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WikiProjectsCyborg clinic

  • Tagline: De-stress without "disconnecting" by practicing "techno-physical therapy" to more healthily integrate your physical and digital lives.
  • Short description: You know that feeling like, "I really need to look at my phone right now"? That's actually not a total fluke, but the result of carefully designed programs structured to give you impulsive anxiety. Stop yourself from phone-scrolling into the apocalypse! Come discuss your anxieties—however vague they may feel—around the technology in your life. Learn how to incorporate everyday tech into your life such that it makes for a healthier way of living and genuinely connecting with the people and things you love.
  • Description: In a way, we are all cyborgs now. Whether we're just using email to correspond with penpals or constantly have our smartphones only a swipe away, we're interfacing with technology in ways no generation has done before. Many of these interfaces are unfamiliar, changing frequently, and are purposefully built for business goals that don't always have our best interests at heart. Moreover, we face increasing pressure from friends, bosses, and institutions to adopt electronic systems such as apps and online service accounts or other tools that constantly demand our attention by buzzing and ringing at us all day, and sometimes even at night. Join us at Cyborg clinic to learn and practice how we can live better by reducing stress, distraction, interruption, and other obstacles to a well-balanced physical and digital life.

Victorian lady attempts to use a laptop.

Victorian boy attempts to use a smart-tablet.


Tips/advice/things that came up

  • "Infinate scrolling into the apocalypse"
  • Facebook:
    • Unfollow people because then you can go to their wall
    • "I want to know if this specific person Liked my thing; I'm obsessed with tracking whether particular people interacted with me" -> Check their activity feed, not your own notifications for their actions -> Gets you out of your own filter bubble
      • Where is the activity feed?
    • Use the "Restricted" friend list to make sure certain people can only get the Public info
  • The principle here is that YOU are initiating things, you are actively seeking out information, things are not coming towards you, asking you to interact with them.
  • On home screen: move things over one or more screens and only keep "tool apps" or "in-and-out apps," apps that you can complete a task in one minute or less and then leave the app, remaining on the home screen.
  • Use the "Search" feature instead of swiping to an app icon, again, to be the initiator without being distracted by glossy app icons with notification badges.