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BOSH-deployed nginx Server

This BOSH release deploys an nginx webserver.

Warning: You may receive HTTP 403 Status ("forbidden") or see "permission denied" errors in your logs when using stemcells >= 3541.x; to fix, set the worker's UNIX group to vcap at the top of your nginx_conf property with the following line:

user nobody vcap; # group vcap can read most directories

0. Quick Start

0.0 Quick Start: Pre-requisites

You must have a BOSH Director and have uploaded stemcells to it. Our examples assume the BOSH CLI v2.

Follow the instructions to install BOSH Lite:; upload the Cloud Config, set the routes, but no need to deploy Zookeeper.

Upload Ubuntu stemcell

bosh -e vbox us

Clone the nginx repository:

cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd nginx-release

0.1 Quick Start: Upload release to BOSH Director

bosh -e vbox ur

0.2 Quick Start: deploy

(This assumes you're in the ~/workspace/nginx directory cloned in a previous step):

bosh -e vbox -d nginx deploy manifests/nginx-lite.yml

0.3 Quick Start: test

Browse to; you should see the following:


1. Post-deployment HTML content

We find it effective to set the pre_start property to populate the webserver content. See here for an example (

Alternatively, you may manually add the HTML content after successful deployment.

We recommend installing HTML content on the persistent disk, e.g. /var/vcap/store/nginx/document_root/ so that subsequent redeploys do not require re-installation of HTML content, i.e. the nginx.conf should have the following directive:

server {
  root /var/vcap/store/nginx/www/document_root;


1. nginx Job Properties

  • nginx_conf: Required. This contains the contents of nginx's configuration file, nginx.conf. Here is the beginning from a sample configuration:

      nginx_conf: |
        worker_processes  1;
        error_log /var/vcap/sys/log/nginx/error.log   info;
  • ssl_key: Optional, defaults to ''. This contains the contents of the SSL key in PEM-encoded format. This is required if deploying an HTTPS webserver. The key is deployed to the path /var/vcap/jobs/nginx/etc/ssl.key.pem and requires the following line in the nginx_conf's server definition:

    ssl_certificate_key /var/vcap/jobs/nginx/etc/ssl.key.pem;

    Here is the beginning from a sample configuration:

    ssl_key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  • ssl_chained_cert: Optional, defaults to ''. This contains the contents of the SSL certificate in PEM-encoded format. This file will most likely contain several chained certificates. The certificate for the server should appear at the top, followed by the intermediate certificate. This property is required if deploying an HTTPS webserver. The certificate is deployed to the path /var/vcap/jobs/nginx/etc/ssl_chained.crt.pem and requires the following line in the nginx_conf server definition:

    ssl_certificate     /var/vcap/jobs/nginx/etc/ssl_chained.crt.pem;

    Here is the beginning from a sample configuration:

    ssl_chained_cert: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  • pre_start: Optional, contains a pre-start script to execute, useful for populating web content.

Developer Notes

Developer notes, such as building and test a release, are available here.