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Print items in working memory or production memory.


print [options] [production_name]
print [options] identifier|timetag|pattern
print [--gds --stack]


Production printing options:

Option Description
-a, --all print the names of all productions currently loaded
-c, --chunks print the names of all chunks currently loaded
-D, --defaults print the names of all default productions currently loaded
-j, --justifications print the names of all justifications currently loaded.
-r, --rl Print Soar-RL rules
-T, --template Print Soar-RL templates
-u, --user print the names of all user productions currently loaded
production_name print the production named production-name

Production print formatting:

Option Description
-f, --full When printing productions, print the whole production. This is the default when printing a named production.
-F, --filename also prints the name of the file that contains the production.
-i, --internal items should be printed in their internal form. For productions, this means leaving conditions in their reordered (rete net) form.
-n, --name When printing productions, print only the name and not the whole production. This is the default when printing any category of productions, as opposed to a named production.

Working memory printing options:

Option Description
-d, --depth n This option overrides the default printing depth (see the default-wme-depth command for more detail).
-e, --exact Print only the wmes that match the pattern
-i, --internal items should be printed in their internal form. For working memory, this means printing the individual elements with their timetags and activation, rather than the objects.
-t, --tree wmes should be printed in in a tree form (one wme per line).
-v, --varprint Print identifiers enclosed in angle brackets.
identifier print the object identifier. identifier must be a valid Soar symbol such as S1
pattern print the object whose working memory elements matching the given pattern. See Description for more information on printing objects matching a specific pattern.
timetag print the object in working memory with the given timetag

Subgoal stack printing options:

Option Description
-s, --stack Specifies that the Soar goal stack should be printed. By default this includes both states and operators.
-o, --operators When printing the stack, print only operators.
-S, --states When printing the stack, print only states.

Printing the Goal Dependency Set:

print --gds

The Goal Dependency Set (GDS) is described in a subsection of the The Soar Architecture chapter of the manual. This command is a debugging command for examining the GDS for each goal in the stack. First it steps through all the working memory elements in the rete, looking for any that are included in any goal dependency set, and prints each one. Then it also lists each goal in the stack and prints the wmes in the goal dependency set for that particular goal. This command is useful when trying to determine why subgoals are disappearing unexpectedly: often something has changed in the goal dependency set, causing a subgoal to be regenerated prior to producing a result.

print --gds is horribly inefficient and should not generally be used except when something is going wrong and you need to examine the Goal Dependency Set.


The print command is used to print items from production memory or working memory. It can take several kinds of arguments. When printing items from working memory, the Soar objects are printed unless the --internal flag is used, in which case the wmes themselves are printed.

(identifier ^attribute value [activation] [+])

The activation value is only printed if activation is turned on. See wma.

The pattern is surrounded by parentheses. The identifier, attribute, and value must be valid Soar symbols or the wildcard symbol * which matches all occurrences. The optional + symbol restricts pattern matches to acceptable preferences. If wildcards are included, an object will be printed for each pattern match, even if this results in the same object being printed multiple times.


Print the objects in working memory (and their timetags) which have wmes with identifier s1 and value v2 (note: this will print the entire s1 object for each match found):

print --internal (s1 ^* v2)

Print the Soar stack which includes states and operators:

print --stack

Print the named production in its RETE form:

print -if named*production

Print the names of all user productions currently loaded:

print -u

Default print vs tree print:

print s1 --depth 2
(S1 ^io I1 ^reward-link R1 ^superstate nil ^type state)
  (I1 ^input-link I2 ^output-link I3)

print s1 --depth 2 --tree
(S1 ^io I1)
  (I1 ^input-link I2)
  (I1 ^output-link I3)
(S1 ^reward-link R1)
(S1 ^superstate nil)
(S1 ^type state)

Default Aliases

p print pc print --chunks ps print --stack wmes print --depth 0 --internal varprint print --varprint --depth 100 gds_print print --gds

See Also

output trace wm