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Frontend static site for Auxano Advisors

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Auxano Advisors

A frontend static site made with Next.js.


After cloning this repo, go into the new folder and run:

npm install

Build Environments


Development includes hot reloading and does not minimize built CSS. CSS Module class names are expanded (yet still unique) allowing for easier debugging.

npm run start


Essentially the same as production but allows CSS Modules class names to still be viewed, as in develop.

npm run stage
npm run serve


The final version of the site for deployment, bundled and minified.

npm run build
npm run serve


Branching strategy

  • master branch should be kept pristine, and only validated commits should be merge into this branch. This branch will autodeploy to production once changed!
  • develop branch will be used to merge in all of the feature branches, and will be considered the latest working state of the project before merging into the master branch


  • Deployment is mainly managed by Netlify
  • All pushes to master will autodeploy to production
  • Any pull requests to develop will create a deployment preview that can be viewed via the link in the pull request (after the build pipeline finishes). Note, the build command for a deployment preview is npm run stage


  • The styling uses Sass (or SCSS) and CSS Modules
  • Since CSS Modules are used, the convention for class names is to use camelcase instead of dash-case (myClass instead of my-class). The reason is it's much easier to access the variable name when referencing it in JavaScript (using dot notation vs. bracket notation) (reference)
  • CSS Custom Properties including color, spacing, and typeface are managed in /src/lib/theme.json.
  • Autoprefixer and Normalize.css are included via PostCSS
  • A 12-column layout is included and build with Sass syntax. All that is needed to use, however, is an understanding of the class naming scheme. The column names follow the format: col-xs-12 the first part: col- begins the class name, the second xs- defines the minimum width the class takes effect (xs begins at 0 px and is thus the base class for most components), and the final part 12, a number, defines how many columns the object should span out of twelve.
  • Media Queries are best used via the Sass mixins included in /src/components/styles/utils.scss. For example: @include respond-above(md) {} creates a min-width media query. Also available are @include respond-below(lg) {} for max-width media queries and @include respond-between(md, xl) {} for creating min- and max-width media queries targeting viewports between the breakpoint parameters. Available breakpoint sizes are: xs, sm, md, lg, xl.

Code formatting

Formatting is kept consistent by using Prettier and linted with ESLint. If using Visual Studio Code, install Prettier and ESLint plugins via: code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode; code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint. Furthermore, here are some recommended workspace settings:

	"editor.insertSpaces": true,
	"editor.tabSize": 2,
	"editor.formatOnSave": true,
	"eslint.packageManager": "npm"

Continuous integration

Continuous integration is handled by two sources, Netlify and CircleCI.


Will verify the application builds for production by running npm run build


Will verify a suite of tests located in the configuration (.circleci/config.yml)

  • The following branches will trigger tests when pushed: master, develop, feature/, and fix/
  • ESLint
    • Validates that the code conforms to the ESLint standards set in .eslintrc.js
    • Command: npm run test-eslint
  • PageSpeed
    • Checks the Google PageSpeed API to analyze web performance. The results are stored as an artifact inside the CI test results.
  • Pa11y
    • Validates that the code conforms to accessibility standards. The results are stored as an artifact inside the CI test results.

Admin panel

The admin panel allows users to modify website content via a frontend interface. This is done through Netlify CMS, an open source React application. The admin panel can be viewed at

Note the trailing slash, without it the route will fail.

Custom preview templates

This site uses custom preview templates for each page in the pages collection. The custom preview is a screenshot of the website's page with highlighted sections labeled with their matching input field names. For example, for a page with a hero section with a background image and title, the screenshot will have a highlighted section labeled Hero. The purpose of these screenshots is to help guide a client / non-technical user in editing the website content.

To add guide images:

Generate guide images

The guides are generated using this repository.

To use the guide generator, the admin configuation needs a few additions.

Note: only object and list type items can be labeled

  • Each page needs a path field that is the path to the specific webpage.
  • Add a classname to the HTML element that corresponds to the section to be highlighted. The classname will be dg-<field name>. So for a hero object field, the corresponding classname will be dg-hero and can be placed in the container div of the hero's content.

Then serve up the website, and run the client guide generator to generate the images.

The resulting image guides are placed in the /public/admin/guides folder, where they are accessed by the admin panel.

Register the templates in the admin panel

To add the templates to the admin panel, they are registered in /public/admin/index.html, like this:

const PagePreview = (filename) =>
		render: function () {
			return h(
						style: {
							color: "rgb(122, 130, 145)",
							fontWeight: "bold",
					"Note: The image below is for reference only, it may not represent the latest content from your website."
				h("img", {
					src: `/admin/guides/${filename}.jpg`,
					style: { width: "100%" },
					alt: "Visual documentation guide",

CMS.registerPreviewTemplate("home", PagePreview("home"));


Frontend static site for Auxano Advisors






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