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Image backend service

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This project handles receiving images from the user and generating smaller versions. It is using docker to be able to run it either together with the API machine or on a separate machine.


The original image uploaded by the user is:

  • optionally rotated according to the EXIF orientation value;
  • uniquely renamed using a timestamp and random number;
  • stored locally in an "incoming" directory;
  • converted to smaller sizes.

The image is uploaded immediately to the incoming storage. The user receives the renamed filename.


The user associates the filename to a document, which is stored in the API. At that time, a request is sent to image backend to move original and resized images from the incoming bucket to the public bucket. This step ensures the image is associated with an authenticated user.


Configuration should be set by environment variables:

STORAGE_BACKEND: (required) s3 or local

  • s3: requires INCOMING_BUCKET and ACTIVE_BUCKET, should be used in production.
  • local: requires INCOMING_FOLDER and ACTIVE_FOLDER, should be used for tests and development.

TEMP_FOLDER: Local folder to store images temporarily. Default is <OSTMPDIR>/images/temp where <OSTMPDIR> is the operating system's default directory for temporary files.

INCOMING_FOLDER: Local folder for incoming files.

ACTIVE_FOLDER: Local folder for active files.

INCOMING_BUCKET: Name bucket for incoming files.

INCOMING_PREFIX: Prefix of the incoming bucket connection options.

ACTIVE_BUCKET: Name bucket for active files.

ACTIVE_PREFIX: Prefix of the active bucket connection options.

PREFIX_ENDPOINT: Endpoint url for corresponding prefix.

PREFIX_ACCESS_KEY_ID: API key for corresponding prefix.

PREFIX_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for corresponding prefix.

PREFIX_DEFAULT_REGION: Default region for corresponding prefix.

API_SECRET_KEY: API secret key, needed to publish images on the active bucket.

RESIZING_CONFIG: Configuration of the thumbnail names and sizes serialized in JSON. See src/config.ts for a description of the format.

AUTO_ORIENT_ORIGINAL: 1 to rotate the uploaded image according to the EXIF orientation. Default is 0.

GENERATE_WEBP: 1 to generate webp thumbnails along with jpeg/png/gif ones. Default is 0. Ignored if imagemagick does not support writing to this format.

GENERATE_AVIF: 1 to generate avif thumbnails along with jpeg/png/gif ones. Default is 0. Ignored if imagemagick does not support writing to this format.

CACHE_CONTROL: Cache-Control value to be set to all the images uploaded to s3. Default is public, max-age=3600.

ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma separated list of allowed origins for CORS requests. This is currently only for the /upload endpoint. Default is *.

Here is an example configuration with S3 backend on exoscale:



INCOMING_BUCKET: c2corg_test_incoming
ACTIVE_BUCKET: c2corg_test_active




GET /ping

Health check.


POST /upload


  • file (File)

Publishes the image to the incoming bucket, along with its generated thumbnails.

Supported file formats are:

  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • svg

Note that the server responds as soon as 'base' thumbnails are generated (jpeg or png), but that modern formats (if enabled) are generated asynchronously and may not be immediately available.


POST /publish


  • secret (secret key)
  • filename (key of the image to publish)

Moves the images and its thumbnails to the active bucket.


POST /delete


  • secret (secret key)
  • filenames (key(s) of the image(s) to delete)

Removes the image and its thumbnails from the active bucket.


POST /rotate


  • secret (secret key)
  • filename (key of the image to be rotated)
  • rotation (optional, 90, -90 or 180)

Rotates the image and its thumbnails in the active bucket. A new key will be returned, in order to avoid cache issues.

Note that SVG files cannot be rotated.

As for the upload endpoint, modern formats (if enabled) are generated asynchronously and may not be immediately available.


The files which were not activated are automatically expired by S3 after 2 hours.

For S3-compatible versions that don't support lifecycle management, such as Exoscale SOS, you can use the npm run clean:incoming command to remove expired images.


You need rsvg-convert and imagemagick installed.

Run unit tests via npm run test

To include s3 tests, you need to run a local instance of minio via docker docker-compose -f docker-compose-minio.yml up. Then run all tests via npm run test:all.

Building and running with Docker

Use docker build to build an image of the service.

Creating a version

Use npm version.

Prometheus metrics

Several prometheus metrics are exposed on port METRICS_PORT with path METRICS_PATH (defaults to http://localhost:8081/metrics).

You can disable all metrics by setting DISABLE_PROMETHEUS_METRICS to 1.


This project is a reimplementation of in node / typescript.