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Tiny Vue component, that helps to create Quill v2 based WYSIWYG editors


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Tiny Vue component, that helps to create Quill v2 based WYSIWYG editors in Vue-powered apps. Flexible setup, no styles, ready for further customization.

Default input data format is HTML, but also has Delta support - using Quill API and exposed Quill instance. In short, HTML and Delta inputs works in a same way, you can use one of them or both formats to change editor data model.

It's not a all-in-one solution and requires further Quill configuration. In other hand, you can build your own editor, that matches your needs, with easy. No matter if you want to create full-featured editor with all Quill's modules or small custom solution with extra functionality, you can use this package as a base start point:

  • Run demo, that shows editors, builded upon QuillyEditor component.
  • See editors example.
  • Create editors with Nuxt 3.


  • Builded on top of Quill v2 and Vue 3
  • Uses quill/core to prevent importing all Quill modules
  • Works with both HTML and Quill Delta format
  • Typescript support



<!-- Include Quill 2 -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Import Vue and vue-quilly -->
<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "vue": "",
      "vue-quilly": ""

<!-- Initialize the editor -->
<div id="app">
  <quilly-editor ref="editor" v-model="model" :options="options" />

<script type="module">
  import { createApp, ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
  import { QuillyEditor } from 'vue-quilly'

    setup() {
      const options = {
        theme: 'snow',
        modules: {
          toolbar: true,
        placeholder: 'Compose an epic...',
        readOnly: false
      const editor = ref()
      const model = ref('<p>Hello Quilly!</p>')
      let quill = null
      onMounted(() => {
        quill = editor.value.initialize(Quill)
      return {
    .component('QuillyEditor', QuillyEditor)

Browser setup demo -


npm install quill vue-quilly
# Or
yarn add quill vue-quilly
# Or
pnpm add quill vue-quilly

Import Quill full build if you need all modules or core build with minimum required modules:

import Quill from 'quill' // Full build
import Quill from 'quill/core' // Core build
import { QuillyEditor } from 'vue-quilly'

Add core styles. Also import one of Quill's themes, if you need one:

import 'quill/dist/quill.core.css' // Required
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css' // For snow theme (optional)
import 'quill/dist/quill.bubble.css' // For bubble theme (optional)

Define Quill options:

const options = {
  theme: 'snow', // If you need Quill theme
  modules: {
    toolbar: true,
  placeholder: 'Compose an epic...',
  readOnly: false

Initialize the editor:

const editor = ref<InstanceType<typeof QuillyEditor>>()
const model = ref<string>('<p>Hello Quilly!</p>')
// Quill instance
let quill: Quill | null = null
onMounted(() => {
  quill = editor.value?.initialize(Quill)!
  @update:modelValue="(value) => console.log('HTML model updated:', value)"
  @text-change="({ delta, oldContent, source }) => console.log('text-change', delta, oldContent, source)"
  @selection-change="({ range, oldRange, source }) => console.log('selection-change', range, oldRange, source)"
  @editor-change="(eventName) => console.log('editor-change', `eventName: ${eventName}`)"
  @focus="(quill) => console.log('focus', quill)"
  @blur="(quill) => console.log('blur', quill)"
  @ready="(quill) => console.log('ready', quill)"

⚠️ Use v-model for HTML content type. The received content is equal to Quill's editor element innerHTML property value.

In some cases it will be better to use quill.semanticHTML() to get a clean HTML output:

@update:modelValue="(/* ignore the new value */) => { /* update the model using quill!.getSemanticHTML() */ }"

Also you can set content in Delta format using Quill instance:

  new Delta()
    .insert('\n', { header: 1 })
    .insert('Some ')
    .insert('initial', { bold: true })
    .insert(' ')
    .insert('content', { underline: true })

This is just basic example and shows you how to build your editor. See creating editors with QullyEditor example or run demo.


The component emits text-change, selection-change, editor-change events, similar to Quill events.

All events types:

Event name Params
update:modelValue value: string
text-change { delta: Delta, oldContent: Delta, source: EmitterSource }
selection-change { range: Range, oldRange: Range, source: EmitterSource }
editor-change eventName: string
focus quill: Quill
blur quill: Quill
ready quill: Quill


You must build your editor, based on VueQuilly component first. Then put it inside ClientOnly component if you plan to use SSR:

  <CompleteEditor />

See Nuxt 3 example.



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