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Repository for the HPC Cluster Symphony implementation files.

Deployment with Schematics CLI on IBM Cloud

Initial configuration:

$ cp sample/configs/hpc_workspace_config.json config.json
$ ibmcloud iam api-key-create my-api-key --file ~/.ibm-api-key.json -d "my api key"
$ cat ~/.ibm-api-key.json | jq -r ."apikey"
# copy your apikey
$ vim config.json
# paste your apikey and set entitlements for Symphony

You also need to generate github token if you use private Github repository.


$ ibmcloud schematics workspace new -f config.json --github-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ ibmcloud schematics workspace list
Name               ID                                            Description   Status     Frozen
hpcc-symphony-test       us-east.workspace.hpcc-symphony-test.7cbc3f6b                     INACTIVE   False

$ ibmcloud schematics apply --id us-east.workspace.hpcc-symphony-test.7cbc3f6b
Do you really want to perform this action? [y/N]> y

Activity ID b0a909030f071f51d6ceb48b62ee1671

$ ibmcloud schematics logs --id us-east.workspace.hpcc-symphony-test.7cbc3f6b
 2021/04/05 09:44:54 Terraform apply | Apply complete! Resources: 14 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
 2021/04/05 09:44:54 Terraform apply |
 2021/04/05 09:44:54 Terraform apply | Outputs:
 2021/04/05 09:44:54 Terraform apply |
 2021/04/05 09:44:54 Terraform apply | sshcommand = ssh -J root@ root@
 2021/04/05 09:44:54 Command finished successfully.
 2021/04/05 09:45:00 Done with the workspace action

$ ssh -J root@ root@

$ ibmcloud schematics destroy --id us-east.workspace.hpcc-symphony-test.7cbc3f6b

Deployment with Schematics UI on IBM Cloud

  1. Go to and create a workspace using Schematics

  2. After creating the Schematics workspace, at the bottom of the page enter this github repo URL and provide the SSH token to access Github repo, and also select Terraform version as 0.14 and click Save.

  3. Go to Schematic Workspace Settings, under variable section, click on "burger icons" to update the following parameters:

    • ssh_key_name with your ibm cloud SSH key name such as "symphony-ssh-key" created in a specific region in IBM Cloud
    • api_key with the api key value and mark it as sensitive to hide the API key in the IBM Cloud Console.
    • Update cluster_prefix value to the specific hostPrefix for your Symphony cluster
    • Update the management_node_count, worker_node_min_count and worker_node_max_count as per your requirement
    • To integrate spectrum scale, update spectrum_scale_enabled to true and update scale_storage_node_count, scale_storage_node_instance_type, scale_filesystem_block_size as per your requirement.
      • Update scale_storage_cluster_gui_username, scale_storage_cluster_gui_password, scale_compute_cluster_gui_username, scale_compute_cluster_gui_password.

    Note: Only static worker nodes (no dynamic worker nodes) are supported with scale enabled.

  4. Click on "Generate Plan" and ensure there are no errors and fix the errors if there are any

  5. After "Generate Plan" gives no errors, click on "Apply Plan" to create resources.

  6. Check the "Jobs" section on the left hand side to view the resource creation progress.

  7. See the Log if the "Apply Plan" activity is successful and copy the output SSH command to your laptop terminal to SSH to primary node via a jump host public ip to SSH one of the nodes.

  8. Also use this jump host public ip and change the IP address of the node you want to access via the jump host to access specific hosts.

Storage Node and NFS Setup

The storage node is configured as an NFS server and the data volume is mounted to the /data directory which is exported to share with Symphony cluster nodes.

Spectrum Scale Storage Node and GPFS Setup

  • The Spectrum Scale storage nodes are configured as a GPFS cluster (owningCluster) which owns and serves the file system to be mounted.
  • AccessingCluster, i.e., the compute cluster with Primary, Secondary, Management, and worker nodes, is the cluster that accesses owningCluster, and is also configured as a GPFS cluster.
  • The file system mountpoint on owningCluster(storage gpfs Cluster) is specified in the variable scale_storage_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint. Default value = "/gpfs/fs1"
  • The file system mountpoint on accessingCluster(compute gpfs Cluster) is specified in the variable compute_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint. Default value = "/gpfs/fs1"

Note: If the user elects not to use Spectrum Scale storage, the NFS file system will be used for sharing of both cluster management data and worker node application data. However, if the user elects to use Spectrum Scale storage, then that storage will be used for sharing of the worker node application data, and the NFS file system will be used only for sharing of cluster management data."

Steps to validate Cluster setups

1. To validate the NFS storage is setup and exported correctly
  • Login to the storage node using SSH (ssh -J root@ root@
  • The below command shows that the data volume, /dev/vdd, is mounted to /data on the storage node.
# df -k | grep data
/dev/vdd       104806400 1828916 102977484   2% /data`
  • The command below shows that /data is exported as a NFS shared directory.
# exportfs -v
  • At the NFS client end, the Symphony management nodes in this case, we mount the /data directory in NFS server to the local directory, /data.
# df -k | grep data 104806400  1828864 102977536   2% /data

The command above shows that the local directory, /data, is mounted to the remote /data directory on the NFS server,

2. Steps to validate the cluster status
  • Login to the primary as shown in the ssh_command output
# ssh -J root@ root@
  • Logon as Admin
# egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
  • Check if the resource list contains all the hosts with ok status
# egosh ego info
# egosh resource list -ll
3. Steps to validate host factory
$ symping -r 10000 -m 100 > stdout.log 2> stderr.log < /dev/null &
$ watch -n 1 egosh resource list -ll

Note: This is applicable when scale is not enabled.
4. Steps to validate failover
  • Login to the primary as shown in the ssh_command output
$ ssh -J root@ root@
  • Logon as Admin
# egosh user logon -u Admin -x Admin
  • Check the primary host
# egosh resource list -m
  • Stop EGO at primary
# systemctl stop ego
  • Login to the secondary and wait for a while
# ssh -J root@ root@
  • Check primary host again and see if the primary is changed
# egosh resource list -m
  • Try symping
# symping
  • Restart EGO at primary
# systemctl start ego
  • Check primary host again and see if the primary is changed
# egosh resource list -m
5. steps to validate spectrum scale integration
  • Login to scale storage node using SSH. (ssh -J root@ root@, details will be available in the logs output with key spectrum_scale_storage_ssh_command)
  • The below command shows the gpfs cluster setup on scale storage node.
# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlscluster
  • The below command shows file system mounted on number of nodes
# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsmount all
  • The below command shows the fileserver details. This command can be used to validate file block size(Inode size in bytes).
#   /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlsfs all -i
  • Login to primary node using SSH. (ssh -J root@ root@
  • The below command shows the gpfs cluster setup on computes node. This should contain the Primary, Secondary, Management and worker nodes.
# /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlscluster
  • Create a file on mountpoint path(e.g /gpfs/fs1) and verify on other nodes that the file can be accessed.
6. Steps to login a windows worker node
  1. Use a remote desktop client to access your Windows instance.
  2. Use corresponding IP/Floating IP of the worker node as host ip.
  3. When asked for login credentials use default username - "egoadmin" and password - "Symphony@123"

Terraform Documentation


Name Version
http 3.1.0
ibm 1.68.1


Name Version
http 3.1.0
ibm 1.68.1
null 3.2.2
template 2.2.0


Name Source Version
bare_metal_server ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/bare_metal_server n/a
compute_cluster_configuration ./resources/scale_common/compute_configuration n/a
compute_nodes_wait ./resources/scale_common/wait n/a
dedicated_host ./resources/ibmcloud/dedicated_host n/a
dedicated_host_group ./resources/ibmcloud/dedicated_host_group n/a
dns_resolver ./resources/ibmcloud/network/dns_resolver n/a
dns_service ./resources/ibmcloud/network/dns_service n/a
inbound_sg_ingress_all_local_rule ./resources/ibmcloud/security/security_group_ingress_all_local n/a
inbound_sg_rule ./resources/ibmcloud/security/security_group_inbound_rule n/a
ingress_vpn ./resources/ibmcloud/security/vpn_ingress_sg_rule n/a
invoke_compute_network_playbook ./resources/scale_common/ansible_playbook n/a
invoke_compute_playbook ./resources/scale_common/ansible_playbook n/a
invoke_remote_mount ./resources/scale_common/ansible_playbook n/a
invoke_storage_network_playbook ./resources/scale_common/ansible_playbook n/a
invoke_storage_playbook ./resources/scale_common/ansible_playbook n/a
invoke_windows_security_group_rules ./resources/windows/security_group_rules n/a
login_fip ./resources/ibmcloud/network/floating_ip n/a
login_inbound_security_rules ./resources/ibmcloud/security/login_sg_inbound_rule n/a
login_outbound_dns_rule ./resources/ibmcloud/security/login_sg_outbound_dns_rule n/a
login_outbound_security_rule ./resources/ibmcloud/security/login_sg_outbound_rule n/a
login_sg ./resources/ibmcloud/security/login_sg n/a
login_ssh_key ./resources/scale_common/generate_keys n/a
login_subnet ./resources/ibmcloud/network/login_subnet n/a
login_vsi ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/login_vsi n/a
management_node_vsi ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/management_node_vsi n/a
nfs_storage ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/nfs_storage_vsi n/a
nfs_volume ./resources/ibmcloud/network/nfs_volume n/a
outbound_sg_rule ./resources/ibmcloud/security/security_group_outbound_rule n/a
prepare_spectrum_scale_ansible_repo ./resources/scale_common/git_utils n/a
primary_vsi ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/primary_vsi n/a
public_gw ./resources/ibmcloud/network/public_gw n/a
remote_mount_cluster_configuration ./resources/scale_common/remote_mount_configuration n/a
remove_ssh_key ./resources/scale_common/remove_ssh n/a
schematics_sg_tcp_rule ./resources/ibmcloud/security/security_tcp_rule n/a
secondary_vsi ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/secondary_vsi n/a
sg ./resources/ibmcloud/security/security_group n/a
spectrum_scale_storage ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/scale_storage_vsi n/a
storage_bare_metal_server_cluster ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/scale_storage_bare_metal_server n/a
storage_cluster_configuration ./resources/scale_common/storage_configuration n/a
storage_dns_permitted ./resources/ibmcloud/network/dns_permitted_network n/a
storage_nodes_wait ./resources/scale_common/wait n/a
storage_zone ./resources/ibmcloud/network/dns_zone n/a
subnet ./resources/ibmcloud/network/subnet n/a
vpc ./resources/ibmcloud/network/vpc n/a
vpc_address_prefix ./resources/ibmcloud/network/vpc_address_prefix n/a
vpn ./resources/ibmcloud/network/vpn n/a
vpn_connection ./resources/ibmcloud/network/vpn_connection n/a
windows_worker ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/windows_worker_vsi n/a
worker_dns_permitted ./resources/ibmcloud/network/dns_permitted_network n/a
worker_vsi ./resources/ibmcloud/compute/worker_vsi n/a
worker_zone ./resources/ibmcloud/network/dns_zone n/a
write_compute_cluster_inventory ./resources/scale_common/write_inventory n/a
write_storage_cluster_inventory ./resources/scale_common/write_inventory n/a


Name Type
null_resource.delete_schematics_ingress_security_rule resource
null_resource.entitlement_check resource
null_resource.upgrade_jinja resource
http_http.fetch_myip data source
ibm_dns_custom_resolvers.dns_custom_resolver data source
ibm_iam_auth_token.token data source
ibm_is_bare_metal_server_profile.storage_bare_metal_server_profile data source
ibm_is_bare_metal_server_profile.worker_bare_metal_server_profile data source
ibm_is_dedicated_host_profiles.worker data source
ibm_is_image.baremetal_image data source
ibm_is_image.image data source
ibm_is_image.scale_image data source
ibm_is_image.stock_image data source
ibm_is_image.windows_worker_image data source
ibm_is_instance_profile.login data source
ibm_is_instance_profile.management_node data source
ibm_is_instance_profile.spectrum_scale_storage data source data source
ibm_is_instance_profile.worker data source
ibm_is_region.region data source
ibm_is_ssh_key.ssh_key data source
ibm_is_subnet.subnet_id data source
ibm_is_subnet_reserved_ips.dns_reserved_ips data source
ibm_is_volume_profile.nfs data source
ibm_is_vpc.existing_vpc data source
ibm_is_vpc.vpc data source
ibm_is_vpc_address_prefixes.existing_vpc data source data source
ibm_resource_group.rg data source
template_file.login_user_data data source
template_file.management_node_user_data data source
template_file.primary_user_data data source
template_file.scale_storage_user_data data source
template_file.secondary_user_data data source
template_file.storage_user_data data source
template_file.windows_worker_user_data data source
template_file.worker_user_data data source


Name Description Type Default Required
TF_PARALLELISM Parallelism/ concurrent operations limit. Valid values are between 1 and 256, both inclusive. Learn more. string "250" no
TF_VERSION The version of the Terraform engine that's used in the Schematics workspace. string "1.5" no
TF_WAIT_DURATION wait duration time set for the storage and worker node to complete the entire setup string "180s" no
api_key This is the IBM Cloud API key for IBM Cloud account where the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster needs to be deployed. For more information on how to create an API key, see Managing user API keys. string n/a yes
cluster_id Unique ID of the cluster used by Symphony for configuration of resources. This must be up to 39 alphanumeric characters including the underscore (_), the hyphen (-), and the period (.). Other special characters and spaces are not allowed. Do not use the name of any host or user as the name of your cluster. You cannot change it after installation. string "HPCCluster" no
cluster_prefix Prefix that is used to name the Spectrum Symphony cluster and IBM Cloud resources that are provisioned to build the Spectrum Symphony cluster instance. You cannot create more than one instance of the Symphony cluster with the same name. Make sure that the name is unique. string "hpcc-symphony" no
dedicated_host_enabled Set to true to use dedicated hosts for compute hosts (default: false). Note that Symphony still dynamically provisions compute hosts at public virtual server instances and dedicated hosts are used only for static compute hosts provisioned at the time the cluster is created. The number of dedicated hosts and the profile names for dedicated hosts are calculated from worker_node_min_count and worker_node_instance_type. bool false no
dedicated_host_placement Specify 'pack' or 'spread'. The 'pack' option will deploy virtual server instances on one dedicated host until full before moving on to the next dedicated host. The 'spread' option will deploy virtual server instances in round-robin fashion across all the dedicated hosts. The second option should result in mostly even distribution of instances on the hosts, while the first option might result in one dedicated host being mostly empty. string "spread" no
hyperthreading_enabled Setting this to true will enable hyper-threading in the worker nodes of the cluster(default). Otherwise, hyper-threading will be disabled. bool true no
ibm_customer_number Comma-separated list of the IBM Customer Number(s) (ICN) that is used for the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) entitlement check. For more information on how to find your ICN, see What is my IBM Customer Number (ICN)?. string n/a yes
image_name Name of the custom image that you want to use to create virtual server instances in your IBM Cloud account to deploy the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster. By default, the automation uses a base image with additional software packages mentioned here. If you would like to include your application-specific binary files, follow the instructions in Planning for custom images to create your own custom image and use that to build the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster through this offering. string "hpcc-symp732-scale5201-rhel88-v2" no
login_node_instance_type Specify the virtual server instance profile type to be used to create the login node for the Spectrum Symphony cluster. For choices on profile types, see Instance profiles. string "bx2-2x8" no
management_node_count Number of management nodes. This is the total number of primary, secondary and management nodes. There will be one Primary, one Secondary and the rest of the nodes will be management nodes. Enter a value in the range 1 - 10. number 3 no
management_node_instance_type Specify the virtual server instance profile type to be used to create the management nodes for the Spectrum Symphony cluster. For choices on profile types, see Instance profiles. string "bx2-4x16" no
remote_allowed_ips Comma-separated list of IP addresses that can access the Spectrum Symphony instance through an SSH or RDP interface. For security purposes, provide the public IP addresses assigned to the devices that are authorized to establish SSH or RDP connections (for example, [""]). To fetch the IP address of the device, use list(string) n/a yes
resource_group Resource group name from your IBM Cloud account where the VPC resources should be deployed. Note: Do not modify the "Default" value if you would like to use the auto-scaling capability. For additional information on resource groups, see Managing resource groups. string "Default" no
scale_compute_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint Compute cluster (accessingCluster) file system mount point. The accessingCluster is the cluster that accesses the owningCluster. For more information, see Mounting a remote GPFS file system. string "/gpfs/fs1" no
scale_compute_cluster_gui_password Password for compute cluster GUI. Note: Password should be at least 8 characters, must have one number, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and at least one unique character. Password should not contain username. string "" no
scale_compute_cluster_gui_username GUI user to perform system management_node and monitoring tasks on compute cluster. Note: Username should be at least 4 characters, any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters. string "" no
scale_filesystem_block_size File system block size. Spectrum Scale supported block sizes (in bytes) include: 256K, 512K, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 16M. string "4M" no
scale_storage_cluster_filesystem_mountpoint Spectrum Scale storage cluster (owningCluster) file system mount point. The owningCluster is the cluster that owns and serves the file system to be mounted. For more information, see Mounting a remote GPFS file system. string "/gpfs/fs1" no
scale_storage_cluster_gui_password Password for Spectrum Scale storage cluster GUI. Note: Password should be at least 8 characters, must have one number, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and at least one unique character. Password should not contain username. string "" no
scale_storage_cluster_gui_username GUI user to perform system management_node and monitoring tasks on storage cluster. Note: Username should be at least 4 characters, any combination of lowercase and uppercase letters. string "" no
scale_storage_image_name Name of the custom image that you would like to use to create virtual machines in your IBM Cloud account to deploy the Spectrum Scale storage cluster. By default, our automation uses a base image plus the Spectrum Scale software and any other software packages that it requires. If you'd like, you can follow the instructions for Planning for custom images to create your own custom image and use that to build the Spectrum Scale storage cluster through this offering. string "hpcc-scale5201-rhel88" no
scale_storage_node_count Total number of storage cluster instances that you need to provision. A minimum of three nodes and a maximum of eighteen nodes are supported if the storage_type selected is scratch. A minimum of three nodes and a maximum of ten nodes are supported if the storage type selected is persistent. number 3 no
scale_storage_node_instance_type Specify the virtual server instance storage profile type name to be used to create the Spectrum Scale storage nodes for the Spectrum Symphony cluster. For more information, see Instance profiles. string "cx2d-8x16" no
spectrum_scale_enabled Setting this to 'true' will enable Spectrum Scale integration with the cluster. Otherwise, Spectrum Scale integration will be disabled (default). By entering 'true' for the property you have also agreed to one of the two conditions. 1. You are using the software in production and confirm you have sufficient licenses to cover your use under the International Program License Agreement (IPLA). 2. You are evaluating the software and agree to abide by the International License Agreement for Evaluation of Programs (ILAE). NOTE: Failure to comply with licenses for production use of software is a violation of IBM International Program License Agreement. bool false no
ssh_key_name Comma-separated list of names of the SSH keys that is configured in your IBM Cloud account that is used to establish a connection to the Symphony primary node. Ensure the SSH key is present in the same resource group and region where the cluster is being provisioned. If you do not have an SSH key in your IBM Cloud account, create one by using the instructions given at SSH Keys. string n/a yes
storage_node_instance_type Specify the virtual server instance profile type to be used to create the storage node for the Spectrum Symphony cluster. The storage node is the one that would be used to create an NFS instance to manage the data for HPC workloads. For choices on profile types, see Instance profiles. string "bx2-2x8" no
storage_type Select the Spectrum Scale file system deployment method. Note: The Spectrum Scale scratch type deploys the Spectrum Scale file system on virtual server instances, and the persistent type deploys the Spectrum Scale file system on bare metal servers. string "scratch" no
volume_capacity Size in GB for the block storage that would be used to build the NFS instance and would be available as a mount on Spectrum Symphony primary node. Enter a value in the range 10 - 16000. number 100 no
volume_iops Number to represent the IOPS configuration for block storage to be used for NFS instance (valid only for volume_profile=custom, dependent on volume_capacity). Enter a value in the range 100 - 48000. For possible options of IOPS, see Custom IOPS profile. number 300 no
volume_profile Name of the block storage volume type to be used for NFS instance. For possible options, seeBlock storage profiles. string "general-purpose" no
vpc_cidr_block Creates the address prefix for the new VPC, when the vpc_name variable is empty. Only a single address prefix is allowed. For more information, see Setting IP ranges. list(string)
vpc_cluster_login_private_subnets_cidr_blocks The CIDR block that's required for the creation of the login cluster private subnet. Modify the CIDR block if it has already been reserved or used for other applications within the VPC or conflicts with any on-premises CIDR blocks when using a hybrid environment. Provide only one CIDR block for the creation of the login subnet. Since login subnet is used only for the creation of login virtual server instance provide a CIDR range of /28. list(string)
vpc_cluster_private_subnets_cidr_blocks The CIDR block that's required for the creation of the compute and storage cluster private subnet. Modify the CIDR block if it has already been reserved or used for other applications within the VPC or conflicts with any on-premises CIDR blocks when using a hybrid environment. Provide only one CIDR block for the creation of the compute and storage subnet. Make sure to select a CIDR block size that will accommodate the maximum number of management, storage, and both static and dynamic worker nodes that you expect to have in your cluster. For more information on CIDR block size selection, see Choosing IP ranges for your VPC. list(string)
vpc_name Name of an existing VPC in which the cluster resources will be deployed. If no value is given, then a new VPC will be provisioned for the cluster. Learn more string "" no
vpc_scale_storage_dns_domain IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the Scale Storage cluster. Note: The domain name should not be the same as vpc_worker_dns_domain when spectrum_scale_enabled is set to true. string "" no
vpc_worker_dns_domain IBM Cloud DNS Services domain name to be used for the compute cluster, e.g., test.example.corp. string "" no
vpn_enabled Set the value as true to deploy a VPN gateway for VPC in the cluster. bool false no
vpn_peer_address The peer public IP address to which the VPN will be connected. string "" no
vpn_peer_cidrs Comma separated list of peer CIDRs (e.g., to which the VPN will be connected. string "" no
vpn_preshared_key The pre-shared key for the VPN. string "" no
windows_image_name Name of the custom image that you want to use to create Windows® virtual server instances in your IBM Cloud account to deploy the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster. By default, the solution uses a base image with additional software packages, which are mentioned here. If you want to include your application-specific binary files, follow the instructions in Planning for custom images to create your own custom image and use that to build the IBM Spectrum Symphony cluster through this offering. string "hpcc-sym732-win2016-v1-3" no
windows_worker_node Set to true to deploy Windows® worker nodes in the cluster. By default, the cluster deploys Linux® worker nodes. If the variable is set to true, the values of both worker_node_min_count and worker_node_max_count should be equal because the current implementation doesn't support dynamic creation of worker nodes through Host Factory. bool false no
worker_node_instance_type Specify the virtual server instance or bare metal server profile type name to be used to create the worker nodes for the Spectrum Symphony cluster based on worker_node_type. The worker nodes are the ones where the workload execution takes place and the choice should be made according to the characteristic of workloads. For more information, see virtual server instance and bare metal server profiles. NOTE: If dedicated_host_enabled == true, available instance prefix (e.g., bx2 and cx2) can be limited depending on your target region. Check ibmcloud target -r {region_name}; ibmcloud is dedicated-host-profiles. string "bx2-4x16" no
worker_node_max_count The maximum number of virtual server instance or bare metal server worker nodes that can be provisioned in the cluster. To take advantage of the auto-scale feature from Host Factory, the value needs to be greater than worker_node_min_count. If using virtual server instances, enter a value in the range 1 - 500. If using bare metal servers, the value needs to match worker_node_min_count, and the permitted value is in the range 1 - 16. Note: If you plan to use Spectrum Scale storage, the value for this parameter should be equal to worker_node_min_count. number 10 no
worker_node_min_count The minimum number of virtual server instance or bare metal server worker nodes that will be provisioned at the time the cluster is created. For bare metal servers, enter a value in the range 1 - 16. For virtual server instances with NFS storage, enter a value in the range 0 - 500. For virtual server instances with Spectrum Scale storage, enter a value in the range 1 - 64. Note: Spectrum Scale requires a minimum of 3 compute nodes (combination of primary, secondary, management, and worker nodes) to establish a quorum and maintain data consistency if a node fails. Therefore, the minimum value of 1 might need to be larger if the value specified for management_node_count is less than 2. number 0 no
worker_node_type The type of server that's used for the worker nodes: virtual server instance or bare metal server. If you choose vsi, the worker nodes are deployed on virtual server instances, or if you choose baremetal, the worker nodes are deployed on bare metal servers. Note: If baremetal is selected, only static worker nodes are supported; you will not be able to use the Spectrum Symphony Host Factory feature for auto-scaling on the cluster. string "vsi" no
zone IBM Cloud zone name within the selected region where the Spectrum Symphony cluster should be deployed. Learn more. string n/a yes


Name Description
image_map_entry_found n/a
region_name n/a
spectrum_scale_storage_ssh_command n/a
ssh_command n/a
vpc_name n/a
vpn_config_info n/a