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Powerful scoreboard library for Minecraft Paper/Spigot servers using the adventure component library

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  • Sidebars. Up to 42 characters (depends on the formatting) for 1.12.2-, no limit for newer versions
  • Teams. Supports showing different properties (display name, prefix, entries etc.) of the same team to different players
  • Objectives.
  • Full support for new 1.20.4 features (score display names, custom score formats)
  • Doesn't require extra dependencies (assuming you're targeting modern versions of Paper)
  • Packet-level, meaning it works with other scoreboard plugins
  • Supports Folia
  • Fully async. All packet work is done asynchronously, so you can use the library from the main thread without sacrificing any performance
  • Automatically works with TranslatableComponents. All components are translated using GlobalTranslator for each player's client locale and automatically update whenever the player changes it in their settings

Available Packet Adapters

  • modern. Supports 1.17-1.21.1. Can take advantage of Paper's native adventure support to be more efficient.
  • legacy. Supports 1.7.10-1.12.2.
  • PacketEvents. Supports 1.8+. Requires PacketEvents 2.0 to be shaded or installed as a plugin.


You can add multiple packet adapters, the best one will automatically be picked depending on the server version.


See installation instructions here

Getting started

ScoreboardLibrary scoreboardLibrary;
try {
  scoreboardLibrary = ScoreboardLibrary.loadScoreboardLibrary(plugin);
} catch (NoPacketAdapterAvailableException e) {
  // If no packet adapter was found, you can fallback to the no-op implementation:
  scoreboardLibrary = new NoopScoreboardLibrary();
  plugin.getLogger().warning("No scoreboard packet adapter available!");

// On plugin shutdown:

Thread safety warning (Folia)

Sidebars and TeamManagers are not thread safe, so you will need to add some synchronisation to make sure you're using them from only one thread at a time.

Sidebar (low-level)

Sidebar sidebar = scoreboardLibrary.createSidebar();

sidebar.title(Component.text("Sidebar Title"));
sidebar.line(0, Component.empty());
sidebar.line(1, Component.text("Line 1"));
sidebar.line(2, Component.text("Line 2"));
sidebar.line(2, Component.empty());
sidebar.line(3, Component.text(""));

sidebar.addPlayer(player); // Add the player to the sidebar

// Don't forget to call sidebar.close() once you don't need it anymore!

Component sidebars

Component sidebars are an abstraction over the low-level Sidebar. They allow you to design sidebars in a clean way. Here's how you create a SidebarComponent with a static line:

SidebarComponent staticLine = SidebarComponent.staticLine(Component.text("A static line"));

You can chain multiple SidebarComponents together using SidebarComponent.builder():

SidebarComponent lines = SidebarComponent.builder()
  .addComponent(SidebarComponent.staticLine(Component.text("A static line")))
  .addStaticLine(Component.text("Another static line")) // Shorthand for line above

To use these components, create a ComponentSidebarLayout:

ComponentSidebarLayout layout = new ComponentSidebarLayout(
  SidebarComponent.staticLine(Component.text("Sidebar Title")),

Sidebar sidebar = scoreboardLibrary.createSidebar();

// Apply the title & lines components to the Sidebar
// Do this every time the title or any line needs to be updated

You can make animations with SidebarAnimation:

Component lineComponent = Component.text("Line that changes colors");
Set<NamedTextColor> colors = NamedTextColor.NAMES.values();
List<Component> frames = new ArrayList<>(colors.size());
for (NamedTextColor color : colors) {

SidebarAnimation<Component> animation = new CollectionSidebarAnimation<>(frames);
// You can also implement SidebarAnimation yourself

SidebarComponent line = SidebarComponent.animatedLine(animation);

// Advance to the next frame of the animation

Animations can be used for pagination:

Player player = ...;

SidebarComponent firstPage = SidebarComponent.builder()
  .addStaticLine(Component.text("First page"))
  .addDynamicLine(() -> Component.text("Level: " + player.getLevel()))

SidebarComponent secondPage = SidebarComponent.builder()
  .addStaticLine(Component.text("Second page"))
  .addDynamicLine(() -> Component.text("Health: " + player.getHealth()))

List<SidebarComponent> pages = Arrays.asList(firstPage, secondPage);
SidebarAnimation<SidebarComponent> pageAnimation = new CollectionSidebarAnimation<>(pages);
SidebarComponent paginatedComponent = SidebarComponent.animatedComponent(pageAnimation);

// ...

You can also create your own SidebarComponents:

public class KeyValueSidebarComponent implements SidebarComponent {
  private final Component key;
  private final Supplier<Component> valueSupplier;

  public KeyValueSidebarComponent(@NotNull Component key, @NotNull Supplier<Component> valueSupplier) {
    this.key = key;
    this.valueSupplier = valueSupplier;

  public void draw(@NotNull LineDrawable drawable) {
    var value = valueSupplier.get();
    var line = Component.text()
      .append(Component.text(": "))


Here's a full sidebar example:

public class ExampleComponentSidebar {
  private final Sidebar sidebar;
  private final ComponentSidebarLayout componentSidebar;
  private final SidebarAnimation<Component> titleAnimation;

  public ExampleComponentSidebar(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Sidebar sidebar) {
    this.sidebar = sidebar;

    this.titleAnimation = createGradientAnimation(Component.text("Sidebar Example",;
    var title = SidebarComponent.animatedLine(titleAnimation);

    SimpleDateFormat dtf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");

    // Custom SidebarComponent, see below for how an implementation might look like
    SidebarComponent onlinePlayers = new KeyValueSidebarComponent(
      Component.text("Online players"),
      () -> Component.text(plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers().size())

    SidebarComponent lines = SidebarComponent.builder()
      .addDynamicLine(() -> {
        var time = dtf.format(new Date());
        return Component.text(time, NamedTextColor.GRAY);
      .addStaticLine(Component.text("A static line"))
      .addStaticLine(Component.text("", NamedTextColor.AQUA))

    this.componentSidebar = new ComponentSidebarLayout(title, lines);

  // Called every tick
  public void tick() {
    // Advance title animation to the next frame

    // Update sidebar title & lines

  private @NotNull SidebarAnimation<Component> createGradientAnimation(@NotNull Component text) {
    float step = 1f / 8f;

    TagResolver.Single textPlaceholder = Placeholder.component("text", text);
    List<Component> frames = new ArrayList<>((int) (2f / step));

    float phase = -1f;
    while (phase < 1) {
      frames.add(MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gradient:yellow:gold:" + phase + "><text>", textPlaceholder));
      phase += step;

    return new CollectionSidebarAnimation<>(frames);

Sidebar example`


TeamManager teamManager = scoreboardLibrary.createTeamManager();
ScoreboardTeam team = teamManager.createIfAbsent("team_name");

// A TeamDisplay holds all the display properties that a team can have (prefix, suffix etc.).
// You can apply different TeamDisplays for each player so different players can see
// different properties on a single ScoreboardTeam. However if you don't need that you can
// use the default TeamDisplay that is created in every ScoreboardTeam.
TeamDisplay teamDisplay = team.defaultDisplay();
teamDisplay.displayName(Component.text("Team Display Name"));
teamDisplay.prefix(Component.text("[Prefix] "));
teamDisplay.suffix(Component.text(" [Suffix]"));

teamManager.addPlayer(player); // Player will be added to the default TeamDisplay of each ScoreboardTeam

// Create a new TeamDisplay like this:
TeamDisplay newTeamDisplay = team.createDisplay();
newTeamDisplay.displayName(Component.text("Other Team Display Name"));

// Change the TeamDisplay a player sees like this:
team.display(player, newTeamDisplay);

// Don't forget to call teamManager.close() once you don't need it anymore!


ObjectiveManager objectiveManager = scoreboardLibrary.createObjectiveManager();
ScoreboardObjective objective = objectiveManager.create("coolobjective");
objective.value(Component.text("Display name"));
objective.score(player.getName(), 69420);
objectiveManager.display(ObjectiveDisplaySlot.belowName(), objective);

objectiveManager.addPlayer(player); // Make a player see the objectives

// Don't forget to call objectiveManager.close() once you don't need it anymore!