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Repository for the experiments and dataset described in "Simple Queries as Distant Labels for Predicting Gender on Twitter" presented at W-NUT 2017.


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Simple Queries as Distant Labels for Predicting Gender on Twitter

Repository for the work described in Simple Queries as Distant Labels for Predicting Gender on Twitter, presented at W-NUT 2017. Code is released under the MIT license, the data under CC-BY-SA-4.0. If you use anything in our repository, please cite the following work:

  title={Simple Queries as Distant Labels for Predicting Gender on Twitter},
  author={Emmery, Chris and Chrupa{\l}a, Grzegorz and Daelemans, Walter},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text},

Also consider citing the corpora that we used to compare when using the readers supplied with our work. See the docstrings for references.



This repository offers scripts to automatically label Twitter users by gender, using simple queries for self-reports ("I'm a {girl, boy, man, woman, ...}"). Using batches of 200 tweets from their timelines, we train a fastText model to classify other users by gender. This distant supervision achieves comparable, or better performance than state-of-the-art methods, without the need of manual annotation. The collection can be repeated weekly and yields roughly 10k profiles.

Quick Start

Not only do we supply code to replicate our experiments, we also offer a flexible API to use the same method for distant labeling of users by gender.

Support Disclaimer: The code is written for MacOS and Linux systems. This limitation is partly due to fastText.


Simply run the files in this order: data -> proc -> exp -> res:


Important Note: Please make sure that your own Twitter API keys are added in misc_keys and the correct files are in corpora if you'd like to replicate the comparison with the other corpora. Only our own data comes with the repository!

If you don't want to run the comparisons, comment out the Plank and Volkova parts for every __main__ boilerplate at the end of each .py file (not the .sh). If you'd like to add newly collected data in for the comparison, uncomment the twitter parts in the same boilerplate.

Note on Score Reproduction: The annotation scores differ slightly, as the exact user ids that were annotated when writing the paper differ from the complete set (the reproduction shows an almost exact approximation). With regards to the classification scores: i) Twitter's Terms of Service formally prohibit sharing the message IDs, and ii) a large amount of accounts and tweets have been removed since the date of collection.

Build your Own Gender Classifier

You can supply a general text wrapping in query_string. We assumed that people self-report using "I'm a {girl, boy, man, woman}" etc.

query_string = 'm a {0}'
query_words = {'girl': 'f', 'boy': 'm', 'man': 'm', 'woman': 'f', 'guy': 'm',
               'dude': 'm', 'gal': 'f', 'female': 'f', 'male': 'm'}

There's a list for removing tweets (filters) by certain patterns like retweets, or quotes (e.g. 'Random woman: "I'm a man"'), that might not be self-reports. Moreover, the gender label can be flipped if certain words or in the full tweet (flip_any) or before the query string (flip_prefix). Examples where this might be relevant are for example "don't assume I'm a girl".

Please note that while all examples focus on a binary representation of gender (as this is common in related work), the code to a certain extent also allows for the inclusion of other gender identities by altering the query_words mapping. In this case however, the label flipping logically does not work.

fil = ['rt ', '"', ': ']
flp_any = ["according to", "deep down"]
flp_pfx = [" feel like ", " where ", " as if ", " hoping ", " assume ",
           " think ", " assumes ", " assumed ", " assume that ",
           " assumed that ", " then ", " expect that ", " expect ",
           "that means ", " means ", " think ", " implying ", " guess ",
           " thinks ", " tells me ", " learned ", " if "]

Collecting Data

From here, collection is simply setting all this information in the DistantCollection class initialization, and running the collection methods.

Make sure you've added your own Twitter API keys to misc_keys before running!

from sec3_data import DistantCollection

dc = DistantCollection(query_string=qs, query_words=qw, filters=fil,
                       flip_any=flp_any, flip_prefix=flp_pfx,
                       clean_level='messages', db_id='your_db_id')

And finally fetching the users, and their timelines:

dc.fetch_query_tweets()  # users
dc.fetch_user_tweets()   # timelines

Preprocessing and Batching

Once the collection is done, you need to set up a label mapping (depending) on what you've entered as keys in query_words, and run that through the preprocessing function:

from sec3_proc import data_to_batches

lm = {'m': 0, 'f': 1, 'M': 0, 'F': 1}
data_to_batches(db_id='your_db_id', label_mapping=lm)


Using the fastText function prints a train / test evaluation. If you'd like to run MajorityBaseline and the LexiconGender classifier from Sap et al., use the code below:

from sec5_res import MajorityBaseline, LexiconGender, fastText

bl = MajorityBaseline()
lg = LexiconGender()

train = test = 'your_db_id'
fastText(train + '_gender', test + '_gender')  # outputs results

fin = open('./data/{0}_gender.test'.format(test)).readlines()
sscore = round(lg.lex_score(fin), 3)
bscore = round(bl.mb_score(fin), 3)
print("Sap baseline @ test: {}".format(sscore))
print("Maj baseline @ test: {}".format(bscore))

This should cover setting up your own classifier. If you'd like to re-use fastText after training is done, refer to their documentation and change accordingly.


These are the packages (and their version tested with the latest version of the repository):

pandas        0.20.1
tweepy        3.5.0
langdetect    1.0.7 (optional)
scikit-learn  0.18.1
spacy         1.9.0

Paper Data

The data can be found under ./corpora/query-gender.json. The file is structured as follows:

    "annotations": {
        "user_id": {
            "ann1": "m / f / o / - / 0",
            "ann2": "m / f / o / - / 0",
            "ann3": "m / f / o / - / 0",
            "bot": "True / False",
            "majority": "m / f",
            "query_label": "m / f",
            "query_label2": "m / f"
        "...": {
    "filtered": {
        "tweet_id": "user_id",
        "...": ,

Not all three annotators annotated every profile. The annotations from the paper only used 2 annotators; an approximate implementation of this evaluation is provided in Annotation field values are: m for male, f for female, o anything else, - not sure, and 0 for not annotated. A majority decision based on the three annotators is provided in majority (only based on m / f annotations). There's also a label if the user was considered to be a bot (this label wasn't used in the paper), and there's two tags (query_label) provided by the Query heuristic from the paper. The first is the label without using the rule to flip the label, the second with the label flipped if necessary. Finally, the original Query hit tweets (that were removed from the final train and test data) are listed under filtered.


Repository for the experiments and dataset described in "Simple Queries as Distant Labels for Predicting Gender on Twitter" presented at W-NUT 2017.








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