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Download YouTube videos and audios by title/id/url


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Download youtube videos and audios by title/id/url


  • ⬇️ Download audio/video by title/id/url
  • ⬇️ Download n amount of audio/video based on keyword
  • ⬇️ Download n amount of audio/video related to a particular video id/url
  • ↩️ Resume incomplete downloads
  • ⚙️ Download audio/video in a specific quality


  • Either of the following ways will get you ready.

Download binaries for your system from here.


  1. Pip

a. From source

pip install git+

b. From pypi

pip install y2mate-api
  1. Locally
git clone
cd y2mate-api
pip install .


$ y2mate -f <mp3/mp4> <youtube-link or video id or keyword>

Following the introduction of Cloudflare protection on the host,, you have to authenticate you're a human right from your Chrome Browser and then proceed to extract cf_clearance cookie value, which will in turn be passed over to the script.

cf_clearance extraction process.

  1. Install Http Tracker Chrome extension using this link.
  2. Using Chrome Browswer, navigate to and pass the bot verification stage.
  3. Start the Http Tracker extension.
  4. On the search section of, key-in anything and press enter
  5. Return to the Http Tracker window and look for any of the recent urls containing ** and click it.
  6. Navigate down to the coookies section and copy the value of key cf_clearance. In the proceeding guides I will be referring to this value as CF-CLEARANCE

CF-CLEARANCE highlighted


Since the script impersonates only one browser, you will have to use Chrome Browser for CF-CLEARANCE extraction process.

The uncompromised usage will be:

$ y2mate -f <mp3/mp4> -cf <CF-CLEARANCE> <youtube-link or video id or keyword>

To developers:

from y2mate_api import session

    "cf_clearance": cf_clearance_value

As a workaround to explicitly declaring the CF-CLEARANCE along with other commands, export it to the environment as Y2MATE_CF_CLEARANCE.

By doing that, something like this will still get the work done:

$ y2mate -f <mp3/mp4> <youtube-link or video id or keyword>


The CF-CLEARANCE expires after a short while, consider updating it more frequently.

Developer docs

1.Generate download links and other metadata

  • Video
from y2mate_api import Handler
api = Handler("Quantum computing in details")
for video_metadata in
    "size": "13.9 MB",
    "f": "mp4",
    "q": "720p",
    "q_text": "720p (.mp4) <span class=\"label label-primary\"><small>m-HD</small></span>",
    "k": "joQdX4S3z8ShOJWn6qaA9sL4Al7j4vBwhNgqkwx0U/tQ99R4mbX1dYceffBBnNn7",
    "status": "ok",
    "mess": "",
    "c_status": "CONVERTED",
    "vid": "X8MZWCGgIb8",
    "title": "Quantum Computing In 5 Minutes | Quantum Computing Explained | Quantum Computer |Simplilearn",
    "ftype": "mp4",
    "fquality": "720",
    "dlink": ""
  • Audio
from y2mate_api import Handler
api = Handler("Quantum computing in details")
for audio_metadata in"mp3"):


    "size": "4.6 MB",
    "f": "mp3",
    "q": "128kbps",
    "q_text": "MP3 - 128kbps",
    "k": "joQdX4S3z8ShOJWn6qaA9sL4Al7j4vBwhNgqlAxyU/NQ99R4mbX1dYceffBBnNn7",
    "status": "ok",
    "mess": "",
    "c_status": "CONVERTED",
    "vid": "X8MZWCGgIb8",
    "title": "Quantum Computing In 5 Minutes | Quantum Computing Explained | Quantum Computer |Simplilearn",
    "ftype": "mp3",
    "fquality": "128",
    "dlink": ""
  • Note : To download the media returned, pass the response to
  1. Auto-download media
from y2mate_api import Handler
api = Handler("Quantum computing in details")

This will proceed to download the first video found and save it in the current directory

You can as well specify total videos to be downloaded by using limit argument. For instance:

from y2mate_api import Handler
api = Handler("")
# This will download the video in path and 9 other videos related to the query specified

Note : You can still use video id such as POPoAjWFkGg as query parameter.

Other parameters

  • Handler

    • author : Video author i.e Youtube Channel
    • timeout : http requests timeout
    • confirm : Confirm before downloading media
    • unique : Auto-ignore previously downloaded media
    • thread : Download (x) value of file at a time.

    • format : Media format mp4/mp3
    • quality : Media quality such as 720p/128kbps
    • resolver : Additional format info : [m4a,3gp,mp4,mp3]
    • limit : Total videos to be retrieved
    • keyword : Phrase(s) that must be in media title
    • author : Video author i.e Youtube Channel
  • Handler.auto_save

    • dir : Path to Directory for saving the media files
    • iterator : Function that yields third_query object -
    • progress_bar : Stdout media-name & Display progress bar

    • third_dict : Response of
    • dir : Directory for saving the contents
    • progress_bar : Display download progress bar
    • quiet : Not to stdout anything
    • naming_format : Format for generating media filename using the third_query response keys
    • chunk_size : Size of chunks in KB for downloads
    • play : Auto-play media after downloading
    • resume : Resume incomplete download

Telegram bot

If you're a Telegram user then purpose to checkout y2mate-bot.

For more info run $ y2mate -h

usage: y2mate [-h] [-v] [-f mp3|mp4]
              [-q 4k|1080p|720p|480p|360p|240p|144p|auto|best|worst|mp3|m4a|.m4a|128kbps|192kbps|328kbps]
              [-r m4a|3gp|mp4|mp3] [-k [KEYWORD ...]] [-a [AUTHOR ...]] [-l LIMIT]
              [-d PATH] [-t TIMEOUT] [-c CHUNK] [-i PATH] [-o FORMAT] [-cf COOKIE]
              [-thr THREAD] [--disable-bar] [--confirm] [--unique] [--quiet] [--history]
              [--clear] [--resume] [--play]
              [query ...]

Download youtube videos and audios by title or link

positional arguments:
  query                 Youtube video title, link or id - None

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -f mp3|mp4, --format mp3|mp4
                        Specify media type - audio/video
  -q 4k|1080p|720p|480p|360p|240p|144p|auto|best|worst|mp3|m4a|.m4a|128kbps|192kbps|328kbps, --quality 4k|1080p|720p|480p|360p|240p|144p|auto|best|worst|mp3|m4a|.m4a|128kbps|192kbps|328kbps
                        Media quality - auto
  -r m4a|3gp|mp4|mp3, --resolver m4a|3gp|mp4|mp3
                        Other media formats incase of multiple options - mp4/mp3
  -k [KEYWORD ...], --keyword [KEYWORD ...]
                        Media should contain this keywords - None
  -a [AUTHOR ...], --author [AUTHOR ...]
                        Media author i.e YouTube channel name - None
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        Total videos to be downloaded - 1
  -d PATH, --dir PATH   Directory for saving the contents -
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Http request timeout in seconds - 30
  -c CHUNK, --chunk CHUNK
                        Chunk-size for downloading files in KB - 256
  -i PATH, --input PATH
                        Path to text file containing query per line - None
  -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT
                        Format for generating filename %(key)s :
                        [title,vid,fquality,ftype] or 'pretty' - None
  -cf COOKIE, --cf-clearance COOKIE
                        cf_clearance cookie value for
  -thr THREAD, --thread THREAD
                        Download [x] amount of videos/audios at once - 1
  --disable-bar         Disable download progress bar - False
  --confirm             Confirm before downloading file - False
  --unique              Auto-skip any media that you once dowloaded - False
  --quiet               Not to stdout anything other than logs - False
  --history             Stdout all media metadata ever downloaded - False
  --clear               Clear all download histories - False
  --resume              Resume downloading incomplete downloads
  --play                Play media after download - False

This script has no official relation with


This repository is intended for educational and personal use only. The use of this repository for any commercial or illegal purposes is strictly prohibited. The repository owner does not endorse or encourage the downloading or sharing of copyrighted material without permission. The repository owner is not responsible for any misuse of the software or any legal consequences that may arise from such misuse.