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License: MIT Spigotmc Version JitPack
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BungeePteroPower is a plugin that can automatically start/stop servers based on the number of players.
It can start and stop servers on the Pterodactyl panel when players join or leave the Bungeecord proxy server.
This helps to save server resources and manage servers more efficiently.


Key Features

  • Automatically stops servers using Pterodactyl's API when there are no players on the server for a certain period of time.
    • The time until shutdown can be configured for each server.
  • Automatically starts servers using Pterodactyl's API when players join the server.
  • Permissions settings allow for specifying players who can manually start servers and players for whom automatic startup is enabled upon joining.
  • You can reset the server from a backup when it shuts down.
    • This is useful when creating mini-game servers that reset once played.




  • Java 11 or higher
    • uses in Java 11 for REST API communication with Pterodactyl.

Getting Started

  1. Obtain an API key in the Pterodactyl panel.
    • The client API key for Pterodactyl can be found in the "API Credentials" tab on the account page.
  2. Add the plugin to the BungeeCord server and start it.
  3. Configure the Required Settings in the generated plugins/BungeePteroPower/config.yml file.
    # Pterodactyl configuration
      # The URL of your pterodactyl panel
      # If you use Cloudflare Tunnel, you need to allow the ip in the bypass setting.
      url: ""
      # The client api key of your pterodactyl panel. It starts with "ptlc_".
      # You can find the client api key in the "API Credentials" tab of the "Account" page.
      apiKey: "ptlc_000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    # Per server configuration
        # Pterodactyl server ID
        # You can find the Pterodactyl server ID in the URL of the server page.
        # For example, if the URL is, the server ID is 1234abcd.
        id: 1234abcd
        # The time in seconds to stop the server after the last player leaves.
        # If you don't want to stop the server automatically, set it to -1.
        # If you set it to 0, the server will be stopped immediately after the last player leaves.
        timeout: 30
  4. Reload the config with the /ptero reload command.
  5. Configure the Permission Settings.
    (You MUST configure permission to use this plugin, otherwise the player will not be able to do anything!)
    You can use either of the following methods.
    • Use a permission plugin like LuckPerms.
      1. For LuckPerms, use the following commands to set permissions:
        # The player can start all servers
        /lp user <player_name> permission set ptero.autostart.*
        # The player can start specific server
        /lp user <player_name> permission set ptero.autostart.<server_name>
        # All players can start all servers
        /lp group default permission set ptero.autostart.*
        <player_name> refers to the player's name, <server_name> refers to the server name specified in BungeeCord's config.yml.
    • Use built-in permission settings.
      1. Open config.yml.
      2. Add the following settings to the config.yml file.
            # All players can start all server
            - ptero.autostart.*
            # All players can start specific server
            - ptero.autostart.<server_name>
        <server_name> refers to the server name specified in BungeeCord's config.yml.
      3. Restart the BungeeCord server.


Automatic Startup

  • Servers will automatically start when players attempt to join each server on BungeeCord.
    • This feature is available only to players with the ptero.autostart.<server_name> permission.

Manual Start/Stop

  • Use the /ptero start <server_name> command to manually start a server.
    • This command is available only to players with the ptero.start.<server_name> permission.
  • Use the /ptero stop <server_name> command to manually stop a server.
    • This command is available only to players with the ptero.stop.<server_name> permission.

<server_name> refers to the server name specified in BungeeCord's config.yml.

Reloading config.yml/Language files

  • Use /ptero reload to reload the config.yml and language files.


The config.yml file includes the following settings, but not all items need to be configured.

Required Settings

  • pterodactyl: Configure settings for Pterodactyl, including URL and API key.
    • url: Set the URL of your Pterodactyl panel. (Example:
      • If you are using services like Cloudflare Tunnel, ensure proper bypass settings for IP-based communication.
    • apiKey: Set the client API key for Pterodactyl.
      • It begins with ptlc_.
      • Client API keys for Pterodactyl can be found in the "API Credentials" tab on the account page.
  • servers: Configure settings for each server. Set the server ID and the time until automatic shutdown.
    • id: Set the server ID on Pterodactyl.

Optional Settings

  • version: Set the version of the plugin.
    • When updating the plugin, a warning will be displayed if this value does not match the plugin version.
    • A file will be generated, and manual migration of settings using a merge tool is required.
    • After migration, please change this value to the new version.
  • checkUpdate: Set whether to check for plugin updates. The default is true.
  • language: Set the language to be used. The default is English (en).
    • Refer to the comments in the config file for supported languages.
  • startTimeout: After starting a server with this plugin, it will stop the server if there are no players for a certain period. The unit is seconds.
    • After starting, the server will stop after the startTimeout plus the server's timeout duration.
    • Setting it to 1 keeps the server running until players join and leave.
  • powerControllerType: Set the type of power controller to be used.
    • The built-in PowerController currently supports only pterodactyl, which operates Pterodactyl.
    • By adding add-ons, you can add your own custom PowerController. Certainly! Here's the English translation of the provided description:
  • useSynchronousPing: This setting determines whether to perform synchronous pinging to the server during login. (Experimental feature)
    • When enabled, pinging the server during login will happen synchronously rather than asynchronously.
    • This allows displaying BungeePteroPower messages (join_autostart_login in messages.yml) instead of the "Could not connect to a default or fallback server" message upon login.
    • The default value is false. Enabling this can be useful if you want to set servers (such as lobby servers) to a suspended state in BungeePteroPower immediately after login.
  • startupJoin: After server startup, it is used to automatically join players to the server and check the server's status.
    • timeout: Set the maximum waiting time for players to join after server startup.
      • Set this value to the maximum time it takes for the server to start.
      • Setting it to 0 disables this feature, and players will not automatically join after startup.
    • joinDelay: Once the server is pingable, wait the specified amount of seconds before sending the player to the server
      • This is useful to wait for plugins like Luckperms to fully load
      • If you set it to 0, the player will be connected as soon as the server is pingable
    • pingInterval: Set the interval for checking the server's status.
  • restoreOnStop: Configure settings for the feature to reset the server from a backup when it is stopped.
    • timeout: Set the maximum waiting time after sending the stop signal for the server to stop. (The restore will be performed after the server stops)
    • pingInterval: Set the interval for checking if the server is offline after sending the stop signal.
  • servers: Configure settings for each server. Set the server ID and the time until automatic shutdown.
    • timeout: When there are no players on the server, it will stop after a certain period. The unit is seconds.
    • backupId: The UUID of the backup to restore when the server stops.
      • If this setting is empty or removed, no restore from backup will be performed when the server stops.
      • Useful for servers that need to be reset after each game.

Permission Settings

BungeePteroPower plugin allows fine-grained control over commands available to players for each server using permissions.

  • ptero.autostart.<server_name>: Servers will automatically start when players join each server on BungeeCord for players with this permission.
  • ptero.start.<server_name>: Allows the /ptero start <server_name> command to manually start a server.
    • If a player doesn't have ptero.autostart.<server_name> permission but has this permission, they will see a manual start button when they join the server.
  • ptero.stop.<server_name>: Allows the /ptero stop <server_name> command to manually stop a server.
  • ptero.reload: Allows the /ptero reload command to reload the config.

<server_name> refers to the server name specified in BungeeCord's config.yml. ※ Specify * for <server_name> to apply permissions to all servers.

About Language Files

  • You can set the language in config.yml using the language option.
    • Please refer to the comments in the config file for the supported languages.
  • Upon startup, a file for the language set in config.yml will be generated.
    • This file allows you to define only the messages you want to change.
    • Messages that are not defined will be loaded from the language file set within the plugin.
  • You can edit and then reload the plugin's language by using the /ptero reload command.
  • Contributions via Pull Requests for additional language files are welcome.

Information for Plugin Developers

About Power Controllers

BungeePteroPower provides a Power Controller API for supporting platforms other than Pterodactyl.
By creating add-ons, you can add power controllers for platforms other than Pterodactyl!

We also welcome pull requests for adding built-in power controllers!
Ideally, we would like to support the following:

  • Power controllers that can start servers locally
  • Power controllers compatible with management software other than Pterodactyl.
    For example, we would like to support the following:
    • PufferPanel
    • Minecraft Server Manager
    • MCSManager
    • MC Server Soft
    • AMP

Creating Add-ons

  • BungeePteroPower provides an API for integration with other plugins.
    • If you want to support platforms other than Pterodactyl, it is possible by implementing the API.
  • You can use the BungeePteroPower API by adding dependencies.
    1. Add the JitPack repository inside the pom.xml of your add-on:
    2. Add BungeePteroPower as a dependency:
    3. Add the dependency to your plugin.yml:
        - BungeePteroPower
    4. Use the API:
      import com.kamesuta.bungeepteropower.api.BungeePteroPowerAPI;
      public class YourPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
          public void onEnable() {
              // Get an instance of BungeePteroPowerAPI
              BungeePteroPowerAPI api = BungeePteroPowerAPI.getInstance();
              // Register your custom PowerController
              api.registerPowerController("your_service", new YourPowerController());
      For an example implementation of a PowerController for Pterodactyl, please refer to
  • If you want your PowerController to be added to BungeePteroPower, please send a pull request.


Pull requests are welcome for BungeePteroPower.
You can build it using the following steps:

git clone
cd BungeePteroPower
mvn install
  • This plugin needs to be built with Java 11 or higher.
  • After building, a BungeePteroPower-<version>.jar file will be generated in the target directory.

About Statistics Data

BungeePteroPower collects anonymous statistical data using bStats.
You can find the statistics data here.

bStats is used to understand the usage of the plugin and help improve it.
To disable the collection of statistical data, please set enabled to false in plugins/bStats/config.yml