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Sensor Data Ingest

Updated 2020-06-16

Scripts in this repository do all the work of converting raw data from Purple Air sensors into .rda files ready for use with the AirSensor R package.

Data can be accesed in R with:


Installation Instructions for an Operational Site

Docker containers

For background on Docker, see:

All data processing is performed by scripts running inside of docker containers. This level of virtualization allows containers and scripts to be loaded onto a system that has none of the other software dependencies required to run R.

This repository includes a docker/Makefile with targets and dependencies to simplify building a docker image.

You can review current airsensor docker images with:

docker images | grep "mazamascience/airsensor"

Web accessible directories

It is assumed that scripts are being run on a Unix system with an Apache web server. A data directory should be set up as the archiveBaseDir so that Apache can serve GET requests for data files.

An example base directory might be:


Cron jobs

Each of the ~_exec.R scripts is run on a daily schedule defined by crontab_etc/crontab_daily.txt.

Note that all crontab entries must be on a single line. No line continuation characters are allowed.

The crontab files, along with test/Makefile use the docker -v flag to mount host directories (aka "volumes") to predefined locations inside the docker container.

To deploy the data ingest scripts, the contents of the crontab files should be modified to reflect appropriate absolute paths on the host machine and then added to a privileged user's crontab so the scripts will be run on a daily basis.



This directory has the following contents:

├── Makefile
├── createAirSensor_annual_exec.R
├── createAirSensor_extended_exec.R
├── createAirSensor_latest_exec.R
├── createPAS_exec.R
├── createPAT_extended_exec.R
├── createPAT_latest_exec.R
├── createPAT_monthly_exec.R
├── createVideo_exec.R
├── crontabs_etc
│   ├── __crontab_daily.txt
│   ├── crontab_PAT_monthlyArchive_joule.txt
│   ├── crontab_daily_joule.txt
│   └── upgrade_joule.txt
├── docker
│   └── Makefile
├── test
│   └── Makefile
└── upgradePAS_exec.R

Each of the ~_exec.R scripts is run on a daily schedule defined by crontab_daily.txt files.

The docker/ directory has a Makefile for installing the docker image needed to run the scripts.

The test/ directory has a Makefile for testing every script using the installed docker image.

Output Directories

As each script is run, either at the command line or from a cron job, it will generate output files in the directory specified with the --archiveBaseDir option. The following directory structure is required. R package functions assume the following directory structure will be available at some web accessible archiveBaseDir or archiveBasUrl:

├── airsensor
│   ├── 2017
│   ├── 2018
│   ├── 2019
│   ├── 2020
│   └── latest
├── pas
│   ├── 2019
│   └── 2020
└── pat
    ├── 2017
    ├── 2018
    ├── 2019
    ├── 2020
    └── latest

Files generated by the latest scripts are always written into latest/ directories while other scripts write datestamped files into the appropriate annual directory.

Processing Logs

As each script is run, either at the command line or from a cron job, it will generate logging output in the directory specified with the --logDir option. Log files contain the name of the processing script. Four different levels of logging are provided:

  • ERROR -- Something went wrong, sometimes resulting in no generation of an output file.
  • INFO -- Summary information on data processed along with any warnings generated.
  • DEBUG -- Detailed processing information to help understand where processing might have gone wrong.
  • TRACE -- Excruciatingly detailed processing information including URL requests.

Note that scripts run repeatedly in cron jobs will overwrite the logs so that any failures seen in the log files represent the most recent run of the script generating the failure.


The test/ directory contains a Makefile with targets that will run executable scripts using the mazamascience/airsensor:latest docker image. All output and log files will be generated in output/ and logs/ directories that can be removed with the clean target.

For example, to test the proper generation of pas files, one should:

cd test; make createPAS

Then review the files generated in output/ and logs/.

More detailed debugging can be performed by loading the ~_exec.R scripts into RStudio and running them interactively.

Background Reading

A quick refresher on docker commands is available at the docker cheat sheet.


Purple Air sensor data processing scripts






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