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Airline Reservation System

This project is the main part of CSEN 704 Advanced Computer Lab course. The theme of the project, is to create a complete Airline Reservation System. An Airline Reservation System is a web application through which individuals can reserve and pay for flights in order to travel to different countries and sometimes domestic cities. Each airline usually has its own website through which reservations (bookings) can be made. Such websites include,, and

Table of Contents


The following are the objectives of this project:

  • Master working with MERN Stack.
  • Work using the Agile Methodology to plan out a project and develop the software.
  • Learn how to work together as a team on GitHub.
  • Learn the process of following a given set of System Requirements to develop a software.

Tools and Frameworks

MERN Stack This project is fully implemented using the MERN Stack. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node, after the four key technologies that make up the stack.

  • MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database management program. NoSQL is used as an alternative to traditional relational databases. NoSQL databases are quite useful for working with large sets of distributed data. MongoDB is a tool that can manage document-oriented information, store or retrieve information.
  • Express is a Node. js web application server framework, designed for building single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. It is the de facto standard server framework for node.
  • ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces specifically for single-page applications. It's used for handling the view layer for web and mobile apps. React also allows us to create reusable UI components.
  • NodeJS is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

Coding Style

This project is divided into two main parts, frontend and backend. Our backend is divide into routes that act as a middle point between the client and the database.


Signing Up





search search seats


In order to run our project, you should have the following installed in your machine:

  • Node JS
  • NPM
  • React JS or you can use NPM
  • And you can choose any text editor.
  • MongoDB either locally or on a cloud. You have to create .env with the dbconnectionString.


Mainly this website provides an easy way to book flights between any two cities. Also, allows admins to perform CRUD operations on a flight in a flexible way. Moreover, our website allows user to pay in order to complete their reservation.

API References

Our backend is divided into the following routes, each route has a set of APIs with different functionalities.


  1. Registering new user
  • Route /register/
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
   username: 'toxin',
  firstName: 'Ahmed',
  lastName: 'Hossam',
  email: '',
  mobileNumber: '+268768768',
  homeAddress: 'Cairo',
  country: 'Egypt',
  passportNumber: 'af6435434as'
  • Response Body
    success: false,
    message: "Your account could not be saved. Error : ", 
    success:  true,
    message: "Your account has been saved"
  1. Get All usernames This API get all the usernames in the database in order to avoid having two users with the same username
  • Route /register/usernames
  • Request type GET
  • Response Body
      "_id": "61aa0d35045140ad2b40654c",
      "username": "Moamen"
      "_id": "61abcae7d71d27e6af883bed",
      "username": "toxin"
      "_id": "61bb2cf1abe020dd466c9d97",
      "username": "MohamedA"


1- Login

  • Route /login/
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
    password: ABC96
  • Redirects to /login/loginFailure if the login fails
  • Response Body
    success: true,
    isAdmin: //if the user is Admin

2- login Failure

  • Route /login/loginFailure
  • Request Type GET
  • Note: This request is done if the login fails.
  • Response Body
   success: false

3- Check if the user is Authorized

  • Route /login/authorize
  • Request Type GET
  • Response Body
       success: true,
       isAdmin: //true or false,
       userId: // userID,
       firstName: 'Mohamed',
       email: '',
       lastName: 'Abubeih',
       passportNumber: A5697SS

// or

       success: false


1- Show all the available flights

  • Route flight/showAllFlights
  • Request type GET
  • Response Body
        "availableSeats": {
            "economy": 47,
            "business": 25,
            "first": 29
        "maxSeats": {
            "economy": 50,
            "business": 29,
            "first": 29
        "price": {
            "economy": {
                "adult": 3000,
                "child": 2700
            "business": {
                "adult": 5000,
                "child": 4500
            "first": {
                "adult": 7000,
                "child": 6000
        "_id": "618814bd746c8cd22374a747",
        "flightNumber": "1234",
        "departureAirport": "Cairo",
        "arrivalAirport": "DMT",
        "from": "Cairo",
        "to": "Rome",
        "departure": "2021-11-16T10:00:46.000Z",
        "arrival": "2021-11-17T10:00:52.000Z",
        "__v": 0,
        "arrivalTerminal": 2,
        "baggageAllowance": 30,
        "departureTerminal": 3
   // All the available flights in the database

2- Show flights using search criteria

  • Route /flight/showFlights
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
           flightNumber: 'A53',
           departureAirport: 'CAI',
           arrivalAirport: 'POI',
           from: "Egypt",
           to: "Italy",
           departure1: //Departure date 1 ,
           departure2: //Departure date 2,
           arrival1: // Arrival Date 1 ,
           arrival2: // Arrival Date 2,
           availableSeats: {
               economy: #of seats,
               business: #of seats ,
               first: #of seats,
// Note: All the fields are optional. i.e. Any field can be null.
  • Response Body
  {    "_id": "618814bd746c8cd22374a747",
       "flightNumber": "1234",
       "availableSeats": {
           "economy": 47,
           "business": 25,
           "first": 29
       "maxSeats": {
           "economy": 50,
           "business": 29,
           "first": 29
       "price": {
           "economy": {
               "adult": 3000,
               "child": 2700
           "business": {
               "adult": 5000,
               "child": 4500
           "first": {
               "adult": 7000,
               "child": 6000
       "departureAirport": "Cairo",
       "arrivalAirport": "DMT",
       "from": "Cairo",
       "to": "Rome",
       "departure": "2021-11-16T10:00:46.000Z",
       "arrival": "2021-11-17T10:00:52.000Z",
       "__v": 0,
       "arrivalTerminal": 2,
       "baggageAllowance": 30,
       "departureTerminal": 3
  // All the available flights with the provided search criteria in the request

3- User show flights

  • Route flight/userShowFlights
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
      from: //Departure ,
      to: // Destination,
      departure: // Departure Date,
      returning: // Returning Date,
      seatClass: // economy, business or first,
      adultSeats: // # of seats for adults,
      childrenSeats: // # of seats for chidlren

4- Delete Flight using its id

  • Route flight/getFlightById/:id
  • Request Type DELETE
  • Parameters: id, The id of a flight
  • Response Body
  //the data of the deleted flight
     error: 'Unable to get flight data'

5- Update Flight using its id

  • Route flight/updateFlight/:id
  • Request Type PUT
  • Parameters: id, The id of a flight
  • Request Body
           flightNumber: 'A53',
           departureAirport: 'CAI',
           arrivalAirport: 'POI',
           from: "Egypt",
           to: "Italy",
           departure1: //Departure date 1 ,
           departure2: //Departure date 2,
           arrival1: // Arrival Date 1 ,
           arrival2: // Arrival Date 2,
           availableSeats: {
               economy: #of seats,
               business: #of seats ,
               first: #of seats,
// Note: All the fields are optional. i.e. Any field can be null.
  • Response Body
  msg: 'Updated successfully!'
  error: 'Unable to update the Database'

6- Create flight

  • Route /flight/
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
   "flightNumber": "1234",
   "departureAirport": "Cairo",
   "arrivalAirport": "DMT",
   "from": "Cairo",
   "to": "Rome",
   "availableSeats": {
       "economy": 45,
       "business": 29,
       "first": 29
   "maxSeats": {
       "economy": 45,
       "business": 29,
       "first": 29
   "price": {
       "economy": {
           "adult": 500,
           "child": 2700
       "business": {
           "adult": 5000,
           "child": 4500
       "first": {
           "adult": 7000,
           "child": 6000
   "departure": "2021-11-16T10:00:46.000Z",
   "arrival": "2021-11-17T10:00:52.000Z",
   "__v": 0,
   "arrivalTerminal": 9,
   "baggageAllowance": 30,
   "departureTerminal": 8
// Note: All the fields are required.
  • Response Body
  msg: 'Flight added successfully'
  error: 'Unable to add this flight'

7- Get flight by id

  • Route flight/getFlightById/:id
  • Request Type GET
  • Parameters: id, Id of a specific flight
  • Response Body
  //the data of the flight
  error: 'Unable to get flight data'

8- User Edit Flight

  • Route flight/userEditFlight
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
        from: 'Cairo',
        to: 'Rome',
        flightDate: // Date of the flight,
        seatClass: // economy, business or firstClass,
        adultSeats: // # of adult seats,
        childrenSeats: // # of children Seats,
        isDeparture: // true or false

  • Response Body

          "flightNumber": "1234",
          "departureAirport": "Cairo",
          "arrivalAirport": "DMT",
          "from": "Cairo",
          "to": "Rome",
          "availableSeats": {
              "economy": 45,
              "business": 29,
              "first": 29
          "maxSeats": {
              "economy": 45,
              "business": 29,
              "first": 29
          "price": {
              "economy": {
                  "adult": 500,
                  "child": 2700
              "business": {
                  "adult": 5000,
                  "child": 4500
              "first": {
                  "adult": 7000,
                  "child": 6000
          "departure": "2021-11-16T10:00:46.000Z",
          "arrival": "2021-11-17T10:00:52.000Z",
          "__v": 0,
          "arrivalTerminal": 9,
          "baggageAllowance": 30,
          "departureTerminal": 8
   // List of Flights


1- Create Reservation

  • Route /reservation/createReservation
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
      departureFlightId: 'A556',
      returnFlightId: '5ALD',
      noOfAdults: // Number of Adults in the reservation,
      noOfChildren: // Number of Adults in the reservation,
      cabinClass: // Economy, Business or First,
      departureSeats: [List of the selected seats in the departure],
      returnSeats: [List of the selected seats in the return],
      timestamp: // The time the reservvation took place,
      totalPrice: // The total Price of the reservation in EGP
  • Response Body
   {msg: 'Reservation added successfully', reservationId: reservation._id}
   {error: 'Unable to add this reservation'}

2- Show All reservations

  • Route /reservation/showAllReservations
  • Request Type GET
  • Response Body
        "_id": "61ad2d97ff1733537acb3a94",
        "userId": "61a896121b1252c35c475680",
        "departureFlightId": "618814bd746c8cd22374a747",
        "returnFlightId": "61a7e58487d5e59b88a5a736",
        "noOfAdults": 1,
        "noOfChildren": 0,
        "cabinClass": "economy",
        "departureSeats": [
        "returnSeats": [
        "confirmed": true,
        "timestamp": "2021-12-05T21:22:30.129Z",
        "totalPrice": 4000,
        "__v": 0
    // List of All reservations in the Database

3- Get the reservations of a specific user using user's ID

  • Route reservation/getUserReservations/:userId
  • Request Type GET
  • Parameters: userId, the ID of the user.
  • Response Body
        "_id": "61ad2d97ff1733537acb3a94",
        "userId": "61a896121b1252c35c475680",
        "departureFlightId": "618814bd746c8cd22374a747",
        "returnFlightId": "61a7e58487d5e59b88a5a736",
        "noOfAdults": 1,
        "noOfChildren": 0,
        "cabinClass": "economy",
        "departureSeats": [
        "returnSeats": [
        "confirmed": true,
        "timestamp": "2021-12-05T21:22:30.129Z",
        "totalPrice": 4000,
        "__v": 0
    // List of All reservations in the Database

4- Get a specific reservation by its ID

  • Route /reservation/getReservationById/:id
  • Request Type GET
  • Parameters: id, the id of the reservation we want to retrieve.
  • Response Body
// For Example
        "_id": "61ad2d97ff1733537acb3a94",
        "userId": "61a896121b1252c35c475680",
        "departureFlightId": "618814bd746c8cd22374a747",
        "returnFlightId": "61a7e58487d5e59b88a5a736",
        "noOfAdults": 1,
        "noOfChildren": 0,
        "cabinClass": "economy",
        "departureSeats": [
            // List of reserved Seats
        "returnSeats": [
            // List of reserved Seats
        "confirmed": true,
        "timestamp": "2021-12-05T21:22:30.129Z",
        "totalPrice": 4000,
        "__v": 0

5- Get a reservation by session ID

  • Route /reservation/getReservationBySessionId
  • Request Type GET
  • Response Body
       "_id": 61b8fafe289d550e0a02f00c,
       "returnFlightId": "61a7e58487d5e59b88a5a736,

6- Get the reserved seats in a flight of a specific class

  • Route /reservation/getReservedSeatsInFlight/:flightId/:cabinClass
  • Request Type GET
  • Parameters:
    • id: ID of the reservation to be updated.
    • cabinClass: The class of the cabin (Economy, Business or First)
  • Response Body
   [ //List of reserved seats in the flight]

7- Update Reservation

  • Route /reservation/updateReservation/:id
  • Request Type PUT
  • Parameters:
    • id: ID of the reservation to be updated.
  • Request Body
      departureFlightId: 'A556',
      returnFlightId: '5ALD',
      noOfAdults: // Number of Adults in the reservation,
      noOfChildren: // Number of Adults in the reservation,
      cabinClass: // Economy, Business or First,
      departureSeats: [List of the selected seats in the departure],
      returnSeats: [List of the selected seats in the return],
      timestamp: // The time the reservvation took place,
      totalPrice: // The total Price of the reservation in EGP
  • Response Body
  success: true

8- Delete reservarion

  • Route /reservation/delete/:id
  • Request Type Delete
  • Parameters: id, ID of the reservation to be updated.
  • Response Body
  //Data of the deleted Reservation
  error: 'No such Reservation'

User Profile

1- Edit User Profile

  • Route /profile/editProfile
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
       email: '' ,
       lastName: 'Hossam',
       country: 'UK',
       passportNumber: 'A65DG69DD',
       homeAddress: 'London',
       mobileNumber: '+28484613',
       // All Parameters are optional

2- Get the User Info

  • Route /profile
  • Request Type GET
  • Response Body

  {success: false, message: 'Not logged in'}, //if user is not logged in
     success: true,
       email: '' ,
       lastName: 'Hossam',
       country: 'UK',
       passportNumber: 'A65DG69DD',
       homeAddress: 'London',
       mobileNumber: '+28484613',


1- Sending Email

  • Route /email/sendEmail
  • Request Type POST
  • Request Body
     userEmail: '',
     mailSubject: 'Hello, World!',
     mailContent: //Some Lengthy Text

Log Out

1- Log Out

  • Route /logout
  • Request Type POST
  • Response Body
   success: true,
   msg: "logged out successfully!" 

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