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Coding Interview Questions

This Repository is aimed to help professional programmers/students improve problem solving and tackle basic concepts. The contents are based on questions that we have come across during our interview experiences.

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Heap Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy python
Leetcode Problem 23 Merge K Sorted Lists Medium python
Leetcode Problem 295 Find Median from Data Stream Hard python
Leetcode Problem 692 Top K Frequent Words Medium python
Leetcode Problem 703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Easy python
Leetcode Problem 973. K Closest Points to Origin Medium python
Binary Search Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 4 Median of two sorted arrays Hard CSharp
Leetcode Problem 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Medium CSharp
Leetcode Problem 74. Search a 2D Matrix Medium python
Leetcode Problem 162 Find Peak Element Medium CSharp
Dynamic Programming Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 44 Wildcard Matching Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 55. Jump Game Medium python
Leetcode Problem 62 Unique Paths Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 63 Unique Paths Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 64. Minimum Path Sum Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 70. Climbing Stairs Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 72 Edit Distance Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 85. Maximal Rectangle Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 139. Word Break Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 140. Word Break II Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 198 House Robber Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 221. Maximal Square Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 322 Coin Change Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 348. Design Tic-Tac-Toe Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 1143. Longest Common Subsequence Medium Python
Linked List Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 2 Add Two Numbers Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 82 Remove Duplicates from sorted list Medium CSharp
Leetcode Problem 92. Reverse Linked List II Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 141. Linked List Cycle Medium CSharp
Leetcode Problem 142. Linked List Cycle 2 Medium CSharp
Leetcode Problem 146. LRU Cache Medium Python
Backtracking Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 39. Combination Sum Medium CSharp
Leetcode Problem 51 N-Queens Hard CSharp
Leetcode Problem 72 Edit Distance Hard CSharp
Leetcode Problem 78. Subsets Medium Python
BFS DFS Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 79. Word Search Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 130. Surrounded Regions Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 207 Course Schedule Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 210 Course Schedule II Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 289 Game of life Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 339 Nested List Weight Sum Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 472. Concatenated Words Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 529. Minesweeper Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 733. Flood Fill Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 994 Rotting Oranges Easy Python
Two Pointer Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 5 Longest Palindrome Substring Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 27 Remove Element Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 15 3Sum Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 45. Jump Game II Medium
Leetcode Problem 58. Length of last character Easy
Leetcode Problem 76. Minimum Window Substring Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 125 Valid Palindrome Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 392 Is Subsequence Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 408. Valid Word Abbreviation Medium
Leetcode Problem 680 Valid Palindrome II Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 1650. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III Medium
Leetcode Problem 2405. Optimal Partition of String Easy
Recursion & Trees Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Easy Csharp
Leetcode Problem 22. Generate Parentheses Easy Csharp
Leetcode Problem 46. Permutations Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 98. Validate Binary Search Tree Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 100. Same Tree Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 101. Symmetric Tree Easy CSharp
Leetcode Problem 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 110. Balanced Binary Tree Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 112. Path Sum Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 113. Path Sum II Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 114. Flatten Binary Tree Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 1367. Linked List in Binary Tree Medium Python
Random Algorithm Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 7 Reverse Integer Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 9. Palindrome Number Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 13 Roman to Integer Easy Csharp
Leetcode Problem 36. Valid Sudoku Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 41. First Missing Positive Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 42. Trapping Rain Water Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 53. Maximum Subarray Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 54. Spiral Matrix Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 59. Spiral Matrix II Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 66. Plus One Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 73. Set Matrix Zeroes Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 190. Reverse Bits Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 268 Missing Number Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 277. Find the Celebrity Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 344. Reverse String Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 384. Shuffle an Array Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 415. Add Strings Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 1480 running sum of 1d array Easy Python
Trie Algorithm Based Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 212. Word Search II Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 1233. Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem Medium Python
Hash maps and Arrays Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 1. Two Sum Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence Medium Csharp
Leetcode Problem 138. Copy List with Random Pointer Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 290. Word Pattern Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters Hard [Python]
Leetcode Problem 454. 4Sum II Medium Python
Sort Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 75. Sort Colors Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 80. Remove duplicates from sorted arrary II Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 88. Merge Sorted Array Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 179. Largest Number Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 148. Sort List Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 253. Meeting Rooms II Medium [Python]
Leetcode Problem 315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 324. Wiggle Sort II Medium Python
Stack Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 20. Valid Parentheses Easy
Leetcode Problem 224. Basic calculator Hard Python
Leetcode Problem 341. Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 1249. Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Medium
Math Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 74. Search a 2D Matrix Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 118. Pascal's Triangle Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 326. Power of Three Easy Python
Leetcode Problem 1362. Closest Divisors Medium Python
Leetcode Problem 1363. Largest Multiple of Three Hard Python
Bit manipulation Problems Difficulty solution link
Leetcode Problem 67. Add binary Easy Python