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Walker Bot

Simple ROS-based obstacle avoidance robot.

License: MIT


Walker bot is a turtlebot3-based robot capable of moving in an environment while avoiding obstacles. If the bot encounters an obstacle within a pre-defined distance range it stops moving forward and turns until there is no obstacle in its path.

The ros_walker_bot_node in this package gets the distances of the obstacles by subscribing to the \scan topic that contains the laser scan data of the Turtlebot and publishes linear and angular velocity commands to \cmd_vel topic of the Turtlebot.

Note: The implementation of this package does support Level 1 (with gtest) and Level 2 (with gtest + rostest) unit testing.


  • Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS)
  • ROS Melodic
  • Turtlebot3 ROS Package

Instructions to build and run the code

  • Make sure you have ROS Melodic installed in your computer. If not, refer to site.

  • Create a workspace:

    mkdir -p ~/walkerbot_ws/src
    cd ~/walkerbot_ws/src
  • Clone the repository into the workspace:

    git clone
  • Build the workspace:

    cd ~/walkerbot_ws
    catkin_make or catkin build (preferred)
    source devel/setup.bash

Turtlebot3 installation:

  • This ros_walker_bot package also needs Turtlebot3 ROS package to be there. Follow the instructions to install turtlebot3:

    cd ~/walkerbot_ws/src
    git clone
    git clone
    cd ~/walkerbot_ws/
    catkin_make or catkin build (preferred)
    source devel/setup.bash
  • Set the environment variable for the turtlebot's model:

    echo "export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger" >> ~/.bashrc

Running with the launch file

  • Run using launch file: This will spawn:

    • a ros_walker_bot node: ros_walker_bot_node
    • gazebo world with turtlebot3
    roslaunch ros_walker_bot ros_walker_bot.launch 
    # arguments are:
    # is_record_bag - default=false
    # launch_gazebo - default=true
    # bagfile - default=recorded_topics.bag
  • To enable rosbag recording (by default it is disabled):

    • This will store the rosbag recording in a file home/<username>/.ros/recorded_topics.bag
      roslaunch ros_walker_bot ros_walker_bot.launch is_record_bag:=true
    • Note: rosbag record will not be recording any messages in any of the */camera* topics.

Running without the launch file

  • To launch gazebo and turtlebot3 run the following in a new terminal. This will start rosmaster node too:

    cd ~/walkerbot_ws/
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_house.launch
  • To run the ros_walker_bot_node run the following in a new terminal:

    cd ~/walkerbot_ws/
    source devel/setup.bash
    rosrun ros_walker_bot ros_walker_bot_node

Setting the logger level

  • To set the logger level of ros_walker_bot to info/debug:
    rosservice call /ros_walker_bot/set_logger_level "{logger: 'rosout', level: 'debug'}"

Rosbag record and play

  • To run rosbag recording run the following in a new terminal (assuming the above nodes are running):

    cd ~/walkerbot_ws/
    source devel/setup.bash
    rosbag record -O record_topics.bag -a -x '(.*)/camera(.*)' --duration 30
    # -O record_topics.bag: name of the output bag file
    # -a: to record all topics
    # -x: to exclude certain topics. here, /camera topics will not be recorded
    # --duration 30: record for 30 sec 
  • To verify the recording:

    • Examining the bag file:

      rosbag info <your bagfile>
    • Stop/close the gazebo world and only start the ros_walker_bot_node:

      # in a new terminal run:
      cd ~/walkerbot_ws/
      source devel/setup.bash
      roslaunch ros_walker_bot ros_walker_bot.launch launch_gazebo:=false
    • Replay the bag file in a new terminal:

      rosbag play record_topics.bag
    • You can verify that the ros_walker_bot_node is now subscribing to the recorded messages (/scan topic).

  • Run a sample recorded rosbag file.

    • Download the recorded bagfile from here.
    • Copy and paste the file in ~/walkerbot_ws/src/ros-walker-bot/results/bag folder.
    • In a new terminal start the ros_walker_bot_node to subscribe the /scan topic. This time gazebo will not be launched.
      cd ~/walkerbot_ws/
      source devel/setup.bash
      roslaunch ros_walker_bot ros_walker_bot.launch launch_gazebo:=false
    • In a new terminal replay the bag file. This is a 30 sec recording of many topics including /scan topic.
      cd ~/walkerbot_ws/
      source devel/setup.bash
      roscd ros_walker_bot/results/bag
    • Examining the bag file: Sample output.
      rosbag info record_topics.bag
    • Play the bag file: Sample output.
      rosbag play record_topics.bag

Run cppcheck and cpplint

Run cppcheck: Results are stored in ./results/cppcheck_process.txt, ./results/cppcheck_result.txt

cd ~/walkerbot_ws/src/ros-walker-bot

Run cpplint: Results are stored in ./results/cpplint_result.txt
