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A compiler that converts structured code into a statemachine that mineflayer can evaluate to control the minecraft bot.

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In this project i built a compiler for the mineflayer-statemachine api, to improve the developer experience when trying to create a mineflayer-bot.

You can find a full description of this project on my website.


To prevent the programmer from hard-coding the underlying state machine by hand, you can use different nodes, to build a complete abstract-syntax-tree, which then gets compiled down to the state-machine level.

For example, you could enter something like:

let rootNode: ASTNode = new WhileNode(
  new FunctionConditionNode("infinite repeat", () => true),
  new SequentialNode(
    new GoToNode("goto chests", new Vec3(217, 64, 173)),

    new DepositToChestNode("deposit", new Vec3(219, 64, 171), {
      itemName: "cobblestone",
      amount: "all",

    new TryNode(
      new TakeFromChestNode("take iron-pickaxe", new Vec3(219, 64, 173), {
        itemName: "iron_pickaxe",
        amount: 1,

      new EquipNode("equip iron-pickaxe", {
        itemName: "iron_pickaxe",
        place: "hand",

By creating a bot, and calling the simulate() function you can start the minecraft-bot with the given program:

const bot: Bot = createBot({
  host: "localhost",
  username: "LerryBot",

simulate(rootNode, bot);

This creates a minecraft-bot which joins the specified server, once spawned the bot immediately begins with its tasks.
The compiled program gets printed to the console and additionally the statemachine-webserver starts. On this website you can see the current state of the bot.






This is a subset of the actual UML-Diagram to get an overview of the code-structure.


There are two different types of nodes:

  1. ASTNodes
  2. ConditionNodes

The ASTNode create the structure of the program, and allow the programmer to define actions which the bot should perform.
The ConditionNodes are used to decide the behavior of IfNodes and WhileNodes.

There exist the following implementations:

  • ASTNodes

    • TaskNode
    • SequentialNode
    • IfNode
    • WhileNode
    • TryNode
    • IgnoreErrorNode
  • ConditionNodes

    • FunctionConditionNode
    • InventoryConditionNode
    • AndNode
    • OrNode
    • NotNode


The TaskNode is an abstract class representing the actual task of the bot.
The actual logic gets implemented by its direct children-classes.

  • GoToNode
  • SleepNode
  • MineBlockNode
  • MineBlocksNode
  • DepositToChestNode
  • EquipNode
  • CallNode
  • ChatNode
  • IdleNode
  • ActivateHotbarIconNode
  • ClickInventoryNode
  • TakeFromChestNode
  • WalkOverAreaNode
  • PlaceBlockNode


Tells the bot to go to the specified coordinates.

constructor(description: string, private position: Vec3) {
  super("goto", description, position);


Tells the bot to sleep for the specified time.

constructor(description: string, private blockPos: Vec3) {
  super("mineBlock", description, blockPos);


Tells the bot to mine a specific block.

constructor(description: string, private millis: number) {
  super("sleep", description, millis);


Tells the bot to mine multiple blocks, based on a function call which returns all the blocks which should be mined.

  description: string,
  private positionFunction: (bot: Bot) => Vec3[],
  private equipTask: EquipTask
) {
  super("mineBlocks", description, positionFunction);


Tells the bot to deposit a specific item into a provided chest.

constructor(description: string, private chestPos: Vec3, private task: DepositTask) {
      super("depositToChest", description, chestPos, task);


Tells the bot to equip a specific item to a specific slot on the bot.

constructor(description: string, private equipTask: EquipTask) {
  super("equip", description, equipTask);


Tells the bot to call a specific function.

constructor(description: string, private func: () => void) {
    super("call", description, func);


Tells the bot to write a specific message in the chat.

constructor(description: string, private chatMessage: string){
  super("chat", description, chatMessage);


Tells the bot to go into an idle state.

constructor(description: string) {
    super("idle", description);


Tells the bot to activate an item in the hotbar.

constructor(description: string, private slot: number) {
    super("activateHotbarIcon", description, slot);


Tells the bot to click on an item in the inventory.

constructor(description: string, private button: MouseButton, private slot: number) {
      super("clickInventory", description, slot);


Tells the bot to take a specific item from the chest.

constructor(description: string, private chestPos: Vec3, private takeTask: DepositTask) {
  super("takeFromChest", description, chestPos, takeTask);


Tells the bot to walk over a specified area, useful for collecting items.

constructor(description: string, private corner1: Vec3, private corner2: Vec3) {
  super("walkOverArea", description, corner1, corner2);


Tells the bot to place a block on the specified block, uses the given direction to figure out the angle the bot should be placed from.

  description: string,
  private placeDirection: Direction,
  private referencePos: Vec3,
  private itemName: string
) {
  super("placeBlock", description, placeDirection, referencePos, itemName);


The sequential Node allows the execution of multiple other Nodes in a sequential order.
Its constructor receives an arbitrary amount of Nodes which then get executed in order.

SequentialNode - Constructor

constructor(child: ASTNode, ...children: ASTNode[]) {
  this.children = [child, ...children];

SequentialNode - Example Usage

let rootNode: ASTNode = new SequentialNode(
  new GoToNode("goto chests", new Vec3(217, 64, 173)),

  new DepositToChestNode("deposit", new Vec3(219, 64, 171), {
    itemName: "cobblestone",
    amount: "all",

  new TakeFromChestNode("take iron-pickaxe", new Vec3(219, 64, 173), {
    itemName: "iron_pickaxe",
    amount: 1,


The IfNode provides a way for the bot to dynamically choose between two possible branches. It evaluates the given condition and the leads the bot to the according path.

IfNode - Constructor

  private condition: ConditionNode,
  private ifTrue: ASTNode,
  private ifFalse?: ASTNode
) {}

The constructor takes a ConditionNode and two nodes which should be executed whether the condition is true or false.
The isFalse node is optional.

IfNode - Example Usage

let rootNode: ASTNode = new IfNode(
  new InventoryConditionNode("atleast", 1, "wooden_pickaxe", {
    comparison: "more_than",
    durability: 10,

  new GoToNode("if true, goto cobble-generator", new Vec3(217, 64, 173)),

  new GoToNode("if false, goto chests ", new Vec3(207, 64, 173))


The WhileNode provides a way for the bot to repeat a given Node, as long as the provided condition is true. It evaluates the given condition and the leads the bot into the loop or exits the WhileNode if the condition evaluates to false.

WhileNode - Constructor

  private condition: ConditionNode,
  private body: ASTNode
) {}

The constructor takes a ConditionNode and a body node which gets executed until the condition is no longer true.

WhileNode - Example Usage

let rootNode: ASTNode = new WhileNode(
  new FunctionConditionNode("infinite repeat", () => true),
  new SequentialNode(
    new GoToNode("goto chests", new Vec3(217, 64, 173)),
    new DepositToChestNode("deposit", new Vec3(219, 64, 171), {
      itemName: "cobblestone",
      amount: "all",
    new GoToNode("goto away", new Vec3(267, 64, 173))


The TryNode provides a way for the bot to dynamically switch to the error-node, if some node inside the main_task-node throws an error.

TryNode - Constructor

  private main_task: ASTNode,
  private error: ASTNode
) {}

The constructor takes a main-node and an error-node. The bot starts to execute the main-node, and switches to the error-node if something goes wrong while executing the main-node.

TryNode - Example Usage

let rootNode: ASTNode = new TryNode(
  new SequentialNode(
    new GoToNode("go up in the air", new Vec3(267, 164, 173)),
    new DepositToChestNode("deposit to a chest", new Vec3(219, 164, 171), {
      itemName: "cobblestone",
      amount: "all",
  new ChatNode("error", "Hey, an error occurred...")


The IgnoreErrorNode works similar to the SequentialNode. The main difference is that the IgnoreErrorNode continues to the next children-node, even if the previous one threw an error.
This node is just syntactic-sugar.

IgnoreErrorNode - Example Usage

let rootNode: ASTNode = new IgnoreErrorNode(
  new PlaceBlockNode(
    "replant sappling 1",
    new Vec3(204, 63, 167),
  new PlaceBlockNode(
    "replant sappling 2",
    new Vec3(204, 63, 170),
  new PlaceBlockNode(
    "replant sappling 3",
    new Vec3(201, 63, 170),


The FunctionCondtionNode is used to define a condition based on the result of a function call.

  private name: string,
  private func: (bot: Bot) => boolean
) {}

The constructor takes a description name for the node and a boolean function. This function gets evaluated when the bot needs to take a decision.

FunctionCondtionNode - Example Usage

The main use of the function is to create infinite loops, but there exist also some other, more complex things you can do with it.

new FunctionCondtionNode("infinite repeat", () => true);


The InventoryConditionNode is used to define a condition based on the current inventory of the bot.

      private attribute: Comparison,
      private amount: number,
      private itemName: string,
      private duribailityData?: DurabilityData
  ) {
      if (!mcData.itemsByName[this.itemName]) {
          throw new Error("No item found with name " + itemName);

The constructor takes a comparison-attribute of the following types: "exactly" | "less_than" | "more_than" | "atleast" | "atmost";, an amount of items to compare against, and the minecraft-itemname of the item.
There is also an optional argument to select only items with the given durability conditions:

type DurabilityData = {
  comparison: "exactly" | "less_than" | "more_than" | "atleast" | "atmost";
  durability: number;

InventoryConditionNode - Example Usage

new InventoryConditionNode("atleast", 1, "wooden_axe", {
  comparison: "more_than",
  durability: 10,


The AndNode is used to determine the logical-and of multiple ConditionNodes.

constructor(node: ConditionNode, ...nodes: ConditionNode[]) {
  this.andNodes = [node, ...nodes];

The constructor takes an arbitrary amount of arguments. Once the bot evaluates this condition the truth-value is calculated based on the logical-and of all the supplied ConditionNodes.

AndNode - Example Usage

new AndNode(
  new InventoryConditionNode("atmost", 10, "cobblestone"),
  new InventoryConditionNode("atleast", 1, "wooden_pickaxe", {
    comparison: "more_than",
    durability: 10,


The OrNode is used to determine the logical-or of multiple ConditionNodes.

constructor(node: ConditionNode, ...nodes: ConditionNode[]) {
  this.orNodes = [node, ...nodes];

The constructor takes an arbitrary amount of arguments. Once the bot evaluates this condition the truth-value is calculated based on the logical-or of all the supplied ConditionNodes.

OrNode - Example Usage

new OrNode(
  new InventoryConditionNode("atmost", 10, "cobblestone"),
  new InventoryConditionNode("atleast", 1, "wooden_pickaxe", {
    comparison: "more_than",
    durability: 10,


The NotNode is used to determine the logical-not of a ConditionNodes.

constructor(private node: ConditionNode) {}

The constructor takes a single ConditionNode. Once the bot evaluates this condition the truth-value is calculated based on the logical-not of the supplied ConditionNode.

NotNode - Example Usage

new NotNode(
  new InventoryConditionNode("atleast", 1, "wooden_pickaxe", {
    comparison: "more_than",
    durability: 10,


A compiler that converts structured code into a statemachine that mineflayer can evaluate to control the minecraft bot.






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