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AIdsorb is a Python package for deep learning on molecular point clouds.

This package aims to provide a simple, easy-to-use and reproduce interface for:

  • 📥 Creating molecular point clouds

  • 🤖 Training DL algorithms on molecular point clouds


⚙️ Installation


It is strongly recommended to perform the installation inside a virtual environment.

Assuming an activated virtual environment:

pip install aidsorb

🚀 Usage


Refer to the 📚 Documentation for more information.

Here is a summary of what you can do from the command line:

  1. Visualize a molecular point cloud:

    aidsorb visualize path/to/structure
  2. Create and prepare point clouds:

    aidsorb create path/to/inp path/to/out  # Create point clouds
    aidsorb prepare path/to/out  # Split point clouds to train, val and test

    where path/to/inp is a directory containing molecular structures.

  3. Train and test a model:

    aidsorb-lit fit --config=path/to/config.yaml
    aidsorb-lit test --config=path/to/config.yaml --ckpt_path=path/to/ckpt

💡 Contributing

🙌 We welcome contributions from the community to help improve and expand this project!

You can start by 🛠️ opening an issue for:

  • 🐛 Reporting bugs
  • 🌟 Suggesting new features
  • 📚 Improving documentation
  • 🎨 Adding your example to the Gallery

We appreciate your efforts to submit well-documented 🔃 pull requests and participate in discussions.

💪 Together, we can make this project even better!

📑 Citing

If you use AIdsorb in your research, please consider citing the following work:

Currently, not available.

⚖️ License

AIdosrb is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 only.