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Extender is a build server that builds native extensions of the Defold engine. The build server can either by run using Docker or as a stand-alone server running on macOS.

  • Server description and setup/run instructions - link
  • Debugging FAQ - link

Running as a stand-alone server on macOS

The stand-alone server is currently used on a machine runing macOS. The server is used to build darwin targets (macOS+iOS) using the Apple tools (XCode+Apple Clang). It is also possible to use this setup when developing on macOS.


Before running Extender you need to have prepackaged toolchains and sdks. Full instruction how it can be done you can find here.

Ensure that you have the following tools packaged:

  • iPhoneOS16.2.sdk
  • iPhoneOS17.5.sdk
  • iPhoneSimulator16.2.sdk
  • iPhoneSimulator17.5.sdk
  • MacOSX13.1.sdk
  • MacOSX14.5.sdk
  • XcodeDefault14.2.xctoolchain.darwin
  • XcodeDefault15.4.xctoolchain.darwin

NOTE: Complete list of needed packages see link

After obtain packages with sdks and toolchains you make it available via HTTP. The easiest way to do these is to run Python HTTP server on local machine. For example,

    cd <path_where_packages_located>
    python -m http.server

It starts local web server that available at http://localhost:8000.

Setup all needed packages via

    DM_PACKAGES_URL=<url_where_package_located> ./server/scripts/standalone/

If you run local HTTP server from previous step replace <url_where_package_located> with http://localhost:8000. It's download packages, unpack it to correct folder and generate .env file with correct pathes.

Local Extender's application

There are two ways to obtain Extender's jars:

  1. Download ready-to-use jars from public repo. See instructions here (step 5).
  2. Build jars locally. See instruction here.

As result you should have 2 jars in ./server/apps/ folder: extender.jar and manifestmergetool.jar.


To run stand-alone Extender instance use folowing script:

    ./server/scripts/standalone/ start

Script takes commad as 1st argument. Command can be one of the following:

  • start - start new Extender instance
  • stop - stop already running Extender instance
  • restart - stop and start Extender instance from the scratch

If you want to use different Spring profile you can pass it via 2nd argument. For example,

    ./server/scripts/standalone/ start standalone-dev

Note: all Spring profiles should be located in ./server/configs/ folder.

As a result Extender should start and start listening 9010 port (that port set by default). E.g. Extender can be reached via http://localhost:9010. Logs of extender can be found in ./server/app/logs/ folder.

If you want to use other port (not 9010) you can change property server.port in ./server/configs/application-standalone-dev.yml.

Develop/debug standalone Extender using VSCode

Note that Prerequisites should be completed and manifestmergetool.jar already downloaded or built.

  1. Download VSCode:
  2. Open folder with Extender sources in VSCode.
  3. Install following extensions:
    1. Spring Boot Extension Pack
    2. Spring Boot Dashboard
    3. Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat
    4. Gradle for Java
    5. Debugger for Java Note: version should be v0.58.2024090204 (pre-release) or greater.
  4. Select Spring Boot-ExtenderApplication<server> in dropdown and start debug session.