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span-calculation: comment 85% CPU span calculation
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Anomalies were seen with 85% CPU span calculations. This is at least
trying to figure out what's going on and explain it to everyone else.
  • Loading branch information
NadiaYvette committed Aug 26, 2024
1 parent fecf2bf commit 7be8bc1
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Showing 5 changed files with 77 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Analysis/API/Chain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ slotStart Genesis{..} =
. fromIntegral
. unSlotNo

-- | `impliedSlot` calculates slot numbers from timestamps and genesis
-- parameters. The fields `systemStart` time and `slotLength` are
-- both fields of the `Genesis` record.
impliedSlot :: Genesis -> UTCTime -> SlotNo
impliedSlot Genesis{..} =
Expand Down
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Analysis/MachPerf.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,11 +33,24 @@ import Cardano.Unlog.Resources

-- * 1. Collect SlotStats & RunScalars:
-- | `collectSlotStats` processes logfiles from different cluster
-- nodes in parallel. The right-hand argument of `(<$>)` is a
-- partially-applied functipn, so it's really just `(.)`, but then
-- `sequence` being composed with the function within the map has
-- some complications from the forcing etc. from `deepseq` and the
-- `evaluate` IO primitive.
collectSlotStats :: Run -> [(JsonLogfile, [LogObject])]
-> IO (Either Text [(JsonLogfile, (RunScalars, [SlotStats UTCTime]))])
collectSlotStats run = fmap sequence <$> mapConcurrentlyPure (timelineFromLogObjects run)

-- | `timelineFromLogObjects` processes a list of `LogObject` to
-- assemble the log entries into time slots. Per-slot data structures
-- absorb the log entries describing the events ongoing during the
-- time period they're intended to track over the course of the fold.
-- The per-slot structures are also instantiated as the time periods
-- in need of having events tracked within them are encountered in
-- the list of log entries.
timelineFromLogObjects :: Run -> (JsonLogfile, [LogObject])
-> Either Text (JsonLogfile, (RunScalars, [SlotStats UTCTime]))
timelineFromLogObjects _ (JsonLogfile f, []) =
Expand All @@ -54,6 +67,8 @@ timelineFromLogObjects run@Run{genesis} (f, xs') =
firstLogObjectHost :: Host
firstLogObjectHost = loHost (head xs)

-- | `zeroTimelineAccum` represents the initial state of the
-- timeline accumulator to be fed to the fold.
zeroTimelineAccum :: TimelineAccum
zeroTimelineAccum =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,6 +122,9 @@ timelineFromLogObjects run@Run{genesis} (f, xs') =
, slLogObjects = []

-- | `timelineStep` processes a single `LogObject` to incorporate it
-- into the `TimelineAccum` accumulator. A more detailed description
-- of the case analysis inside it could be worthwhile.
timelineStep :: Run -> JsonLogfile -> TimelineAccum -> LogObject -> TimelineAccum
timelineStep Run{genesis} f accum@TimelineAccum{aSlotStats=cur:_, ..} lo =
-- 1. skip pre-historic events not subject to performance analysis;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,6 +375,9 @@ lastBlockSlot new TimelineAccum{aSlotStats=SlotStats{..}:_,..} =
then slSlot
else aLastBlockSlot

-- | `patchSlotGap` walks through a gap in slot numbers adding slots
-- to the accumulator. The gap is taken to start after the head of
-- the accumulator, whose list is reversed.
patchSlotGap :: Genesis -> SlotNo -> TimelineAccum -> TimelineAccum
patchSlotGap genesis curSlot a@TimelineAccum{aSlotStats=last:_, ..} =
a & if gapLen < 1000
Expand All @@ -372,9 +393,12 @@ patchSlotGap genesis curSlot a@TimelineAccum{aSlotStats=last:_, ..} =

go :: Word64 -> SlotNo -> TimelineAccum -> TimelineAccum
go 0 _ acc = acc

go remainingGap patchSlot acc =
go (remainingGap - 1) (patchSlot + 1) (acc & addGapSlot patchSlot)

-- | `addGapSlot` constructs a single slot and adds it to the front
-- of the accumulator list.
addGapSlot :: SlotNo -> TimelineAccum -> TimelineAccum
addGapSlot slot acc =
let (epoch, epochSlot) = genesis `unsafeParseSlot` slot in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,6 +442,10 @@ patchSlotGap genesis curSlot a@TimelineAccum{aSlotStats=last:_, ..} =
where slStart = slotStart genesis slot

-- | `addTimelineSlot` updates the current position of the
-- `TimelineAccum` accumulator. `timelineStep` invokes it via its
-- `continue` internal function, which calls it when the slot is
-- strictly greater than the `slSlot` if properly deciphered.
addTimelineSlot :: Genesis -> SlotNo -> UTCTime -> TimelineAccum -> TimelineAccum
addTimelineSlot genesis slot _time a@TimelineAccum{..} =
let (epoch, epochSlot) = genesis `unsafeParseSlot` slot in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,6 +584,23 @@ slotStatsSummary Run{genesis=Genesis{epochLength}} slots =
in if tailEpoch == slEpoch (Vec.head v) then v
else Vec.dropWhile ((tailEpoch == ) . slEpoch) v

-- | `spanLen` in effect does (slSlot last) - (slSlot head) with
-- `unSlotNo` only unpacking it from the `SlotNo` newtype and
-- `fromIntegral` converting it from a `Word64` to an `Int`, where
-- last and head refer to the vector's elements.
-- In plain words, this represents the number of slots in a half-open
-- interval bounded by the slot numbers at the first and last
-- positions within the vector of slot numbers. Some thoughts could
-- be had about the potential for a discontiguous set of slots
-- within the vector and whether a closed interval should be
-- preferred over a half-open one. Answers could be turned up over
-- the course of this documentation audit.
-- Simplifying the expression within the executable code might help
-- with maintainability, but it's best left undisturbed for the sake
-- of reducing the audit surface area in the event of regressions,
-- barring sufficiently broad consensus.
spanLen :: Vector (SlotStats a) -> Int
spanLen = fromIntegral . unSlotNo . uncurry (-) . (slSlot *** slSlot) . (Vec.last &&& Vec.head)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -598,6 +643,8 @@ slotStatsMachPerf run (f, slots) =

(,) sFirst sLast = (slSlot . head &&& slSlot . last) slots

-- | `dist` assembles the sample into a distribution `CDF` according
-- to the standard list of centiles `stdCentiles` using `cdfZ`.
dist :: Divisible a => [a] -> CDF I a
dist = cdfZ stdCentiles

Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Command.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,6 +425,9 @@ runChainCommand s@State{sMultiSummary=Just summ@Summary{..}}
runChainCommand _ c@WriteMetaGenesis{} = missingCommandData c
["multi objects"]

-- | Slots are input here, in the `Unlog` command.
-- `runLiftLogObjects` does the IO and `Aeson` processing with
-- `readLogObjectStream` as a helper.
runChainCommand s
c@(Unlog rlf okDErr loAnyLimit) = do
progress "logs" (Q $ printf "reading run log manifest %s" $ unJsonInputFile rlf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -537,13 +540,26 @@ runChainCommand s@State{sRun=Just _run, sChain=Just Chain{..}}
runChainCommand _ c@TimelineChain{} = missingCommandData c
["run metadata & genesis", "chain"]

-- | `CollectSlots` is the step slots make from `sRunLogs` to
-- `sSlotsRaw`. `deltifySlotStats` is the crucial post-processing after
runChainCommand s@State{sRun=Just run, sRunLogs=Just (rlLogs -> objs)}
c@(CollectSlots ignores) = do
let nonIgnored = flip filter objs $ (`notElem` ignores) . fst
forM_ ignores $
progress "perf-ignored-log" . R . unJsonLogfile
progress "slots" (Q $ printf "building slot %d timelines" $ length objs)
(scalars, slotsRaw) <-
-- `mapAndUnzip` just maps using a function producing a pair and
-- unzips the result. `redistribute` just takes a triple in the
-- form of (t1, (t2, t3)) mapping it to ((t1, t2), (t1, t3)),
-- repeating the first component to pair it with both halves of the
-- second component. `collectSlotStats` just maps coalescing the log
-- entries into per- (time) slot structures collecting everything
-- described in one of the `LogObject` lists, done in parallel across
-- the distinct log files. `deltifySlotStats` then differences the
-- timestamps within a slot against the `Genesis` to provide a
-- relative slot start time, and then differences other fields
-- against each other and that baseline to measure timings.
fmap (mapAndUnzip redistribute) <$> collectSlotStats run nonIgnored
& newExceptT
& firstExceptT (CommandError c)
Expand All @@ -560,6 +576,8 @@ runChainCommand s@State{sSlotsRaw=Just slotsRaw}
runChainCommand _ c@DumpSlotsRaw = missingCommandData c
["unfiltered slots"]

-- | `FilterSlots` takes raw slots in `sSlotsRaw` and cleans them up to
-- be put at long last in `sSlots` for consumption by higher-level code.
runChainCommand s@State{sRun=Just run, sSlotsRaw=Just slotsRaw}
c@(FilterSlots fltfs fltExprs) = do
progress "slots" (Q $ printf "filtering %d slot timelines" $ length slotsRaw)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,6 +609,7 @@ runChainCommand s@State{sSlots=Just slots}
runChainCommand _ c@DumpSlots = missingCommandData c
["filtered slots"]

-- | `TimelineSlots` exports the processed slots in renderable form.
runChainCommand s@State{sRun=Just _run, sSlots=Just slots}
c@(TimelineSlots rc comments) = do
progress "mach" (Q $ printf "dumping %d slot timelines: %s" (length slots) (show rc :: String))
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Render.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,6 +245,9 @@ renderProfilingData rc a flt pd =
, fDescription = peSrcLoc pe

-- | `renderTimelineWithClass` and `renderTimeline` output textual
-- representations of timelines for postprocessing with ede, em, and
-- other such tools for producing benchmark reports.
renderTimelineWithClass :: forall (a :: Type). TimelineFields a => (Field ISelect I a -> Bool) -> RenderConfig -> Anchor -> [TimelineComments a] -> [a] -> [Text]
renderTimelineWithClass flt = renderTimeline (filter flt timelineFields) rtCommentary

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions bench/locli/src/Cardano/Util.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ mapSMaybeFB cons f x next = case f x of
SNothing -> next
SJust r -> cons r next

-- | `mapConcurrentlyPure` mostly fully forces the list elements
-- produced in parallel. `evaluate` seems to have mostly to do with
-- exceptions.
mapConcurrentlyPure :: NFData b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> IO [b]
mapConcurrentlyPure f =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,6 +181,8 @@ replaceExtension :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
replaceExtension f new = F.dropExtension f <> "." <> new

-- | `spans` creates a list of `Vector` where each list element is all
-- of the list elements comprising a span put into a `Vector`.
spans :: forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Vector a]
spans f = go []
Expand Down

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