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Discover the thrill of adventure with ADRENALIN TOUR! Experience the rush as we scale mountain peaks, navigate pristine rivers, and unravel the mysteries of ancient cities.

Immerse yourself in our unforgettable adventure routes, curated to include visits to captivating destinations and thrilling experiences tailored for the adventurous traveler. Let us be your guide as you explore new horizons and embrace the excitement of the unknown.

The "Adrenalin Tour" website was developed according to the design. You can view the design at the following link. Link to the design

Getting Started

To run the application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Run the app: npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Technologies Used


  • React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It enables developers to create reusable UI components and manage the application's state efficiently.


  • This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. Next.js is a React framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) and statically generated web applications. It provides features like automatic code splitting, hot module replacement, and server-side rendering out of the box.


  • TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.


  • Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that works exceptionally well with Next.js.


  • GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.


  • A popular library for managing forms in React, using hooks to handle form state and validation. It provides a convenient and flexible way to work with forms.


  • A UI component library for React, providing a set of ready-made and accessible components such as menus, modals, dropdowns, and more.


  • A library for creating sliders and carousels in web applications. It provides smooth animations, touch gesture support for mobile devices, and many configuration options and customization possibilities.

Framer Motion:

  • Framer Motion is an animation library. Framer Motion is an open source, production-ready library that’s designed for all creative developers.

Components that the application consists of:

Header and Hero

hero images
  • component Logo

Prop Type Description
textWhite? boolean Depending on the value, a company's logo of a certain color of text is rendered.
width? number sets the width of the logo
height? number sets the height of the logo
toScroll? boolean optional, sets scroll or not after click
onClick? () => void optional, adds the scroll to section Hero
className? string optional, adds the styles

  • component NavMenu

Prop Required Type Description
buttonStyle yes string 'navLink' for NavBar, "footer" for footer links
onCloseMenu not function The function to control the value into the state in the parent component (needed for close Burger-menu)
className not string optional, the style can be passed to manage placing the component next to others in the section

  • component Button

Prop Required Type Description
children yes ReactNode required, label of the button
variant yes string required, 'main', 'secondary' - see UiKIt (Buttons), 'readMore-main', 'readMore-secondary' - see the layout
icon not ReactNode optional, your icon (example )
iconPosition not string optional, 'before' or 'after' - position of your icon
onClick not () => void optional, function callback if it needed
className not string optional, the string of styles if it needed

  • component Modal

Prop Required Type Description
children yes ReactNode ==content of the modal window with own styles
isOpen yes boolean current state of modal
close yes () => void add the function for closeModal
variant yes string "burger" - for burgerMenu, "simple" - for other modals
className not string the string of styles if it needed

  • section Hero

Contains background (Slider with auto scrolling), title, description.

Upcoming tours

history images
  • component TourCard

Prop Required Type Description
data yes object received from strapi

  • component Slider

Slider - component is implemented using Swiper, an open-source, free JavaScript library for creating touch-enabled sliders with hardware-accelerated transitions and modern touch interaction on mobile devices, as well as modern slide-shows and animated carousels. It is widely used for building websites and web applications, including mobile ones. You need to write to use: 'use client' and import { SwiperSlide } from 'swiper/react'. The data is obtained from the sanity admin.

Prop Required Type Description
slides yes [ id: number or string;
content: ReactNode;]
section yes string 'upcomingTours' or 'reviews' or 'worthVisiting'
'upcomingTours' suitable for правила безпеки
className not string styles can be passed for the component wrapper

Welcome section

services images
  • Welcome section

Contains background, title, description, Button component.

Our activities

advantages images
  • section Our Activities

Contains the title, activity cards and the "View all activities" button, which will take you to the Our Tours page.


product images
  • section Gallery

Contains the title and Slider component.


review images
  • component Slider

Prop Required Type Description
slides yes [ id: number or string;
content: ReactNode;]
section yes string 'upcomingTours' or 'reviews' or 'worthVisiting'
'upcomingTours' suitable for правила безпеки
className not string styles can be passed for the component wrapper

  • component BtnSlider

Prop Required Type Description
section yes string 'upcomingTours' or 'reviews' or 'worthVisiting' or 'gallery'
isNextSlide not boolean
isPrevSlide not boolean

  • component SlideCardReviews

The SlideCardReviews component is designed to display a review card with the review text. If the text overflows the designated area, a "Read More" button appears. When clicked, this button opens a modal displaying the full review text.


  • Displays a review card with text.
  • Shows a "Read More" button if the text overflows.
  • Opens a modal with the full review text when "Read More" is clicked.

Also include the use of components: Modal


contacts images
  • section Gallery

Contains the title and Accordion component.

Contacts & Form

contacts images

Contacts includes the address semantic tag, which indicates the location of the business and the contact phone number (link)

FormBlock includes a form assembly that includes custom inputs, textareas, and checkboxes

The remark: To apply with React-Hook-Form using the library's component -

  • component FormInput

Prop Required Type Description
placeholder yes string required, text for placeholder
type yes string required, input type
name yes string required, for using in the form
label yes string required

  • component FormTextarea

Prop Required Type Description
placeholder yes string required, text for placeholder
name yes string required, for using in the form
label yes string required

  • component Checkbox

Prop Required Type Description
name yes string required, for using in the form
label yes string required


footer images
  • component Logo

Prop Type Description
textWhite? boolean Depending on the value, a company's logo of a certain color of text is rendered.
width? number sets the width of the logo
height? number sets the height of the logo
toScroll? boolean optional, sets scroll or not after click
onClick? () => void optional, adds the scroll to section Hero
className? string optional, adds the styles

  • component MovingLine

The MovingLine component utilizes the React Fast Marquee library - a lightweight and easy-to-use React component for creating smooth and performant marquee or scrolling text effects. A marquee is a horizontal scrolling animation, commonly used for displaying news tickers, announcements, or displaying a long piece of text in a limited space. |

  • component Social

Prop Required Type Description
variant yes string 'header' or 'footer'
className not string styles can be passed for the component wrapper

  • component Phones

Prop Required Type Description
variant yes string 'contacts' or 'footer'
className not string styles can be passed for the component wrapper

Our Destinations Page

policy images

In Single page , parallel routing is implemented to allow simultaneous display of various components, providing users with flexibility and ease of navigation.


The main Layout accepts several props and passes data to various child components. Layout is used to organize the page structure and manage the display of different sections.


The Layout accepts the following props:

Prop Required Type
img not React.ReactNode
mainInfo not React.ReactNode
plans not React.ReactNode
rent not React.ReactNode
services not React.ReactNode
details not React.ReactNode
gallery not React.ReactNode

Props Description

  • img: Component for displaying an image.
  • mainInfo: Component for displaying main information.
  • plans: Component for displaying plans.
  • rent: Component for displaying rental information.
  • services: Component for displaying a list of services.
  • details: Component for displaying additional details.
  • gallery: Component for displaying an image gallery.

Each component described above accepts Prop:

Prop Required Type Description
data yes object received from strapi

Parallel Routing

Parallel routing allows components to operate independently of each other, enhancing the user experience. Each of the components listed above can be loaded and displayed simultaneously without blocking the loading of other components.

This is particularly useful when working with large amounts of data, ensuring fast and smooth page navigation.

component AnimationContainer

AnimationContainer – a reusable component for animating certain components.

Prop Type Description
className string required, you need to pass the class lg:[--x-hidden:-80px] or lg:[--x-hidden:80px] depending on how you want to animate from left to right or right to left. Other classes can also be transferred.
children ReactNode required, components & JSX-markup


calendar page

A separate page. Data obtained from strapi admin. Also include Contact form component.

  • component MonthSlider

Prop Required Type Description
currentMonth yes Date The current month displayed in the slider.
onMonthChange yes func Function called when the month changes. Takes a new date as an argument.

The application example - <DropdownList />

Prop Required Type Description
children yes ReactNode The component for rendering into the wrapper
className not string The component wrapper can styled using this prop

The application example - <CustomSelect />

Prop Required Type Description
data yes ReactNode The data for Select options ()
selectedItem yes The started value for Select. It`s using value from your initial State (when defining the state, pass the initial value for the option list into Select)
onChange yes function The set function from your definite State
className not string styles can be passed for the Select wrapper

The remark

If you want an extra item in data for a definite start value, You'll use createDataSelectOptions(data, defaultValue). It's helped function with two required arguments.

For instance

const activitiesData = createDataSelectOptions(, 'Всі активності');
const countriesData = createDataSelectOptions(, Всі країни');

const [selectedActivitiesItem, setSelectedActivitiesItem] = useState<ISelectState>( as ISelectState);
const [selectedCountryItem, setSelectedCountryItem] = useState<ISelectState>( as ISelectState,);



policy images

A separate page. Data obtained from strapi admin. Using showdown library for parsing text.


Сайт для туристичної агенції






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