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Common tools from Sales Engineering

This is a public repo to contain libraries, utilities, and other resources created by Sales Engineering and others to support and enhance ongoing and future RAI projects. These resources are not client-specific, can be freely shared, distributed and updated in the spirit of OSS.

Free License is pending.

Command-line tools and environment

Bash, Python, Julia, etc., tools for command line usage.

    Copy this template to create your own scripts, customized to each RAI project you work on.

    The bash scripts execute source to get your preferences for:

    • RAI_CLI_PROFILE - the ~/.rai/config profile with your OAuth credentials (which match a specific RAI account)
    • RAI_CLI_ENGINE - your default Rel engine name in that RAI account
    • RAI_CLI_DATABASE - your default database in that RAI account
    • RAI_BENCH_DIR - your directory with the Basic Workload Benchmarks framework code

  • bin/...
    Bash scripts to simplify use of the CLI for RAI account management tasks.

    • - create clone of an existing database in account RAI_CLI_PROFILE. Syntax follows Linux command conventions (cp, mv, etc): source-db clone-db.
    • - spin up new Rel engine. The default name is specified by RAI_CLI_ENGINE variable, but a different name can be specified on the command line.
    • - create the directory structure for a new customer project
    • - spin down an existing Rel engine. The default name is specified by RAI_CLI_ENGINE variable, but a different name can be specified on the command line.
    • - list the databases in account RAI_CLI_PROFILE.
    • - list the EDBs in database RAI_CLI_DATABASE, in account RAI_CLI_PROFILE.
    • - list the active engines in account RAI_CLI_PROFILE.
    • - load specified Rel source file into RAI_CLI_DATABASE, using RAI_CLI_ENGINE, in account RAI_CLI_PROFILE. The relative path to the Rel source is preserved in the RAI model unless old/new reparenting directories are specified.
    • - generate human-readable summary results from the JSON Lines (*.jsonl) files in a Basic Workloads Benchmark framework ("RAI bench") output directory. The location of the Basic Workloads directory is specified in RAI_BENCH_DIR. The most recent output directory is used by default, but a different name can be specified on the command line.

    Python tools for testing.

    • - use Python's csv reader to explore customer-provided CSV files (if RAI's load_csv doesn't behave as expected). Use --file foo.csv --top 5 --full to get started. Use --help for full help.

SE Rel library

Folder se_lib contains Rel models for with various sets of utilities:

  • csv.rel: CSV file parsing and loading

  • query.rel: Tools for querying and poking around RAI database relations

  • kg.rel: functions to construct, manipulate, operate on and visualize knowledge graphs based on standard data model

  • graph.rel: functions to operate on Rel graph objects

  • util.rel: collection of useful general purpose functions supplementing standard library functions

  • viz.rel: helper functions for graphviz, vega/vega-lite, and other visualization libraries

  • visual.rel (DEPRECATED: do not use or stop using): graphviz-based visualization functions for knowledge graphs, ontology, etc.

  • debug.rel: TBD



Options (Configuration) Module Format

Example of options module (OPTS) passed to knowledge graph functions:

module kg_options
  module graphviz
    def title = "Knowledge Graph" // Graph Title
    def layout = "dot"
    def direction = "TD"
    def entity_shape = {(:Customer, "oval");
                        (:Bank, "box");}
    def label_edges = boolean_false

Knowldge graph visualization functions take ...


To parse and map a CSV file into standard model use utility function parse_attributes defined in csv.rel.

Below is example from IMDB demo (see imdb_model notebook for full code).

Importing CSV file into RAI

Suppose we have CSV file containing IMDB titles that has been loaded from Azure store like this:

// Title CSV
def delete[:title_csv] = title_csv
def title_config:path = "s3://psilabs-public-files/imdb/title_basics_1953_votes_30.csv"
def insert[:title_csv] = lined_csv[load_csv[title_config]]

Defining Entity Type

The data will be used to create and populate entity Title. For this purpose we define several auxilary modules. First, module create_entity defines entity Title and its constructor function title_from_id:

entity type Title = String
entity type Name = String

module create_entity
    def Title[x] = ^Title[x]
    def title_from_id(id, e) = create_entity:Title[id](e) and
                                title_csv(imdb_meta:title:key, _, id)

    def Name[x] = ^Name[x]
    def name_from_id(id, e) = create_entity:Name[id](e) and
                                name_csv(imdb_meta:name:key, _, id)

Declaring Metadata

Note, that we already used element from another auxilary module imdb_meta that defines all necessary metadata to load, parse, and define Title entity from CSV:

module imdb_meta

    module title
        def entity_name = :Title
        def key = :tconst
        def as_is_attr = {
        def int_attr = {
            :startYear; :endYear; :numVotes; :runtimeMinutes;
        def float_attr = {
        def attr_alias_map = {
            (:tconst, :id);

    module name
        def entity_name = :Name
        def key = :nconst
        def as_is_attr = {
        def int_attr = {
            :birthYear; :deathYear;
        def attr_alias_map = {
            (:nconst, :id);


There are more elements meta module may define depending on CSV file content, for example, it could also define datetime_attr and date_attr.

Let's review what meta module does.

First, we always define entity_name (usually by capitalizing first letter) and key (only single value keys are supported currently) like this:

def enity_name = :Title
def key = :tconst

Next, we define fields according to their types. If the field type doesn't change from the one parsed/recognized by load_csv then it belongs to as_is_attr:

def as_is_attr = {

For integer fields loaded as strings use int_attr:

def int_attr = {
            :startYear; :endYear; :numVotes; :runtimeMinutes;

For float (decimals) use float_attr:

def float_attr = {

For parsing date and datetime us date_attr and datetime_attr correspondingly (example not applicable to IMDB):

def datetime_attr = {
            (:CreationDate, "y-m-dTH:M:S.sss");
            (:LastAccessDate, "y-m-dTH:M:S.sss");

More types could be supported in the future.

Finally, use attr_alias_map to rename attributes (if necessary):

def attr_alias_map = {
            (:nconst, :id);

Finally, we can create data model by mapping CSV file:

with se_csv use parse_attributes

module imdb_data

    // Title entity data
    def title:id = transpose[create_entity:title_from_id]
    def title(attr, e, val) = parse_attributes[title:id, title_csv, imdb_meta:title](attr, e, val)




Main and Big Ideas

Resarch Upstream that results in Product Downstream - no exceptions and identified and planed from the beginning:

  • Teams like DS team should be "research"-focused upstrem and "product"-bound downstream. It means that they start with and do research/dev that should always result in identified and defined products or product enhancements.

Back to Shesterkin. He apparently "starred" in the exhibition game where #WarCrimes Putin scored 8 goals against him (the game took place in May 2019 before full scale #UkraineRussiaWar): 3/4


Sales Engineering tools for RAI






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