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Update (import) or export products data to OFFLINE.mall plugin


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Mall Import/Export

This plugin offers the possibility to import or export data into the OFFLINE.Mall plugin.

Please note that it does NOT allow you to add products but to update existing products.

What you can import or export

  • publication status
  • stocks
  • authorisation for sales out of stock
  • weight
  • prices, additional prices and group prices, in all currencies.
  • and whatever you decide

How it works

The plugin uses the CSV file import/export features of WinterCMS.

With default options, exporting data will give you a CSV file named Products_export_2021-09-23.csv.

Columns naming

The plugin use currencies symbols to append same to the column name.

  • The prices columns will be named "Price $", "Price €", ...
  • The customers prices columns will be named "Price pricename $", "Price pricename €", ...
    ex for a "Vip" customer price : "Price vip $", "Price vip €", ...
  • The defined price categories use their own names "Price category name $", "Price category name €", ...
    ex for a "Old price" price category : "Old price $", "Old price €", ...

You can define your own filename, date or column's names from config.

Add your own columns

You can listen for hounddd.mallimportexport.config.update event to add your own column definition.

Example to add the product's name to export fields, at the second position

 * Extend products controller export columns definition
Event::listen('hounddd.mallimportexport.config.update', function ($controller, $config) {
    $exportColumns = $config->export['list']->columns;
    $position = 1;

    $config->export['list']->columns = 
        array_slice($exportColumns, 0, $position, true) +
            'name' => [
                'label' => ''
        ] + 
        array_slice($exportColumns, $position, count($exportColumns) - 1, true);


If the version of your OFFLINE.Mall plugin includes event hooks for toolbars (>= 1.14.4), you will find the import and export buttons at the top of the product list, otherwise an entry will be added to the side menu of the plugin.
Buttons are available according to the user rights.


Let assume you're in the root of your wintercms installation

Using composer

Just run this command

composer require hounddd/wn-mallimportexport

Cloning repo

Clone this repo into your winter plugins folder.

cd plugins
mkdir hounddd && cd hounddd
git clone mallimportexport


Import/export behaviors

You can configure plugin behaviors with a file \config\hounddd\mallimportexport\config.php


return [
    'import' => [

    'export' => [
        'fileName' => 'Export_produits',    // New export filename, default "Products_export"
        'appendDate' => true,               // Append date to filename, default true
        'dateFormat' => '_Y-m-d-z',         // How to format appended date, default '_Y-m-d'

    'useCurrencySymbol' => true,            // Use currency symbol (true), code (false), or nothing (null), default true
    'removeDiacritics' => false,            // Remove diactritcis chars in additional prices column labels, default false
  • useCurrencySymbol : (default true) Defined if additionnal price columns must use currency symbol ou currency code.
  • removeDiacritics : (default false) Defined if diacritics characters must be removed from prices and additionnal prices column labels.

For the other columns use the translations (see below).
This allows you to bypass encoding problems with import or export files.

See PHP date format for dateFormat accepted values.
Remember that this is for the name of a file, respect the conventions to avoid trouble.

Csv file column's names

You can change the column names to match your needs, simply add a \lang\XX\hounddd\mallimportexport\lang.php (where XX is your locale) to your site.

    return [

        'columns' => [
            'allow_out_of_stock_purchases' => 'Vente hors stock',
            'price'                        => 'Prix en',
            'published'                    => 'Publié',
            'stock'                        => 'Stock',
            'user_defined_id'              => 'Référence',
            'weight'                       => 'Poids en g',


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