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Using gym.make('gym_mousemaze:mm-v0')

The MouseMaze environment is a domain featuring discrete state and action spaces.

The Setup

First install the mousemaze environment as shown here.

Then follow the example as shown in the .py file/files on this level.

Functions that can be accessed in this environment:

  • step():
    • This function takes in one out of the following:
      • 'N'
      • 'S'
      • 'W'
      • 'E'
    • This function will return the following:
      • observation: This is an list of size 3
        • obs[0] will have the tuple of the current position of the mouse
        • obs[1] will have an array of the tuples of positions of the traps still remaining
        • obs[2] will have an array of the tuples of postions of the pizzas still remaining
      • reward: This is an int that essentially shows whether the mouse made a good move, not so good move or a bad move
      • done: This is a boolean that is True if there are no more pizzas on the map, else False
    • The function will move the mouse in the direction specified
    • example:
      obs, reward, done = env.step('N')
  • encode():
    • This function takes in three values:
      • tuple of the position of the mouse
      • array of tuples of the positions of traps on the map
      • array of tupels of the positions of the pizzas on the map
    • This function returns nothing
    • This function tries to place the rewards first, then the traps and then the mouse. If an invalid position was given to place a trap, pizza or the mouse, it will not place it.
  • decode():
    • This array takes in no parameters
    • This function returns a list of size 3
      • dcd[0] will have the tuple of the current position of the mouse
      • dcd[1] will have an array of the tuples of positions of the traps still remaining
      • dcd[2] will have an array of the tuples of postions of the pizzas still remaining
    • The function traverses through the map to identify the traps, pizzas and the mouse, stores the values, and returns them
  • reset():
    • This function takes in no parameters
    • This function returns nothing
    • This function resets the map to the original starting position
  • rewardDictFunc():
    • This function takes in no parameters
    • This function returns a dictionary, where the keys are the type of reward, and the values are the amount assigned for that type
    • This function returns stored values
  • render():
    • This function takes in one parameter:
      • mode =
    • This function returns nothing
    • This function prints a visual map based on the mode
      • If the parameter is set like this: env.render(mode = 'color')
        • Then the map is printed as a 7*7 grid, with each block colored according to what that block is
        • The rendering color sequence is as follows:
          • if block is mouse: color is white
          • if block is pizza: color is yellow
          • if block is trap: color is red
          • if block is wall: color is blue
          • if block is empty: color green
      • If the parameter is set like this: env.render(mode = 'text')
        • The function is calls printMAP()
  • printMAP():
    • This function takes in no parameters
    • This function returns nothing This function traverses the map and prints out, in text, what each block is

Using gym.make('gym_mousemaze:mm-v1')

The MouseMaze environment is a domain featuring discrete state and action spaces. The difference between v0 and v1 is that in v1, the positions of the walls and the grid size can be specified. The encode and decode functions will work differently from v0.

The Setup

First install the mousemaze environment as show here.

Then follow the example as shown in the .py file/files on this level.

Functions that can be accessed in this environment:

  • step():
    • This function takes in one out of the following:
      • 'N'
      • 'S'
      • 'W'
      • 'E'
    • This function will return the following:
      • observation: This is exactly the same as the return values of decode(), in a list
      • reward: This is an int that essentially shows whether the mouse made a good move, not so good move or a bad move
      • done: This is a boolean that is True if there are no more pizzas on the map, else False
    • The function will move the mouse in the direction specified
    • example:
      obs, reward, done = env.step('N')
  • encode():
    • This function has 5 parameters:
      • an int that specifies the number of tiles on one side of the maze that you want to make. Note that the maze will be a square.
      • a tuple specifying the position of the mouse in coordinate system-A
      • an array of tuples specifying the locations of all the traps in coordinate system-A
      • an array of tuples specifying the locations of all the pizza in coordinate system-A
      • an array of tuple of tuples that hold information of wall positions based on the blocks they prevent movement between in coordinate system-A
    • This function returns True if the mouse position was a valid one, else False
    • example:
      if(env.encode(3, (0,0), [(1,1),(2,2)], [(0,1),(1,0)], [((0,0), (0,1))])):
      The above code will render like so: Image of Encode
      The above code will also look like so in coordinate system-A: Image of Coordinate System-A
  • decode():
    • This function has no parameters
    • This function returns a list containing all stuff that encode() takes in as parameters
  • reset():
    • This function takes in no parameters
    • This function returns nothing
    • This function resets the map to the original starting position
  • rewardDictFunc():
    • This function takes in no parameters
    • This function returns a dictionary, where the keys are the type of reward, and the values are the amount assigned for that type
    • This function returns stored values
  • render():
    • This function takes in one parameter:
      • mode =
    • This function returns nothing
    • This function prints a visual map based on the mode
      • If the parameter is set like this: env.render(mode = 'color')
        • Then the map is printed as a 2n-1 square grid, where n = first parameter of encode(),with each block colored according to what that block is
        • The rendering color sequence is as follows:
          • if block is mouse: color is white
          • if block is pizza: color is yellow
          • if block is trap: color is red
          • if block is wall: color is blue
          • if block is empty: color green
      • If the parameter is set like this: env.render(mode = 'text')
        • The function is calls printMAP()
  • printMAP():
    • This function takes in no parameters
    • This function returns nothing This function traverses the map and prints out, in text, what each block is


Custom environment for OpenAI Gym






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