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Compiles some commonly used converters for WPF application developments


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WPF Extended converters

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Provides a set of commonly used and tested converters to build WPF applications.


Note: this is important to grasp the notions in order to quickly find a suitable converter.

In this package, converters can have multiple usage:

  • Type conversion: input is converted from one type to another, optionally using an operation or parameters in the process
    • Name pattern: Type1ToType2Converter
    • Ex: BooleanToVisibilityConverter
  • Operation application: input is operated using a function that emits the output. Function operation can be parameterized for some converters (ex: MathConverter)
    • Name pattern: FunctionNameConverter or FunctionDomainNameConverter
    • Ex: CollectionCountConverter, MathConverter
  • Hybrid usage: an operation that clearly indicates the output type.
    • Name pattern: FunctionNameToTypeConverter
    • Ex: NonNullOrEmptyStringToVisibilityConverter

Aside from usage, converters can be classified into 3 families:

  • Single value converters: to be used with a Binding one input gives one output. They have no suffix in their name.

  • Multi-value converters to be used with a MultiBinding: multiple inputs of interest give a single output. They often display an 'Operation' parameter that dictates how entries are tied together (ex: 'Or' operation). Their name pattern is XXXXConverterForMultibinding.

  • Multi-value converters with activators to be used with a MultiBinding but: one input of interest + activation signals giving a single output. They indeed all accept booleans as secondary entries and all provide an ActivationOperation property that ties these boolean values together. Allowed operation values are common boolean operations: None, Not, And, Or, Xor, Nand, Nor, Xnor and defaults to And. When the operation over the entries outputs the 'true', the input is transferred as output, otherwise ValueForInvalid is returned. They have a XXXXConverterWithActivators name pattern.

All converters are supplied for one, two or three of the above families. Availability mainly depends on usage relevance (ex: CollectionIndexOfConverter cannot be used with a single variable entry since a collection and a value must be provided, so it cannot be a single value converter).

Quick reference

Input type Name Function Output type Single value? Multi-binding? With activators?
Boolean BooleanToBooleanConverter Boolean Yes Yes No
Boolean BooleanToFontWeightConverter FontWeight Yes Yes No
Boolean BooleanToObjectConverter Object Yes No No
Boolean BooleanToNumberConverter IComparable Yes No No
Boolean BooleanToOpacityConverter Double Yes No No
Boolean BooleanToThicknessConverter Thickness Yes No No
Boolean BooleanToVisibilityConverter Visibility Yes Yes No
IEnumerable CollectionCountConverter Count() Int or String Yes No No
IEnumerable CollectionFirstItemConverter First() Object Yes Yes No
IEnumerable CollectionIndexOfConverter First() Int or String No Yes No
Color ColorToSolidColorBrushConverter SolidColorBrush Yes No No
Image ImageToBitmapImageConverter Bitmap Yes No No
Double MathConverter +, -, *, /, %, ^, abs() Double or String Yes Yes No
Object InstanceToTypeConverter Type Yes No No
Object ObjectToObjectConverter Object No No Yes
Object EqualityToBooleanConverter Equality Boolean Yes No No
Object EqualityToVisibilityConverter Equality Visibility Yes No No
Object NotNullToVisibilityConverter !=null Visibility Yes No No
Type TypePropertiesToDescriptionsConverter DescriptionAttribute extractions String[] Yes No No
Enum EnumValueToDescriptionConverter DescriptionAttribute extraction String Yes No No
Type or Enum EnumMembersToDescriptionsConverter DescriptionAttribute extractions String[] Yes No No
String CamelCaseStringToTitleStringConverter String formatting String Yes No No
String NotNullOrEmptyStringToBooleanConverter !=null and !=empty Bool Yes No No
String NotNullOrEmptyStringToVisibilityConverter !=null and !=empty Bool Yes No Yes
String StringToHorizontalAlignmentConverter HorizontalAlignment Yes No No
String StringToVerticalAlignmentConverter VerticalAlignment Yes No No
Thickness ThicknessToDoubleConverter Double Yes No No
CornerRadius CornerRadiusToDoubleConverter Double Yes No No

How to use

Alway invoke the library in your xaml header definition:


Then you can either directly invoke the converter along with its parameters:

<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding SomeProperty, Converter={extconv:BooleanToBooleanConverter Operation=Not}}"/>

or (most machine efficient way) declare your converter and its parameters as a static resource:

    <extconv:BooleanToBooleanConverter x:Key="NotBooleanToBooleanConverter" Operation="Not" />

<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding SomeProperty, Converter={StaticResource NotBooleanToBooleanConverter}}"/>

Find the most suitable converter name using the quick reference and add a suffix when needed (ForMultiBinding or WithActivators).


Note: Suffixes are most of the time not mentioned in the reference. Remind that description and parameters apply to multi-value converters for a given converter description.

Note: Categories in this reference follow the project source code hierarchy.

Boolean converters ("BooleanToXXXX")

Converts any boolean entry into a new object type.


  • ValueForTrue: to be returned when conversion result is true (after operation if any). Default is set to common 'true' value for the target type (ex: Visible for Visibility)
  • ValueForFalse: value to be returned when conversion result is false (after operation if any). Default value is often set to the target type's default value (ex: 0.0 for double).
  • ValueForInvalid: value to be returned when input is not boolean or is null. Default often worth target type's default value too.
  • Operation: an optional boolean operation to be applied on all inputs and that will give the final converted result. Allowed values depends if the converter is used for single bindings (None, Not) or multi-bindings (None, Not, And, Or, Xor, Nand, etc.). Default is None.


<TextBlock Text="{Binding SomeBoolProperty, Converter={extconv:BooleanToNumberConverter ValueForTrue=1.0}}"/>


Note 1: the conversion parameter overrides ValueForTrue when provided. This way, you can quickly personalize converters at the xaml node level while using a static resource. Ex:

<Border Visibility="{Binding SomeBoolProperty, Converter={extconv:BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter={StaticResource MyVisibilityResource}"/>

Note 2: backward conversion is referenced on ValueForTrue (or parameter) value. In doubt ( i.e. if ValueForTrue = ValueForFalse), then 'true' is returned.

Note 3: Although settable, ValueForTrue and ValueForFalse cannot be changed on BooleanToBooleanConverter for developer experience considerations.

Collection converters ("CollectionXXXX")


Returns the number of items the input collection contains.


  • OutputAsString: sets type of returned value (string or int). Default is false.
  • DefaultCountValue: to be returned in case the input is not iterable. Default is 0.
  • DefaultCountValueString: to be returned in case the input is not iterable and OutputAsString is set. Default is "0".


Return the first item of a collection is any (default value otherwise).


Returns the first item of a collection passed as first item or the first item of the multibinding as a whole. Useful to get notified by other binding within the multibinding without impacting the output value.


  • AsIEnumerable: indicates if first item of the first input collection must be returned, or if the first input must be returned as a whole. Default is true.


In a collection given as first input, returns the index of the element passed as a second input.


  • OutputAsString: sets type of returned value (string or int). Default is false.
  • ValueForInvalid: to be returned in case the collection is not iterable. Default is -1.
  • ValueStringForInvalid: to be returned in case the collection is not iterable. Default is -1.
  • ValueForNotFound: to be returned in case the collection does not contains the value and OutputAsString is set. Default is empty string.
  • ValueStringForNotFound: to be returned in case the collection does not contains the value and OutputAsString is set. Default is empty string.

Color converters ("ColorToXXXXConverter")


Transforms a System.Windows.Media.Color into a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush.


  • Default: Default color to be returned in case color input is not valid. Default is Brushes.Black.


<Border BorderBrush="{Binding SomeColorProperty, Converter={extconv:ColorToSolidColorBrushConverter Default=Brushes.Grey}"/>

Image converters ("ImageToXXXXConverter")


Transforms a System.Drawing.Image into a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.


<Image Source="{Binding SomeImage, Converter={extconv:ImageToBitmapImageConverter}}"/>

Math converters ("MathConverter")

Performs a mathematical operation over a single input and the converter parameter (MathConverter) or over several inputs (MathConverterForMultibinding) and returns the result.


  • Operation: mathematical operation to be applied on the inputs
    • Add: sums input values up
    • Substract: substracts input values
    • SubstractPositiveOnly: subtracts input values but cannot go negative (bottoms at 0)
    • Multiply: product of the input values
    • Divide: division of the input values, returns PositiveInfinity or NegativeInfinity if encounters a division by zero
    • Modulo: applies sequentially the modulo operation on all inputs
    • Power: sequentially raises result to the power of next input
    • Absolute: returns the absolute value of the first input
  • ValueForInvalid: to be returned in case inputs are not numbers. Default is Binding.DoNothing.
  • OutputAsString: sets type of returned value (string or int). Default is false.


<RotateTransform Angle="{Binding SomeRadValue, Converter={extconv:MathConverter, Operation=Multiply}, ConverterParameter=57.2958}"/>


Originally inspired by MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit's MathConverter

Misc. converters


Returns the type of the input or null if null.


Returns the input only if activators allow for it.

Parameters See 'Multi-value converters with activators' description on top of this documentation.


Returns true if value is equal to parameter.


  • TrueIfNotEqual: reverts result if set. Default is false.


Returns a visibility value corresponding to value-parameter equality.


  • TrueIfNotEqual: reverts result if set. Default is false.
  • VisibilityForTrue: visibility to be returned when equality (or inequality if TrueIfNotEqual is set) is verified. Default is Visibility.Visible.
  • VisibilityForFalse: visibility to be returned when inequality (or equality if TrueIfNotEqual is set) is verified. Default is Visibility.Collapsed.

'Not null' converters (NotNullToXXXXConverter)


Converts the input null state into a Visibility value.


  • ValueForNull: value to be returned when the input is null. Default is Visibility.Collapsed.
  • ValueForNotNull: value to be returned when the input is not null. Default is Visibility.Visible.


<ContentControl Visibility="{Binding SomeViewModel, Converter={extconv:NotNullToVisibilityConverter ValueForNull=Visibility.Hidden}}" />


Extracts a list DescriptionAttribute.Description from the public properties of a given type.


  • GetMembersWithNoDescription: if set, also includes properties with no description. Their name will be returned in the conversion result. Default is true.
  • ToTitleCase: if set, normalizes the resulting items' format by removing spaces and setting upper case letters where needed. Default is false.


<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding SomeType, Converter={extconv:TypePropertiesToDescriptionsConverter}}"/>

Enum converters ("EnumXXXXConverter")


Extracts the DescriptionAttribute.Description value from an enum item.


<TextBlock Source="{Binding SomeEnumValue, Converter={extconv:EnumValueToDescriptionConverter}}"/>


Extracts a list DescriptionAttribute.Description from an enum type or an enum item (type will be extracted from this item to get other member values).


  • GetMembersWithNoDescription: if set, also includes members with no description. Their name will be returned in the conversion result. Default is true.
  • ToTitleCase: if set, normalizes the resulting items' format by removing spaces and setting upper case letters where needed. Default is false.


<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding SomeEnumValue, Converter={extconv:EnumMembersToDescriptionsConverter}}"/>

String converters


Converts the content of a string from 'CamelCase' or 'camelCase' to 'Title Case' with normalized spaces.


  • FirstLetterIsLowerCase: used only when converting back ; if set, will use a lower case first letter to get 'camelCase' instead of 'CamelCase'. Default is false.


<TextBlock Text="{Binding SomeText, Converter={extconv:CamelCaseStringToTitleStringConverter}}" />


Returns a result depending on the state of a passed string (if null or empty).


  • ValueForNullOrEmpty: value to be returned when the input string is null or empty. Default is Visibility.Collapsed.
  • ValueForNotNullOrEmpty: value to be returned when the input is not null nor empty. Default is Visibility.Visible.


<TextBox Text="{Binding SomeText}" Visibility="{Binding SomeText, Converter={extconv:NotNullOrEmptyStringToVisibilityConverter}}" />

StringToHorizontalAlignmentConverter & StringToVerticalAlignmentConverter

Parses a string to produce an alignment (horizontal or vertical) value. Returns null if parsing fails.


<ComboBox SelectedIndex="0" HorizontalAlignment="{Binding SelectedItem.Content, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Converter={extconv:StringToHorizontalAlignmentConverter}}">
    <ComboBoxItem Content="Left" />
    <ComboBoxItem Content="Right" />


These converters support bidirectional string translations when a proper translation fetcher is provided as converter parameter and a culture information is set for the application. See the list of accepted types for this fetcher in the documentation of the CheckFetcherFormat method.

Geometry converters


Returns the Left value of a thickness.


  • ThrowOnNonUniformThickness: if sets, throws an exception when trying to convert a thickness with non-uniform values. Default is false.


<Rectangle StrokeThickness="{Binding BorderThickness, ElementName=border, Converter={extconv:ThicknessToDoubleConverter}}" />


Returns the TopLeft value of a corner radius.


  • ThrowOnNonUniformCornerRadius: if sets, throws an exception when trying to convert a corner radius with non-uniform values. Default is false.


<Rectangle RadiusX="{Binding CornerRadius, ElementName=border, Converter={extconv:CornerRadiusToDoubleConverter}}" />

That's it!

Hope you will enjoy these converters!


This work is licensed under the MIT License.


Compiles some commonly used converters for WPF application developments








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