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LilTag is a simple JavaScript tag management system that dynamically loads and runs scripts on your website based on the rules you set. With just 250 lines of code, LilTag uses a simple JSON file to store tags, operates without cookies, and doesn’t track users, ensuring your website remains fully GDPR compliant.



  • Dynamic Script Injection: Load scripts dynamically based on various triggers.
  • Customizable Loading: Control where the content gets injected into the DOM (head, body top, or body bottom).
  • Event-Based Triggers: Supports triggers such as page load, DOM ready, custom events, and more.
  • Caching: Optional caching with customizable TTL (time-to-live) for the configurations.


Include LilTag in your project:

Example of Including LilTag (Deferred Loading)

<script src="//" defer></script>
  const lilTag = new LilTag("path_or_url/to/liltag_config.json");

Example of Including LilTag (Asynchronous Loading)

If you want to load LilTag asynchronously and initialize it only after the script has fully loaded, you can use the following approach:

  (function () {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = "//";
    script.async = true;
    script.onload = function () {
      const lilTag = new LilTag("path_or_url/to/liltag_config.json");


Loading Configuration

1. Loading Configuration from a URL

You can initialize LilTag by providing a URL to a JSON configuration file. The configuration file should contain the tags you want to inject into your web page.

const lilTag = new LilTag("path_or_url/to/liltag_config.json");
JSON Configuration Example
  "tags": [
      "id": "analytics",
      "trigger": "pageLoad",
      "content": "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.log('Analytics script loaded.');</script>",
      "location": "head"

2. Providing the Configuration Directly

If you prefer to provide the configuration directly within your code, you can pass it as an object.

const lilTag = new LilTag({
  "tags": [
      "id": "analytics",
      "trigger": "pageLoad",
      "content": "<script type=\"text/javascript\">console.log('Analytics script loaded.');</script>",
      "location": "head"

Enabling Caching

You can enable caching to avoid fetching the configuration on every page load. The enableCache() method allows you to specify a TTL (time-to-live) in seconds.

// Enable caching with a TTL of 2 hours (7200 seconds)
const lilTag = new LilTag('path_or_url/to/liltag_config.json');

Configuration Options

Each tag in the configuration file or object should have the following properties:

  • id: A unique identifier for the tag.
  • trigger: The event that triggers the tag. Options are:
    • "pageLoad": Triggered when the page loads.
    • "domReady": Triggered when the DOM is fully loaded and parsed.
    • "timeDelay": Triggered after a specified delay once the page has loaded.
    • "elementVisible": Triggered when a specified element becomes visible in the viewport.
    • "customEvent": Triggered when a custom event is fired.
  • content: The full HTML content to inject, including script and noscript tags.
  • location: Where to inject the script or execute the code. Options are:
    • "head": Injects the script or code into the of the document.
    • "bodyTop": Injects the script or code at the top of the .
    • "bodyBottom": Injects the script or code at the bottom of the .
  • delay: (Optional) Used with the "timeDelay" trigger to specify the delay in milliseconds before the script or code is executed.
  • selector: (Optional) A CSS selector for the element to observe. Required for the "elementVisible" trigger.
  • eventName: (Optional) The name of the custom event to listen for. Required for the "customEvent" trigger.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to discuss your ideas or report bugs.