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The Migration-Modeler project, to help with scoping the applications boundaries and migrating z/OS applications to Git using DBB.


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The DBB Git Migration Modeler utility


This asset provides a guided approach to plan and migrate source codebase from MVS datasets to z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) folders, and helps to identify and document the boundaries of mainframe applications.

An important capability is to understand the usage and dependencies on include files and programs across applications. The DBB Git Migration Modeler utility performs an assessment to understand how these include files and programs are used by the analyzed applications, if they are shared across applications or dedicated with a private or a public scope. Depending on the result of this analysis, the utility suggests the appropriate owning application into which the include files are moved, and documents the source-level and object-level application dependencies.

It is also able to automatically create part of the configuration of the dbb-zAppBuild build framework, by generating property files for the application's artifacts based on provided configuration mappings.


This asset takes the user through 3 major phases:

The Framing phase

For this first phase, the utility is offering a framework to define which applications exist in today's SCM system, their owners and which artifacts (COBOL, JCL, PROCs) belong to these applications. The schema to define this information is captured in the Applications Mapping file (YAML format). Another configuration file used as input, known as the Repository Paths Mapping file allows users to define how artifacts are mapped to a repository structure.

The produced files (called Application Descriptors) of this first phase are used to communicate with the application owners, to gain their agreement about the content of the applications they own. It can serve as a control point in the planning and the execution of the migration process.

The outcome of this phase is a formalized documentation of today's knowledge about the existing applications with the perspectives of ownership, technical composition, and build framework configuration.

The other files generated by this phase are DBB Migration Mapping files, which are also used during this phase to copy the files from datasets to z/OS UNIX System Services folders, that could represent Git repositories. This step uses the DBB Migration utility to perform the copy to USS folders, also ensuring the correctness of the mapping and the absence of non-roundtripable and non-printable characters, that could affect the migration.

The Assessment phase

The copy that occured the phase before is probably not the final migration of the members, but it facilitates the analyzis of artifacts' usage, especially those that nobody claims and that are perceived as shared. This helps in specific situations where ownership of include files and programs is undefined and unclear, potentially because some or all of these include files and programs used to be accessible by all applications in a previous configuration. For programs, the usage assessment is performed with statically linked submodules.

After migrating the code, the source code of all applications will be scanned, before the classification process is performed:

  • During this process, the utility will place the unassigned Include Files into an application's folder structure if this applications was determined as the owner (in the case that a single application was identified as using the artifact). The Application Descriptor files are updated accordingly.
  • For include files and programs that already are claimed by an application, the same classification process is performed to document the usage of these files. For Include Files, their scope is changed to private if only programs from this application are referencing this given include file, otherwise public if multiple applications are refering to this include file.
    For Programs, their scope is changed to internal submodule if only programs from this application are statically linking this given program, otherwise service submodule if multiple applications are statically linking this program. Again, the application descriptor will be updated accordingly.

This analysis has to occur on the entire codebase of all applications to ensure correct recommendations and results.

The output files of this process are crucial to gain the final approval from the application teams about the scope of applications. After this stage, the DBB Migration mapping files are also updated accordingly, to reflect the new locations of the moved files.

The Property Generation phase

This stage is optional and allows to statically migrate build configuration from the legacy system to the new build framework and generate build configurations. We encourage customers to use the dynamic scanners in Dependency Based Build to determine the runtime flags for each build file. The outputs of this stage becomes relevant when the final migration is taking place.

The purpose of this stage is to generate properties and property files that are used by the dbb-zAppBuild framework, based on the information gathered in a specific input file, the Types file, defined later in this documentation.

This phase will generate the necessary properties and files required to leverage the Language configuration mapping feature available in dbb-zAppBuild. Each composite type will be created (if not already existing) and will combine properties to represent a unique Language Configuration. At the application level, file-level overrides are also generated and inserted in the application's application-conf folder.

Outcomes and benefits

  • Documentation about which files are owned by which application.
  • Classification of include files and statically linked programs.
  • Insights about non-roundtripable / non-printable characters.
  • Relevant information to plan the migration of all applications.
  • Ready-to-use configuration files based on the originating SCM's knowledge base

Refreshing Application Descriptor files

For applications that are already migrated to Git, the DBB Git Migration Modeler provides a feature to generate Application Descriptor files. More information can be found in the Refresh Application Descriptor files section.

Terminology and description of configuration files

Input configuration files

The following list details the content of these configuration files:

  1. Applications Mapping file (YAML format): this file describes the content of each application.
    It can be created manually or can be fueled with information coming from external databases or provided by an SCM tool.
    For each application, naming conventions can be used to filter elements that belong to that application. Each naming convention defines a pattern that is used to analyze the list of files in a list of provided libraries.
    If the pattern matches, the member is assigned to the owning application. If no pattern of any application is matching the member name, it is assigned to a common application called UNASSIGNED.
  2. Repository Paths Mapping file (YAML format): This file describes the folder structure on z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) that will contain the files to are moved from the datasets.
    It is created manually, from the provided template.
    Each Repository Path entry described in this file documents the type of artifacts in this folder, their file extension, their encoding, the source group they belong to, the language processor (for instance, the language script in dbb-zAppBuild) and criteria to meet for classification.
    The mvsMapping attribute of the Repository Path entry defines the criteria of origin: it either is the last-level qualifier of the dataset in which the member is located, the type (see the next configuration file for details) that is defined for these artifacts, or, if enabled, the language and file type as returned by the DBB Scanner.
  3. Types file (CSV format): this optional file is a listing of the known members of all datasets and their associated type of the legacy SCM.
    Lines of this file are composed of the artifact's names, followed by a list of comma-separated types. A combination of types can be specified, which will then turn into a composite type definition in dbb-zAppBuild.
    This information should be extracted from the legacy SCM tool using its provided utilities. For a given member described in this file, its type can be used as a criteria to define the appropriate target Repository Path when analyzing the provided datasets. Types mapping are meant to be used only for programs, not for Includes Files.
  4. Types Configurations file (YAML format): this file defines the build configurations with their dbb-zAppBuild build properties and values. This information is typically extracted from the legacy SCM tool and mapped to the equivalent build property in dbb-zAppBuild. It is recommended to use ad-hoc automation, when applicable, to facilitate the creation of this file.
    Each Type Configuration defines properties that are used by the dbb-zAppBuild framework. Types can be combined depending on definitions found in the Types file, to generate composite types combining different properties.

Output files

When running this utility, two main types of files will be created for each application that are discovered:

  • An Application Descriptor file (YAML format): this file is built during the analysis of the datasets members provided as input. It contains the list of artifacts that belong to this application, with properties that are updated when the usage of Include Files and Programs is performed.
    • The Framing phase stores the files in a shared configuration folder (named work-configs by default).
    • The Assessment phase produces an updated Application Descriptor file, which is stored within the application's folder. This allows to compare the Application Descriptor files between the Framing phase and the Assessment phase.
  • A DBB Migration Mapping file (Text format): this file contains instructions on how the DBB Migration utility should operate when running a migration. This structure of mapping file and how to invoke the DBB Migration utility with a mapping file is described in the official DBB documentation.

For the Property Generation phase, the following output files are created:

  • Language Configuration files, containing properties defined for types configurations (as defined in the Types Configurations file). These Language Configuration files are stored in a custom dbb-zAppBuild instance which is copied from an original dbb-zAppbuild folder. The location of these files is the build-conf/language-conf folder in the custom dbb-zAppBuild instance.
  • For each analyzed application, an application-conf folder is copied from the original dbb-zAppBuild instance, in which two files are customized:

Configuring the DBB Git Migration Modeler utility


Install the DBB Git Migration Modeler by cloning the repository to z/OS Unix System Services.

Setup DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration

Once installed on z/OS Unix System Services, the script must be run to configure the DBB Git Migration Modeler, and set configuration parameters. This script prompts for the below environment variables and saves them in a configuration file, that is used as an input for the different DBB Git Migration Modeler scripts.

Configuration Parameter Description Default Value
DBB_MODELER_HOME The home of the DBB Git Migration Modeler project The current directory of 
DBB_MODELER_WORK The working directory for the DBB Git Migration Modeler. Requires to be sized to store the entire copy of all application programs. $DBB_MODELER_HOME-work
DBB_MODELER_APPCONFIG_DIR Stores the initial version of the Application Descriptor and the generated DBB Migration Mapping files $DBB_MODELER_WORK/work-configs
DBB_MODELER_APPLICATION_DIR Path where the DBB Git Migration Modeler will create the application directories $DBB_MODELER_WORK/work-applications
DBB_MODELER_LOGS Path where the DBB Git Migration Modeler will store the log files of the various steps of Migration Modeler process $DBB_MODELER_WORK/work-logs
DBB_MODELER_METADATA_STORE_DIR Path to create a DBB File Metadatastore. Required for the Assessment phase $DBB_MODELER_WORK/work-metadatastore
APPLICATION_DATASETS The list of input datasets that will be analyzed by the DBB Git Migration Modeler. These datasets need to hold a copy of the code base of your production system DBEHM.MIG.COBOL,DBEHM.MIG.COPY,DBEHM.MIG.BMS
DBB Git Migration Modeler Input files  
APPLICATION_MAPPING_FILE Application Mapping file containing the existing applications and their naming conventions, elements lists. See tailoring of input files. $DBB_MODELER_WORK/applicationsMapping.yaml
REPOSITORY_PATH_MAPPING_FILE Repository Paths Mapping file map the various types of members to the folder layout in Git. See tailoring of input files. $DBB_MODELER_WORK/repositoryPathsMapping.yaml
SCAN_DATASET_MEMBERS Flag to determine if application extraction process should scan each member to identify source type.  false
SCAN_DATASET_MEMBERS_ENCODING PDS encoding for scanner when determining the source type IBM-1047
 TYPE_CONFIGURATIONS_FILE Type Configuration to generate zAppBuild Language Configurations to statically preserve existing build configuration $DBB_MODELER_WORK/typesConfigurations.yaml
DEFAULT_GIT_CONFIG Folder containing a default .gitattributes and .gitignore files to initialize a Git repo for the Application repositories $DBB_MODELER_WORK/git-config
DBB_ZAPPBUILD Path to your customized zAppBuild repository on z/OS Unix System Services for baseline builds /var/dbb/dbb-zappbuild
DBB_COMMUNITY_REPO Path to your customized DBB community repository on z/OS Unix System Services /var/dbb/dbb

Tailor the input files

The configuration files required to use the DBB Git Migration Modeler utility are copied by the script from the samples folder to the work folder that was specified during setup process.

Four configuration files need to be reviewed and adapted to your installation and your needs, before using the DBB Git Migration Modeler:

  • The Applications Mapping file file contains the list of existing applications including the naming convention patterns to define the elements that belong to each application. Instead of patterns for naming conventions, the file also accepts fully qualified member names that can be extracted from an existing data source or report provided by your legacy tool.
    Members in the input PDSs libraries that do not match any convention will be associated to the UNASSIGNED application and be treated as shared code.
    If no naming convention is applied for a given application, or if all the members of a given dataset belong to the same application, a naming convention whose value is ........ should be defined.

  • The Repository Paths Mapping file file is required and may be tailored to meet with your requirements, in terms of folder layout. However, it is recommended to use the definitions provided in the template, and keep consistent definitions for all applications being migrated.
    The values provided in the sample file should meet most of the implementations, but these values can be customized if necessary.
    The file controls how dataset members should be dispatched to target subfolders on USS, depending on the low-level qualifiers of the dataset which hold them, their associated types (if any, as described in the Types file) or, if enabled, the scan result provided by the DBB Scanner.
    For each repository path, the artifactsType property is used during the Assessment phase, to filter out for each type of artifacts to perform the assessment. Only artifacts of types Program or Include File will be included in the analysis. It is recommended to keep the current settings defined in the provided Repository Paths Mapping file for the artifactsType property.

  • The Types file lists their dataset members and their associated type (like a language definition), as described in the legacy SCM tool. This CSV file is optional, and should be built with an SCM-provided utility or from an SCM-provided report.
    During the Framing phase, the type information can be used as a criteria to dispatch files. If no type is assigned to a given artifact, this information will not be used to dispatch the file and this element will be of type UNKNOWN in the Application Descriptor file.
    The type assigned to each artifact is used in the Property Generation phase to create Language Configuration in dbb-zAppBuild's configuration.

  • The Types Configurations file defines the differents types, grouping together related properties. This file is only used during the Property Generation phase. Each type configuration contains properties used by the dbb-zAppBuild framework.

Required input libraries of codebase

The utility is operating on a set of provided PDS libraries that contain a copy of the recent codebase of the legacy SCM repository. These datasets should be extracted from the legacy SCM system, using a SCM-provided utility or mechanism.

In the sample walkthrough below, all COBOL programs files of all applications are stored in a library called COBOL. COBOL Include files are stored in the COPYBOOK library.

Working with the DBB Git Migration Modeler utility

The DBB Git Migration Modeler utility is a set of shell scripts that are wrapping groovy scripts. The scripts are using DBB APIs and groovy APIs.

There are 3 primary command scripts located at /src/scripts :

The below sections explain the different primary command scripts.

Migration Modeler Start

To facilitate the extraction, migration, classification, and generation of build configuration, a sample script, called the Migration-Modeler-Start script, is provided to guide the user through the multiple steps of the process.

The Migration-Modeler-Start script is invoked with the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file passed as a parameter. The DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file contains the input parameters to the process.

The Migration-Modeler-Start script go through the following stages, that are represented by specific scripts under the covers. All scripts require to pass in the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file via the -c parameter.

  1. Extract Applications script ( this script scans the content of the provided datasets and assesses each member based on the provided input files. For each member found, it searches in the Applications Mapping YAML file if a naming convention, after being applied as a filter, matches the member name:

    • If it's a match, the member is assigned to the application that owns the matching naming convention.
    • If no pattern is found matching, the member is assigned to the UNASSIGNED application.
    • Outputs: After the execution of this script, a work-configs directory is created with 2 files for each application found.
      • An initial Application Descriptor file.
      • DBB Migration mapping file depending on the definitions in the Repository Paths mapping file.
  2. Run Migrations script ( this script executes the DBB Migration utility for each application with the generated DBB Migration Mapping files created by the Extract Applications script. It will copy all the files assigned to the given applications subfolders. Unassigned members are migrated into an UNASSIGNED application. The outcome of this script are subfolders created in the work-applications folder for each application. A side outcome of this step is the documentation about non-roundtripable and non-printable characters for each application.

  3. Classification script ( this script facilitates the scanning of the source code and the classification process. It calls two groovy scripts (scanApplication.groovy and assessUsage.groovy) to respectively scans the content of each files of the applications using the DBB scanner, and assess how Include Files and Programs are used by all the applications.

    • For the scanning phase, the script iterates through the list of identified applications, and uses the DBB scanner to understand the dependencies for each artifacts. This information is stored in a local, temporary DBB metadatastore on the USS filesystem, that holds the dependencies information.

    • The second phase of the process uses this metadata information to understand how Include Files and Programs are used across all applications and classify the Include Files in three categories (Private, Public or Shared) and Programs in three categories ("main", "internal submodule", "service submodule"). Depending on the results of this assessment, Include Files may be moved from one application to another, Programs are not subject to move.

    • Outputs

      • The initial Application Descriptor file for each application is stored in the application's subfolder located in the work-applications folder (if not already present) and is updated to reflect the findings of this step. As it contains additional details, we refer to is as the final Application Descriptor.
      • The DBB Migration mapping file is also updated accordingly, if files were moved from an owning application to another.
  4. Property Generation script ( this script generates build properties for dbb-zAppBuild. The script uses the type of each artifact to generate (or reuse if already existing) Language Configurations defined in dbb-zAppBuild, as configured in the Types Configurations file.
    The outcome is property files defined for each application's application-conf folder and Language Configuration files defined in a custom dbb-zAppBuild folder. This step is optional.

Extracting members from datasets into applications

The Extract Applications script ( requires the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file:

Optional configurations for the script:

  • The types (APPLICATION_MEMBER_TYPE_MAPPING) and the Types Configuration (TYPE_CONFIGURATIONS_FILE) files can be specified to generate correct build properties. Typically, these information can be extracted from the SCM solution using reports, or can be manually tailored if necessary.

  • The use of the DBB Scanner (controlled via SCAN_DATASET_MEMBERS property) to automatically identify the language and type of a file (Cobol, PLI, etc.), is disabled by default, and must be enabled through DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file. When enabled, each file is scanned to identify its language and file type, and these criteria are used first when identifying which repository path the file should be assigned to. When disabled, types and low-level qualifiers of the containing dataset are used, in this order.

Output example Execution of the command:
./src/scripts/utils/ -c /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER.config

Output log:

** Extraction process started.
** Script configuration:
   outputApplicationDirectory -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   applicationsMappingFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applicationsMapping.yaml
   typesFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/types.txt
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/1-extractApplications.log
   scanDatasetMembers -> false
   repositoryPathsMappingFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/repositoryPathsMapping.yaml
   outputConfigurationDirectory -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs
** Reading the Repository Layout Mapping definition.
** Reading the Application Mapping definition.
** Reading the Type Mapping definition.
** Iterating through the provided datasets.
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(ABNDPROC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(ACCLOAD)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(ACCOFFL)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(ACCTCTRL)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BANKDATA)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNKMENU)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1CAC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1CCA)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1CCS)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1CRA)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1DAC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1DCS)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1TFN)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(BNK1UAC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CONSENT)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CONSTTST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CRDTAGY1)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CRDTAGY2)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CRDTAGY3)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CRDTAGY4)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CRDTAGY5)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CREACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CRECUST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(CUSTCTRL)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(DBCRFUN)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(DELACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(DELCUS)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(DPAYAPI)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(DPAYTST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(EBUD0RUN)' - Mapped Application: RetirementCalculator
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(EBUD01)' - Mapped Application: RetirementCalculator
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(EBUD02)' - Mapped Application: RetirementCalculator
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(EBUD03)' - Mapped Application: RetirementCalculator
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(GETCOMPY)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(GETSCODE)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(INQACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(INQACCCU)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(INQCUST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGACDB01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGACDB02)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGACUS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGACVS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGAPDB01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGAPOL01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGAPVS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGASTAT1)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGDPDB01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGDPOL01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGDPVS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGICDB01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGICUS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGICVS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGIPDB01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGIPOL01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGIPVS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGSETUP)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGSTSQ)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGTESTC1)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGTESTP1)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGTESTP2)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGTESTP3)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGTESTP4)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGUCDB01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGUCUS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGUCVS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGUPDB01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGUPOL01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGUPVS01)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(LGWEBST5)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(OLDACDB1)' - Mapped Application: UNASSIGNED
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(OLDACDB2)' - Mapped Application: UNASSIGNED
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(PROLOAD)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(PROOFFL)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(UPDACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(UPDCUST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COBOL(XFRFUN)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(ABNDINFO)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(ACCDB2)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(ACCOUNT)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(ACCTCTRL)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1ACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1CAM)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1CCM)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1CDM)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1DAM)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1DCM)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1MAI)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1TFM)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(BNK1UAM)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CONSENT)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CONSTAPI)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CONSTDB2)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CONTDB2)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CREACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CRECUST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CUSTCTRL)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(CUSTOMER)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(DATASTR)' - Mapped Application: UNASSIGNED
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(DELACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(DELCUS)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(GETCOMPY)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(GETSCODE)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(INQACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(INQACCCU)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(INQCUST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(LGCMAREA)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(LGCMARED)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(LGPOLICY)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(LINPUT)' - Mapped Application: RetirementCalculator
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(PAYDBCR)' - Mapped Application: UNASSIGNED
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(PROCDB2)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(PROCTRAN)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(SORTCODE)' - Mapped Application: UNASSIGNED
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(UPDACC)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(UPDCUST)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.COPY(XFRFUN)' - Mapped Application: CBSA
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.BMS(EPSMLIS)' - Mapped Application: UNASSIGNED
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.BMS(EPSMORT)' - Mapped Application: UNASSIGNED
**** 'DBEHM.MIG.BMS(SSMAP)' - Mapped Application: GenApp
** Generating Applications Configurations files.
** Generating Configuration files for application UNASSIGNED.
        Created DBB Migration Utility mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/UNASSIGNED.mapping
        Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/UNASSIGNED.yaml
** Generating Configuration files for application CBSA.
        Created DBB Migration Utility mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/CBSA.mapping
        Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/CBSA.yaml
** Generating Configuration files for application GenApp.
        Created DBB Migration Utility mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/GenApp.mapping
        Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/GenApp.yaml
** Generating Configuration files for application RetirementCalculator.
        Created DBB Migration Utility mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/RetirementCalculator.mapping
        Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/RetirementCalculator.yaml
** Build finished

Migrating the members from MVS datasets to USS folders

The Run Migrations script ( only requires the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler Configuration file as parameter, to locate the work directories (controlled via DBB_MODELER_APPLICATION_DIR). It will search for all the DBB Migration mapping files located in the work-configs directory, and will process them in sequence.

Output example Execution of the command:

./src/scripts/utils/ -c /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER.config

Output log:

***** Running the DBB Migration Utility for application CBSA using file CBSA.mapping *****
Messages will be saved in /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/2-CBSA.migration.log
Non-printable scan level is info
Local GIT repository: /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA
Migrate data sets using mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/CBSA.mapping
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CUSTCTRL] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, ACCTCTRL] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/acctctrl.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, DELACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1CAC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, GETCOMPY] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, XFRFUN] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CREACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1CCM] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1ccm.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, UPDCUST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, ABNDINFO] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/abndinfo.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1CAM] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, UPDACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1UAC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CRDTAGY3] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1CCS] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, PAYDBCR] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CRDTAGY4] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CONSTDB2] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constdb2.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1ACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, INQACCCU] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CONSENT] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, PROLOAD] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/proload.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, ACCLOAD] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accload.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, UPDACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1TFM] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, INQACCCU] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, ABNDPROC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, ACCOUNT] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CRECUST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, PROCTRAN] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, DELCUS] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delcus.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1CRA] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, DPAYAPI] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CRDTAGY5] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, GETCOMPY] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, INQCUST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, SORTCODE] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/sortcode.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CRECUST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1MAI] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1CCA] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, DELCUS] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CONSENT] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/consent.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, INQACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNKMENU] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CREACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, DBCRFUN] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1CDM] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cdm.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, ACCDB2] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/accdb2.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, PROOFFL] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/prooffl.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, GETSCODE] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, ACCTCTRL] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, ACCOFFL] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accoffl.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1TFN] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, UPDCUST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CRDTAGY1] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CUSTCTRL] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1UAM] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1uam.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, INQCUST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, DPAYTST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CONSTAPI] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, DELACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1DAC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, PROCDB2] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/procdb2.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BANKDATA] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1DCM] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, DATASTR] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/datastr.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, BNK1DAM] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CONTDB2] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/contdb2.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, GETSCODE] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, BNK1DCS] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CRDTAGY2] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, CONSTTST] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, INQACC] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, CUSTOMER] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, XFRFUN] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy using IBM-1047
** Build finished
***** Running the DBB Migration Utility for application GenApp using file GenApp.mapping *****
Messages will be saved in /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/2-GenApp.migration.log
Non-printable scan level is info
Local GIT repository: /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp
Migrate data sets using mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/GenApp.mapping
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGAPOL01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGTESTC1] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestc1.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.BMS, SSMAP] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/bms/ using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, LGCMARED] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmared.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGACDB01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGAPVS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapvs01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGDPVS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGTESTP3] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGUCUS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucus01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGASTAT1] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgastat1.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGICDB01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicdb01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGUPVS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGDPDB01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpdb01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGUCVS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucvs01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGIPDB01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipdb01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGTESTP2] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp2.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGUPOL01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupol01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGSTSQ] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgstsq.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGACUS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGSETUP] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgsetup.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, LGCMAREA] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGACVS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacvs01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGACDB02] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb02.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGTESTP4] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp4.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGICVS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicvs01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGWEBST5] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgwebst5.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGAPDB01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapdb01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGDPOL01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpol01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGIPVS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipvs01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGUCDB01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucdb01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGTESTP1] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGIPOL01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGICUS01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, LGPOLICY] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, LGUPDB01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupdb01.cbl using IBM-1047
** Build finished
***** Running the DBB Migration Utility for application RetirementCalculator using file RetirementCalculator.mapping *****
Messages will be saved in /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/2-RetirementCalculator.migration.log
Non-printable scan level is info
Local GIT repository: /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator
Migrate data sets using mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/RetirementCalculator.mapping
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, LINPUT] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/copy/linput.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, EBUD03] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud03.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, EBUD02] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, EBUD01] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud01.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, EBUD0RUN] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud0run.cbl using IBM-1047
** Build finished
***** Running the DBB Migration Utility for application UNASSIGNED using file UNASSIGNED.mapping *****
Messages will be saved in /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/2-UNASSIGNED.migration.log
Non-printable scan level is info
Local GIT repository: /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED
Migrate data sets using mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs/UNASSIGNED.mapping
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, SORTCODE] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/sortcode.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, DATASTR] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/datastr.cpy using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.BMS, EPSMORT] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/bms/ using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, FLEMSMAI] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemsmai.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, OLDACDB2] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb2.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, FLEMSSUB] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemssub.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COBOL, OLDACDB1] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb1.cbl using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.BMS, EPSMLIS] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/bms/ using IBM-1047
Copying [DBEHM.MIG.COPY, PAYDBCR] to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy using IBM-1047
** Build finished

Assessing the usage of Include Files and Programs

The Classification script ( only requires the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler Configuration file as parameter, to locate the work directories.

It will search for all DBB Migration mapping files located in the work-configs folder and will process application definitions found in this folder. This script works in 2 phases:

  1. The first phase is a scan of all the files found in the application subfolders,
  2. The second phase is an analysis of how the different Include Files and Programs are used by all the known applications.
Output example Execution of the command:

./src/scripts/utils/ -c /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER.config

Output log:

Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> CBSA
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-CBSA-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/procdb2.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/contdb2.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/abndinfo.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/consent.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/sortcode.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constdb2.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/proload.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cdm.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/prooffl.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/acctctrl.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accoffl.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delcus.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.gitattributes
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/datastr.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accload.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1ccm.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/accdb2.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1uam.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy
** Storing results in the 'CBSA' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> GenApp
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-GenApp-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp2.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucus01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgsetup.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestc1.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/.gitattributes
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpol01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/bms/
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmared.cpy
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb02.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp4.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupol01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgastat1.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgstsq.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgwebst5.cbl
** Storing results in the 'GenApp' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> RetirementCalculator
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-RetirementCalculator-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/.gitattributes
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud01.cbl
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud03.cbl
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud0run.cbl
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/copy/linput.cpy
** Storing results in the 'RetirementCalculator' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> UNASSIGNED
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-UNASSIGNED-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/bms/
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb2.cbl
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/datastr.cpy
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/bms/
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemssub.cbl
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb1.cbl
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.gitattributes
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/sortcode.cpy
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemsmai.cbl
** Storing results in the 'UNASSIGNED' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for CBSA
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> CBSA
   configurationsDirectory -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-CBSA-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA
   moveFiles -> true
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1ccm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1ccm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1ccm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1ccm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1dam' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1dam' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1cam' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1cam' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'creacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'creacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1dcm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1dcm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/procdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'procdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'constdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/abndinfo.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/abndinfo.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'abndinfo' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'abndinfo' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1tfm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1tfm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1acc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1acc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'proctran' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'proctran' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/acctctrl.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/acctctrl.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'acctctrl' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'acctctrl' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'custctrl' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'custctrl' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'xfrfun' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'xfrfun' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'crecust' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'crecust' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'inqacccu' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'inqacccu' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cdm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cdm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1cdm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1cdm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'getscode' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'getscode' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/consent.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/consent.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'consent' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'consent' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1mai' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1mai' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'constapi' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'constapi' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'delacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'delacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delcus.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/delcus.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'delcus' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'delcus' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'getcompy' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'getcompy' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/accdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'accdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/contdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'contdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'inqcust' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'inqcust' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'updacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'updacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'inqacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'inqacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'updcust' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'updcust' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1uam.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1uam.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1uam' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1uam' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'account' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'account' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'customer' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'customer' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1cac' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/proload.cbl'.
        The Program 'proload' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1dac' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl'.
        The Program 'dpayapi' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl'.
        The Program 'dpaytst' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accoffl.cbl'.
        The Program 'accoffl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy5' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'creacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy4' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnkmenu' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl'.
        The Program 'bankdata' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/prooffl.cbl'.
        The Program 'prooffl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1tfn' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1cca' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl'.
        The Program 'dbcrfun' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl'.
        The Program 'acctctrl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl'.
        The Program 'custctrl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl'.
        The Program 'xfrfun' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl'.
        The Program 'crecust' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl'.
        The Program 'inqacccu' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl'.
        The Program 'getscode' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl'.
        The Program 'consent' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy3' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'delacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl'.
        The Program 'delcus' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1dcs' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy2' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl'.
        The Program 'abndproc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1ccs' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1cra' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl'.
        The Program 'getcompy' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accload.cbl'.
        The Program 'accload' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl'.
        The Program 'inqcust' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1uac' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'updacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl'.
        The Program 'consttst' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'inqacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl'.
        The Program 'updcust' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for GenApp
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> GenApp
   configurationsDirectory -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-GenApp-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp
   moveFiles -> true
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy' :
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb02.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb2.cbl' in 'UNASSIGNED' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicdb01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb1.cbl' in 'UNASSIGNED' application context
        ==> 'lgpolicy' referenced by multiple applications - [UNASSIGNED, GenApp]
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'lgpolicy' to 'public' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmared.cpy'.
        The Include File 'lgcmared' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy' :
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestc1.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgastat1.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp2.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp4.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        ==> 'lgcmarea' is owned by the 'GenApp' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'lgcmarea' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp.yaml'.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgicus01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgdpol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgipdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp3' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp4.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp4' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgsetup.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgsetup' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgapol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgipvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgupol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb02.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacdb02' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgstsq.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgstsq' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp2.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp2' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgdpdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucus01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgucus01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgapvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgucdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgdpvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestc1.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestc1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgastat1.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgastat1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgapdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgicvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgipol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacus01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgwebst5.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgwebst5' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgucvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgupdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgicdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgupvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for RetirementCalculator
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> RetirementCalculator
   configurationsDirectory -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-RetirementCalculator-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator
   moveFiles -> true
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/copy/linput.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'RetirementCalculator/src/copy/linput.cpy' :
        'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud01.cbl' in 'RetirementCalculator' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud0run.cbl' in 'RetirementCalculator' application context
        ==> 'linput' referenced by multiple applications - [GenApp, RetirementCalculator]
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'linput' to 'public' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator.yaml'.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud01.cbl'.
        The Program 'ebud01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud03.cbl'.
        The Program 'ebud03' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl'.
        Files depending on 'RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'ebud02' is called from the 'CBSA' application
Adding dependency to application CBSA
        ==> Updating usage of Program 'ebud02' to 'service submodule' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud0run.cbl'.
        The Program 'ebud0run' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for UNASSIGNED
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> UNASSIGNED
   configurationsDirectory -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/modeler-configs
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-UNASSIGNED-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED
   moveFiles -> true
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/datastr.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'UNASSIGNED/src/copy/datastr.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'datastr' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Moving Include File 'datastr' with usage 'private' to Application 'CBSA' described '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'UNASSIGNED/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'paydbcr' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Moving Include File 'paydbcr' with usage 'private' to Application 'CBSA' described '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/copy/sortcode.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'UNASSIGNED/src/copy/sortcode.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'sortcode' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Moving Include File 'sortcode' with usage 'private' to Application 'CBSA' described '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemssub.cbl'.
        Files depending on 'UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemssub.cbl' :
        'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemsmai.cbl' in 'UNASSIGNED' application context
        ==> 'flemssub' is called from the 'UNASSIGNED' application
        ==> Updating usage of Program 'flemssub' to 'internal submodule' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb2.cbl'.
        The Program 'oldacdb2' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb1.cbl'.
        The Program 'oldacdb1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemsmai.cbl'.
        The Program 'flemsmai' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished

Generating Property files

The Property Generation script ( requires the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file as parameter, to identify:

  • The path to the Types Configurations file,
  • The path to an original dbb-zAppBuild instance, that will be copied and customized during this phase.

The script will search for all DBB Migration mapping files located in the work-configs folder and will process application definitions found in this folder. For each application found, it will search for the artifacts of type 'Program', and, for each of them, will check if a Language Configuration exists, based on the type information. If the Language Configuration doesn't exist, the script will create it (potentially combining multiple type configurations if necessary).

This script will also generate application's related configuration, stored in a custom application-conf folder. If configuration was changed, an INFO message is shown, explaining that a manual task must be performed to enable the use of the Language Configuration mapping for a given application.

Output example Execution of the command:

./src/scripts/utils/ -c /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER.config

Output log:

Generate properties for application 'CBSA'
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   typesConfigurationsFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml
   application -> CBSA
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/4-CBSA-generateProperties.log
   zAppBuildFolderPath -> /var/dbb/dbb-zappbuild_300
** Reading the Types Configurations definitions from '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml'.
** Copying the zAppBuild from /var/dbb/dbb-zappbuild_300 to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/dbb-zappbuild.
** Copying default application-conf directory to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA/application-conf
** Getting the list of files.
*** Generate/Validate Language Configuration properties files.
** Build finished
Generate properties for application 'GenApp'
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   typesConfigurationsFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml
   application -> GenApp
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/4-GenApp-generateProperties.log
   zAppBuildFolderPath -> /var/dbb/dbb-zappbuild_300
** Reading the Types Configurations definitions from '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml'.
** Copying default application-conf directory to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/application-conf
** Getting the list of files.
*** Generate/Validate Language Configuration properties files.
        Assessing file lgacdb01 with type CBLCICSDB2.
         Generating new Language Configuration /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/dbb-zappbuild/build-conf/language-conf/ for type 'CBLCICSDB2'
        Assessing file lgacdb02 with type CBLDB2.
         Generating new Language Configuration /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/dbb-zappbuild/build-conf/language-conf/ for type 'CBLDB2'
        Assessing file lgacus01 with type PLICICS.
         Generating new Language Configuration /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/dbb-zappbuild/build-conf/language-conf/ for type 'PLICICS'
*** Generate the language configuration mapping file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
*** Generate loadLanguageConfigurationProperties configuration in /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
** INFO: Don't forget to enable the use of Language Configuration by uncommenting the 'loadLanguageConfigurationProperties' property in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/'
** Build finished
Generate properties for application 'RetirementCalculator'
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   typesConfigurationsFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml
   application -> RetirementCalculator
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/4-RetirementCalculator-generateProperties.log
   zAppBuildFolderPath -> /var/dbb/dbb-zappbuild_300
** Reading the Types Configurations definitions from '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml'.
** Copying default application-conf directory to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/application-conf
** Getting the list of files.
*** Generate/Validate Language Configuration properties files.
** Build finished
Generate properties for application 'UNASSIGNED'
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   typesConfigurationsFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml
   application -> UNASSIGNED
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/4-UNASSIGNED-generateProperties.log
   zAppBuildFolderPath -> /var/dbb/dbb-zappbuild_300
** Reading the Types Configurations definitions from '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/typesConfigurations.yaml'.
** Copying default application-conf directory to /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/application-conf
** Getting the list of files.
*** Generate/Validate Language Configuration properties files.
** Build finished

Initializing Application Git Repositories

After running through the extraction, migration, classification and property generation stages, this stage is about preparing the applications' directories to be pushed to a central Git server. The Init-Application-Repositories script is provided to perform the following steps for each application:

  1. Initialize the Git repository using a default .gitattributes file,
  2. (Optionally) Perform a full build with dbb-zappbuild, using the preview option (no file is actually built) as a preview of the expected outcomes,
  3. (Optionally) Create a baseline package using the PackageBuildOutputs.groovy script based on the preview build report. The purpose of this step is to package the existing build artifacts (load modules, DBRMs, jobs, etc.) that correspond to the version of the migrated source code files.

The Init-Application-Repositories script is ivoked by supplying the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file as parameter.

Execution example Execution of command:

./src/scripts/ -c /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER.config

 DBB Git Migration Modeler


 Description: The purpose of this script is to initialize the Git repositories, by adding a default
              .gitattributes file. It additionally performs build preview that generates and initial
              DBB Build Report that can be examined by the application team.

              For more information please refer to:

[PHASE] Initialize Git repositories
Do you want to initialize the Git repositories for the applications in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications' (Y/n):

[INFO] Initialize Git repository for application 'CBSA'
[INFO] Set file tag for 'CBSA.yaml'
[INFO] Update Git configuration files '.gitattributes'
[INFO] Prepare initial commit
[INFO] Commit files to new Git repository
[INFO] Initializing Git repository for application 'CBSA' completed. rc=0

[INFO] Initialize Git repository for application 'GenApp'
[INFO] Set file tag for 'GenApp.yaml'
[INFO] Update Git configuration files '.gitattributes'
[INFO] Prepare initial commit
[INFO] Commit files to new Git repository
[INFO] Initializing Git repository for application 'GenApp' completed. rc=0

[INFO] Initialize Git repository for application 'RetirementCalculator'
[INFO] Set file tag for 'RetirementCalculator.yaml'
[INFO] Update Git configuration files '.gitattributes'
[INFO] Prepare initial commit
[INFO] Commit files to new Git repository
[INFO] Initializing Git repository for application 'RetirementCalculator' completed. rc=0

[INFO] Initialize Git repository for application 'UNASSIGNED'
[INFO] Set file tag for 'UNASSIGNED.yaml'
[INFO] Update Git configuration files '.gitattributes'
[INFO] Prepare initial commit
[INFO] Commit files to new Git repository
[INFO] Initializing Git repository for application 'UNASSIGNED' completed. rc=0

[PHASE] Run preview builds for applications
Do you want to run preview builds for the applications in /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications (Y/n):

[INFO] Build of application 'CBSA' started
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9 (file:/usr/lpp/dbb/v2r0/groovy/lib/groovy-4.0.15.jar) to method sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystem.getPathMatcher(java.lang.String)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Build of application 'CBSA' completed with rc=0
[INFO] Build logs and reports available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/CBSA'

[INFO] Build of application 'GenApp' started
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9 (file:/usr/lpp/dbb/v2r0/groovy/lib/groovy-4.0.15.jar) to method sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystem.getPathMatcher(java.lang.String)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Build of application 'GenApp' completed with rc=0
[INFO] Build logs and reports available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/GenApp'

[INFO] Build of application 'RetirementCalculator' started
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9 (file:/usr/lpp/dbb/v2r0/groovy/lib/groovy-4.0.15.jar) to method sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystem.getPathMatcher(java.lang.String)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Build of application 'RetirementCalculator' completed with rc=0
[INFO] Build logs and reports available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/RetirementCalculator'

[INFO] Build of application 'UNASSIGNED' started
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9 (file:/usr/lpp/dbb/v2r0/groovy/lib/groovy-4.0.15.jar) to method sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystem.getPathMatcher(java.lang.String)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v9.Java9
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Build of application 'UNASSIGNED' completed with rc=0
[INFO] Build logs and reports available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/UNASSIGNED'
[INFO] Performing preview builds completed successfully. rc=0

[PHASE] Create baseline packages for applications
Do you want to create the baseline packages for the application in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications' (Y/n):

[INFO] Packaging of application 'CBSA' started
[INFO] Packaging of application 'CBSA' completed with rc=1
[INFO] Packaging log available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/CBSA/packaging-preview-CBSA.log'

[INFO] Packaging of application 'GenApp' started
[INFO] Packaging of application 'GenApp' completed with rc=1
[INFO] Packaging log available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/GenApp/packaging-preview-GenApp.log'

[INFO] Packaging of application 'RetirementCalculator' started
[INFO] Packaging of application 'RetirementCalculator' completed with rc=1
[INFO] Packaging log available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/RetirementCalculator/packaging-preview-RetirementCalculator.log'

[INFO] Packaging of application 'UNASSIGNED' started
[INFO] Packaging of application 'UNASSIGNED' completed with rc=1
[INFO] Packaging log available at '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/UNASSIGNED/packaging-preview-UNASSIGNED.log'

Refresh Application Descriptor files

When applications are migrated to Git and development teams leverage the pipeline, source files will be modified, added, or deleted. It is expected that the list of elements composing an application and its cross-applications dependencies change over time. To reflect these changes, the Application Descriptor file needs to be refreshed.

Additionally, if applications are already migrated to Git and use pipelines, but don't have an Application Descriptor file yet, and the development teams want to leverage its benefits, this creation process should be followed.

A second primary command is shipped for this workflow. The Refresh Application Descriptor script ( facilitates the refresh process by rescanning the source code, initializing new or resetting the Application Descriptor files, and performing the assessment phase for all applications. The refresh of the Application Descriptor files must occur on the entire code base like on the initial assessment process.

Like the other scripts, it requires the path to the DBB Git Migration Modeler configuration file as parameter. This configuration file can be created with the Setup instructions.

The main script calls three groovy scripts (scanApplication.groovy, recreateApplicationDescriptor.groovy and assessUsage.groovy) to scan the files of the applications using the DBB Scanner, initialize Application Descriptor files based on the files present in the working directories, and assess how Include Files and Programs are used across the applications landscape:

  • For the scanning phase, the script iterates through the files located within the work directory. It uses the DBB Scanner to understand the dependencies for each artifact. This information is stored in a local, temporary DBB metadatastore on the UNIX System Sservices filesystem, that holds the dependencies information.

  • In the second phase, the Application Descriptor files are initialized. If an Application Descriptor is found, the source groups and dependencies/consumers information are reset. If no Application Descriptor is found, a new one is created. For each Application Descriptor, the present files in the working folders are documented and grouped according to the RepositoryPathsMapping.yaml file. If no mapping is found, the files are added into the Application Descriptor with default values based on the low-level qualifier of the containing dataset.

  • The third phase of the process uses the dependency information to understand how Include Files and Programs are used across all applications. It then classifies the Include Files in three categories (Private, Public or Shared) and Programs in three categories (main, internal submodule, service submodule) and updates the Application Descriptor accordingly.


For each application, a refreshed Application Descriptor is created at the root directory of the application's folder in z/OS UNIX System Services.

Recommended usage

Recreating the Application Descriptor files requires to scan all files and might be time and resource consuming based on the size of the applications landscape. Consider using this process on a regular basis, like once a week. The recommendation would be to set up a pipeline, that checks out all Git repositories to a working sandbox, and executes the Recreate Application Descriptor script. Once the Application Descriptor files updated within the Git repositories, the pipeline can be enabled to automatically commit and push the updates back to the central Git provider.

Output example Execution of command:

./src/scripts/ -c /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER.config

Output log:

 DBB Git Migration Modeler


 Description: The purpose of this script is to help keeping the Application Descriptor files of existing
              applications up-to-date. The script scans the artifacts belonging to the application,
              removes existing source groups from the Application Descriptor files and run
              the usage assessment process again to populate the Application Descriptor files correctly.
              The script inspects all folders within the referenced 'DBB_MODELER_APPLICATIONS' directory.

              You must customize the process to your needs if you want to update the Application Descriptor
              files of applications that are already migrated to a central Git provider.
              For more information please refer to:

[INFO] Initializing DBB Metadatastore at /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore.
Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> CBSA
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-CBSA-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/logs/HEAD
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/sortcode.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/a1/4465df829b167bbb644dffc1027434adbf3c32
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/f6/3ebe51d5520bc56b0a6911cfc2ed6705fdfa66
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/47/f9f61e0fdb34ee5ebbf7fc11529e50b079a04b
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/4a/58fdbf3761bccd3497ada688d343a15c33e8b0
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/e3/df501f6a5529aff989412d6c4af4b43a9897d1
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/e4/96c6a4e7a960de791e1fd97a02ae6614769936
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b6/deb95fdbfe6a2f08acb265c23cccc973e8b031
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/refs/heads/main
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/cb/75236314e2fba04aca378ad29061942e6900a5
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/57/a7db352970bbfae82cf24c95aa6cecc159b0e0
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b1/7e73e90052cbe5144318dc9cf00cdf04589042
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/5e/014abb1c1c7b87e5b7487894a0dd577ecd6903
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/de/ce936b7a48fba884a6d376305fbce1a2fc99e5
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/post-update.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/30/ec95859415287a39af962b759792828e403684
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b4/79ed3b38c3f9680850dc34a3c9d10e24ddb52f
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/d9/7584fe7d7c5e0120ab762194b119287f6bc91d
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/66/afa88844c422af69da0d35243993d4e50dac3c
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/46/3a5519cbcb1b8db463d628173cafc3751fb323
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/f5/5399eea902ae9bc01584c1e3bc71f4db98eef6
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/04/9cc7eb352d85ce38026a8f3029f22e711b8b9a
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/index
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/01/d96e12b164d97cc7f2c72489c8cd3205a8b69f
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/1d/7f5fcdba85d4c4d0bc6ab0bab4b287e69242db
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/d3/70465392addcb5a86920019826deec0e531a77
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/89/7bf2e97ca69ede559524c31bae8d639ae1b81d
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/7e/0340c01a352c55eaf478a5c7dbe8c290e50728
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/24/79cd7afe658ecc8801d10f9f8cb42382d53d16
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/71/aba7981c900888d8f74ef1f3aa3e1efe91d405
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/ff/86efc8e05a7fc5e66defbf50820da4ab3bad95
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/prooffl.cbl
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/94/08dd2f2709f23766aa4d1ef89e6e175974b396
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/c9/5be47dd3ede400e93ba367b5f5ac433a714d5a
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/fb/741632c192243a1f4e7799371635f854bd40db
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/ab/80f99d7e1e2cf005e04f11f43b710b6cfc765c
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/9d/8cdd3cfd001f9ff47534b9a741f61f757cc90c
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/f7/fbe29970a3bd547fcfd6e82df58e45190d46a8
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b0/aed0954293fc2763f3c02ec65cbaa53603015d
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/2f/bc2fdb9097a629e3d0d899d0d4912a5ce4a678
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/c8/6c28e6b894571ccad1c6beaa040d1b916a1a77
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/update.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b1/8656b5144b139b6a3b4515d4883a5d0e9ee2ce
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/68/c29e32bba41130b5f6308b06ffbaf11d7214cc
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b6/97ad559100281f7737764166ced34b4398ae0d
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/da/97ba1be5273d4a3265d6fdffd68c4a9cfe57f1
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl
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         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/37/1a19b8d93fa4d1f491a4174865ff3b5dc57b6f
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/21/b32b59cad6603ee75673876be89e6c04c4c122
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/c2/432e4bf3b85f883fdcaff1adb419b1ebf3fd18
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/sendemail-validate.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA.yaml
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/78/c46a8b3d2f9bf33608f9ebaa1ae56260a546b2
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/3e/aad50b56f466377be9bc01dca2e4188e888f53
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/8e/b541c571cd537e557c27e56eb472e9cafb0308
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/97/0f6a926b868353d6a285d20b07d29abfba4292
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/f5/0cc01256b3b2f272a59bed37caeb1a61f5ba4c
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b2/849d92d4dd7bd253384f910a069f98802f64f1
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/d4/c22ba5bfb0742e2395037184f5fc4174577a8c
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/a6/ee2080f7c783724cafee89a81049a3f2893e75
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b5/6eafbe98c4e46afb0c8c60ee97cf437292a68c
         Scanning file CBSA/.gitattributes
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/datastr.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/ff/7f1a74d6d78a6d35e4559b32cdff813a5fb12e
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/2a/d1a2ba3dc994398cbf308b3e6bdb30db9c1f1b
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/a7/e4ad4c1bde8c6ad9144199468403799cdd0e26
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/33/4b8f087b5e1bd5c05036a920378e8e1f3c0276
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/82/14b4cdd014e9e1f1c45fae193c49364def5894
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/d9/c46c2b0b76ac752b67f451dd45995cd5bc96d1
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/84/bc44ed9738bc69291a529f9b7b7a1b3cccdc88
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/info/exclude
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/56/eec383e79ddc7d93386976ba31b6f06180c1a0
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/procdb2.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/bb/6a183c5808c83f435ffe292d40ce3c1e78182e
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/4d/3bc5c5136e4bfe98ceb8e5f5136b421afd8596
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/fa/7a23ca781e7e8e7afa7d20dc2caaf6ebba38dc
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/34/390dbd6e6f281f6101d179897949a51393c264
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/e4/a208249eb9f188dac631a80aa69560a1b5c812
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/27/0fd7eb4a2109c25b62d78595d8ddd044de4983
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constdb2.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/12/c04ff4762844463e6e8d5b3a92c150fbb3c6ce
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/31/2d56358b0f4597312ad7d68b78ebd080fc11f5
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/b8/cea7df2b43bfac6d4e9336022a286e44a1147c
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/pre-push.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/2b/b5e69e60b48517664e8bc178ce5047d2dc6239
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/57/9fef02baff9b735fc28867aef660f088b64710
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/logs/refs/heads/main
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/71/95a42c31f86e0f70315660d9da6d62f9769d1e
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/9c/3aec3ef67cd80287d375f825fe1b7abfb8be4d
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/29/ef69588ebc7fb77045dc42407df52eb89b771b
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         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/1e/cc8a7b26eee8c6498737ad40975ca9597e7809
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/40/46a14e3b7f9b0137176c8039e1034e9e8c39fd
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/aa/3a09c5ec672fef16b4d689127e80ca5ce595ce
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/description
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/6e/ba9fb7a278153965978bde08e8b79d7549a6e5
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/69/27d3b72033e6e7e4f9d6527fb5d347e1fc67d4
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/35/1b0c08fb96d69ec8f2e5c4a71121da780037dd
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/d3/e104ac3f1682cf5c81e6a4df77a916b5601adb
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/fa/3508648b495e92bc320f8110bfd3d78a4d5a3a
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/accdb2.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/c8/82661ae39a9a8ed30486a8433c1b186cbc5159
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/74/7f6becab8f715c30726f0adc2777d4e775a513
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/bc/ecf21e6187f0d2dba5c129c53954a8363f0d0e
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/41/c1fc24c5c355423d1cdad4477113b6c6f0945f
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/56/364507a259c6881a4e9a961213a9aa5a6405e7
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/application-conf/
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/d3/f1290864542e156079c4e165497994f1675139
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/d0/c5bf02bc846be691c4ea906c10118719d3bed3
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy
         Scanning file CBSA/.git/objects/02/20c1299e5ed367b9d602d8a11c9909a081c026
         Scanning file CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy
** Storing results in the 'CBSA' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> GenApp
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-GenApp-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/82/14b4cdd014e9e1f1c45fae193c49364def5894
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/2e/f0cfc9de9ca7521899a87cf9e216be7f109d88
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/refs/heads/main
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/index
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/a7/e4ad4c1bde8c6ad9144199468403799cdd0e26
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/7d/f90877fb98ccba6508a94e6fe3ff1ad865d682
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/logs/refs/heads/main
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/3e/aad50b56f466377be9bc01dca2e4188e888f53
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp.yaml
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/d1/e33757aa74694d0039e8162918a840172d24f8
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/69/27d3b72033e6e7e4f9d6527fb5d347e1fc67d4
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/da/97ba1be5273d4a3265d6fdffd68c4a9cfe57f1
         Scanning file GenApp/.gitattributes
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/bf/a3623bc647efd22c9550939cd8d5bf72cb91ad
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/7e/36d0d65c7ae8ca0ce7a451692820010cf2c51f
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/42/d3f2e669c2f9f6cf9565e61b2a3f96ad1ff503
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/17/cd1d6b0325b04277c7fc7a1ec27ce9bcbd2598
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/d8/f18d43e8afa308163aebcff561e7dedf67759e
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/b8/0c506efef3e434fe92e8395a063bfb1d87b5f3
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/b0/49dc9735257281c334afd74730dee59c62e2e8
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/89/20ce0008397665b02a79f971898c033709bc6b
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/c5/ea6c1fed91fd2154ac3f38533455da5481d974
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipvs01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/1e/cc8a7b26eee8c6498737ad40975ca9597e7809
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/78/c46a8b3d2f9bf33608f9ebaa1ae56260a546b2
         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/de/85d8fbe9f576dabc377e29616bc4e8fcf68a56
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/description
         Scanning file GenApp/.git/objects/16/73ab0e7f0e1744ab58379576e6c835d4108474
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         Scanning file GenApp/GenApp/application-conf/
** Storing results in the 'GenApp' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> RetirementCalculator
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-RetirementCalculator-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
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         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl
         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample
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         Scanning file RetirementCalculator/.git/objects/99/a8f2520e0dc26a905446e52245f7b6314133d9
** Storing results in the 'RetirementCalculator' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Scan application directory /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> UNASSIGNED
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-UNASSIGNED-scan.log
   dbb.DependencyScanner.controlTransfers -> true
** Scanning the files.
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         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/logs/refs/heads/main
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         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/application-conf/
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/application-conf/
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/application-conf/
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/application-conf/
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/objects/6f/3549f765104b58d630d2a4ce871fc1b9e4bb7a
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED.yaml
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/bms/
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/objects/a7/e4ad4c1bde8c6ad9144199468403799cdd0e26
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         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/objects/31/2d56358b0f4597312ad7d68b78ebd080fc11f5
         Scanning file UNASSIGNED/.git/objects/4a/58fdbf3761bccd3497ada688d343a15c33e8b0
** Storing results in the 'UNASSIGNED' DBB Collection.
** Build finished
Reset Application Descriptor for CBSA
** Recreate Application Descriptor process started.
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   application -> CBSA
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-CBSA-createApplicationDescriptor.log
   repositoryPathsMappingFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/repositoryPathsMapping.yaml
** Reading the Repository Layout Mapping definition.
* Importing existing Application Descriptor and reset source groups, dependencies and consumers.
* Getting List of files /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/24/79cd7afe658ecc8801d10f9f8cb42382d53d16). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/46/3a5519cbcb1b8db463d628173cafc3751fb323). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/31/2d56358b0f4597312ad7d68b78ebd080fc11f5). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/12/c04ff4762844463e6e8d5b3a92c150fbb3c6ce). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/74/7f6becab8f715c30726f0adc2777d4e775a513). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/2b/b5e69e60b48517664e8bc178ce5047d2dc6239). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/29/ef69588ebc7fb77045dc42407df52eb89b771b). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/71/95a42c31f86e0f70315660d9da6d62f9769d1e). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/71/aba7981c900888d8f74ef1f3aa3e1efe91d405). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b0/2d733e80ba87c613c4becba1438cfea345bb63). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e4/a208249eb9f188dac631a80aa69560a1b5c812). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/bb/6a183c5808c83f435ffe292d40ce3c1e78182e). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/datastr.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/30/ec95859415287a39af962b759792828e403684). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/fa/7a23ca781e7e8e7afa7d20dc2caaf6ebba38dc). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d3/e104ac3f1682cf5c81e6a4df77a916b5601adb). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c8/6c28e6b894571ccad1c6beaa040d1b916a1a77). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b6/deb95fdbfe6a2f08acb265c23cccc973e8b031). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/35/1b0c08fb96d69ec8f2e5c4a71121da780037dd). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1d/7f5fcdba85d4c4d0bc6ab0bab4b287e69242db). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/de/ce936b7a48fba884a6d376305fbce1a2fc99e5). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c8/82661ae39a9a8ed30486a8433c1b186cbc5159). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/99/a8f2520e0dc26a905446e52245f7b6314133d9). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/7e/0340c01a352c55eaf478a5c7dbe8c290e50728). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d3/f1290864542e156079c4e165497994f1675139). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/94/08dd2f2709f23766aa4d1ef89e6e175974b396). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/97/0f6a926b868353d6a285d20b07d29abfba4292). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d0/c5bf02bc846be691c4ea906c10118719d3bed3). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/69/27d3b72033e6e7e4f9d6527fb5d347e1fc67d4). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/ff/86efc8e05a7fc5e66defbf50820da4ab3bad95). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/ab/80f99d7e1e2cf005e04f11f43b710b6cfc765c). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/fb/741632c192243a1f4e7799371635f854bd40db). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b6/97ad559100281f7737764166ced34b4398ae0d). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c0/6aacd0c94d044b5fb1d2cb22bc796b946bcf6f). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/HEAD). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/27/0fd7eb4a2109c25b62d78595d8ddd044de4983). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/6e/ba9fb7a278153965978bde08e8b79d7549a6e5). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/3e/aad50b56f466377be9bc01dca2e4188e888f53). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/da/97ba1be5273d4a3265d6fdffd68c4a9cfe57f1). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/prooffl.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/config). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/78/c46a8b3d2f9bf33608f9ebaa1ae56260a546b2). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-push.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/5e/014abb1c1c7b87e5b7487894a0dd577ecd6903). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/abndinfo.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/accdb2.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/37/1a19b8d93fa4d1f491a4174865ff3b5dc57b6f). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/info/exclude). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/2f/bc2fdb9097a629e3d0d899d0d4912a5ce4a678). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/57/a7db352970bbfae82cf24c95aa6cecc159b0e0). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e3/df501f6a5529aff989412d6c4af4b43a9897d1). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f7/fbe29970a3bd547fcfd6e82df58e45190d46a8). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d9/c46c2b0b76ac752b67f451dd45995cd5bc96d1). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c9/5be47dd3ede400e93ba367b5f5ac433a714d5a). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/HEAD). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d4/c22ba5bfb0742e2395037184f5fc4174577a8c). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d3/7d2d4704218babc4ab9871cc3ea1f5271dc80d). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/89/7bf2e97ca69ede559524c31bae8d639ae1b81d). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/description). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/2a/d1a2ba3dc994398cbf308b3e6bdb30db9c1f1b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d9/7584fe7d7c5e0120ab762194b119287f6bc91d). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a7/e4ad4c1bde8c6ad9144199468403799cdd0e26). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1ccm.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/accload.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f7/f461db942e85d137f33609bdb50bd26015d1ec). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.gitattributes). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/84/bc44ed9738bc69291a529f9b7b7a1b3cccdc88). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/41/c1fc24c5c355423d1cdad4477113b6c6f0945f). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/4d/3bc5c5136e4bfe98ceb8e5f5136b421afd8596). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1uam.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/9d/8cdd3cfd001f9ff47534b9a741f61f757cc90c). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/04/a5b554ae15152a060f462fe894e09e7188e394). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f5/0cc01256b3b2f272a59bed37caeb1a61f5ba4c). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d3/70465392addcb5a86920019826deec0e531a77). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/55/57d232d69aa70962e5580123403d3662157e2a). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/sortcode.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/9c/3aec3ef67cd80287d375f825fe1b7abfb8be4d). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cdm.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/68/c29e32bba41130b5f6308b06ffbaf11d7214cc). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/bc/ecf21e6187f0d2dba5c129c53954a8363f0d0e). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/40/46a14e3b7f9b0137176c8039e1034e9e8c39fd). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/56/364507a259c6881a4e9a961213a9aa5a6405e7). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/14/833274735adb257e1062eaa63d495febe9e962). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA.yaml) did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b8/cea7df2b43bfac6d4e9336022a286e44a1147c). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b1/8656b5144b139b6a3b4515d4883a5d0e9ee2ce). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/02/20c1299e5ed367b9d602d8a11c9909a081c026). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1c/b8db96a22a09cba20ddf3d7bb37fb098963100). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f4/33cbfff90207efad95d399c2632acc1684f942). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/acctctrl.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/57/9fef02baff9b735fc28867aef660f088b64710). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b1/7e73e90052cbe5144318dc9cf00cdf04589042). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/01/d96e12b164d97cc7f2c72489c8cd3205a8b69f). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b0/aed0954293fc2763f3c02ec65cbaa53603015d). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e4/96c6a4e7a960de791e1fd97a02ae6614769936). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/aa/3a09c5ec672fef16b4d689127e80ca5ce595ce). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/fa/3508648b495e92bc320f8110bfd3d78a4d5a3a). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/56/eec383e79ddc7d93386976ba31b6f06180c1a0). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/index). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/proload.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a1/4465df829b167bbb644dffc1027434adbf3c32). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/04/9cc7eb352d85ce38026a8f3029f22e711b8b9a). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/8e/b541c571cd537e557c27e56eb472e9cafb0308). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/47/f9f61e0fdb34ee5ebbf7fc11529e50b079a04b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/4a/58fdbf3761bccd3497ada688d343a15c33e8b0). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/delcus.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/82/14b4cdd014e9e1f1c45fae193c49364def5894). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/94/7a658dffaf7b8a8a1348ad9dabbdca1f87fbb0). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/33/44cbdf7b601794f0ef2341235f09f126fe4562). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/update.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1e/cc8a7b26eee8c6498737ad40975ca9597e7809). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/cb/75236314e2fba04aca378ad29061942e6900a5). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b8/33431450f198af575ebdf622a8144df7c0962a). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f6/3ebe51d5520bc56b0a6911cfc2ed6705fdfa66). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/consent.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/ff/7f1a74d6d78a6d35e4559b32cdff813a5fb12e). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/21/b32b59cad6603ee75673876be89e6c04c4c122). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/sendemail-validate.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/constdb2.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/post-update.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/33/4b8f087b5e1bd5c05036a920378e8e1f3c0276). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b5/6eafbe98c4e46afb0c8c60ee97cf437292a68c). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/procdb2.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/6f/3549f765104b58d630d2a4ce871fc1b9e4bb7a). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f5/5399eea902ae9bc01584c1e3bc71f4db98eef6). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a6/ee2080f7c783724cafee89a81049a3f2893e75). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/34/390dbd6e6f281f6101d179897949a51393c264). Skipped.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/tags/rel-1.0.0). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c2/432e4bf3b85f883fdcaff1adb419b1ebf3fd18). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/66/afa88844c422af69da0d35243993d4e50dac3c). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/accoffl.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b2/849d92d4dd7bd253384f910a069f98802f64f1). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b4/79ed3b38c3f9680850dc34a3c9d10e24ddb52f). Skipped.
* Adding file CBSA/src/copy/contdb2.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! The file (CBSA/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml
** Build finished
Reset Application Descriptor for GenApp
** Recreate Application Descriptor process started.
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   application -> GenApp
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-GenApp-createApplicationDescriptor.log
   repositoryPathsMappingFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/repositoryPathsMapping.yaml
** Reading the Repository Layout Mapping definition.
* Importing existing Application Descriptor and reset source groups, dependencies and consumers.
* Getting List of files /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/24/79cd7afe658ecc8801d10f9f8cb42382d53d16). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/68/5e0f68143caf8974be751db42bc6f6869e3af9). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f7/f461db942e85d137f33609bdb50bd26015d1ec). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/31/2d56358b0f4597312ad7d68b78ebd080fc11f5). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.gitattributes). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/84/bc44ed9738bc69291a529f9b7b7a1b3cccdc88). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestc1.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/fa/ffcce01f2da721aa453f5dda21d11f8d3ae693). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/82/766939ca20dfac5d9ab33782e4f45b2ade19fc). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgupdb01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgipvs01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/3e/8c9c7714c8622b1fe6077544b2b535dc3d0330). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpdb01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/37/0f90c505893d5ab01089e66e04528f8d40dab1). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/3e/9eed6daafd969231900049360b526396bf4091). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/0a/f04c7e31314b30efc3600507f62bfd1c2970c9). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp.yaml) did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgipdb01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/6b/70ac40882304b17e808848fc61b6c4fd833607). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp4.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/68/c29e32bba41130b5f6308b06ffbaf11d7214cc). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/40/46a14e3b7f9b0137176c8039e1034e9e8c39fd). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b8/cea7df2b43bfac6d4e9336022a286e44a1147c). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/28/0e6f742c84b40da642115cad3a0c86aa9c0aac). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d9/455ae3c356b0e7a2440914f564ddbcbe30e28d). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/99/a8f2520e0dc26a905446e52245f7b6314133d9). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/0d/b601b1f055ea023e104c7d24ab0ef5eea1ff05). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/9a/a1e257384925e8015d7e0864175961ce258290). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/17/cd1d6b0325b04277c7fc7a1ec27ce9bcbd2598). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d3/f1290864542e156079c4e165497994f1675139). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e1/52fbd8c03e836ad0046953854f04b4665d75b9). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b0/49dc9735257281c334afd74730dee59c62e2e8). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1b/9d6bcb233214bd016ac6ffd87d5b4e5a0644cc). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/78/e7f1d24d01d4949e80fc149026a9d902eac1b9). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/69/27d3b72033e6e7e4f9d6527fb5d347e1fc67d4). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1c/b8db96a22a09cba20ddf3d7bb37fb098963100). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgwebst5.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgacvs01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/83/2f54aa68fe84f78461085d00e3b3206e39fdb7). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/db/2a6d69779b37f2aff873868afb262ed063d27d). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/HEAD). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f7/09ff109986301f101a1912b9d043756d7e596a). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/index). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/3e/aad50b56f466377be9bc01dca2e4188e888f53). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgucdb01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgicdb01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/82/14b4cdd014e9e1f1c45fae193c49364def5894). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgupol01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/da/97ba1be5273d4a3265d6fdffd68c4a9cfe57f1). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/42/d3f2e669c2f9f6cf9565e61b2a3f96ad1ff503). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/config). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/78/c46a8b3d2f9bf33608f9ebaa1ae56260a546b2). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/2e/f0cfc9de9ca7521899a87cf9e216be7f109d88). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/update.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d1/e33757aa74694d0039e8162918a840172d24f8). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-push.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/7d/f90877fb98ccba6508a94e6fe3ff1ad865d682). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1e/cc8a7b26eee8c6498737ad40975ca9597e7809). Skipped.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgucvs01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp2.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgicvs01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgsetup.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/info/exclude). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/copy/lgcmared.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b8/0c506efef3e434fe92e8395a063bfb1d87b5f3). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/bf/a3623bc647efd22c9550939cd8d5bf72cb91ad). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c5/ea6c1fed91fd2154ac3f38533455da5481d974). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/sendemail-validate.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/17/4119c31e4008790ec424427596d0859d696c96). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/89/20ce0008397665b02a79f971898c033709bc6b). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb02.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/12/5b26f553c5647a5aabc69a45f0191aed5d5e01). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/98/11fa56e0556c5d884a98ae06f7d007f64edafa). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgapvs01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (GenApp/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/de/85d8fbe9f576dabc377e29616bc4e8fcf68a56). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/post-update.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/28/2aa20f6c7d61d15b8922c8d8e0552880351472). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/76/be470b4b4450038992dec6a9f9ac90a8611f2b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgastat1.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/6e/a11cb2dc20aa126f08701fe873ac2dae5ce0b6). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/HEAD). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/3b/6b75b7fd2f100934f2ae236cbff5a174454de2). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/ed/7e8c1b79aaa76736f0af3b735f667d3d26ad36). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/bms/ to Application Descriptor into source group bms.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d8/f18d43e8afa308163aebcff561e7dedf67759e). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgucus01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgapdb01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/22/b550bafdc6e9f5103b1a28ca501d6bdae4ec76). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e5/86c7d2e00e602158da102e4c8d30deaeb142ae). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d4/24e6a718eb9ad584e21f7a899488500484f7e2). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgstsq.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/7e/36d0d65c7ae8ca0ce7a451692820010cf2c51f). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/tags/rel-1.0.0). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b6/53161403e5df737d6e540d8c5a1988a043eafc). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/48/cd97eb3d38cc15a850ed45ddfe76c7d3f6c7da). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a0/b94e23333057ca37382048c4f7fc6f2e0df75b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/description). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/2a/d1a2ba3dc994398cbf308b3e6bdb30db9c1f1b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b2/849d92d4dd7bd253384f910a069f98802f64f1). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/16/73ab0e7f0e1744ab58379576e6c835d4108474). Skipped.
* Adding file GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpol01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a7/e4ad4c1bde8c6ad9144199468403799cdd0e26). Skipped.
* Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp.yaml
** Build finished
Reset Application Descriptor for RetirementCalculator
** Recreate Application Descriptor process started.
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   application -> RetirementCalculator
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-RetirementCalculator-createApplicationDescriptor.log
   repositoryPathsMappingFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/repositoryPathsMapping.yaml
** Reading the Repository Layout Mapping definition.
* Importing existing Application Descriptor and reset source groups, dependencies and consumers.
* Getting List of files /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/24/79cd7afe658ecc8801d10f9f8cb42382d53d16). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/3e/aad50b56f466377be9bc01dca2e4188e888f53). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f7/f461db942e85d137f33609bdb50bd26015d1ec). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/31/2d56358b0f4597312ad7d68b78ebd080fc11f5). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.gitattributes). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/84/bc44ed9738bc69291a529f9b7b7a1b3cccdc88). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/4a/58fdbf3761bccd3497ada688d343a15c33e8b0). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/82/14b4cdd014e9e1f1c45fae193c49364def5894). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/da/97ba1be5273d4a3265d6fdffd68c4a9cfe57f1). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/config). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/78/c46a8b3d2f9bf33608f9ebaa1ae56260a546b2). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c3/dbdbc790dc93a9b3e12cd5a220a613c72d0fab). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/update.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-push.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud0run.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1e/cc8a7b26eee8c6498737ad40975ca9597e7809). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/12/0c8e0025fdfa30c48032826c42450988f888a8). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator.yaml) did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/info/exclude). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/ea/ce47f23a335d6ead94dcb74c338a1e1adf65ae). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c9/bcc2e7d175040d35f224a8ec4a9a96fe28e9ca). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/sendemail-validate.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/48/7e49969b9764ca1f1f6e4a8e100aafa634f04b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/68/c29e32bba41130b5f6308b06ffbaf11d7214cc). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e3/df501f6a5529aff989412d6c4af4b43a9897d1). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f3/2100e3cf13a183e80544d4a0ddd843c8d0d949). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/da/2a610077413aed3719f8b6cceae7418fea61bf). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/40/46a14e3b7f9b0137176c8039e1034e9e8c39fd). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/79/9226e3830e77a8ecc42283cb31696cb02354b7). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/ac/76a910965c68f48767578cd5a5b64957d98a4d). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/post-update.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b8/cea7df2b43bfac6d4e9336022a286e44a1147c). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/HEAD). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/99/a8f2520e0dc26a905446e52245f7b6314133d9). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d3/f1290864542e156079c4e165497994f1675139). Skipped.
* Adding file RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud01.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/57/c0328a170cd985ed20121f8a29719189b3a28f). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/6f/3549f765104b58d630d2a4ce871fc1b9e4bb7a). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/69/27d3b72033e6e7e4f9d6527fb5d347e1fc67d4). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1c/b8db96a22a09cba20ddf3d7bb37fb098963100). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/tags/rel-1.0.0). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/c8/46ec8770e850c9ebda2cc736d6c65f76d0e74b). Skipped.
* Adding file RetirementCalculator/src/copy/linput.cpy to Application Descriptor into source group copy.
*! A hidden file found (.git/description). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/2a/d1a2ba3dc994398cbf308b3e6bdb30db9c1f1b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/HEAD). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b2/849d92d4dd7bd253384f910a069f98802f64f1). Skipped.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
* Adding file RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud03.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! The file (RetirementCalculator/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a7/e4ad4c1bde8c6ad9144199468403799cdd0e26). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/87/ff435e7003ef498860dfc30381bc07a03dabd2). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/index). Skipped.
* Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator.yaml
** Build finished
Reset Application Descriptor for UNASSIGNED
** Recreate Application Descriptor process started.
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   application -> UNASSIGNED
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-UNASSIGNED-createApplicationDescriptor.log
   repositoryPathsMappingFilePath -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/repositoryPathsMapping.yaml
** Reading the Repository Layout Mapping definition.
* Importing existing Application Descriptor and reset source groups, dependencies and consumers.
* Getting List of files /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/24/79cd7afe658ecc8801d10f9f8cb42382d53d16). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a1/8654b39a98bae40a80650315882df9f3e4199c). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/3e/aad50b56f466377be9bc01dca2e4188e888f53). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/f7/f461db942e85d137f33609bdb50bd26015d1ec). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/31/2d56358b0f4597312ad7d68b78ebd080fc11f5). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.gitattributes). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/84/bc44ed9738bc69291a529f9b7b7a1b3cccdc88). Skipped.
* Adding file UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemsmai.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/4a/58fdbf3761bccd3497ada688d343a15c33e8b0). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a6/3ed1ad7270fd84bfb2eaa77886dc2be44d637e). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/82/14b4cdd014e9e1f1c45fae193c49364def5894). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/20/e05460bad23da4b636a6d07cb06fddcf2434d0). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/15/3ef134971f66103c8ca566b513901678804eb7). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/da/97ba1be5273d4a3265d6fdffd68c4a9cfe57f1). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/config). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/78/c46a8b3d2f9bf33608f9ebaa1ae56260a546b2). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/update.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-push.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED.yaml) did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb2.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1e/cc8a7b26eee8c6498737ad40975ca9597e7809). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a7/ba47b0b880d255394445b339da781f22ea4a01). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/push-to-checkout.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file UNASSIGNED/src/bms/ to Application Descriptor into source group bms.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/info/exclude). Skipped.
* Adding file UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemssub.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
* Adding file UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb1.cbl to Application Descriptor into source group cobol.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample). Skipped.
* Adding file UNASSIGNED/src/bms/ to Application Descriptor into source group bms.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/df/36b23c0258c461dbd1d9b47e9cab5fd4a1fc38). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/sendemail-validate.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-receive.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/68/c29e32bba41130b5f6308b06ffbaf11d7214cc). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e3/df501f6a5529aff989412d6c4af4b43a9897d1). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/56/62d387361e223a44d43d9f9152b94492222355). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/40/46a14e3b7f9b0137176c8039e1034e9e8c39fd). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b9/cb87f77cc02aa7e5537aeb97901f4a34561cc9). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/23/8aafb5fbd27ed05fd516e566f9ba78cec0c688). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/post-update.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/72/b5040d6cc91160887c2a6a8ee4fe37a2482b01). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/pre-merge-commit.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b8/cea7df2b43bfac6d4e9336022a286e44a1147c). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a0/f87d9391c2f3626352c39999b631af70552f86). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/HEAD). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/99/a8f2520e0dc26a905446e52245f7b6314133d9). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/refs/heads/main). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/d3/f1290864542e156079c4e165497994f1675139). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/70/8fdfbe162a13d3e1af05064b0c41a6077231a4). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/6f/3549f765104b58d630d2a4ce871fc1b9e4bb7a). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/69/27d3b72033e6e7e4f9d6527fb5d347e1fc67d4). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/1c/b8db96a22a09cba20ddf3d7bb37fb098963100). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/e3/34046d9c91d6a27d5b73a55fca62038df214e9). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/refs/tags/rel-1.0.0). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/description). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/2a/d1a2ba3dc994398cbf308b3e6bdb30db9c1f1b). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/logs/HEAD). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/b2/849d92d4dd7bd253384f910a069f98802f64f1). Skipped.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! The file (UNASSIGNED/application-conf/ did not match any rule defined in the repository path mapping configuration.
*! A hidden file found (.git/objects/a7/e4ad4c1bde8c6ad9144199468403799cdd0e26). Skipped.
*! A hidden file found (.git/index). Skipped.
* Created Application Description file /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED.yaml
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for CBSA
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> CBSA
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-CBSA-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA
   moveFiles -> false
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/datastr.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/datastr.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'datastr' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'datastr' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1ccm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1ccm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1ccm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1ccm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dam.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1dam' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1dam' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/paydbcr.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'paydbcr' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'paydbcr' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cam.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1cam' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1cam' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/creacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'creacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'creacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1dcm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1dcm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1dcm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/procdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'procdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'constdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/abndinfo.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/abndinfo.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'abndinfo' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'abndinfo' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1tfm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1tfm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1tfm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1acc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1acc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1acc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/proctran.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'proctran' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'proctran' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/sortcode.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/sortcode.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'sortcode' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'sortcode' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/acctctrl.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/acctctrl.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'acctctrl' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'acctctrl' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/custctrl.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'custctrl' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'custctrl' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/xfrfun.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'xfrfun' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'xfrfun' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/crecust.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'crecust' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'crecust' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/inqacccu.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'inqacccu' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'inqacccu' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cdm.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1cdm.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1cdm' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1cdm' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/getscode.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'getscode' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'getscode' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/consent.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/consent.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'consent' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'consent' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1mai.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1mai' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1mai' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/constapi.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'constapi' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'constapi' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/delacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'delacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'delacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/delcus.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/delcus.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'delcus' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'delcus' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/getcompy.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'getcompy' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'getcompy' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/accdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'accdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/contdb2.cpy'.
        The Include File 'contdb2' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/inqcust.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'inqcust' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'inqcust' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/updacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'updacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'updacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/inqacc.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'inqacc' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'inqacc' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/updcust.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'updcust' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'updcust' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/bnk1uam.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/bnk1uam.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'bnk1uam' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'bnk1uam' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/account.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'account' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'account' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'CBSA/src/copy/customer.cpy' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'customer' is owned by the 'CBSA' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'customer' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/CBSA/CBSA.yaml'.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cac.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1cac' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/proload.cbl'.
        The Program 'proload' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dac.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1dac' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpayapi.cbl'.
        The Program 'dpayapi' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dpaytst.cbl'.
        The Program 'dpaytst' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accoffl.cbl'.
        The Program 'accoffl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy5.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy5' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/creacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'creacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy4.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy4' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnkmenu.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnkmenu' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bankdata.cbl'.
        The Program 'bankdata' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/prooffl.cbl'.
        The Program 'prooffl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1tfn.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1tfn' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cca.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1cca' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/dbcrfun.cbl'.
        The Program 'dbcrfun' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/acctctrl.cbl'.
        The Program 'acctctrl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/custctrl.cbl'.
        The Program 'custctrl' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/xfrfun.cbl'.
        The Program 'xfrfun' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crecust.cbl'.
        The Program 'crecust' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacccu.cbl'.
        The Program 'inqacccu' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getscode.cbl'.
        The Program 'getscode' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consent.cbl'.
        The Program 'consent' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy3.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy3' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'delacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/delcus.cbl'.
        The Program 'delcus' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1dcs.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1dcs' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy2.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy2' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl'.
        The Program 'abndproc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1ccs.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1ccs' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/crdtagy1.cbl'.
        The Program 'crdtagy1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1cra.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1cra' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/getcompy.cbl'.
        The Program 'getcompy' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/accload.cbl'.
        The Program 'accload' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqcust.cbl'.
        The Program 'inqcust' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/bnk1uac.cbl'.
        The Program 'bnk1uac' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'updacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/consttst.cbl'.
        The Program 'consttst' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/inqacc.cbl'.
        The Program 'inqacc' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/updcust.cbl'.
        The Program 'updcust' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for GenApp
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> GenApp
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-GenApp-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp
   moveFiles -> false
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'GenApp/src/copy/lgpolicy.cpy' :
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb02.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb2.cbl' in 'UNASSIGNED' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicdb01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb1.cbl' in 'UNASSIGNED' application context
        ==> 'lgpolicy' referenced by multiple applications - [UNASSIGNED, GenApp]
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'lgpolicy' to 'public' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmared.cpy'.
        The Include File 'lgcmared' is not referenced at all.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'GenApp/src/copy/lgcmarea.cpy' :
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestc1.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgastat1.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupol01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp2.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp4.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucvs01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        ==> 'lgcmarea' is owned by the 'GenApp' application
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'lgcmarea' to 'private' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/GenApp/GenApp.yaml'.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicus01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgicus01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgdpol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgipdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp3.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp3' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp4.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp4' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgsetup.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgsetup' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgapol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgipvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgupol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb02.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacdb02' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgstsq.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgstsq' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp1.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestp2.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestp2' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgdpdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucus01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgucus01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgapvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgucdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgdpvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgdpvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgtestc1.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgtestc1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgastat1.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgastat1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgapdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgapdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgicvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgipol01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgipol01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacus01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgacus01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgwebst5.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgwebst5' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgucvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgucvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgupdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgicdb01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgicdb01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgupvs01.cbl'.
        The Program 'lgupvs01' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for RetirementCalculator
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> RetirementCalculator
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-RetirementCalculator-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator
   moveFiles -> false
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/copy/linput.cpy'.
        Files depending on 'RetirementCalculator/src/copy/linput.cpy' :
        'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud01.cbl' in 'RetirementCalculator' application context
        'GenApp/GenApp/src/cobol/lgacdb01.cbl' in 'GenApp' application context
        'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud0run.cbl' in 'RetirementCalculator' application context
        ==> 'linput' referenced by multiple applications - [GenApp, RetirementCalculator]
        ==> Updating usage of Include File 'linput' to 'public' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator.yaml'.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud01.cbl'.
        The Program 'ebud01' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud03.cbl'.
        The Program 'ebud03' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl'.
        Files depending on 'RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud02.cbl' :
        'CBSA/CBSA/src/cobol/abndproc.cbl' in 'CBSA' application context
        ==> 'ebud02' is called from the 'CBSA' application
Adding dependency to application CBSA
        ==> Updating usage of Program 'ebud02' to 'service submodule' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'RetirementCalculator/RetirementCalculator/src/cobol/ebud0run.cbl'.
        The Program 'ebud0run' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished
Assess Include files & Programs usage for UNASSIGNED
** Script configuration:
   workspace -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications
   metadatastore -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/dbb-metadatastore
   application -> UNASSIGNED
   logFile -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/logs/3-UNASSIGNED-assessUsage.log
   applicationDir -> /u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED
   moveFiles -> false
** Getting the list of files of 'Include File' type.
*** No source found with 'Include File' type.
** Getting the list of files of 'Program' type.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemssub.cbl'.
        Files depending on 'UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemssub.cbl' :
        'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemsmai.cbl' in 'UNASSIGNED' application context
        ==> 'flemssub' is called from the 'UNASSIGNED' application
        ==> Updating usage of Program 'flemssub' to 'internal submodule' in '/u/mdalbin/Migration-Modeler-DBEHM-work/applications/UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED.yaml'.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb2.cbl'.
        The Program 'oldacdb2' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/oldacdb1.cbl'.
        The Program 'oldacdb1' is not called by any other program.
** Analyzing impacted applications for file 'UNASSIGNED/UNASSIGNED/src/cobol/flemsmai.cbl'.
        The Program 'flemsmai' is not called by any other program.
** Build finished

Migrations scenarios for Migration-Modeler-Start script

A group of datasets belongs to the same application

In this situation, a group of datasets already contain all artifacts that belong to the application. These identified artifacts can be spread across multiples libraries but you are certain they are all owned by the same application.

To limit the scope of the extraction, this list of datasets to analyze must be passed to the Extract Applications script ( In this use case, a specific Applications Mapping YAML file for each application should be passed to the Extract Applications script via the Migration Modeler configuration file, with a universal filter being used as naming convention.

The following is an example of such an Applications Mapping YAML file (named applicationsMapping-CATMAN.yaml)

  - application: "Catalog Manager"
    description: "Catalog Manager"
    owner: "MDALBIN"
      - ........

To extract the files, a sample command like the following should be used:

./ -c /u/dbehm/git/dbb-git-migration-modeler-mathieu/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER-CATMAN.config

While the DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER-CATMAN.config contains the CATMAN specific datasets:


The result of this command is an Application Descriptor file that documents all the artifacts contained in the list of the given datasets, and a DBB Migration mapping file to manages all the members found.

A group of datasets contains artifacts that belong to multiple applications

In this configuration, the list of datasets provided as input contain artifacts from different applications, but a naming convention can be leveraged to filter members. In the following example, the naming convention is based on the first 3 letters of the members' name. There is one exception, where we have a fully qualified member name (LINPUT) that is owned by the RetirementCalculator application:

  - application: "RetirementCalculator"
    description: "RetirementCalculator"
    owner: "MDALBIN"
      - EBU.....
      - LINPUT..
  - application: "GenApp"
    description: "GenApp"
    owner: "DBEHM"
      - LGA.....
      - LGD.....
      - LGI.....
      - LGT.....
      - LGU.....
      - LGS.....
      - LGW.....
      - OLD.....
      - FLE.....
  - application: "CBSA"
    description: "CBSA"
    owner: "MDALBIN"
      - ABN.....
      - ACC.....
      - BAN.....
      - BNK.....
      - CON.....
      - CRD.....
      - CRE.....
      - CUS.....
      - DBC.....
      - DEL.....
      - DPA.....
      - GET.....
      - INQ.....
      - PRO.....
      - UPD.....
      - XFR.....
      - ZUN.....

The result of this command is a set of Application Descriptor files and DBB Migratin mamming files for each discovered application. If a member doesn't match any naming convention, it is assigned to a special application called UNASSIGNED.

Working with the special UNASSIGNED application

A good strategy could be to store all the shared Include Files in this UNASSIGNED application. This can be done in several ways: as mentioned earlier, all artifacts for which no naming convention is matching will be assigned to this special application. Otherwise, if a library is known to contain only shared Include Files, a specific Applications Mapping file could be used, as follows:

  - application: "UNASSIGNED"
    description: "Shared include files"
    owner: "Shared ownership"
      - ........

Combining use cases

There can be situations where scenarios must be combined to extract the applications. For instance, a given library contains artifacts from one application, while other libraries contain files from multiple applications. Or you need to apply different naming conventions patterns for copybooks.

In that case, the solution is to run the Extract Applications script ( multiple times with different input configuration files: The can be customized in this way to contain multiple extractions:

# Configuration specifies an applictionMappings file for CATMAN and the CATMAN PDS libraries
./ -c /u/dbehm/git/dbb-git-migration-modeler-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER-CATMAN.config
# Configuration specifies an applictionMappings file the perceived SHARED components
./ -c /u/dbehm/git/dbb-git-migration-modeler-work/DBB_GIT_MIGRATION_MODELER-SHARED.config

Generating properties

We encourage, as much as possible, to use simple scenarios, to avoid unnecessary complexity in the combination of types configurations. However, some configuration may require to use combination of types, depending on how properties are set in the originating SCM solution.

Common scenario

In a simple scenario, each artifact is assigned with one single type, that designates a known configuration in the legacy SCM tool.

For instance, the Types file could contain the following lines:


Where COBBATCH, COBCICSD and PLIIMSDB represent configurations with specific properties. These types should be defined in the Types Configurations file accordingly, for instance:

- typeConfiguration: "COBBATCH"
  cobol_compileParms: "LIB,SOURCE"
  cobol_linkedit: true
  isCICS: false
  isSQL: false
- typeConfiguration: "COBCICSD"
  cobol_compileParms: "LIB,SOURCE,CICS,SQL"
  cobol_linkedit: true
  isCICS: true
  isSQL: true
- typeConfiguration: "PLIIMSDB"
  pli_compileParms: "PP(INCLUDE('ID(++INCLUDE)')),SYSTEM(IMS)"
  pli_linkedit: true
  isCICS: false
  isSQL: false
  isDLI: true

With this configuration, the Property Generation script will generate Language Configurations for each of these types.

Advanced scenario

In more sophisticated scenarios, which depend on how properties are set in the legacy SCM tool, multiple types can be assigned to an artifact:


Each type configuration would be defined separately in the Types Configurations file, for instance:

- typeConfiguration: "COBOL"
  cobol_compileParms: "LIB,SOURCE"
  cobol_linkedit: true
- typeConfiguration: "PLI"
  pli_compileParms: "PP(INCLUDE('ID(++INCLUDE)'))"
  pli_linkedit: true
- typeConfiguration: "BATCH"
  isCICS: false
- typeConfiguration: "CICSDB2"
  isCICS: true
  isSQL: true
- typeConfiguration: "IMSDB"
  pli_compileIMSParms: SYSTEM(IMS)  
  isCICS: false
  isSQL: false
  isDLI: true

In this configuration, the Property Generation script will generate composite Language Configurations files in dbb-zAppbuild's build-conf/language-conf folder. In this example, 3 files would be created:

  • which combines properties from the BATCH and the COBOL types
  •, which combines properties from the CICSDB2 and the COBOL types
  •, which combines properties from the IMSDB and PLI types

The name of composite types are based on the names of the originating types sorted alphabetically, to avoid duplication. The Language Configuration mapping file in each application's application-conf folder contains mappings between artifacts and their associated composite types, also sorted alphabetically.


The Migration-Modeler project, to help with scoping the applications boundaries and migrating z/OS applications to Git using DBB.







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