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Project: Build a Traffic Sign Recognition Program

Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree


  1. Introdution
  2. Dataset
  3. The Model
  4. Result
  5. Challenges
  6. Conclusion
  7. Refernces


In this project, you will use what you've learned about deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks to classify traffic signs. You will train and validate a model so it can classify traffic sign images using the German Traffic Sign Dataset 1. After the model is trained, you will then try out your model on images of German traffic signs that you find on the web.


The next figure show one sample from every class.

German Traffic classes

The used data is a german traffic signs dataset. It consists of colour images. The resolution of the image is 32x32. The training data set is 34799 image. The testing is 4410 image and the validation is 12630 image. The dataset is a 42 class. We will use data augmentation. It will be using random rotation and horizontal flip.

data augmentation

The Model


Layer Type Kernal Features Activation
Input 32x32
C1 Convolution 5x5 6 tanh
S2 Sub-sampling 2x2
C3 Convolution 5x5 16 tanh
S4 Sub-sampling 5x5
C5 Convolution 5x5 120 tanh
F6 Fully Connected 84 tanh
F7 Fully Connected 10

I am using a LeNet-5 model2. It was created by Yann LeCun in 1989. It was created for handwriting digits. As in figure 1, It's consists of seven layers. Three convolution layers, two pooling layers and two fully connected layers. The modifications I proposed are

  1. replacing the activation layer from tanh to relu.
  2. adam optimizer inside of SGD.
  3. I am using max polling inside of average polling.
  4. Adding Dropout after F6 for prevent overfiting. 3 I am using an early stop technique which prevents the model from continuing training if the loss getting higher.

I started with 30 epoc then increase it 50 epoc.


After 50 epoc without agumentation and with 0.75 dropout. evalution accuracy is 92.9% and the loss value is 0.35. This values was tested on agument data 20 random rotationa and horizontal flip.

Follwoing table is some graphs for LeNet with diffrent presets I traied.

without dropout 50 epoc without dropout
with 25 dropout 50 epoc with dropout 25
with 50 dropout 50 epoc with dropout 50
with 75 dropout 50 epoc with dropout 75
No agument with 25 dropout no agm 50 epoc with dropout 75

German traffic signs from online


I also used google map to starting this location 4 in A95, Munich, Bavaria, Germany to search for reallive traffic signs to test my model. I used krita5 open-source image editing tool to crop and resize images. The accuracy for this new image is 100%.

The top five softmax probabilities for online images

i0 i1 i2

Visualize activations

I used the model to visualize the activation after layers.

Input C1 C2


The model overfits after 30 epoch. I tried to use Dropout with different value 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 values. It helps the system to get better accuracy. This values was tested on agument data 20 random rotationa and horizontal flip except the last row.

# Dropout accuracy(%) loss
1 Without 87 0.69
2 0.25 87.9 0.56
3 0.50 89 0.47
4 0.75 88.2 0.36
4 0.75 & NoAgument 92.9 0.354

My thoughts

I think I used easy test cases. The model will give better results if it used after the localization model.


LeNet is a simple model. I give excellent accuracy which can be achieved with training from scratch. It can be trained on non-enterprise GPUs or trained on CPU with decent runtime. Vanilla implemenation without Agmentation gives the best accuracy and loss too.




Classify Traffic Signs.







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