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Presentational components for Litefyr

This package contains the presentational components for Litefyr. Demo


This package is available via packagist. Run composer require litefyr/presentation --no-update in your Litefyr.Distribution package. After that, run composer update in your root directory.

In order to work correctly you'll need a working Litefyr instance running. Here you'll find the basis Distribution

Adjust build stack

Make sure following entries are added to your pipeline.yaml:

- package: ../Packages/Litefyr/Litefyr.Presentation
      input: Assets
  - package: ../Packages/Litefyr/Litefyr.Presentation
      input: Assets
    files: Inline.ts
    inline: true

And add following packages to packages.json

pnpm add -D alpinejs @alpinejs/focus @alpinejs/intersect @alpinejs/collapse @alpinejs/persist @ryangjchandler/alpine-clipboard @marcreichel/alpine-typewriter alpinejs-textarea-grow @imacrayon/alpine-ajax lazysizes rough-notation lscache
pnpm add tailwindcss @domchristie/tailwind-utopia @tailwindcss/container-queries @tailwindcss/typography @thedutchcoder/postcss-rem-to-px autoprefixer cssnano postcss postcss-assets postcss-clip-path-polyfill postcss-import postcss-reporter postcss-sort-media-queries ts-deepmerge