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REST API Plugin Readme

The REST API Plugin provides the ability to manage Openfire by sending an REST/HTTP request to the server. This plugin's functionality is useful for applications that need to administer Openfire outside of the Openfire admin console.

Feature list

  • Get overview over all or specific user and to create, update or delete a user
  • Get overview over all or specific group and to create, update or delete a group
  • Get overview over all user roster entries and to add, update or delete a roster entry
  • Add user to a group and remove a user from a group
  • Lockout, unlock or kick the user (enable / disable)
  • Get overview over all or specific system properties and to create, update or delete system property
  • Get overview over all or specific chat room and to create, update or delete a chat room
  • Get overview over all or specific user sessions
  • Send broadcast message to all online users
  • Get overview of all or specific security audit logs
  • Get chat message history from a multi user chat room

Available REST API clients

REST API clients are implementations of the REST API in a specific programming language.


Third party


Copy restAPI.jar into the plugins directory of your Openfire server. The plugin will be automatically deployed. To upgrade to a newer version, overwrite the restAPI.jar file with the new one.

Explanation of REST

To provide a standard way of accessing the data the plugin is using REST.

HTTP Method Usage
GET Receive a read-only data
PUT Overwrite an existing resource
POST Creates a new resource
DELETE Deletes the given resource


All REST Endpoint are secured and must be authenticated. There are two ways to authenticate:

The configuration can be done in Openfire Admin console under Server > Server Settings > REST API.

Basic HTTP Authentication

To access the endpoints is that required to send the Username and Password of a Openfire Admin account in your HTTP header request.

E.g. Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= (username: admin / password: 12345)

Shared secret key

To access the endpoints is that required to send the secret key in your header request. The secret key can be defined in Openfire Admin console under Server > Server Settings > REST API.

E.g. Header: Authorization: s3cretKey

User related REST Endpoints

Retrieve users

Endpoint to get all or filtered users

GET /users

Payload: none Return value: Users

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
search @QueryParam Search/Filter by username.
This act like the wildcard search %String%
propertyKey @QueryParam Filter by user propertyKey.
propertyValue @QueryParam Filter by user propertyKey and propertyValue.
Note: It can only be used within propertyKey parameter


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


If you want to get a JSON format result, please add "Accept: application/json" to the Header.

Retrieve a user

Endpoint to get information over a specific user

GET /users/{username}

Payload: none Return value: User

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Create a user

Endpoint to create a new user

POST /users

Payload: User Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)


XML Examples

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type: application/xml


Payload Example 1 (required parameters):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Payload Example 2 (available parameters):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <name>Test User</name>
        <property key="keyname" value="value"/>
        <property key="anotherkey" value="value"/>

JSON Examples

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type: application/json


Payload Example 1 (required parameters):

    "username": "admin",
    "password": "p4ssword"

Payload Example 2 (available parameters):

    "username": "admin",
    "password": "p4ssword",
    "name": "Administrator",
    "email": "",
    "properties": {
        "property": [
                "@key": "console.rows_per_page",
                "@value": "user-summary=8"
                "@key": "console.order",
                "@value": "session-summary=1"

REST API Version 1.3.0 and later - Payload Example 3 (available parameters):

    "users": [
            "username": "admin",
            "name": "Administrator",
            "email": "",
            "password": "p4ssword",
            "properties": [
                    "key": "console.order",
                    "value": "session-summary=0"
            "username": "test",
            "name": "Test",
            "password": "p4ssword"

Delete a user

Endpoint to delete a user

DELETE /users/{username}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= DELETE

Update a user

Endpoint to update / rename a user

PUT /users/{username}

Payload: User Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


XML Example

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <name>Test User edit</name>
        <property key="keyname" value="value"/>

Rename Example

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <name>Test User edit</name>
        <property key="keyname" value="value"/>

JSON Example

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/json



    "username": "testuser",
    "name": "Test User edit",
    "email": "",
    "properties": {
        "property": {
            "@key": "keyname",
            "@value": "value"

REST API Version 1.3.0 and later - Payload Example 2 (available parameters):

    "username": "testuser",
    "name": "Test User edit",
    "email": "",
    "properties": [
            "key": "keyname",
            "value": "value"

Retrieve all user groups

Endpoint to get group names of a specific user

GET /users/{username}/groups

Payload: none Return value: Groups

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=

**GET **

Add user to groups

Endpoint to add user to a groups

POST /users/{username}/groups

Payload: Groups Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Add user to group

Endpoint to add user to a group

POST /users/{username}/groups/{groupName}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username
groupName @Path Exact group name


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml


Delete a user from a groups

Endpoint to remove a user from a groups

DELETE /users/{username}/groups

Payload: Groups Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Delete a user from a group

Endpoint to remove a user from a group

DELETE /users/{username}/groups/{groupName}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username
groupName @Path Exact group name


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml


Lockout a user

Endpoint to lockout / ban the user from the chat server. The user will be kicked if the user is online.

POST /lockouts/{username}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Unlock a user

Endpoint to unlock / unban the user

DELETE /lockouts/{username}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve user roster

Endpoint to get roster entries (buddies) from a specific user

GET /users/{username}/roster

Payload: none Return value: Roster

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Create a user roster entry

Endpoint to add a new roster entry to a user

POST /users/{username}/roster

Payload: RosterItem Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml


Payload: Payload Example 1 (required parameters):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Payload Example 2 (available parameters):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

Delete a user roster entry

Endpoint to remove a roster entry from a user

DELETE /users/{username}/roster/{jid}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username
jid @Path JID of the roster item


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Update a user roster entry

Endpoint to update a roster entry

PUT /users/{username}/roster/{jid}

Payload: RosterItem Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path Exact username
jid @Path JID of the roster item


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<nickname>Peter Pan</nickname>

Chat room related REST Endpoints

Retrieve all chat rooms

Endpoint to get all chat rooms

GET /chatrooms

Payload: none Return value: Chatrooms

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference
type @QueryParam public: Only as List Room in Directory set rooms
all: All rooms.
search @QueryParam Search/Filter by room name.
This act like the wildcard search %String%


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve a chat room

Endpoint to get information over specific chat room

GET /chatrooms/{roomName}

Payload: none Return value: Chatroom

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve chat room participants

Endpoint to get all participants with a role of specified room.

GET /chatrooms/{roomName}/participants

Payload: none Return value: Participants

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve chat room occupants

Endpoint to get all occupants (all roles / affiliations) of a specified room.

GET /chatrooms/{roomName}/occupants

Payload: none Return value: Occupants

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve chat room message history

Endpoint to get the chat message history of a specified room.

GET /chatrooms/{roomName}/chathistory

Payload: none
Return value: Chat History

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference

Create a chat room

Endpoint to create a new chat room.

POST /chatrooms

Payload: Chatroom Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference

XML Examples

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type: application/xml


Payload Example 1 (required parameters):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <description>Global Chat Room</description>

Payload Example 2 (available parameters):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <description>Global Chat Room</description>
    <subject>global-2 Subject</subject>

JSON Examples

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type: application/json


Payload Example 1 (required parameters):

	"roomName": "global",
	"naturalName": "global-2",
	"description": "Global chat room"

Payload Example 2 (available parameters):

    "roomName": "global-1",
    "naturalName": "global-1_test_hello",
    "description": "Global chat room",
    "subject": "Global chat room subject",
    "creationDate": "2012-10-18T16:55:12.803+02:00",
    "modificationDate": "2014-07-10T09:49:12.411+02:00",
    "maxUsers": "0",
    "persistent": "true",
    "publicRoom": "true",
    "registrationEnabled": "false",
    "canAnyoneDiscoverJID": "true",
    "canOccupantsChangeSubject": "false",
    "canOccupantsInvite": "false",
    "canChangeNickname": "false",
    "logEnabled": "true",
    "loginRestrictedToNickname": "true",
    "membersOnly": "false",
    "moderated": "false",
    "broadcastPresenceRoles": {
        "broadcastPresenceRole": [
    "owners": {
        "owner": "owner@localhost"
    "admins": {
        "admin": [
    "members": {
        "member": [
    "outcasts": {
        "outcast": [

REST API Version 1.3.0 and later - Payload Example 2 (available parameters):

    "roomName": "global-1",
    "naturalName": "global-1_test_hello",
    "description": "Global chat room",
    "subject": "Global chat room subject",
    "creationDate": "2012-10-18T16:55:12.803+02:00",
    "modificationDate": "2014-07-10T09:49:12.411+02:00",
    "maxUsers": "0",
    "persistent": "true",
    "publicRoom": "true",
    "registrationEnabled": "false",
    "canAnyoneDiscoverJID": "true",
    "canOccupantsChangeSubject": "false",
    "canOccupantsInvite": "false",
    "canChangeNickname": "false",
    "logEnabled": "true",
    "loginRestrictedToNickname": "true",
    "membersOnly": "false",
    "moderated": "false",
    "broadcastPresenceRoles": [
    "owners": [
    "admins": [
    "members": [
    "outcasts": [

Delete a chat room

Endpoint to delete a chat room.

DELETE /chatrooms/{roomName}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Update a chat room

Endpoint to update a chat room.

PUT /chatrooms/{roomName}

Payload: Chatroom Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <description>Global Chat Room edit</description>
    <subject>New subject</subject>

Invite user to a chat Room

Endpoint to invite a user to a room.

Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type: application/xml POST http://localhost:9090/plugins/restapi/v1/chatrooms/{roomName}/invite/{name} Payload Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <reason>Hello, come to this room, it is nice</reason>

Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
name @Path The local username or the user JID

Add user with role to chat room

Endpoint to add a new user with role to a room.

POST /chatrooms/{roomName}/{roles}/{name}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
name @Path The local username or the user JID
roles @Path Available roles:
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml


Add group with role to chat room

Endpoint to add a new group with role to a room.

POST /chatrooms/{roomName}/{roles}/group/{name}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
name @Path The group name
roles @Path Available roles:
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml


Delete a user from a chat room

Endpoint to remove a room user role. DELETE /chatrooms/{roomName}/{roles}/{name}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
roomname @Path Exact room name
name @Path The local username or the user JID
roles @Path Available roles:
servicename @QueryParam The name of the Group Chat Service conference


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml


System related REST Endpoints

Retrieve all system properties

Endpoint to get all system properties

GET /system/properties

Payload: none Return value: System properties


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve system property

Endpoint to get information over specific system property

GET /system/properties/{propertyName}

Payload: none Return value: System property

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
propertyName @Path The name of system property


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Create a system property

Endpoint to create a system property

POST system/properties

Payload: System Property Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type: application/xml


Payload Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<property key="propertyName" value="propertyValue"/>

Delete a system property

Endpoint to delete a system property

DELETE /system/properties/{propertyName}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
propertyName @Path The name of system property


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Update a system property

Endpoint to update / overwrite a system property

PUT /system/properties/{propertyName}

Payload: System property Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
propertyName @Path The name of system property


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<property key="propertyName" value="anotherValue"/>

Retrieve concurrent sessions

Endpoint to get count of concurrent sessions

GET /system/statistics/sessions

Payload: none Return value: Sessions count


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Group related REST Endpoints

Retrieve all groups

Endpoint to get all groups

GET /groups

Payload: none Return value: Groups


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve a group

Endpoint to get information over specific group

GET /groups/{groupName}

Payload: none Return value: Group

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
groupName @Path The name of the group


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Create a group

Endpoint to create a new group

POST /groups

Payload: Group Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type: application/xml


Payload Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<description>Some description</description>

Delete a group

Endpoint to delete a group

DELETE /groups/{groupName}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
groupName @Path The name of the group


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Update a group

Endpoint to update / overwrite a group

PUT /groups/{groupName}

Payload: Group Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
groupName @Path The name of the group


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU= Header: Content-Type application/xml



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<description>New description</description>

Session related REST Endpoints

Retrieve all user session

Endpoint to get all user sessions

GET /sessions

Payload: none Return value: Sessions


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Retrieve the user sessions

Endpoint to get sessions from a user

GET /sessions/{username}

Payload: none Return value: Sessions

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path The username of the user


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Close all user sessions

Endpoint to close/kick sessions from a user

DELETE /sessions/{username}

Payload: none Return value: HTTP status 200 (OK)

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @Path The username of the user


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Message related REST Endpoints

Send a broadcast message

Endpoint to send a broadcast/server message to all online users

POST /messages/users

Payload: Message Return value: HTTP status 201 (Created)


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<body>Your message</body>

Security Audit related REST Endpoints

Retrieve the Security audit logs

Endpoint to get security audit logs

GET /logs/security

Payload: none Return value: Security Audit Logs

Possible parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description Default value
username @QueryParam Username of user to look up
startTime @QueryParam Oldest timestamp of range of logs to retrieve
endTime @QueryParam Most recent timestamp of range of logs to retrieve 0 (until now)
offset @QueryParam Number of logs to skip
limit @QueryParam Number of logs to retrieve


Header: Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU=


Data format

Openfire REST API provides XML and JSON as data format. The default data format is XML. To get a JSON result, please add "Accept application/json" to the request header. If you want to create a resource with JSON data format, please add "Content-Type: application/json".

Data types


Parameter Optional Description
username No The username of the user
name Yes The name of the user
email Yes The email of the user
password No The password of the user
properties Yes List of properties. Property is a key / value object. The key must to be per user unique


Parameter Optional Description
jid No The JID of the roster item
nickname Yes The nickname for the user when used in this roster
subscriptionType Yes The subscription type
Possible numeric values are: -1 (remove), 0 (none), 1 (to), 2 (from), 3 (both)
groups No A list of groups to organize roster entries under (e.g. friends, co-workers, etc.)


Parameter Optional Description
roomName No The name/id of the room. Can only contains lowercase and alphanumeric characters.
naturalName No Also the name of the room, but can contains non alphanumeric characters. It's mainly used for users while discovering rooms hosted by the Multi-User Chat service.
description No Description text of the room.
subject Yes Subject of the room.
password Yes The password that the user must provide to enter the room
creationDate Yes The date when the room was created. Will be automatically set by creation. Example: 2014-07-10T09:49:12.411+02:00
modificationDate Yes The last date when the room's configuration was modified. If the room's configuration was never modified then the initial value will be the same as the creation date. Will be automatically set by update. Example: 2014-07-10T09:49:12.411+02:00
maxUsers Yes the maximum number of occupants that can be simultaneously in the room. 0 means unlimited number of occupants.
persistent Yes Can be "true" or "false". Persistent rooms are saved to the database to make their configurations persistent together with the affiliation of the users. Otherwise the room will be destroyed if the last occupant leave the room.
publicRoom Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if the room is searchable and visible through service discovery.
registrationEnabled Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if users are allowed to register with the room. By default, room registration is enabled.
canAnyoneDiscoverJID Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if every presence packet will include the JID of every occupant.
canOccupantsChangeSubject Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if participants are allowed to change the room's subject.
canOccupantsInvite Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if occupants can invite other users to the room. If the room does not require an invitation to enter (i.e. is not members-only) then any occupant can send invitations. On the other hand, if the room is members-only and occupants cannot send invitation then only the room owners and admins are allowed to send invitations.
canChangeNickname Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if room occupants are allowed to change their nicknames in the room. By default, occupants are allowed to change their nicknames.
logEnabled Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if the room's conversation is being logged. If logging is activated the room conversation will be saved to the database every couple of minutes. The saving frequency is the same for all the rooms and can be configured by changing the property "xmpp.muc.tasks.log.timeout".
loginRestrictedToNickname Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if registered users can only join the room using their registered nickname. By default, registered users can join the room using any nickname.
membersOnly Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if the room requires an invitation to enter. That is if the room is members-only.
moderated Yes Can be "true" or "false". True if the room in which only those with "voice" may send messages to all occupants.
broadcastPresenceRoles Yes The list of roles of which presence will be broadcasted to the rest of the occupants.
owners Yes A collection with the current list of owners. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with owner affiliation.
admins Yes A collection with the current list of admins. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with admin affiliation.
members Yes A collection with the current list of room members. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with member affiliation. If the room is not members-only then the list will contain the users that registered with the room and therefore they may have reserved a nickname.
outcasts Yes A collection with the current list of outcast users. An outcast user is not allowed to join the room again. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with outcast affiliation.
ownerGroups Yes A collection with the current list of groups with owner affiliation. The collection contains the name only.
adminGroups Yes A collection with the current list of groups with admin affiliation. The collection contains the name only.
memberGroups Yes A collection with the current list of groups with member affiliation. The collection contains the name only.
outcastGroups Yes A collection with the current list of groups with outcast affiliation. The collection contains the name only.


Parameter Optional Description
name No The name of the group
description No The description of the group
admins Yes A collection with current admins of the group
members Yes A collection with current members of the group

System Property

Parameter Optional Description
key No The name of the system property
value No The value of the system property


Parameter Optional Description
sessionId No Full JID of a user e.g. (
username No The username associated with this session. Can be also "Anonymous".
resource Yes Resource name
node No Can be "Local" or "Remote"
sessionStatus No The current status of this session. Can be "Closed", "Connected", "Authenticated" or "Unknown".
presenceStatus No The status of this presence packet, a natural-language description of availability status.
priority No The priority of the session. The valid priority range is -128 through 128.
hostAddress No The IP address string in textual presentation.
hostName No The host name for this IP address.
creationDate No The date the session was created.
lastActionDate No The time the session last had activity.
secure No Is "true" if this connection is secure.

Sessions count

Parameter Optional Description
clusterSessions No Number of client sessions that are authenticated with the server. This includes anonymous and non-anoymous users from the whole cluster.
localSessions No Number of client sessions that are authenticated with the server. This includes anonymous and non-anoymous users.

Security Audit Logs

Parameter Optional Description
logId No Unique ID of this log
username No The username of the user who performed this event
timestamp No The time stamp of when this event occurred
summary No The summary, or short description of what transpired in the event
node No The node that triggered the event, usually a hostname or IP address
details No Detailed information about what occurred in the event


Parameter Optional Description
jid No The JID of the MUC room
userAddress No The JID of the user
role No Role of the user
affiliation No Affiliation of the user

(Deprecated) User Service Plugin Readme


The User Service Plugin provides the ability to add,edit,delete users and manage their rosters by sending an http request to the server. It is intended to be used by applications automating the user administration process. This plugin's functionality is useful for applications that need to administer users outside of the Openfire admin console. An example of such an application might be a live sports reporting application that uses XMPP as its transport, and creates/deletes users according to the receipt, or non receipt, of a subscription fee.


Copy userservice.jar into the plugins directory of your Openfire server. The plugin will then be automatically deployed. To upgrade to a new version, copy the new userservice.jar file over the existing file.


Access to the service is restricted with a "secret" that can be viewed and set from the User Service page in the Openfire admin console. This page is located on the admin console under "Server" and then "Server Settings". This should really only be considered weak security. The plugin was initially written with the assumption that http access to the Openfire service was only available to trusted machines. In the case of the plugin's author, a web application running on the same server as Openfire makes the request.

Using the Plugin

To administer users, submit HTTP requests to the userservice service. The service address is [hostname]plugins/restapi/userservice. For example, if your server name is "", the URL is

The following parameters can be passed into the request:

Name Description
type Required The admin service required. Possible values are 'add', 'delete', 'update', 'enable', 'disable', 'add_roster', 'update_roster', 'delete_roster', 'grouplist', 'usergrouplist'.
secret Required The secret key that allows access to the User Service.
username Required The username of the user to 'add', 'delete', 'update', 'enable', 'disable', 'add_roster', 'update_roster', 'delete_roster'. ie the part before the @ symbol.
password Required for 'add' operation The password of the new user or the user being updated.
name Optional The display name of the new user or the user being updated. For 'add_roster', 'update_roster' operations specifies the nickname of the roster item.
email Optional The email address of the new user or the user being updated.
groups Optional List of groups where the user is a member. Values are comma delimited. When used with types "add" or "update", it adds the user to shared groups and auto-creates new groups. When used with 'add_roster' and 'update_roster', it adds the user to roster groups provided the group name does not clash with an existing shared group.
item_jid Required for 'add_roster', 'update_roster', 'delete_roster' operations. The JID of the roster item
subscription Optional Type of subscription for 'add_roster', 'update_roster' operations. Possible numeric values are: -1(remove), 0(none), 1(to), 2(from), 3(both).

Sample HTML

The following example adds a user

The following example adds a user, adds two shared groups (if not existing) and adds the user to both groups.,finance

The following example deletes a user and all roster items of the user.

The following example disables a user (lockout)

The following example enables a user (removes lockout)

The following example updates a user

The following example adds new roster item with subscription 'both' for user 'kafka'

The following example adds new roster item with subscription 'both' for user 'kafka' and adds kafka to roster groups 'family' and 'friends',friends

The following example updates existing roster item to subscription 'none' for user 'kafka'

The following example deletes a specific roster item '' for user 'kafka'

The following example gets all groups Which replies an XML group list formatted like this:


The following example gets all groups for a specific user Which replies an XML group list formatted like this:


* When sending double characters (Chinese/Japanese/Korean etc) you should URLEncode the string as utf8. In Java this is done like this URLEncoder.encode(username, "UTF-8")); If the strings are encoded incorrectly, double byte characters will look garbeled in the Admin Console.

Server Reply

The server will reply to all User Service requests with an XML result page. If the request was processed successfully the return will be a "result" element with a text body of "OK", or an XML grouplist formatted like in the example for "grouplist" and "usergrouplist" above. If the request was unsuccessful, the return will be an "error" element with a text body of one of the following error strings.

Error String Description
IllegalArgumentException One of the parameters passed in to the User Service was bad.
UserNotFoundException No user of the name specified, for a delete or update operation, exists on this server. For 'update_roster' operation, roster item to be updated was not found.
UserAlreadyExistsException A user with the same name as the user about to be added, already exists. For 'add_roster' operation, roster item with the same JID already exists.
RequestNotAuthorised The supplied secret does not match the secret specified in the Admin Console or the requester is not a valid IP address.
UserServiceDisabled The User Service is currently set to disabled in the Admin Console.
SharedGroupException Roster item can not be added/deleted to/from a shared group for operations with roster.


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