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Welcome to the onboarding material for Blockmason Link! We hope Link will be a useful developer tool to help you build your applications. Link is the first managed, decentralized, functions-as-a-service (FaaS) platform, pushing the envelope of interoperability by creating conventional web APIs for developers interacting with networks such as programmable blockchains.

Signing Up

Sign up for your Link account at with your email address. You will then have to open your email and confirm your address.

After clicking on the confirmation link, create your account's passphrase and set your organization namespace. This is your Link organization.

Set Organization Name

You will then be on the Link Homepage consisting of an IDE with a Demo smart contract code.

Link Homepage IDE

Getting Started

Welcome to the Link Homepage! A few things to note here:

  • The smart contract code that you see in the IDE is automatically deployed to the Link private blockchain in near real-time. When you make any changes to the code, a new deployment is automatically done.

  • You can toggle between the code and the Link generated APIs screens: Link Homepage API. When you modify your code, your APIs will automatically update!

  • Click on the Settings gear icon next to the API toggle and at the bottom of the IDE/API window, you will see a Client ID and Client Secret. These are the credentials you will use to authenticate with Link to access the API endpoint. These credentials stay the same for each project.

  • Currently, only the Solidity smart contract programming language is supported, which is most notably used on the Ethereum blockchain.

Try it! Here is a simple smart contract code (from Ownership.sol) for assigning ownership of an asset. Delete the Demo contract code and copy and paste the following code into the Link IDE and see what API endpoints are generated (note: it may take a few seconds for the change to persist):

pragma solidity ^0.5.8;

contract Ownership {
    mapping(string => address) public ownerOf;
    address public authority;
    constructor() public {
        authority = msg.sender;
    function setOwner(string memory asset, address owner) public {
        ownerOf[asset] = owner;

Your generated API endpoints should look something like the following.

Link Ownership APIs

So using the Link private blockchain, this is all you need to do to deploy your contract and generate your APIs. Simply copy/paste your smart contract code and the APIs will appear!

Now, how do you actually use these API endpoints?

Link SDKs

To make it easy to use Link, we have developed several easy-to-use SDKs in a variety of popular programming languages so you can focus on building your apps using your preferred language.

With all our SDKs, generally all you need is the Client ID and Client Secret for authentication.

The following link is to a simple example using the JavaScript SDK and our Ownership smart contract code from the previous section. Note this example uses the JavaScript SDK from a Node.js environment which requires the use of node-fetch:

First, POST /setOwner is called to set the owner of an asset and then GET /getOwner is called to retrive the owner address, with the request parameters and response object based on the Link API documentation. If I run the ownership-link-sdk-demo.js script using Node from my Terminal, for example, I get:

Ownership Script Example

Note: we do NOT need to use a complex library such as web3.js in our JavaScript file as Link abstracts away the blockchain interactions and complexity 'under-the-hood'. We are simply making an API call as we would with any 3rd party service.

Using Public or Private external blockchains

Link supports all Ethereum-compatible blockchains which have accessible JSON-RPC Endpoints.

Currently support documentation is provided for the following external blockchains:

The process for connecting and interacting with an external blockchains using Link is a bit more involved but relatively straightforward using the Link Project Wizard. In general, the process flow looks something like this (the deployment process for the Link internal private blockchain is greyed out):

Link external blockchain setup flow

  1. Create your smart contract in Link
  2. Label your external blockchain
  3. Setup your network connector by identifying the network's accessible JSON-RPC API endpoint.
  4. Deploy your smart contract onto the external blockchain
  5. Label your generated APIs
  6. Label your API Consumer (e.g. the name of your app using the APIs)
  7. Obtain your OAuth API authentication (automatically generated)

Deploying on Ethereum

Documentation on using Link to deploy to Ethereum public blockchains

Deploying on GoChain

Documentation on using Link to deploy to GoChain public blockchains

Deploying on RSK

Documentation on using Link to deploy to RSK public blockchains

Deploying on ThunderCore

Documentation on using Link to deploy to ThunderCore public blockchains

Deploying on Microsoft Azure Blockchain Service

Documentation on using Link to deploy to Azure Ethereum private blockchains


Onboarding material for Link users






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