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This is a simple example of the TagAndProbe method using datasets of CMS Open Data.

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TagAndProbe package using Legacy Open Data samples


This is a simple example of the TagAndProbe method using datasets of CMS Open Data. The main goal of this project is to make a simple example code applying the Tag and Probe methods, since the official TagAndProbe tool is complex. In this project, we did a more easy-to-understand code for CMS Open Data users. More about it can be seen in this twiki:

About the Structure

To access the data you must use the CMSSW, the structure that have the analysis environment. To do so, you have two ways:

  • Using Vitual Machine: You have to download the VM Virtual Box. Make sure that the version you downloaded is working with your CMS VM Image. You can read more here. You must use the CMS SHELL in the CMS Open Data VM 1.5.1 version as you can see here. With other versions (CMS-OpenData-1.2.0" or "CMS-OpenData-1.3.0) you can use the normal terminal.

  • Using Docker Container: If you are having problem with virtual machine you can use the Docker Container. The instruction of installation are in this page. As you can see in the page, you can fetch a CMSSW image, and create and start a container using the docker run command $ docker run --name opendata -it clelange/cmssw:5_3_32 /bin/bash, but with that you will not be able to use ROOT. To do so, you must use the command:

$ sudo docker run --name opendata -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix clelange/cmssw:5_3_32 /bin/bash

and you will able to use ROOT. To list the containers you created use the command:

$ sudo docker container ls -a

To open a container, just use the command with the ID of the container that you can see the list of the containers you created.

$ sudo docker start <ID_Container>

$ sudo docker attach <ID_Container>

Now, lets create the CMSSW structure. In this example we are using the CMSSW_5_3_32. After you emulate you CMS Open Data ova with success, you must created a CMSSW environment and change to the CMSSW_5_3_32/src/ directory (Notice that you use the container you do not need to use the the commands below):

$ cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_32

$ cd CMSSW_5_3_32/src/

Launch the CMS analysis environment.

$ cmsenv

Create a working directory for the analyzer and go to that directory

$ mkdir TagAndProbeSample

At this point, you must copy this Git to your area using the command:

$ git clone

Go to this directory that you copied from Git and compile the code:

$ cd TagAndProbe

$ scram b

After that go to test folder and run the python file:

$ cmsRun

Wait and you will see a root file, named TagAndProbe2019.root, that will be created. You can open this file and see its contents:

$ root -l TagAndProbe2019.root

$ new TBrownser

We use the J/$\psi$ resonance in this example and make an output tree (root file) with the same content as the CMSSW TagAndProbe method. If you want study another resonance, just open the config file ( and modify the range of mass in the line 43 and 44:

minResonanceMass = cms.double(2.8),# in GeV
maxResonanceMass = cms.double(3.4)# in GeV

You can change the dataset files in the 14:


and the triggers in the line 36:

PathName = cms.untracked.vstring(["HLT_Dimuon10_Jpsi_Barrel_v","HLT_Dimuon7_PsiPrime_v"]), 

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Recipe Tutorial


This is a simple example of the TagAndProbe method using datasets of CMS Open Data.






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