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Volume Creator: Unreal® Engine Plugin for Medical Data Rendering – Readme

This document is part of "Volume Creator: Unreal® Engine Plugin for Medical Data Rendering — Documentation"

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Adds Blueprint Support for Real-time 3D Rendering of Scalar Volumes from Medical Imaging Data.

  • Multiplanar Coronal – Sagittal – Axial Rendering
  • 3D Direct Volume Rendering
  • Values of Interest in Hounsfield Units


Unreal® Engine plugin "Volume Creator" enables real-time multiplanar and direct volume rendering from the Blueprint visual scripting system. The plugin acts as a framework which allows game developers to create VR/AR serious games, e.g., for teaching and training in medical education.

The delivered assets provide importing DICOM® or MetaImage™ based medical imaging data, applying values of interest aka DICOM Window and multiplanar or volume rendering colored from transfer functions based on look-up tables or color gradients. A rendered volume may be cropped with a clipping plane and/or a clipping cube. The volume can also be illuminated using Color Rendering Index CRI-R9 compliant operating room light sources.

  • Index Terms: Medical Imaging, Multiplanar Rendering, Direct Volume Rendering
  • Technology: Unreal Engine, Blueprint Visual Scripting, Code Plugin, C++, HLSL, DICOM

Table of Contents

1. Setup

1.1. Plugin Installation

In the Unreal Editor access the Plugin Editor from the menu 'Edit > Plugins'. In the Plugin Editor, under category 'Rendering' find and enable the plugin. Finally restart the Unreal Editor.

Screenshot of Plugin Editor with Plugin 'Volume Creator' enabled
Fig. 1.1.: Screenshot of Plugin Editor with Plugin "Volume Creator" enabled

1.2. Project Configuration

To allow Volume Texture asset creation follow these steps as from Unreal Engine Documentation article Creating Volume Textures:

Before you can use Volume Textures in your Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) project, you will need to enable them. In the following How-To, we will take a look at setting up your UE4 project to use Volume Textures.

  1. First, make sure that the Editor is closed, and then locate your project's DefaultEngine.ini file and open it.
  2. Locate the Script/Engine.RendererSettings section and add the following variable, then save the file when you have added it: r.AllowVolumeTextureAssetCreation=1
  3. Re-launch the Editor

2. Concept

2.1. Objects

The domain specific entities are implemented as Blueprint Actors (see figure 2.1.1.), following the object oriented paradigm:

  • Scalar Volume SV Actor
  • Values of Interest VOI Actor
  • Multiplanar Rendering MPR Actor
  • Direct Volume Rendering DVR Actor
    • Clipping Cube Actor
      • Clipping Cube Handles Actor
    • Clipping Plane Actor
    • Light Source Actor
    • Orientation Guide Actor

The plugin provides the rendering of image-stack based volumes, commonly known as scalar volumes. However, the plugin does not support rendering of neither vector nor tensor volumes.

Content Browser, VolumeCreator Content, Folder Classes - Blueprint Actors
Fig. 2.1.1.: Content Browser, VolumeCreator Content, Folder Classes – Blueprint Actors

To access and change parameters of the Blueprint Actors in runtime, the plugin provides with User Widgets (see figure 2.1.2.) as well as with User Widget Actors for the use in augmented and/or virtual reality (see figure 2.1.3.).

Content Browser, VolumeCreator Content, Folder Basic - User Widget Blueprints
Fig. 2.1.2.: Content Browser, VolumeCreator Content, Folder Basic – User Widget Blueprints

Content Browser, VolumeCreator Content, Folder Classes - User Widget Actor Blueprints
Fig. 2.1.3.: Content Browser, VolumeCreator Content, Folder Classes – User Widget Actor Blueprints

2.2. Domain Model

Domain Model Description:

  • Scalar Volume SV:
    • Scalar Volume Texture: A "Scalar Volume Texture" represents a Hounsfield Units encoded Volume Texture.
    • Scalar Volume Context: A "Scalar Volume Context" represents a JSON encoded Data asset holding metadata like pixel spacing values.
    • Scalar Volume Actor: A "Scalar Volume Actor" holds a reference to a "Scalar Volume Texture" and its related "Scalar Volume Context".
    • Scalar Volume User Widget and Scalar Volume User Widget Actor: To access and change parameters of a "Scalar Volume Actor" in runtime, the plugin provides with a "Scalar Volume User Widget" and a "Scalar Volume User Widget Actor".
  • Values Of Interest VOI
    • Values Of Interest Actor: A "Values Of Interest Actor" consumes the volume texture from a "Scalar Volume Actor", manages and applies DICOM Window Attributes 'Center' and 'Width'.
    • Values Of Interest User Widget and Values Of Interest User Widget Actor: To access and change parameters of a "Values Of Interest Actor" in runtime, the plugin provides with a "Values Of Interest User Widget" and a "Values Of Interest User Widget Actor".
  • Multiplanar Rendering MPR
    • Multiplanar Rendering Actor: The Values Of Interest may be visualised by multiplanar rendering in a "Multiplanar Rendering Actor", which holds three mutually perpendicular planes, i.e. coronal, sagittal and axial plane as a 3D representation.
    • Multiplanar Rendering User Widget and Multiplanar Rendering User Widget Actor: The "Multiplanar Rendering Actor" produces planar rendering, which is also consumed by a "Multiplanar Rendering User Widget" and a "Multiplanar Rendering User Widget Actor", which are 2D representations of MPR. The anatomical planes can be moved in the direction of their corresponding axes interactively in real-time.
  • Volume Rendering
    • Direct Volume Rendering DVR
      • Direct Volume Rendering Actor: The Values Of Interest may be visualised by direct volume rendering in a "Direct Volume Rendering Actor". The "Direct Volume Rendering Actor" extent is visualised by a bounding box.
      • Direct Volume Rendering User Widget and Direct Volume Rendering User Widget Actor: To access and change parameters of a "Direct Volume Rendering Actor" in runtime, the plugin provides with a "Direct Volume Rendering User Widget" and a "Direct Volume Rendering User Widget Actor".
    • Clipping
      • Clipping Cube Actor: The "Direct Volume Rendering Actor" can optionally be cropped in real-time using a "Clipping Cube Actor".
      • Clipping Cube Handles Actor: A "Clipping Cube Actor" can optionally be modified with a "Clipping Cube Handles Actor" interactively in real-time.
      • Clipping Plane Actor: The "Direct Volume Rendering Actor" can optionally be cropped in real-time using a "Clipping Plane Actor".
    • Light Source Actor: The "Direct Volume Rendering Actor" can optionally be illuminated with spot light sources from one or more "Light Source Actors".
    • Orientation Guide Actor: The "Direct Volume Rendering Actor" can optionally be attached a rotation synchronised "Orientation Guide Actor".

Domain Model Diagram - Multiplanar Rendering MPR
Fig. 2.2.1.: Domain Model Diagram – Multiplanar Rendering MPR

Domain Model Diagram - Direct Volume Rendering DVR
Fig. 2.2.2.: Domain Model Diagram – Direct Volume Rendering DVR

3. Medical Imaging Data Import

3.1. Import in Editor

Workflow: From DICOM® or MetaImage™ files

  • Read
    • Read the scalar volume image data and write it to a Houndsfield Units encoded Texture Render Target Volume RT_SV_Volume
    • Read the scalar volume image meta data and write it to a JSON encoded Data asset DA_SV
  • Write
    • Write the Texture Render Target Volume persistently as "Scalar Volume Texture" asset T_SV_MyDataName_Volume
    • Write the JSON persistently as "Scalar Volume Context" asset DA_SV_MyDataName
  • Create a Blueprint asset BP_MyDataName (deriving from Scalar Volume Actor BP_SV) and
    • Assign the just created "Scalar Volume Texture" asset T_SV_MyDataName_Volume
    • Assign the just created "Scalar Volume Context" asset DA_SV_MyDataName

See also section "Content File Name" below.


3.1.1. Import DICOM

  • Reads from DICOM files, file name extension *.dcm


3.1.2. Import MetaImage

  • Reads from MetaImage files, file name extension *.mhds


3.2. Content File Name

The created content file name derives from the imported file name (cf. appendix section Asset Naming Convention) but with rules from the Project Settings (see figure 3.2.1.):

  • AssetTypePrefix: T_
  • AssetName:
    • The same as the imported file name
    • Underlines (_) are replaced with a string as given by the 'Project Settings', which is minus (-) by default
    • Maximum length as given by the 'Project Settings', which is 20 by default
  • DescriptorSuffix: _Volume

Example: With importing imaging data from a file named My_0123456789_ImageFile.dcm and using the plugin default settings the AssetName becomes My-0123456789-ImageF. In addition, the AssetTypePrefix T_ and the DescriptorSuffix _Volume are added, resulting in a content file named T_My-0123456789-ImageF_Volume.

When setting the AssetName Maximum Length, note that an assets pathname may be limited by the operating system, e.g. to 260 characters.

Screenshot of Project Settings > Plugin > Volume Creator
Fig. 3.2.1.: Screenshot of Project Settings > Plugin > Volume Creator

3.3. File Size

CT image data is expected to come in Hounsfield Units HU, where the use of a range of [-1024, 3071] is documented. These 4096 values can be represented by a twelve-digit binary number (12-bit, 212 = 4096). DICOM images therefore are stored as 12-bit data (cf. [Radiopaedia, HU] and [DICOM, FAQ]). Since UE pixel format is of 8-, 16-, or 32-bit, and the UE does not support 12-bit single channels (1 x 4096) nor 10-bit four channels (4 x 1024 = 4096), we use a 16-bit single channel (cf. [UEDoc, EPixelFormat] and [Ivanov 2021]).

Let's assume we have a "Scalar Volume" as follows:

  • A Stack of 512 images of size 512 x 512 pixel per image = 5123 pixel or voxel resp.
  • A 16-bit single channel G16 (Grayscale); 4096 Hounsfield Units [-1024, 3071] shifted to [0, 4095] (unsigned integer)
  • Scalar Volume Texture T_SV_Volume = 5123 px x 1 x 16 bit/voxel = 134,217,728 voxel x 16 bit/voxel = 2,147,483,648 bit = 268,435,456 Byte = 256 MB

The Volume Texture file size in this example becomes 256 MB.

3.4. Size in Memory

The delivered assets make use of Render Targets. The Volume Render Targets size is inherited from the imported data, which is, e.g., Scalar Volume T_SV_Volume from above:

  • VOI: Texture Render Target RT_VOI_Volume, Linear RG8 (2 channels RG, 8-bit); R: VOI [0, 255], G: Window-Mask [0, 1]; Dimension inherited from Texture T_SV_Volume
    Example: 5123 px x 2 x 8-bit/voxel = 134,217,728 voxel x 16-bit/voxel = 2,147,483,648 bit = 268,435,456 Byte = 256 MB
  • DVR: Texture Render Target RT_Lightmap_Volume, Linear Color RGBA8 (4 channels RGBA, 8-bit); RGBA: Color [0, 255]; Dimension inherited from Texture Render Target RT_VOI_Volume but half Resolution
    Example: 2563 px x 4 x 8-bit/voxel = 16,777,216 voxel x 32 bit/voxel = 536,870,912 bit = 67,108,864 Byte = 64 MB
  • MPR: Texture Render Targets RT_VOI_COR / RT_VOI_SAG / RT_VOI_AXE: Linear R8 (1 channel R, 8-bit); R: VOI [0, 255]; The MPR Texture Render Targets do not inherit, they are always the same size
    Example: 10242 px x 1 x 8-bit/voxel = 1,048,576 voxel x 8-bit/voxel = 8,388,608 bit = 1,048,576 Byte = 1 MB each; Sum: 3 MB

Example, size in Memory:
T_SV_Volume + RT_VOI_Volume + RT_Lightmap_Volume + RT_VOI_COR + RT_VOI_SAG + RT_VOI_AXE = 256 MB + 256 MB + 64 MB + 1 MB + 1 MB + 1 MB = 579 MB

3.5. Data Processing

For a use case of DVR, the Render Texture Volumes RT_VOI_Volume and RT_Lightmap_Volume are accessed every tick. Rendering the example from above with, e.g., 90 fps results in an access rate of 241.56 Gigabit/s:

  • 2,147,483,648 bit + 536,870,912 bit = 2,684,354,560 bit = 2.684 Gigabit
  • ProcessedData = 2.684 Gigabit/frame x 90 frames/s = 241.56 Gigabit/s

4. Rendering

4.1. Scalar Volume SV

4.1.1. SV Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Scalar Volume Actor" or SV Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_SV) to handle a Hounsfield Units encoded Volume Texture and its pixel spacing. The SV Actor is an empty Actor and has no mesh.

Blueprint Actor BP_SV Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_SV – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Scalar Volume Texture
    • Type: Volume Texture
    • Default Value: T_SV_Volume
    • Description: Scalar Volume, Hounsfield Units encoded Volume Texture
  • Origin
    • Type: Vector
    • Default Value: X 0.0, Y 0.0, Z 0.0
    • Description: Position of the first Voxel in the Anatomical Coordinate System
  • Columns
    • Type: Integer
    • Default Value: 512
    • Range: [1, n]
    • Description: DICOM Columns Attribute: Number of pixel columns in the image; results in Width (UE: Y)
  • Columns Spacing
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 0.3
    • Range: [0, 10]
    • Description: DICOM Pixel Spacing Attribute: Physical distance in the patient between the center of each pixel - adjacent column spacing (delimiter)
  • Rows
    • Type: Integer
    • Default Value: 512
    • Range: [1, n]
    • Description: DICOM Rows Attribute: Number of pixel rows in the image; results in Height (UE: Z)
  • Rows Spacing
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 0.3
    • Range: [0, 10]
    • Description: DICOM Pixel Spacing Attribute: Physical distance in the patient between the center of each pixel - adjacent row spacing (delimiter)
  • Slices
    • Type: Integer
    • Default Value: 256
    • Range: [1, n]
    • Description: Number of Slices or Images respectively; results in Depth (UE: X)
  • Slices Spacing
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 0.5
    • Range: [0, 10]
    • Description: DICOM Spacing Between Slices Attribute: Spacing between slices. The spacing is measured from the center-to-center of each slice

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor SV Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor SV Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Scalar Volume Texture
    • Type: Volume Texture
    • Default Value: T_SV_Volume
    • Description: Scalar Volume, Hounsfield Units encoded Volume Texture

4.1.2. SV User Widget


Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Scalar Volume User Widget" or SV User Widget (Blueprint Class: WBP_SV).

User Widget Blueprint WBP_SV
Fig. User Widget Blueprint WBP_SV

Widget Input:

  • Import... (Dialog)
  • Open... (Dialog)
  • Save
  • Save As... (Dialog)

Level Blueprint, Create SV User Widget
Fig. Level Blueprint, Create SV User Widget

Create Parameter:

  • Scalar Volume Actor:
    • Type: Scalar Volume Actor BP_SV instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign an SV Actor Instance to manage

4.1.3. SV User Widget Actor


Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Scalar Volume User Widget Actor" or SV User Widget Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_SV_UI). The Actor holds a User Widget Component with an SV User Widget assigned (see figure

Blueprint Actor BP_SV_UI in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_SV_UI – Viewport

The Actor may be added to the world by spawning an instance in a Blueprint, e.g., Level Blueprint (see figure or by picking from the "Place Actors" Tab (see figure

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor SV User Widget Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor SV User Widget Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Scalar Volume Actor:
    • Type: Scalar Volume Actor BP_SV instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign an SV Actor Instance to manage

Blueprint Actor BP_SV_UI in Place Actors Tab
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_SV_UI – Place Actors Tab

Blueprint Actor BP_SV_UI Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_SV_UI – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Scalar Volume Actor:
    • Type: Scalar Volume Actor BP_SV instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign an SV Actor Instance to manage

4.2. Values Of Interest VOI

4.2.1. VOI Actor

CT image data is expected to come in Hounsfield Units HU in a range of [-1024, 3071] (cf. section Import) representing 4096 gray levels for different materials where air is defined as -1000 HU and water as 0 HU. Consumer computer screens can only display 256 gray levels, represented by a value range of [0, 255]. Therefore the 4096 Hounsfield Units are mapped to 256 screen gray scale levels. In plugin "Volume Creator" the mapping is done by linear interpolation (Lerp).

If the whole range of 4096 Hounsfield Units is mapped to 256 gray levels, the contrast becomes quite bad. Therefore, the so called Values Of Interest VOI aka 'DICOM Window' was introduced to downsize the range of Hounsfield Units to map. The window is defined by its center and width.

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Values Of Interest Actor" or VOI Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_VOI). The VOI Actor is an empty Actor and has no mesh. It consumes the Hounsfield Units encoded Volume Texture from an SV Actor and applies a DICOM Window.

Blueprint Actor BP_VOI Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_VOI – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Scalar Volume Actor
    • Type: Scalar Volume Actor BP_SV instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, Hounsfield Units data source
  • Window Border Left
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: -1024.0
    • Range: [-1024.0, 3071.0]
    • Description: Window Left (lower) Border in Hounsfield Units; which is calculated (not editable in the Details Panel)
  • Window Border Right
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 3071.0
    • Range: [-1024.0, 3071.0]
    • Description: Window Right (upper) Border in Hounsfield Units; which is calculated (not editable in the Details Panel)
  • Window Center
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 1023.5
    • Range: [-1024.0, 3071.0]
    • Description: Window Center in Hounsfield Units (aka level or brightness)
  • Window Width
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 4096.0
    • Range: [1.0, 4096.0]
    • Description: Window Width in Hounsfield Units (aka range or contrast)
  • Window Mask
    • Type: Boolean
    • Default Value: true
    • Description: With calculating the "Texture Render Target VOI Volume", values between the window left and right border are linear interpolated (lerped) in a range of [0, 255] by default. Values equal and lesser than the window left border are mapped to 0, values equal and greater than the window right border are mapped to 255. To render the lerped values only, a window mask is applied if parameter 'Window Mask' is set to true.

If a parameter from above is changed in a VOI Actor instance from the Editor Details Panel, the "Texture Render Target VOI Volume" is not automatically recalculated. Clicking button Compute RT Voi Volume will trigger this (see figure

The VOI range can also be set by clicking one of the VOI range buttons (see figure The window center and width are calculated from the specified left and right border values (see table Here the "Texture Render Target VOI Volume" is automatically recalculated.

Table VOI Ranges

Name Left Right Center Width
Default -1024.0 3071.0 1023.5 4096.0
Air -1000.0 -1000.0 -1000.0 1.0
Lung -600.0 -400.0 -500.0 201.0
Fat -100.0 -60.0 -80.0 41.0
Simple Fluid -10.0 20.0 5.0 31.0
Water 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Soft Tissue 30.0 45.0 37.5 16.0
Mediastinum 50.0 500.0 275.0 451.0
Acute Blood 60.0 90.0 75.0 31.0
Iodinated Contrast 100.0 500.0 300.0 401.0
Trabecular Bone 300.0 800.0 550.0 501.0
Cortical Bone 1000.0 3000.0 2000.0 2001.0

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor VOI Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor VOI Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Scalar Volume Actor
    • Type: Scalar Volume Actor BP_SV instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, Hounsfield Units data source

4.2.2. VOI User Widget

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Values Of Interest User Widget" or VOI User Widget (Blueprint Class: WBP_VOI).

User Widget Blueprint WBP_VOI
Fig. User Widget Blueprint WBP_VOI

Screencast of User Widget Blueprint WBP_VOI
Fig. Screencast of User Widget Blueprint WBP_VOI

Widget Input (see figures and

  • Left:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: With moving slider "Left", slider "Right" is static, slider "Center" and "Width" adapt.
  • Right:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: With moving slider "Right", slider "Left" is static, slider "Center" and "Width" adapt.
  • Center:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: With moving slider "Center"
      • Slider "Width" is static, slider "Left" and "Right" adapt
      • If slider "Left" reaches minimum or slider "Right" reaches maximum: Slider "Width" also adapts.
  • Width:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: With moving slider "Width"
      • Slider "Center" is static, slider "Left" and "Right" adapt
      • If slider "Left" reaches minimum or slider "Right" reaches maximum: Slider "Width" can no longer be increased (TODO: Slider "Center" adapts)
  • Presets:
    • Type: Button
    • Description: Set a VOI Range, cf. Table
  • Window Mask:
    • Type: Check Box

Level Blueprint, Create VOI User Widget
Fig. Level Blueprint, Create VOI User Widget

Create Parameter:

  • Values Of Interest Actor:
    • Type: Values Of Interest Actor BP_VOI instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign a VOI Actor Instance to manage

4.2.3. VOI User Widget Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Values Of Interest User Widget Actor" or VOI User Widget Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_VOI_UI). The Actor holds a User Widget Component with a VOI User Widget assigned (see figure

Blueprint Actor BP_VOI_UI in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_VOI_UI – Viewport

The Actor may be added to the world by spawning an instance in a Blueprint, e.g., Level Blueprint (see figure or by picking from the "Place Actors" Tab (see figure

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor VOI User Widget Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor VOI User Widget Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Values Of Interest Actor:
    • Type: Values Of Interest Actor BP_VOI instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign a VOI Actor Instance to manage

Blueprint Actor BP_VOI_UI in Place Actors Tab
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_VOI_UI – Place Actors Tab

Blueprint Actor BP_VOI_UI Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_VOI_UI – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Values Of Interest Actor:
    • Type: Values Of Interest Actor BP_VOI instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign a VOI Actor Instance to manage

4.3. Multiplanar Rendering MPR

4.3.1. MPR Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Multiplanar Rendering Actor" or MPR Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_MPR) to visualise a 3D representation of a scalar volume by Coronal, Sagittal and Axial planes arranged perpendicular to one another.

Blueprint Actor BP_MPR in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_MPR – Viewport

Blueprint Actor BP_MPR Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_MPR – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Values Of Interest Actor:
    • Type: VOI Actor BP_VOI instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, data to which the transfer function LUT is applied
  • LUT Index:
    • Type: Integer
    • Default Value: 0
    • Range: [0, 50]
    • Description: Select Look-Up Table by Index
  • Brightness:
    • Type: Float
    • Default Value: 0.5
    • Range: [0.0, 2.0]
    • Description: Emissive Brightness; Values greater than 1 are allowed as HDR lighting is supported.
  • Planes Location:
    • Type: Vector
    • Default Value: X 0.0, Y 0.0, Z 0.0
    • Ranges: [-50.0, 50.0]
    • Description: Anatomical Planes Location (X: Coronal, Y: Sagittal, Z: Axial)
      Use this Values instead of Component Location Values (Accessed by User Widget, Serialised for Saved Games).
  • Coronal Plane Visibility:
    • Type: bool
    • Default Value: true
    • Description: Use this Value instead of Component Visibility Value (Accessed by User Widget, Serialised for Saved Games).
  • Sagittal Plane Visibility:
    • Type: bool
    • Default Value: true
    • Description: Use this Value instead of Component Visibility Value (Accessed by User Widget, Serialised for Saved Games).
  • Axial Plane Visibility:
    • Type: bool
    • Default Value: true
    • Description: Use this Value instead of Component Visibility Value (Accessed by User Widget, Serialised for Saved Games).

Table Look-Up Tables LUT

Index Name Colors Index Name Colors Index Name Colors
0 dGEMRIC3T CartilegeMRIdGEMRIC3T.png 17 DiscreteOcean DiscreteOcean.png 34 PETHeat PetPETHeat.png
1 dGEMRIC15T CartilegeMRIdGEMRIC15T.png 18 DiscreteRainbow DiscreteRainbow.png 35 PETMIP PetPETMIP.png
2 DiscreteBlue DiscreteBlue.png 19 DiscreteRandom DiscreteRandomIntegers.png 36 PETRainbow PetPETRainbow.png
3 DiscreteCool1 DiscreteCool1.png 20 DiscreteRandomIntegers DiscreteRandom.png 37 ShadeCoolShade1 ShadeCoolShade1.png
4 DiscreteCool2 DiscreteCool2.png 21 DiscreteRed DiscreteRed.png 38 ShadeCoolShade2 ShadeCoolShade2.png
5 DiscreteCool3 DiscreteCool3.png 22 DiscreteReverseRainbow DiscreteReverseRainbow.png 39 ShadeCoolShade3 ShadeCoolShade3.png
6 DiscreteCyan DiscreteCyan.png 23 DiscreteWarm1 DiscreteWarm1.png 40 ShadeWarmShade1 ShadeWarmShade1.png
7 DiscreteDesert DiscreteDesert.png 24 DiscreteWarm2 DiscreteWarm2.png 41 ShadeWarmShade2 ShadeWarmShade2.png
8 DiscretefMRI DiscretefMRIPA.png 25 DiscreteWarm3 DiscreteWarm3.png 42 ShadeWarmShade3 ShadeWarmShade3.png
9 DiscretefMRIPA DiscretefMRI.png 26 DiscreteYellow DiscreteYellow.png 43 TintCoolTint1 TintCoolTint1.png
10 DiscreteFullRainbow DiscreteFullRainbow.png 27 BlueRed FreeSurferBlueRed.png 44 TintCoolTint2 TintCoolTint2.png
11 DiscreteGreen DiscreteGreen.png 28 GreenRed FreeSurferGreenRed.png 45 TintCoolTint3 TintCoolTint3.png
12 DiscreteGrey DiscreteGrey.png 29 Heat FreeSurferHeat.png 46 TintWarmTint1 TintWarmTint1.png
13 DiscreteInvertedGrey DiscreteInvertedGrey.png 30 RedBlue FreeSurferRedBlue.png 47 TintWarmTint2 TintWarmTint2.png
14 DiscreteIron DiscreteIron.png 31 RedGreen FreeSurferRedGreen.png 48 TintWarmTint3 TintWarmTint3.png
15 Discretelabels Discretelabels.png 32 LabelsNonSemantic LabelsNonSemantic.png
16 DiscreteMagenta DiscreteMagenta.png 33 LabelsPelvis LabelsPelvis.png

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor MPR Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor MPR Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Values Of Interest Actor:
    • Type: Values Of Interest Actor BP_VOI instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, data to which the transfer function LUT is applied

4.3.2. MPR User Widget

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Multiplanar Rendering User Widget" or MPR User Widget (Blueprint Class: WBP_MPR) to visualise a 2D representation of the anatomical coronal, sagittal and axial planes which are consumed from an MPR Actor instance and arranged side by side. The perpendicular planes intersections are drawn as color coded orientation lines.

User Widget Blueprint WBP_MPR
Fig. User Widget Blueprint WBP_MPR

Screencast of User Widget Blueprint WBP_MPR
Fig. Screencast of User Widget Blueprint WBP_MPR

Widget Input (see figures and

  • LUT:
    • Type: Select
    • Description: Select a Look-up Table to colorise the content, cf. Table
  • Brightness:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: Emissive Brightness; Values greater than 1 are allowed as HDR lighting is supported.
  • Coronal:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: Coronal Plane Posterior/Anterior P–A Location, color code red; With moving the slider the plane changes its P–A position and content resp., the orientation lines location in the "Sagittal" and "Axial" view is updated.
    • Type: Check Box
    • Description: Orientation line visibility; With a check box checked the corresponding color coded orientation line is visible.
  • Sagittal:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: Sagittal Plane Left/Right L–R Location, color code green; With moving the slider the plane changes its L–R position and content resp., the orientation lines location in the "Coronal" and "Axial" view is updated.
    • Type: Check Box
    • Description: Orientation line visibility; With a check box checked the corresponding color coded orientation line is visible.
  • Axial:
    • Type: Slider
    • Description: Axial Plane Inferior/Superior I–S Location, color code blue; With moving the slider the plane changes its I–S position and content resp., the orientation lines location in the "Coronal" and "Sagittal" view is updated.
    • Type: Check Box
    • Description: Orientation line visibility; With a check box checked the corresponding color coded orientation line is visible.

With changing MPR User Widget parameters, the attached MPR Actor instance planes are also updated.

Level Blueprint, Create MPR User Widget
Fig. Level Blueprint, Create MPR User Widget

Create Parameter:

  • Multiplanar Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Multiplanar Rendering Actor BP_MPR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign an MPR Actor Instance to manage

4.3.3. MPR User Widget Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Multiplanar Rendering User Widget Actor" or MPR User Widget Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_MPR_UI). The Actor holds a User Widget Component with an MPR User Widget assigned (see figure

Blueprint Actor BP_MPR_UI in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_MPR_UI – Viewport

The Actor may be added to the world by spawning an instance in a Blueprint, e.g., Level Blueprint (see figure or by picking from the "Place Actors" Tab (see figure

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor MPR User Widget Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor MPR User Widget Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Multiplanar Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Multiplanar Rendering Actor BP_MPR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign an MPR Actor Instance to manage

Blueprint Actor BP_MPR_UI in Place Actors Tab
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_MPR_UI – Place Actors Tab

Blueprint Actor BP_MPR_UI Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_MPR_UI – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Multiplanar Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Multiplanar Rendering Actor BP_MPR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign an MPR Actor Instance to manage

4.4. Direct Volume Rendering DVR

4.4.1. DVR Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Direct Volume Rendering Actor" or DVR Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_DVR) to visualise a 3D representation of a scalar volume. The DVR Actor extent is shown with a bounding box.

Blueprint Actor BP_DVR in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_DVR – Viewport

Blueprint Actor BP_DVR Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_DVR – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Data:
    • Values Of Interest Actor:
      • Type: Values Of Interest Actor BP_VOI instance as Object Reference
      • Default Value: none
      • Description: Mandatory, data to which the transfer function Curve is applied
  • Clipping:
    • Clipping Cube Actor:
      • Type: Clipping Cube Actor BP_ClippingCube instance as Object Reference
      • Default Value: none
      • Description: Optional, used for geometry subtraction if set
    • Clipping Plane Actor:
      • Type: Clipping Plane Actor BP_ClippingPlane instance as Object Reference
      • Default Value: none
      • Description: Optional, used for geometry subtraction if set
  • DVR:
    • Distance Power
      • Type: Float
      • Default Value: 1.0
      • Range: [0.1, 2.0]
      • Description: Resampling Distance Power – The shader algorithm calculates the current distance of the image slices with respect to the angle of entry of the resampling ray. With a value of 1.0 (default) the calculated resampling distance is used. This parameter may be seen as an optimisation method (cf. [Luecke 2005], "Fragmented Line Ray-Casting").
        • With values smaller than 1.0 the resampling distance lowers, a so-called oversampling aka supersampling occurs, which may increase visualisation quality (cf. [Meissner et al.], p. 19).
        • With values larger than 1.0 the resampling distance grows, a so-called undersampling occurs, which may accelerate rendering.
    • Resampling Steps:
      • Type: Integer
      • Default Value: 256
      • Range: [1, 1024]
      • Description: Maximum Number of Resampling Steps:
        • A large number means more steps. The resampling ray may advance deeper into the cube. The hereby resulting rendering may increase visualisation quality by the cost of more computing time.
        • A small number may decrease rendering quality but is faster.
    • Transfer Function:
      • Type: Curve Linear Color
      • Default Value: Curve_Default_Color
      • Description: The transfer functions are based on color gradients from Curve Linear Color assets.
    • Alpha Threshold:
      • Type: Float
      • Default Value: 0.8
      • Range: [0.0, 1.0]
      • Description: Maximum Opacity Threshold for Early Ray Termination from iteratively added up Alpha Channel
  • Lighting:
    • Light Source:
      • Type: Array of BP_LightSource Object References
      • Default Value: none
      • Optional, used for static lighting if set
    • Ambient:
      • Type: Float
      • Default Value: 0.1
      • Range: [0.0, 1.0]
      • Description: Phong Shading Parameter
    • Diffuse:
      • Type: Float
      • Default Value: 0.9
      • Range: [0.0, 1.0]
      • Description: Phong Shading Parameter
    • Specular:
      • Type: Float
      • Default Value: 0.2
      • Range: [0.0, 1.0]
      • Description: Phong Shading Parameter
    • Specular Power:
      • Type: Integer
      • Default Value: 10
      • Range: [1, 50]
      • Description: Phong Shading Parameter

TODO: Color Curves Images

Table Color Curves

Index Name Colors Index Name Colors Index Name Colors
0 Default Curve_Default_Color 9 CT-Chest-Vessels Curve_CT-Chest-Vessels_Color 19 CT-Pulmonary-Arteries Curve_CT-Pulmonary-Arteries_Color
1 CT-AAA Curve_CT-AAA_Color 10 CT-Coronary-Arteries Curve_CT-Coronary-Arteries_Color 20 CT-Soft-Tissue Curve_CT-Soft-Tissue_Color
2 CT-AAA2 Curve_CT-AAA2_Color 11 CT-Coronary-Arteries2 Curve_CT-Coronary-Arteries2_Color 21 CT-Air Curve_CT-Air_Color
3 CT-Bone Curve_CT-Bone_Color 12 CT-Coronary-Arteries3 Curve_CT-Coronary-Arteries3_Color 22 CT-XRay Curve_CT-XRay_Color
4 CT-Bones Curve_CT-Bones_Color 13 CT-Cropped-Volume-Bone Curve_CT-Cropped-Volume-Bone_Color 23 MR-Default Curve_MR-Default_Color
5 CT-Cardiac Curve_CT-Cardiac_Color 14 CT-Fat Curve_CT-Fat_Color 24 MR-Angio Curve_MR-Angio_Color
6 CT-Cardiac2 Curve_CT-Cardiac2_Color 15 CT-Liver-Vasculature Curve_CT-Liver-Vasculature_Color 25 MR-T2-Brain Curve_MR-T2-Brain_Color
7 CT-Cardiac3 Curve_CT-Cardiac3_Color 16 CT-Lung Curve_CT-Lung_Color 26 MR-MIP Curve_MR-MIP_Color
8 CT-Chest-Contrast-Enhanced Curve_CT-Chest-Contrast-Enhanced_Color 17 CT-MIP Curve_CT-MIP_Color 27 US-Fetal Curve_US-Fetal_Color
9 CT-Chest-Vessels Curve_CT-Chest-Vessels_Color 18 CT-Muscle Curve_CT-Muscle_Color

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor DVR Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor DVR Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Values Of Interest Actor:
    • Type: Values Of Interest Actor BP_VOI instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, data to which the transfer function Curve is applied

4.4.2. DVR User Widget

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Direct Volume Rendering User Widget" or DVR User Widget (Blueprint Class: WBP_DVR).

User Widget Blueprint WBP_DVR
Fig. User Widget Blueprint WBP_DVR

Widget Input:

  • DVR:
    • Transfer Function (Select)
    • Distance Power (Slider)
    • Resampling Steps (Slider)
    • Alpha Threshold (Slider)
  • Lighting:
    • Ambient (Slider)
    • Diffuse (Slider)
    • Specular (Slider)
    • Specular Power (Slider)

Level Blueprint, Create DVR User Widget
Fig. Level Blueprint, Create DVR User Widget

Create Parameter:

  • Direct Volume Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Direct Volume Rendering Actor BP_DVR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign a DVR Actor Instance to manage

4.4.3. DVR User Widget Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Direct Volume Rendering User Widget Actor" or DVR User Widget Actor (Blueprint Class: BP_DVR_UI). The Actor holds a User Widget Component with a DVR User Widget assigned (see figure

Blueprint Actor BP_DVR_UI in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_DVR_UI – Viewport

The Actor may be added to the world by spawning an instance in a Blueprint, e.g., Level Blueprint (see figure or by picking from the "Place Actors" Tab (see figure

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor DVR User Widget Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor DVR User Widget Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Direct Volume Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Direct Volume Rendering Actor BP_DVR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign a DVR Actor Instance to manage

Blueprint Actor BP_DVR_UI in Place Actors Tab
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_DVR_UI – Place Actors Tab

Blueprint Actor BP_DVR_UI Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_DVR_UI – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Direct Volume Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Direct Volume Rendering Actor BP_DVR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, assign a DVR Actor Instance to manage

4.4.4. Clipping Clipping Cube Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Clipping Cube Actor" (Blueprint Class: BP_ClippingCube), with which a volume rendering actor can be cropped in real-time. A Clipping Cube Actor instance can be assigned as to a DVR Actor instance by specifying it there as a parameter. In the Unreal Editor Outline Hierarchy a Clipping Cube Actor is ideally subordinated directly to the corresponding DVR Actor for adaptive scaling.

Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingCube in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingCube – Viewport

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator':

  • none

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Clipping Cube Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Clipping Cube Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • none Clipping Cube Handles Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Clipping Cube Handles Actor" (Blueprint Class: BP_ClippingCubeHandles), with which a Clipping Cube Actor can be modified interactively in real-time.

Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingCubeHandles
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingCubeHandles – Viewport

Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingCubeHandles – Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingCubeHandles – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Clipping Cube:
    • Type: Array of Clipping Cube Actor BP_ClippingCube instances as Object References
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, Clipping Cube Actor(s) to manage

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Clipping Cube Handles Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Clipping Cube Handles Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Clipping Cube:
    • Type: Array of Clipping Cube Actor BP_ClippingCube instances as Object References
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, Clipping Cube Actor(s) to manage Clipping Plane Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Clipping Plane Actor" (Blueprint Class: BP_ClippingPlane), with which a volume rendering actor can be cropped in real-time.

Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingPlane in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_ClippingPlane – Viewport

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator':

  • none

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Clipping Plane Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Clipping Plane Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • none

4.4.5. Light Source Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with a "Light Source Actor" (Blueprint Class: BP_LightSource), which can optionally be attached to a DVR Actor and act as a lighting source to illuminate the volume rendering.

Blueprint Actor BP_LightSource in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_LightSource – Viewport

The "Light Source Actor"s SpotLightComponent is simulating an operating room LED light source. By default its parameters are set as follows (see figure

Blueprint Actor BP_LightSource Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_LightSource – Details Panel

Parameter (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Category 'Transform':
    • Mobility: Movable
  • Category 'Light':
    • Use Temperature: true
    • Temperature: 5000.0
      • Description: To provide a good color rendering index CRI-R9 for red tones in surgical procedures (cf. [WaveformLighting]), parameter "Temperature" in Kelvin [K] is used (Use Temperature: true) to achieve an adjustable warm or cold white. "Warmer colors (yellows and reds) appear at lower temperatures, while cooler colors (white and blue) appear at temperatures above 5,000 Kelvin." (cf. [USAMedicalSurgical]). Therefore initially a temperature of 5,000.0 K is set (see also [VivoSurgical]). It is up to the game developer to adjust the value accordingly.
    • Intensity Units: Candelas
    • Intensity: 100000.0 cd
      • Description: We like to achieve a depth of illumination with a full spot of 100,000 lux at a distance of 1m (cf. [USAMedicalSurgical]). [UEDoc, Physical Lighting Units] mentiones that "Candela (cd) is a measure of luminous intensity emitted uniformly across a solid angle of one steradian (sr). For example, a light set to 1000 cd would measure 1000 lux at one meter." Therefore parameter "Intensity" is set to 100,000.0 cd (Intensity Units: Candelas). Also "Note that when the intensity of a light is defined in Candelas, it is unaffected by its cone angle" (ibid.).
    • Attenuation Radius: 120.0
      • Description: To bound the visible influence of the light and save rendering resources, we set parameter "Attenuation Radius" to a value slightly above 1m or 100.0 UE resp., i.e. 120.0 ("Light Attenuation Radius can have a serious impact on performance, so use larger radius values sparingly", cf. [UEDoc, Lighting Basics]).
  • Category 'Volume Creator':
    • none

The "Light Source Actor" implements Blueprint interface BPI_LightSource. A DVR Actor consumes values of a "Light Source Actor" by calling these interface functions:

  • GetWorldLocation (returns: Vector)
  • GetWorldRotation (returns: Rotator)
  • GetIntensity (returns: Float)
  • GetColor (returns: Linear Color Structure, from Temperature if used or LightColor otherwise)

Notes: By default, the "Light Source Actor"s spot light component is set to affect the world (Affects World: true) and also casts ray tracing shadows, reflections and global illumination. It is up to the game developer to manage these parameters. The same applies to source radius and length which define specular highlights on surfaces.

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Light Source Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Light Source Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • none

4.4.6. Orientation Guide Actor

Plugin "Volume Creator" provides with an "Orientation Guide Actor" (Blueprint Class: BP_OrientationGuide), which can be attached to a volume rendering actor and serves as rotation synchronised orientation guide.

Blueprint Actor BP_OrientationGuide in Viewport
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_OrientationGuide – Viewport

Blueprint Actor BP_OrientationGuide Details Panel
Fig. Blueprint Actor BP_OrientationGuide – Details Panel

Parameter, Category 'Volume Creator' (see figure 'Details Panel'):

  • Volume Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Direct Volume Rendering Actor BP_DVR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, DVR Actor Instance to synchronise rotation from

Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Orientation Guide Actor
Fig. Level Blueprint, SpawnActor Orientation Guide Actor

Spawn Parameter from Category 'Volume Creator':

  • Volume Rendering Actor:
    • Type: Direct Volume Rendering Actor BP_DVR instance as Object Reference
    • Default Value: none
    • Description: Mandatory, DVR Actor Instance to synchronise rotation from


Abbreviations and Acronyms

  • A — Anterior
  • A–R–S — Anterior–Right–Superior
  • AXE — Axial
  • BB — Bounding Box
  • COR — Coronal
  • CRI — Color Rendering Index
  • CS — Compute Shader
  • CT — Computed Tomography (X-ray)
  • DICOM — Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
  • DVR — Direct Volume Rendering
  • fps — Frames per Second
  • FPV — First Person View
  • HU — Hounsfield Units
  • I — Inferior
  • IES — Illuminating Engineering Society, Lighting Profile File Extension
  • L — Left
  • LED — Light-emitting Diode
  • LhS — Left-handed System
  • L–A–S — Left–Anterior–Superior
  • L–P–S — Left–Posterior–Superior
  • LUT — Look-Up Table
  • MinIP — Minimum Intensity Projection
  • MIP — Maximum Intensity Projection
  • MPR — Multiplanar Rendering or Reconstruction resp.
  • MR — Magnetic Resonance
  • P — Posterior
  • PE — Positron Emission
  • PIE — Play in Editor
  • PS — Pixel Shader
  • R — Right
  • R–A–S — Right–Anterior–Superior
  • RhS — Right-handed System
  • RT — Render Target Texture
  • S — Superior
  • SAG — Sagittal
  • SV — Scalar Volume
  • TCS — Test Color Samples
  • TF — Transfer Function
  • UE — Unreal Engine
  • UI — User Interface
  • US — Ultrasound Imaging (sonography)
  • VOI — Values of Interest


Terms of Location and Coordinate Systems

Patient Coordinate System: Anatomical planes and terms of location on a person standing upright (cf. [mbbs]):

  • Coronal Plane: Frontal plane, separates in Posterior (P) towards back and Anterior (A) towards front.
  • Sagittal Plane: The median plane is a longitudinal plane, which separates the body into its Left (L) and Right (R) halves. A sagittal plane is any plane perpendicular to the median plane.
  • Axial Plane: Horizontal plane, separates in Inferior (I) towards feet and Superior (S) towards head.
DICOM Images

DICOM images are using a Left–Posterior–Superior L–P–S system (cf. [Sharma 2022] and [Adaloglouon 2020], Anatomical coordinate system). DICOM images are stored as a matrix of pixels with index coordinates in rows i, columns j, and slices k using a Right-handed System RhS (cf. [Adaloglouon 2020, Medical Image coordinate system (Voxel space)]):

  • The image stack Origin is located in the first slice, first column, first row
  • i: Image width in columns, increases to anatomical Left L
  • j: Image height in rows, increases to anatomical Posterior P
  • k: Image stack depth in slices, increases anatomical Superior S
Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is using a Left-handed System LhS based First Person View FPV (cf. [Mower, Coordinate System]) with terms of location 'Back', 'Front', 'Left', 'Right', 'Bottom' and 'Top'. In plugin "Volume Creator"—with the use of UE's LhS and terms of location— the anatomical coordinate system results in an Anterior–Right–Superior A–R–S system (see figure G.1.):

Orientation Guide Actor with UE Left handed Location-Gizmo Arrows
Fig. G.1.: Orientation Guide Actor with UE Left handed Location-Gizmo Arrows

  • X: Increases from Back to Front, color code Red; anatomical from Posterior P to Anterior A
  • Y: Increases from Left to Right, color code Green; anatomical from Left L to Right R
  • Z: Increases upwards from Bottom to Top, color code Blue; anatomical from Inferior I to Superior S

Anatomical Planes and Terms of Location in plugin "Volume Creator" (see figure G.2.):

Clipping Cube Handles Actor with UE Left handed Location-Gizmo Arrows
Fig. G.2.: Clipping Cube Handles Actor with UE Left handed Location-Gizmo Arrows

  • Coronal COR: Frontal YZ-Plane (green/blue arrows) with Up-Vector X+ (red arrow) from Posterior P to Anterior A
  • Sagittal SAG: Longitudinal XZ-Plane (red/blue arrows) with Up-Vector Y+ (green arrow) from Left L to Right R
  • Axial AXE: Horizontal XY-Plane (red/green arrows) with Up-Vector Z+ (blue arrow) from Inferior I to Superior S

Asset Naming Convention

The plugins assets naming convention is based on a scheme from [UEDoc, Recommended Asset Naming Conventions] (see also [Allar 2022] and [Amos 2021]):


  • AssetTypePrefix identifies the type of Asset [...].
  • AssetName is the Asset's name.
  • DescriptorSuffix provides additional context for the Asset, to help identify how it is used. For example, whether a texture is a normal map or an opacity map.
  • OptionalVariantLetterOrNumber is optionally used to differentiate between multiple versions or variations of an asset.
  • [AssetTypePrefix]:
    • Blueprint: BP
    • Blueprint Interface: BPI
    • Curve: Curve
    • Data Asset: DA
    • Enum(eration): E
    • Material: M
    • Material Instance: MI
    • Material Instance Dynamic: MID
    • Struct(ure): F
    • Static Mesh: SM
    • Texture: T
    • Texture Render Target: RT
    • Widget Blueprint: WBP
  • [AssetName] (Domain Specific):
    • Bounding Box: BB
    • Data Type:
      • Scalar Volume: SV
      • Values Of Interest: VOI
      • Transfer Function: TF
      • Look-Up Table: LUT
    • Acquisition Type:
      • Computer Tomography: CT
      • Magnetic Resonance: MR
      • Ultrasound: US
    • Rendering Type:
      • Multiplanar Rendering: MPR
        • Plane: COR, SAG, AXE
        • Location: P, A, L, R, I, S
      • Direct Volume Rendering: DVR
  • [DescriptorSuffix]:
    • Texture Array: Array
    • Curve Linear Color: Color
    • Color Atlas: ColorAtlas
    • Main Material: Main
    • User Widget Actor: UI
    • Volume Texture: Volume

A. References

A.1. Medical Imaging

A.2. Unreal Engine

B. Readings

C. Attribution

  • The word mark Unreal and its logo are Epic Games, Inc. trademarks or registered trademarks in the US and elsewhere (cf. Branding Guidelines and Trademark Usage, Online:
  • The word mark DICOM—Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine and its logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), managed by the Medical Imaging Technology Association (MITA), a division of NEMA
  • The word mark MetaImage is a trademark or registered trademark of Kitware, Inc.

D. Disclaimer

This documentation has not been reviewed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration FDA or by any other agency. It is the users responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations—be it in the US or elsewhere.

E. Citation

Software: To acknowledge "Unreal® Engine Plugin: Volume Creator" software, please cite

Bruggmann, Roland (2023). Unreal® Engine Plugin: Volume Creator, Version [v#.#.#], UE [4.## or 5.#]. Unreal® Marketplace. URL: Copyright 2023 Roland Bruggmann aka brugr9. All Rights Reserved.

Documentation: To acknowledge this documentation—be it, e.g., the Readme or the Changelog—please cite

Bruggmann, Roland (2023). Volume Creator: Unreal® Engine Plugin for Medical Data Rendering — Documentation, [Readme, Changelog]. GitHub; accessed [Year Month Day]. URL: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

"Volume Creator: Unreal® Engine Plugin for Medical Data Rendering — Documentation". URL: © 2023 by Roland Bruggmann, Documentation licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.