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Note: This repository contains the core code of the Skateboard framework. If you want to build an application using Skateboard, visit the Skateboard project repository.

About Skateboard

Minimalist PHP framework


  • Easy and powerful routing
  • Request input parsing
  • json responses
  • Template rendering with layout
  • Aborts and redirects
  • Environment file


Install with Composer

composer require skateboard/framework


See the router docs



viewPath string
The file path to the views folder relative to the controller. Defaults to "../views"

layout string
The file name and extension of a template layout inside your viewPath to wrap your views.
Defaults to "layout.php", so set this to null if you do not use a layout


view($view, $data = [], $raw = [])
Render a view template with some data.

  • string $view file name of the view in the viewPath folder such as 'about'
  • array $data items that will be escaped and provided to the view
  • array $raw safe items that will be rendered without escaping

json($output, $code = 200)
Render a json response.

  • mixed $output that will be json encoded
  • int $code status code of the http response

Redirects the request to another route.

  • string $url the relative or absolute route to redirect to such as "/about"

abort($code, $html = null)
Exits the request with a status code.

  • int $code the 3 digit http response code
  • string $html any markup to return in the response body

html($output, $code = 200)
Respond with html markup and a response code.

  • string $output the html that should be sent in the response
  • int $code the http response code to respond with

Checks if the request is a json request based on the Accept header.

Returns bool true if the Accept header specifies json format otherwise false

getHeaderLine($key, $default = null)
Get the value of a request header.

  • string $key the header key to use to look up the value such as 'Accept'
  • string $default the default to return if the key is not found in the request header

Returns a string that containts the value of the specified request header

Get a request get parameter, post value or a cookie value.

  • string $key that identifies the parameter or cookie to get

Returns a string with the value that was passed with the request


PHP is already a templating language, so all we need in our views is a little self-discipline:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My App</title>
        <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>

    <?= $content; ?>


    <?php foreach ($headers as $key => $value): ?>
    <li><?= "$key:  $value" ?></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>


skateboard/framework is released under the MIT public license. See the enclosed LICENSE for details.