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PyTorch implementation of:

Evaluation Results on VOC2007 test dataset

model augumentation training set epochs loss mAP checkpoint
ssd300 X VOC2007 trainval 200 0.081 0.430
ssd300 X VOC2007/2012 trainval 200 0.081 0.522
ssdlite O VOC2007/2012 trainval 200 2.469 0.712 download
ssd300 O VOC2007/2012 trainval 200 2.139 0.776 download
ssd512 O VOC2007/2012 trainval 200 2.012 0.792 download

option used for training is --use_multi_step_lr


  • Implement SSD / SSDLite model
  • Train SSD / SSDLite and add evaluation results
  • Implement RetinaNet
  • Train RetinaNet with Focal Loss and add evaluataion result
  • Implement EfficientDet
  • Train EfficientDet and add evaluation result
  • Support COCO dataset
  • Support custom dataset
  • Implement VGG challenge's mAP calculator
  • Implement COCO challenge's mAP calculator


pip install -r requirements.txt


train with default parameter (dataset will be downloaded automatically)


Command Arguments

name description default
--model model name ssd300
--dataset dataset name VOC
--dataset_root dataset location downloads
--download download dataset False
--epochs number of epochs to run 200
--batch_size size of mini-batch 32
--lr learning rate for SGD 1e-3
--weight_decay weight decay for SGD 5e-4
--gamma gamma for lr scheduler 0.1
--th_conf confidence threshold 0.5
--th_iou iou threshold 0.5
--resume resume training None
--use_step_lr use step lr scheduler False
--step_size step_size for step lr scheduler 30
--use_multi_step_lr use multi step lr scheduler False
--use_plateau_lr use plateau lr scheduler False
--milestones milestones for multi step lr scheduler 140 170
--disable_augmentation disable random augmentation False
--enable_letterbox enable letter boxing image False

note: in case of ssd300 model, 11GB GPU memory is required for batch_size 32 and 8GB GPU memory is required for batch_size 28

Available models

name description
ssd300 alias of ssd300-voc
ssd300-voc SSD with input size 300x300 and num_class=20
ssd300-bn-voc batch normalization adopted version of ssd300-voc
ssd512 alias of ssd512-voc
ssd512-voc SSD with input size 512x512 and num_class=20
ssdlite alias of ssdlite-mobilenetv2-voc
ssdlite-mobilenetv2-voc SSD with MobileNet v2 backbone, input size 320x320 and num_class=20
retinanet alias of retinanet-50-500-voc
retinanet-50-500-voc RetinaNet with resenet-50 backbone, input size 500x500 and num_class=20
retinanet-101-500-voc RetinaNet with resenet-101 backbone, input size 500x500 and num_class=20
retinanet-50-600-voc RetinaNet with resenet-50 backbone, input size 600x600 and num_class=20
retinanet-101-600-voc RetinaNet with resenet-101 backbone, input size 600x600 and num_class=20

Available datasets

name description
VOC VOC dataset (2007+2012)
VOC2007 VOC dataset (2007 only)
VOC2012 VOC dataset (2012 only)


Training SSD with multi step lr and batch_size is 32 (default)

python --use_multi_step_lr

Training SSD-Lite with multi step lr and batch_size 25 (SSD-Lite model is not tested yet)

python --model ssdlite --use_multi_step_lr --milestones 140 160 --batch_size 25

Resume training

python --resume checkpoints/ssdlite_latest.pth


calculate mAP with test image set


Command Arguments

name description default
--model model name ssd300
--dataset dataset name VOC
--dataset_root dataset location downloads
--weight weight file name checkpoints/{MODEL_NAME}_latest.pth
--enable_letterbox enable letter boxing image False

Single run

python image1 [image2] [image3] [...]

Command Arguments

name description default
--model model name ssd300
--weight weight file name checkpoints/{MODEL_NAME}_latest.pth
--th_conf confidence threshold 0.5
--th_iou iou threshold 0.5
--enable_letterbox enable letter boxing image False
--outfile save result to file None


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