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Manage a recruitment campaign

Marc-AntoineA edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 3 revisions

Note: This document is definitely not exhaustive as many things are really easy with some practice. Feel free to add things.

How does it work?

As this software can be used to handle many campaigns ** at the same time**, in different locations with local customizations (for example differents questions/steps in Barcelona and in Athens), it's fully customizable.

Everything is based on the concept of process (or campaign - it's exactly the same). A process corresponds to all the questions an applicant has to fill to apply to a given location at a given time (see What is a process for more info).

For example, a process could be created for the 9th class in Athens with the following questions: personal information, motivation letter, Khan Academy Course. This process would be opened only a few weeks: once the deadline is achieved, no application is possible.

Every campaign works with the following steps:

What is a process

A process is an ordered list of steps. They should be done from the first one to the last one but there are no constraints on it. To be accepted in the class, all the steps have to be filled. An applicant can start working on his answers, save it and submit it later.

For example, the motivation letter is a step, the _Khan Academy Website is another one

Moreover, a process has some properties: a name, a deadline and a location. The name is an identifier of the process, the deadline is the last date when the applicants can apply, the location is used to group the processes by location. All these properties can be edited even if a process is opened (from release v1.0).

For example, the location is Athens, the label is Coding/Programming class 5 in Athens

A step is a list of questions. A question is a label, a type and if the question is mandatory or not. The implemented types are currently:

  • text: it's used for text answers (more than a few words), for example, a motivation letter
  • inline text: it's used for short text answers (only a few words): for example a name, a link...
  • phone: it's used for phone numbers
  • date: only used for the birthdate right now
  • unique choice: for multi choices questions where the applicant can select only one answer. For example a Yes or No question.

Due to ergonomic reasons, the questions are displayed in many pages which contain a name, a caption and some questions (eventually no one if you want to create a title page).

Everything here is fully customizable through the online editor (see below for an overview of the possibilities)

A process can be in three status:

  • draft: it means that it can be fully edited online BUT the applicants cannot see it and cannot apply to it.
  • open: it means that everybody can apply BUT nothing can be edited anymore. This is really important, we don't want to allow to change the questions during the process.
  • closed: process after his deadline

How to make a draft

To create a process it can be done from scratch or by making a copy of an existing (draft, open or closed) process. Everything is customizable in the online editor: steps, pages, and questions can be created, inserted or moved.

Be careful, nothing is saved automatically, please think of saving your edits regularly. Once it's saved, nothing can be undone. If you edit it in two computers at the same time, it cannot work (but you can work on different processes at the same time, of course).

New possibilities could be developed if needed:

  • download a process into a text file
  • upload a process from a text file

Every page caption is formatted by HTML. It means that you can add links (with <a href='' target='_blank'>Google</a> ), change the font (bold with <b>bold</b> or italic with <i>italic</i>), add new lines (with <br/>) or even change the css or the JS.

How to test a process

If there is no easy way to do it right now, the good way to it is the following:

  1. Open the process (it means changing the status of the process to open)
  2. Try to apply to this process and see how it works.
  3. As you cannot edit an opened process, you duplicate it, do your modifications on the new process and delete the old one.

How to open a process

Once a process is opened, it cannot be edited anymore (see above how to edit it if you have to do it). Please check the points below before launching a new campaign

  • Check the name: it's the one the applicant choose when he applies and it's written in every email ;
  • Check the location: it appears in the welcome page and on many emails ;
  • Check the deadline: it appears on the summary page of every student and nobody can apply after the deadline

How to apply


How to answer


How to monitor a campaign


How to close a campaign
