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LeafMachine2 is a modular suite of computer vision and machine learning algorithms that enables efficient identification, location, and measurement of vegetative, reproductive, and archival components from digital plant datasets.


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  • August 14, 2024

    • Added newest version of keypoint detector
    • Automatic vertical alignment (rotate leaves to have lamina tip at at top, petiole at bottom)
    • Store segmentations in a simple txt file, normalized
  • March 25, 2024 🚀

    • Many, many changes. I recommend creating a new venv to use the updated LM2.
    • Added a Streamlit GUI
      • Run the script to launch the GUI
      • Activate the virtual env, then python
    • Fixed installation bugs
    • New PCD LeafPriority detector. This drammatically improves LeafMachine2's leaf detection ability and all other downstream components. Please see the LeafMachine2 website for more information. The new PCD is the new default. The new model will be downloaded automatically when you update your installation with a git pull or with a clean installation.

Note: To get the latest updates, use cd to move into your LeafMachine2 directory, build and activate your virtual environment, then run git pull. We recommend rebuilding your venv from scratch for this update. If you made local changes to your repo, you may have to stash or --force overwrite your local changes (or just install LM2 in a new local directory).

Installing LeafMachine2


  • Validated with Python >= 3.8, <= 3.11
  • PyTorch 1.11 (Can work with PyTorch 2.X if you are willing to mess around with dependencies/CUDA)
  • For PyTorch 2.3.1 make sure that your CUDA version is compatible
  • Git
  • CUDA version 11.3+ (if utilizing a GPU)


  • A GPU with at least 8 GB of VRAM is required
  • LeafMachine2 v.2.1 is RAM limited. A batch size of 50 images could potentially utilize 48 GB+ of system memory. Setting batch sizes to 20 will only increase the number of summary and data files, but performance speed differences are minimal.
  • The PCD confidence threshold dictates RAM usage. More leaves detected -> more RAM to store more leaves and derived measurements until they are saved to batch files and summary images.
  • The number of leaves per image dictates RAM usage. Taxa with hundred of leaves per image (e.g. Diospyros buxifolia) will require much more RAM than taxa with few leaves per image (e.g. Quercus alba)
  • For most PCs, set the number of workers to 2 or 4. If you have a high performance PC with 128 GB+ of RAM and a powerful CPU, then 8 workers and batch sizes of 100+ are possible.

Note: An average PC with 32 GB of RAM and a consumer-grade GPU is more than capable of running LeafMachine2, just dial back the batch size. With the right configs, a PC with 16 GB of RAM can run LeafMachine2 if the batch size is set to 10 or 20.

Installation - Cloning the LeafMachine2 Repository

  1. First, install Python 3.8.10, or greater, on your machine of choice.
    • Make sure that you can use pip to install packages on your machine, or at least inside of a virtual environment.
    • Simply type pip into your terminal or PowerShell. If you see a list of options, you are all set. Otherwise, see either this PIP Documentation or this help page
  2. Open a terminal window and cd into the directory where you want to install LeafMachine2.
  3. Clone the LeafMachine2 repository from GitHub by running git clone in the terminal.
  4. Move into the LeafMachine2 directory by running cd LeafMachine2 in the terminal.
  5. To run LeafMachine2 we need to install its dependencies inside of a python virtual environmnet. Follow the instructions below for your operating system.

About Python Virtual Environments

A virtual environment is a tool to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places, by creating isolated python virtual environments for them. This avoids any conflicts between the packages that you have installed for different projects. It makes it easier to maintain different versions of packages for different projects.

For more information about virtual environments, please see Creation of virtual environments

Installation - Ubuntu 20.04+

Virtual Environment

  1. Still inside the LeafMachine2 directory, show that a venv is currently not active
    which python
  2. Then create the virtual environment (.venv_LM2 is the name of our new virtual environment)
    python -m venv .venv_LM2
  3. Activate the virtual environment
    source ./.venv_LM2/bin/activate
  4. Confirm that the venv is active (should be different from step 1)
    which python
  5. If you want to exit the venv, deactivate the venv using

Installing Packages

  1. First, update pip, wheel, setuptools With the venv active, install wheel

    python -m pip install "wheel"
    Update pip and setuptools
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

  2. Install the required dependencies to use LeafMachine2

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Install pycococreator

    pip install "git+"

  4. Install COCO annotation tools and a special version of Open CV

    pip install "pycocotools>=2.0.5" "opencv-contrib-python>="

  5. LeafMachine2 algorithms require PyTorch version 1.11 for CUDA version 11.3+. If your computer does not have a GPU, then use the CPU version and the CUDA version is not applicable. PyTorch is large and will take a bit to install.

    • WITH GPU
    pip install "torch==1.11.0+cu113" "torchvision==0.12.0+cu113" "torchaudio==0.11.0" --extra-index-url

    • OR for PyTorch 2.3.0 and CUDA 12.1
    pip install "torch==2.3.0" "torchvision==0.18.0" "torchaudio==2.3.0" --index-url

    • OR for PyTorch 2.3.1 and CUDA 12.1 (RECOMMENDED)
    pip install "torch==2.3.1" "torchvision==0.18.1" "torchaudio==2.3.1" --index-url

  6. We need to install a downgraded vertion of ViT for the DocEnTr ruler segmentation. Install ViT for PyTorch. ViT is used for segmenting labels and rulers. The DocEnTr framework that we use for document image segmentation requires an older verison of ViT, the most recent version will cause an error.

    pip install "vit-pytorch==0.37.1"

If you need help, please submit an inquiry in the form at

Installation - Windows 10+

Virtual Environment

  1. Still inside the LeafMachine2 directory, show that a venv is currently not active
    python --version
  2. Then create the virtual environment (.venv_LM2 is the name of our new virtual environment. You must name it ".venv_LM2" if you want to use the Desktop shortcut)
    python -m venv .venv_LM2
  3. Activate the virtual environment
  4. Confirm that the venv is active (should be different from step 1)
    python --version
  5. If you want to exit the venv, deactivate the venv using

Installing Packages

  1. Install the required dependencies to use LeafMachine2

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Install pycococreator

    pip install "git+"

  3. Install COCO annotation tools, a special version of Open CV, and pywin32 for creating the desktop shortcut

    pip install "pywin32" "pycocotools>=2.0.5" "opencv-contrib-python>="

  4. LeafMachine2 algorithms require PyTorch version 1.11 for CUDA version 11.3+. If your computer does not have a GPU, then use the CPU version and the CUDA version is not applicable. PyTorch is large and will take a bit to install.

    • WITH GPU
    pip install "torch==1.11.0+cu113" "torchvision==0.12.0+cu113" "torchaudio==0.11.0" --extra-index-url

    • OR for PyTorch 2.3.0 and CUDA 12.1
    pip install "torch==2.3.0" "torchvision==0.18.0" "torchaudio==2.3.0" --index-url

    • OR for PyTorch 2.3.1 and CUDA 12.1 (RECOMMENDED)
    pip install "torch==2.3.1" "torchvision==0.18.1" "torchaudio==2.3.1" --index-url

  5. We need to install a downgraded vertion of ViT for the DocEnTr ruler segmentation. Install ViT for PyTorch. ViT is used for segmenting labels and rulers. The DocEnTr framework that we use for document image segmentation requires an older verison of ViT, the most recent version will cause an error.

    pip install "vit-pytorch==0.37.1"

If you need help, please submit an inquiry in the form at

Troubleshooting CUDA

  • CUDA issues can be extremely frustrating.
  • Start by finding your current CUDA version or installing the most recent CUDA version that is compatible with your GPU.
  • Try installing the old version of PyTorch listed in these docs.
  • If that works, great! If not, you can install the latest pytorch release for your specific OS and CUDA version.
  • If that fails, you might have a CUDA installation issue.
  • If you cannot get the GPU working, then you can install PyTorch with CPU only, avoiding the CUDA problem entirely, but that is not recommended given that LeafMachine2 is designed to use GPUs. The components that rely on ViT (binarization of labels) will NOT work without a GPU. The leaf segmentation may not work either, sometimes it does, sometimes not.
  • We have also validated CUDA 12.4 with PyTorch 2.X. If you have success with other versions of CUDA/pytorch, let us know and we will update our instructions.

Testing the LeafMachine2 Installation

Assuming no errors with the previous instructions, we can now test LeafMachine2 and make sure that everything is funtional. There are two options for working with LeafMachine2.

If you plan to mostly use it with default setting, then working from the terminal (or PowerShell) will be fine.

We recommend using Microsoft Visual Studio Code (or another IDE e.g. Sublime, PyCharm...) since LeafMachine2 relies on configuration files. Editing config files in an IDE helps reduce syntax mistakes, plus it's just easier to work with.

If you plan on changing lots of settings, we recommend running LeafMachine2 in debug mode (in the IDE, LM2 does not have a debug mode). It won't hurt anything, and it will show you more information about any errors. We log and handle errors, but not all errors fail gracefully and inevitably there will be some novel errors as we continue to refine LeafMachine2.

  1. When you first run LeafMachine2, it must download all of the machine learning files that are not stored on GitHub. You will see white text in the console indicating progress or failure.
    • If LM2 displays an error while downloading the networks, first try to run described below.
      • Note: If you attempt to download the ML networks multiple times, you may see error messages, but often the networks were successfully downloaded anyway.
    • If you still have trouble, submit your log file (or all files) to LeafMachine2 Logs for assistance.
  2. In the future, we will release updated ML networks. This system will also handle updates.
  3. We have included demo images and a test file to make sure that all components are functional. The demo images are in ../LeafMachine2/demo/demo_images/ and all output from the test will go to ../LeafMachine2/demo/demo_output/. After a successful test, you can delete the contents of demo_output/ if you want, or keep it as a reference.
    • The demo will run all components of LeafMachine2, including some features that you may not want. For example, the demo will test skeletonization of the labels and rulers, so in the folder ../LeafMachine2/demo/demo_output/test_run/Cropped_Images/By_Class/label_binary you will see strange looking labels, but that is intentional.
  4. Running the installation test (from the terminal)
    • make sure that the virtual environment is active and that the virtual environment is located inside the LM2 home directory: LeafMachine2/.venv_LM2
    • cd into the LeafMachine2 directory
    • You should see some blue text, and then a lot of information in the console.
    • If the run completes (usually after ~5 minutes) and you see a 😀 then you should be all set!
    • Otherwise, double check that you followed each step and reach out by submitting an inquiry in the form at
  5. LM2 downloads the required ML models in a zipped folder and then unpacks the models, moving them to the correct places. If this process is stopped prematurely for any reason, then you need to add the flag --redownload. LM2 looks to see if the version.yml is present. If it is, then it will not restart the unpacking process. So --redownload deletes everything in LeafMachine2/bin so that the process can start fresh.
    python --redownload

Note: Step 5 can also be run after major updates that may have introduced a bug, if the issue is related to missing modules or ML models. (This occured with an update on August 14, 2024)

Using LeafMachine2 GUI

As of March 18, 2024 LeafMachine2 has a Stramlit GUI. To launch the GUI, run:


This will open a new tab in your browser with a simple user interface. Please refer to the guide below for more information about how everything works. The GUI has most of the setting described below and is a great place to start.

Note: If you previously installed LeafMachine2, we recommend rebuilding your venv from scratch before trying to run the latest updates. To get the latest updates, use cd to move into your LeafMachine2 directory, build and activate your virtual environment, then run git pull. If you made local changes to your repo, you may have to stash or --force overwrite your local changes (or just install LM2 in a new local directory).

Creating a Desktop Shortcut

For Windows installations, you can create a desktop shortcut to launch the GUI. Activate your virtual environment, then run python In the terminal you will need to follow the instructions by selecting the location where you want to save the shortcut, and then selecting the virtual environment's folder .venv_LM2. Your shortcut should appear.

Using LeafMachine2

For most applications, you only need to be aware of two files:

    • The file to run LeafMachine2
  • LeafMachine2.yaml
    • The configuration file for LeafMachine2

To run LeafMachine2...

  • From the terminal
    • cd into the ./LeafMachine2 directory
    • make sure that the virtual environment is active
    • run the python file
  • From an IDE like VS Code
    • open the ./LeafMachine2 directory
    • locate the file
    • run the file (in debug mode if you want)
  • That's it!

Well almost. We also need to setup our configuration file.

LeafMachine2 Data Cleaning and Prep (preprocessing steps to be aware of)

LeafMachine WILL automatically edit illegal characters out of file names and replace them with _ or -.

Illegal characters in file names include anything that is not a letter or number or _ or -.

Secifically, we use this function to clean names:

name_cleaned = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]","-",name)

Spaces will become _.

Also, all images will be rotated to be vertical - downstream processes rely on this. This check will also delete any corrupt image files. We found that ~1/10,000 downloads from GBIF produce a corrupt file and this is how we chose to deal with it.

  • Illegal character replacement and image rotation can be turned off, but doing so will likely cause bad things to happen. Change these config settings to False:
        check_for_illegal_filenames: False 
        check_for_corrupt_images_make_vertical: False

If these processing steps sound like they will significantly impact your raw images, then please make sure that you have back up copies of your original images. If you downloaded your images from GBIF, this should not be a worry. But if you are processing your own custom images, then please only run LeafMachine2 on copies of the original images. No one has a good day if a file is deleted! If you have concerns please reach out

If your taxa names (the actual file name) have special characters, LeafMachine2 will replace them with -. Python code in general does not play nice with characters like:

  • Viola lutea x tricolor x altaica ➡️ Viola_lutea_x_tricolor_x_altaica
  • Viola lutea x tricolor x altaica ➡️ Viola_lutea_-tricolor-_altaica (if the X is not the letter X)
  • Dichondra sp. Inglewood (J.M.Dalby 86/93) ➡️ Dichondra_sp-Inglewood-J.M.Dalby_86-93-
  • Sida sp. Musselbrook (M.B.Thomas+ MRS437) ➡️ Sida_sp-Musselbrook-M-B-Thomas-_MRS437-

These special characters should not be used in file names (in general, not just for LeafMachine2).

Having spaces in names or directories can cause unexpected problems.

  • ✔️ ./dir_names_with_underscores/file_name_with_underscores
  • ✔️ ./dir-names-with-dashes/file-name-with-dashes
  • ./not great dir names/not great file names

LeafMachine2 Configuration File

Now you can run LeafMachine2, but unless you setup the configuration file, nothing will happen! LeafMachine2 has many many configurable settings. Here we will outline settings that most folks will use. The LeafMachine2.yaml file is grouped by component, but not all settings within a component group need to be (or should be) modified.

Most settings dictate which output files LeafMachine2 will save. Some dictate how many leaves will be extracted or which ML networks will be used.

To change settings in the LeafMachine2.yaml file we recommend using a VS Code or another IDE because they will help reduce errors. But any plain text editor will work (e.g. Notepad on Windows)

Open the file and customize the options described below.

Quick Start

The most important setting are marked with a ⭐. Begin with these settings and then explore adjusting other settings (if needed).

Primary options (project)

⭐ Settings that tell LeafMachine2 where things are and where you want to save output files.

Strings must be inside '' or "". Forgetting them, or missing one, will cause errors.

Type null for the default value.

Pointing to directories.

        dir_output: '/full/path/to/output/directory' # LeafMachine2 will build the output dir structure here
        run_name: 'informative_run_name' # LeafMachine2 will build the output dir structure here
        dir_images_local: '/full/path/to/directory/containing/images' # This can also be a dir with subdirs

Set image_location to 'local' if you already have images, or to 'GBIF' if you will configure LM2 to download the images.

More information about downloading images here.

        image_location: 'local' # str |FROM| 'local' or 'GBIF' # 
        GBIF_mode: 'all' 

⭐ Batch processing. Set based on PC hardware. We recommend 64 GB of RAM for batch_size: 50 and num_workers: 4.

On your first run, set batch_size: 5 num_workers: 2 jsut to make sure everything is working, then increase to taste.

        batch_size: 50 # default = 20
        num_workers: 2 # default = 2

Secondary (project)

These are less common options. Do not change unless you need to. Set to null if not in use.

These settings will find the GBIF images and occurrence CSV files, create a combined.csv file, and enable you to merge these data with the LM2 output data files. Requires images to already be downloaded and image_location: 'local'.

        path_combined_csv_local: '/full/path/to/save/location/of/run_name_combined.csv' # do set the name of the combined file here
        path_occurrence_csv_local: '/full/path/to/occurrence_csv' # just the dir that containes the txt or csv file
        path_images_csv_local: '/full/path/to/images_csv' # just the dir that containes the txt or csv file

If you are reprocessing the same group of images multiple times, you can point LM2 to the first ACD and PCD detection files to save time. This assumes that you want to use the same ACD and PCD detections each time. Set to null to tell LM2 to run ACD and PCD each time.

        use_existing_plant_component_detections: '/full/path/to/output/directory/informative_run_name/Plant_Components/labels'
        use_existing_archival_component_detections: '/full/path/to/output/directory/informative_run_name/Archival_Components/labels'

This will allow you to select a random subset of a large image set.

Setting n_images_per_species: 10 will randomly pick 10 images from the species in species_list: '/full/path/to/existing/species/names/10_images_per_species.csv' and save them to dir_images_subset: '/full/path/to/save/location/of/new/subset'.

Set process_subset_of_images: True to use, process_subset_of_images: False to skip.

The sepcies list is a CSV file with this format:

species count
Ebenaceae_Diospyros_virginiana 3263
Ebenaceae_Diospyros_ferrea 614
Ebenaceae_Diospyros_iturensis 552
Ebenaceae_Diospyros_mespiliformis 478
        process_subset_of_images: True
        dir_images_subset: '/full/path/to/save/location/of/new/subset'
        n_images_per_species: 10
        species_list: '/full/path/to/existing/species/names/10_images_per_species.csv' 

Primary options (cropped_components)

Saves cropped RGB images based on detections from the ACD and PCD.

⭐ If you want to save none, set do_save_cropped_annotations: False

If you want to save all cropped images (which is heaps and heaps of images...), set save_cropped_annotations: ['save_all']

Use the template below to pick and choose classes to save. :star: Set binarize_labels: True to use a ViT ML network to clean labels and rulers. Note: this will binarize all classes in save_cropped_annotations: ['label', 'ruler'].

Set binarize_labels_skeletonize: True to skeletonize the binary image. Not useful for most situations.

        # add to list to save, lowercase, comma seperated, in 'quotes'
        # archival |FROM| 
        #           ruler, barcode, colorcard, label, map, envelope, photo, attached_item, weights
        # plant |FROM| 
        #           leaf_whole, leaf_partial, leaflet, seed_fruit_one, seed_fruit_many, flower_one, flower_many, bud, specimen, roots, wood
        do_save_cropped_annotations: True
        save_cropped_annotations: ['label', 'ruler'] # 'save_all' to save all classes
        save_per_annotation_class: True # saves crops into class-names folders
        binarize_labels: True
        binarize_labels_skeletonize: False

Primary options (data)

Configure data output. Currently, LM2 saves data to CSV files. JSON files are not going to be helpful for most situations.

To apply the conversion factor to all measurements, set do_apply_conversion_factor: True

To include the DWC data in the output files, set include_darwin_core_data_from_combined_file: True

        save_json_rulers: False
        save_json_measurements: False
        save_individual_csv_files_rulers: False
        save_individual_csv_files_measurements: False
        include_darwin_core_data_from_combined_file: False
        do_apply_conversion_factor: True

Primary options (overlay)

Configure the overlay settings for most of the summary output.

⭐ Set save_overlay_to_pdf: True to save each summary image to a PDF page. This is useful for keeping the number of total output files low.

⭐ Set save_overlay_to_jpgs: True to save each summary image at full resolution.

Since we place roated bounding boxes around leaves, you can set ignore_plant_detections_classes: ['leaf_whole', 'leaf_partial', 'specimen'] to hide the bounding boxes the come directly from the PCD. Same for ignore_archival_detections_classes: [] and ignore_landmark_classes: [], but we recommend leaving them empty.

⭐ Depending on your image size, you can increase or decrease these settings to change the thickness of overlay lines:

        line_width_archival: 2 # int # thick = 6, thin = 1
        line_width_plant: 6 # int # thick = 6, thin = 1
        line_width_seg: 12 # int # thick = 12, thin = 1
        line_width_efd: 6 # int # thick = 6, thin = 1

These settings are a good starting point:

        save_overlay_to_pdf: True
        save_overlay_to_jpgs: True
        overlay_dpi: 300 # int |FROM| 100 to 300
        overlay_background_color: 'black' # str |FROM| 'white' or 'black'

        show_archival_detections: True
        ignore_archival_detections_classes: []
        show_plant_detections: True
        ignore_plant_detections_classes: ['leaf_whole', 'leaf_partial', 'specimen']
        show_segmentations: True
        show_landmarks: True
        ignore_landmark_classes: []

        line_width_archival: 2 # int
        line_width_plant: 6 # int
        line_width_seg: 12 # int # thick = 12
        line_width_efd: 6 # int # thick = 3
        alpha_transparency_archival: 0.3  # float between 0 and 1
        alpha_transparency_plant: 0
        alpha_transparency_seg_whole_leaf: 0.4
        alpha_transparency_seg_partial_leaf: 0.3

Primary options (plant_component_detector)

⭐ This is probably the most impactful setting in LM2: minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.5 Higher values like 0.9 will detect fewer leaves, lower values like 0.10 will detect many leaves.

Set do_save_prediction_overlay_images: True to save the YOLOv5 overlay images. These also show the bbox confidence and are useful for determining why some objects are not getting detected.

Set ignore_objects_for_overlay: ['leaf_partial] to hide predictions from the YOLOv5 overlay images. Can be useful for very cluttered images. Use the same names as in Primary options (cropped_components)

Do not change the detecor names. LM2 v.2.1 only include networks from the publication. Additional networks will be available in future releases.

        # ./leafmachine2/component_detector/runs/train/detector_type/detector_version/detector_iteration/weights/detector_weights
        detector_type: 'Plant_Detector' 
        detector_version: 'PLANT_GroupAB_200'
        detector_iteration: 'PLANT_GroupAB_200'
        detector_weights: ''
        minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.5 #0.2
        do_save_prediction_overlay_images: True
        ignore_objects_for_overlay: []

Primary options (archival_component_detector)

⭐ Archival components are detected exceptionally well. We have seen very few errors or problems with minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.5 and recommend leaving this alone unless your images are substantially different from an average herbarium specimen.

Set do_save_prediction_overlay_images: True to save the YOLOv5 overlay images. These also show the bbox confidence and are useful for determining why some objects are not getting detected.

Set ignore_objects_for_overlay: ['label] to hide predictions from the YOLOv5 overlay images. Can be useful for very cluttered images. Use the same names as in Primary options (cropped_components)

Do not change the detecor names. LM2 v.2.1 only include networks from the publication. Additional networks will be available in future releases.

        # ./leafmachine2/component_detector/runs/train/detector_type/detector_version/detector_iteration/weights/detector_weights
        detector_type: 'Archival_Detector' 
        detector_version: 'PREP_final'
        detector_iteration: 'PREP_final'
        detector_weights: ''
        minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.5
        do_save_prediction_overlay_images: True
        ignore_objects_for_overlay: []

Primary options (landmark_detector)

⭐ To enable landmark detection set landmark_whole_leaves: True. LM2 v.2.1 does not support landmark detection for partial leaves, so set landmark_whole_leaves: False.

⭐ Please refer to the publication for an explanation of why minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.1 is set so low. We found this to be a happy spot, but tweaking the value up or down may improve results for some taxa.

Set do_save_prediction_overlay_images: True to save the landmarking overlay images to a PDF file for review. To show the landmark detections in the whole specimen summary images, this needs to be set to True too. This applies to do_save_final_images: True as well.

Do not change the detecor names. LM2 v.2.1 only include networks from the publication. Additional networks will be available in future releases.

        # ./leafmachine2/component_detector/runs/train/detector_type/detector_version/detector_iteration/weights/detector_weights
        landmark_whole_leaves: True
        landmark_partial_leaves: False
        detector_type: 'Landmark_Detector_YOLO' 
        detector_version: 'Landmarks'
        detector_iteration: 'Landmarks'
        detector_weights: ''
        minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.1
        do_save_prediction_overlay_images: True 
        ignore_objects_for_overlay: [] # list[str] # list of objects that can be excluded from the overlay # all = null
        use_existing_landmark_detections: null

        do_show_QC_images: False
        do_save_QC_images: True

        do_show_final_images: False
        do_save_final_images: True

Primary options (ruler_detection)

⭐ Set these to save different versions of ruler QC images:

save_ruler_validation: False # the full QC image, includes the squarified image and intermediate steps
save_ruler_validation_summary: True  # the recommended QC image
save_ruler_processed: False # just the binary ruler

To limit conversion factor determination to highly confident rulers, set minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.8. We find that minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.4 is fine in general, though.

Do not change the detecor names. LM2 v.2.1 only include networks from the publication. Additional networks will be available in future releases.

        detect_ruler_type: True # only True right now
        ruler_detector: ''  # MATCH THE SQUARIFY VERSIONS
        ruler_binary_detector: ''  # MATCH THE SQUARIFY VERSIONS
        minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.4
        save_ruler_validation: True # save_ruler_class_overlay: True
        save_ruler_validation_summary: True  # save_ruler_overlay: True 
        save_ruler_processed: False # this is the angle-corrected rgb ruler

Primary options (leaf_segmentation)

⭐ Tell LM2 to segment ideal leaves by setting segment_whole_leaves: True and partial leaves by setting segment_partial_leaves: False. In general, there are many more partial leaves than ideal leaves. So segmenting partial leaves will significantly increase total processing time. Please refer to the publication for a more detailed overview of these settings.

The LM2 leaf segmentation tool will try to segment all leaves that it sees, but we only want it to find one leaf, so we set keep_only_best_one_leaf_one_petiole: True to tell LM2 to only keep the largest leaf and petiole. This is not perfect, but it gets the job done for now.

⭐ To save all leaf mask overlays onto the full image as a PDF, set save_segmentation_overlay_images_to_pdf: True

⭐ To save all leaf mask overlays onto the full image as individual images, set save_each_segmentation_overlay_image: True

⭐ This saves each cropped leaf with its overlay to individual files save_individual_overlay_images: True and this sets the overlay line width overlay_line_width: 1

⭐ LM2 can also save the masks to PNG files. To use the EFDs as the masks (these will be smooth compared to the raw mask) set use_efds_for_png_masks: False

⭐ To save individual leaf masks, set save_masks_color: True

⭐ To save full image leaf masks, set save_full_image_masks_color: True

⭐ To save the RGB image, set save_rgb_cropped_images: True

⭐ To measure length and width of leaves set find_minimum_bounding_box: True

⭐ To calcualte EFDs set calculate_elliptic_fourier_descriptors: True and define the desired order with elliptic_fourier_descriptor_order: null, the default is 40, which maintains detail.

We found no real need to change minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.7, but you may find better results with adjustments.

Do not change the segmentation_model. LM2 v.2.1 only include networks from the publication. Additional networks will be available in future releases.

        segment_whole_leaves: True
        segment_partial_leaves: False 

        keep_only_best_one_leaf_one_petiole: True

        save_segmentation_overlay_images_to_pdf: True
        save_each_segmentation_overlay_image: True
        save_individual_overlay_images: True
        overlay_line_width: 1 # int |DEFAULT| 1 
        use_efds_for_png_masks: False # requires that you calculate efds --> calculate_elliptic_fourier_descriptors: True
        save_masks_color: True
        save_full_image_masks_color: True
        save_rgb_cropped_images: True

        find_minimum_bounding_box: True

        calculate_elliptic_fourier_descriptors: True # bool |DEFAULT| True 
        elliptic_fourier_descriptor_order: null # int |DEFAULT| 40
        segmentation_model: 'GroupB_Dataset_100000_Iter_1176PTS_512Batch_smooth_l1_LR00025_BGR'
        minimum_confidence_threshold: 0.7 #0.7
        generate_overlay: False
        overlay_dpi: 300 # int |FROM| 100 to 300
        overlay_background_color: 'black' # str |FROM| 'white' or 'black'

SpecimenCrop Configuration Guide

This configuration is for the script and relies on the LeafMachine2 machine learning model. The primary purpose of this script is to locate all the desired objects inside a specimen image and crop the image to minimize blank space. The primary use case for this is the creation of XMP sidecar files to enhance the efficiency of working in Adobe Lightroom. There are two general usages:

  1. (Recommended) Only create XMP sidecar files
    • Contains cropping and orientation settings
    • Applied to RAW images when imported into Adobe Lightroom
    • Original RAW files are not edited/changed at all by LeafMachine2
    • For crops to be applied, open and export using Lightroom
  2. Use LeafMachine2 to create TIFFs or JPGs from the original RAW files
    • Color accuracy is not guaranteed
    • Quality retention is not guaranteed
    • EXIF data is copied from the RAW files and added to the EXIF data of the created TIFFs and JPGs

Before and After

The only items excluded from these crops were 'weights' class objects.

Original After SpecimenCrop (150 pixel padding) After SpecimenCrop (50 pixel padding)
Original 1 After 150px padding 1 After 50px padding 1
Original 2 After 150px padding 2 After 50px padding 2

Example Workflow

  1. Locate Raw Files: Find the folder containing the raw files you intend to process. The code is validated with CR2 files, but other raw file formats should work.
  2. Set Image Directory: The path to the folder with the raw files should be assigned to the dir_images_local argument.
  3. Set Output Directory: This is determined by the dir_output argument.
    • LeafMachine2 will generate intermediate files during the analysis. Make sure to assign a directory for them.
    • If you only need the XMP files, you can delete this directory after the processing is complete.
    • For debugging purposes, set both component detector do_save_prediction_overlay_images arguments to True to get useful overlay images.
  4. Input Image Type:
    • If Raw: Set save_XMP_to_original_dir to True to save XMP files in the dir_images_local directory. Optionally, save TIFF versions of the cropped images to either dir_images_local or dir_output, and/or JPG versions to dir_output.
    • If JPG: Save JPG versions of the cropped images to dir_output.
  5. Set Orientation: For raw images only. This is trial and error to get the images oriented correctly.
  6. Set Pixel Padding: The default is 150 pixels, which is typically adequate. For lower resolution images, consider reducing this value.
  7. Adjust Optional Settings: Set any other optional or remaining arguments as needed.
  8. Test a Subset: Run a small subset of images and adjust settings accordingly.
  9. Import to Lightroom: Import the combined RAW + XMP files into Lightroom to confirm everything works seamlessly.
    • If you need to rerun the images with new settings, first delete the old images from Lightroom. This ensures the new XMP settings are applied when you reopen the modified images.
  10. Editing in Lightroom: Proceed with your usual editing and exporting process in Lightroom.

Important Arguments

Input Images are Raw Files

  • save_XMP_to_original_dir: True:
    • Saves an XMP sidecar file that contains cropping and orientation information without altering the original raw file.
    • Cropping and orientation information is added to the XMP file, which is then applied when the image is imported into Adobe Lightroom.
  • save_TIFF_to_original_dir: False and save_TIFF_to_dir_output: False:
    • OPTIONAL: Uses rawpy to produce cropped tiffs, although the colorspace may change undesirably.
  • orientation: Specifies the orientation of the image.
    • Options are:
      • "1" - Normal
      • "2" - Flipped horizontally
      • "3" - Upside down
      • "4" - Flipped vertically
      • "5" - Rotated 90° CCW and flipped vertically
      • "6" - Rotated 90° CCW
      • "7" - Rotated 90° CW and flipped vertically
      • "8" - Rotated 90° CW

Input Images are JPG Files

  • save_JPG_to_dir_output: Uses rawpy to generate cropped JPGs. The colorspace may undergo undesirable changes.

Components to Include in Crop

  • include_these_objects_in_specimen_crop: Defines which components will be used to establish the final crop boundary. Start with all items and remove any that cause the final crop to be too large or include undesired items.
  • choose from archival components:
    • ruler, barcode, colorcard, label, map, envelope, photo, attached_item, weights
  • and plant components:
    • leaf_whole, leaf_partial, leaflet, seed_fruit_one, seed_fruit_many, flower_one, flower_many, bud, specimen, roots, wood

Configuration Settings

  • For the complete list of settings and their descriptions, refer to the SpecimenCrop.yaml config file.

Downloading Images from GBIF

An interactive Streamlit GUI is in the works, stay tuned!

        # If location is GBIF, set the config in:
        # LeafMachine2/configs/config_download_from_GBIF_all_images_in_file OR
        # LeafMachine2/configs/config_download_from_GBIF_all_images_in_filter
        image_location: 'GBIF' # str |FROM| 'local' or 'GBIF'
        # all = config_download_from_GBIF_all_images_in_file.yml 
        # filter = config_download_from_GBIF_all_images_in_filter.yml
        GBIF_mode: 'all'  # str |FROM| 'all' or 'filter'. 


LeafMachine2 is a modular suite of computer vision and machine learning algorithms that enables efficient identification, location, and measurement of vegetative, reproductive, and archival components from digital plant datasets.







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