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Build administration UIs for Neos.Flow entities

Example Neos backend UI from Milly.CrudUI.Showcase


Domain Model and Repository

With Milly.CrudUI you can manage any flow entity.

Customize models


Milly.CrudUI loads default fusion templates out of the box, but you can create your own, if you want to add custom elements.

Example index view from Milly.CrudUI.Showcase

Example edit view with Tracks as relation from Milly.CrudUI.Showcase

Example creation view from Milly.CrudUI.Showcase

Customize views


Milly.CrudUI can be used for Neos backend modules or with regular ActionControllers to provide crud functionality to frontend users.

Neos backend module

class MyModelController extends AbstractModuleController
    use CrudControllerTrait;

For Neos frontend or in plain Flow applications

class MyModelController extends ActionController
    use CrudControllerTrait;

Customize controllers


Configuration Settings have to be defined for each model. A Model MyModel is defined in the configuration file Configuration/Settings.CrudUI.MyModel.yaml

        readonly: true
          one: 'My model'
          many: 'My models'
        parent: 'parentProperty'
        views: []
        properties: []
        relations: []


  • label : Singular and plural form of how the entity class is labelled in the UI


  • parent : If you want to manage nested structures, you can set a property, that is a reference the parent of the current model. The parent model must have a configured relation to the child model.


For each view, an array of properties that should be rendered can be defined.

        properties: [<textProperty>, <imageProperty>]
        properties: []
        properties: []
        properties: []
        properties: []

Configuration of the view relation specifies what properties of a model are displayed when it is shown as relation in the show view of the parent model.

The views configuration are optional. When no views configuration exists for a view, all properties are displayed and the default settings are applied.

Customize views-configuration


To make a property displayable or editable with Milly.CrudUI it has to be added as a key to the properties configuration.

  <textProperty>: []
    label: 'Title'
    readonly: true
  • label : how the property is labelled in the UI

If there is no property configuration

  • the default type string is used
  • the label will be fetched from the xlf file Model/MyModel.xlf with the property name as trans-unit id. see MyModel.xlf for an example.
    • if there is no such file or key, the property name will be used as label
        type: image
        type: select
            repository: MyVendor\MyPackage\Domain\Repository\MyEntityRepository

PropertyEditors provide form fields to edit properties and PropertyDisplayers are used to display properties values. There are several built-in combinations of PropertyEditor and PropertyDisplayer defined by a type. For some types there are options that can or have to be defined.

The following property types exist. For more details, see the detailed list of Property Types

  • string (default)
  • textarea
  • number
  • email
  • select for ManyToOne properties
  • multiSelect for OneToMany or ManyToMany properties
  • booleanRadio for boolean properties
  • booleanCheckbox for boolean properties
  • date for DateTime properties
  • dateTime for DateTime properties
  • dateInterval for DateInterval properties
  • image for \Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\PersistentResource properties
  • audio for \Neos\Flow\ResourceManagement\PersistentResource properties
  • jsonList for array properties annotated with @ORM\Column(type="flow_json_array")

Customize properties-configuration


Technically, a property can also be a relation (see types select or multiSelect) and relations are also properties of the class.

  oneToManyProperty: []
    label: 'Many'
    readonly: true

The differences in the context of Milly.CrudUI are:

  • when configured in properties, the user can only choose from existing objects, while in relations the user can create new objects of the relation class
  • the list of objects in relations can show more than one property of the objects (configured in views.relation), as properties the objects are displayed as list of their labels

Why Milly?

Milly Koss was an American pioneering computer programmer. The Association for Women in Computing awarded her an Ada Lovelace Award in 2000.

We needed to understand how we might reuse tested code and have the machine help in programming. As we programmed, we examined the process and tried to think of ways to abstract these steps to incorporate them into higher-level language. This led to the development of interpreters, assemblers, compilers, and generators—programs designed to operate on or produce other programs, that is, automatic programming. (Milly Koss, Source)


This package is based on the idea and inspired by Sandstorm.CrudForms

The development of this package has significantly been funded by Profolio - a digital platform for career choice & career counseling