager: Le champs username est inactif en mode "Edition".
  • Présentation des contrôles sous la forme d'un tableau.
  • Duplication d'un contrôle.
  • Support des dépôts git de type "Gitea" avec authentification, permet ainsi l'authentification Github pour les projets privés, valeur (HTTP HEADER) Key: Authorization value: Bearer
  • Authentification Github globale pour supprimer la barrière "rate-limit". La valeur est prise seulement dans le cas où le contrôle ne dispose pas déjà d'une authentification spécifique.
  • Pour les applications n'offrant pas de point d'entrée de niveau de version, possibilité de saisir la valeur de la version utilisée, ceci peut aussi permettre de suivre l'évolution d'une application qui n'est pas en production.

Version 1.6.0

03 Jul 18:57
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Bug corrections: Client & serveur & test process

  • Features.test: Code response from google has changed
    404 -> 405
  • IconWithTooltip: the key was missing from the map iteration
  • API /action/compare/:controlUuid/:setStatus didn't implement header authentification
  • clent, update npm packages: react react-dom react-intl react-router-dom storybook @types/react @types/react-dom @vitejs/plugin-react "eslint-plugin-react-hooks "eslint-plugin-react-refresh sass typescript
  • server, update npm packages: swagger-ui-express yaml @types/node nodemon ts-jest typescript

Version 1.5.0

13 Apr 05:27
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  • related to #18:

    • Production url could be call with optional HTTP header (eg: Authorization...)
    • Adding "HttpHeader" component
    • Production Header information encrypted
    • Update documentation
  • Bump update server:

    • express 4.18.2 to 4.19.2
    • express-session 1.17.3 to 1.18.0
    • winston 3.11.0 to 3.13.0
    • yaml 2.3.4 to 2.4.1
  • Bump update client:

    • @tabler/icons-webfont 2.40.0 to 2.47.0
    • react-intl 6.5.2 to 6.6.5
    • react-router-dom 6.18.0 to 6.22.3
    • storybook 7.6.15 to 7.6.17

Version 1.4.0 - multi users/groups

19 Feb 16:26
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Users/Groups implementation

  • The data model has changed, but this change is fully supported by the automatic update methods.
  • All existing users are members of the "admin" group.
  • All controls are automatically members of the admin group.
  • Adding new UI component multiselect
  • Users/Groups management


  • Bypassing authentication process in development mode
  • Delete user "log" has changed, display now, uuid && login
  • Typo API entrypoint: rename api entrypoint from to /api/v1/action/lastcomparegitrealase/ /api/v1/action/lastcomparegitrelease
  • Fix bug in API entrypoint "/action/compare/:controlUuid/:setStatus" - async was missing
  • Add search feature (regexp)
  • Removal of "swagger" comments from the code. Now the API documentation must be defined in the /openapi.yaml file (swagger). You can edit it with
  • Fix bug in API entrypoint "/action/lastcomparegitrelease/:controlUuid/". Now, send pure json, before : 1.25, now: "1.25"
  • API documentation: contains only entrypoints that can be used with curl
  • One control can only be added or modified via the UI
  • UI: After comparison, the execution date displayed the last state of the control and not the immediate execution date.
  • tests improvements
  • Bug fix when calling CI/CD route
  • Typo: curl command for CI/CD
  • Review of the token authentication process
  • update storybook to 7.6.15
  • Bug fix change bearer token process
  • Search component autofocus on load
  • Adding loadership component

Version 1.3.0 - support multi administrators

21 Jan 15:30
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1.2.0 - UI

11 Jan 06:16
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  • Dark theme
  • Login autocomplete

Thank you luclu7

Swagger Documentation - security fix - new endpoint

02 Jan 20:09
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  • Add a new endpoint that CI/CD can use to obtain the Github release of the latest comparison /action/lastcomparegitrealase/{controlUuid}/
  • add curl command for new route
  • Add version in login page
  • helmet configuration
  • remove cors package
  • Swagger documentation & links in UI
  • Authorization refactoring
  • security fix for logout
  • update version shell & lint

1.0.0 - Init

26 Dec 21:51
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docker build & push (#3)