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A Java library to handle non-primitive data types in YAML files. It is built upon the Bukkit FileConfiguration system.

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Welcome to the official documentation of YAMLParser!

This project aims to provide a simple way of accessing data from YAML files. It uses the following libraries:

To start using the project, import it with Maven or Gradle:

  • Maven:
  • Gradle:
repositories {
    maven { url = "" }

dependencies {
  implementation 'it.fulminazzo:YAMLParser:latest.release'
Table of Contents
How does it work
Creating your own YAMLParser

How does it work

The main idea of this project comes from Minecraft Bukkit FileConfiguration system, a way of interfacing with YAML files and retrieving non-primitive data objects.

YAMLParser mimics it by providing its own implementation (therefore becoming independent of the Bukkit library), while also giving a way to access user defined objects.


The base of YAMLParser is IConfiguration. This interface presents a variety of methods and functions to work with data. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • getKeys(boolean deep): returns a Set containing every key in the YAML file. If deep is set to true, it returns also the keys from every subsection;
  • getValues(boolean deep): returns a Map containing every key-value pair in the YAML file. If deep is set to true, it returns also the pairs from every subsection;
  • contains(String path): returns true if the specified path exists;
  • createSection(String path, Map<?, ?> map): creates a section at the specified path and fills it with the given map;
  • set(String path, O o): sets the object O to the given path. If the path contains ".", it creates sections accordingly. Uses YAMLParsers for saving objects;
  • getConfigurationSection(String path): returns the configuration section at the given path;
  • isConfigurationSection(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a configuration section;
  • getEnum(String path, E def, Class<E> eClass): returns the enum of class eClass at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isEnum(String path, Class<E> eClass): checks if the object** at the given path is an enum of class eClass;
  • getUUID(String path, UUID def): returns the UUID at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isUUID(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a UUID;
  • getDate(String path, Date def): returns the Date at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isDate(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Date;
  • getString(String path, String def): returns the String at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isString(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a String;
  • getInteger(String path, Integer def): returns the Integer at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isInteger(String path): checks if the object at the given path is an Integer;
  • getDouble(String path, Double def): returns the Double at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isDouble(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Double;
  • getFloat(String path, Float def): returns the Float at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isFloat(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Float;
  • getLong(String path, Long def): returns the Long at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isLong(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Long;
  • getShort(String path, Short def): returns the Short at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isShort(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Short;
  • getBoolean(String path, Boolean def): returns the Boolean at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isBoolean(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Boolean;
  • getCharacter(String path, Character def): returns the Character at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isCharacter(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Character;
  • getByte(String path, Byte def): returns the Byte at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isByte(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a Byte;
  • getObject(String path, Object def): returns the Object at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isObject(String path): checks if the object at the given path is an Object;
  • getEnumList(String path, Class<? extends E> eClass): returns the enum list of type eClass at the given path;
  • getUUIDList(String path): returns the UUID list at the given path;
  • getDateList(String path): returns the Date list at the given path;
  • getStringList(String path): returns the String list at the given path;
  • getIntegerList(String path): returns the Integer list at the given path;
  • getDoubleList(String path): returns the Double list at the given path;
  • getFloatList(String path): returns the Float list at the given path;
  • getLongList(String path): returns the Long list at the given path;
  • getShortList(String path): returns the Short list at the given path;
  • getBooleanList(String path): returns the Boolean list at the given path;
  • getCharacterList(String path): returns the Character list at the given path;
  • getByteList(String path): returns the Byte list at the given path;
  • getObjectList(String path): returns the Object list at the given path;
  • getObjectList(String path, List<?> def): returns the Object list at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • isList(String path): checks if the object at the given path is a List;
  • getList(String path, Class<T> clazz): returns the object of type clazz list at the given path;
  • get(String path, T def, Class<T> clazz): returns the object of type clazz at the given path. If not found, return def;
  • print(): prints the contents of the configuration.

When invoking a method of type get, the library will also check:

  • if the object is found, but is of different type from expected. This will throw an UnexpectedClassException;
  • by default, it will ignore null objects. However, if you use setNonNull(true), every null object will throw a CannotBeNullException;.

Now that we have covered the basics, we can look into some implementations of the IConfiguration interface.


This class links the in memory configuration map and the corresponding file. It allows loading configurations from File or InputStreams and allows saving them with the save() method. When invoking the getRoot() method on a proper IConfiguration object, a FileConfiguration is always returned.


This class represents any YAML section. Essentially:

  obj1: 1
  obj2: "String"

will be loaded in a ConfigurationSection named example-section that contains the key-value pairs obj1, 1 and obj2, "String".


The real power of this project comes from YAMLParsers. A YAMLParser is a class that allows conversion of an object to its YAML form and vice versa. For example, every primitive type (or String) conversion is just the object itself, since YAML supports these types. However, for more complex objects, like UUIDs and Dates, additional code is required. Thanks to YAMLParser, you will not have to worry about it and only focus on retrieving the object.

Here is a list with every YAMLParser, its target class and how it converts it:

YAMLParsers Class
ArrayYAMLParser <T>[]
CollectionYAMLParser java.util.Collection
DateYAMLParser java.util.Date
ListYAMLParser java.util.List
SetYAMLParser java.util.Set
UUIDYAMLParser java.util.UUID
CallableYAMLParser <T>

ArrayYAMLParser (<T>[])

Convert an array of type T.

WARNING: because of how Java works, it is not possible to load an empty array. Therefore, the use of arrays is discouraged.


# Primitive type or String
- t1
- t2
- t3
# Other types
'0': t1
'1': t1
'2': t1
value-class: rO0ABXQADGEuamF2YS5jbGFzcw==

CollectionYAMLParser (java.util.Collection)

Convert a collection of any type.


# Primitive type or String
- t1
- t2
- t3
# Other types
'0': t1
'1': t1
'2': t1
value-class: rO0ABXQADGEuamF2YS5jbGFzcw==

DateYAMLParser (java.util.Date)

Convert a Date into a valid long.


date: 1701960652515

ListYAMLParser (java.util.List)

Convert a list of any type.


# Primitive type or String
- t1
- t2
- t3
# Other types
'0': t1
'1': t1
'2': t1
value-class: rO0ABXQADGEuamF2YS5jbGFzcw==

SetYAMLParser (java.util.Set)

Convert a set of any type.


# Primitive type or String
- t1
- t2
- t3
# Other types
'0': t1
'1': t1
'2': t1
value-class: rO0ABXQADGEuamF2YS5jbGFzcw==

UUIDYAMLParser (java.util.UUID)

Convert a UUID into a valid string.


uuid: dd6398ec-8461-4b20-9fa7-3dbae60c01b6

SerializableYAMLParser (

Convert an object that implements Serializable into a Base64 string.


object: rO0ABXQAGFlvdSBzaG91bGQgbm90IHNlZSB0aGlzIQ==

CallableYAMLParser (<T>)

This parser allows defining custom objects to be parsed. Say you have a Person class:

class Person {
    String name;
    int age;

All you have to do is invoke the CallableYAMLParser constructor:

public CallableYAMLParser(Class<T> tClass, FunctionException<ConfigurationSection, T> function);

and pass it the target class and a function that returns an empty Person. The parser will automatically save every field and load them from file.


# Vary, in the previous example:
  name: Alexander
  age: 10

Creating your own YAMLParser

While the CallableYAMLParser is able to cover many cases, sometimes you may want more control for saving and loading custom objects. In this section we will look into creating your own YAMLParser and loading it.

Let's start from creating a class that we are interested in:

class Person {
    private final String name;
    private final int age;

    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
        this.age = age;

As you can see, this example is different from the one in CallableYAMLParser because we cannot create an empty Person, nor set its variables later (since they are declared as final).

We can solve this problem by defining a new PersonYAMLParser which extends YAMLParser:

class PersonYAMLParser extends YAMLParser<Person> {

To complete our parser, we need three ingredients:

  • a constructor, that simply invokes the super() method and passes it our class of interest:
    public PersonYAMLParser() {
  • a dumper, which is a function responsible for saving the object that accepts three parameters: the previous configuration, the path where to save the object and the object itself. In this case, we remove the previous object and stop if the new one is null. Otherwise, we create the corresponding section and save the desired into it:
    protected TriConsumer<IConfiguration, String, Person> getDumper() {
        return (configuration, path, person) -> {
            if (configuration == null || path == null) return;
            if (person == null) return;
            ConfigurationSection personSection = configuration.createSection(path);
            personSection.set("name", person.getName());
            personSection.set("age", person.getAge());
  • a loader, a function responsible for loading the object that accepts two parameters: the previous configuration and the path. In this case, we try to retrieve the person section. If none is found, return null. Otherwise, load the name and the age and create a new person with these values (since we are using a BiFunctionException, every exception will be thrown as a RuntimeException. It is up to the user to handle any exception accordingly, for example if age was null):
    protected BiFunctionException<IConfiguration, String, Person> getLoader() {
        return (configuration, path) -> {
            if (configuration == null || path == null) return null;
            ConfigurationSection personSection = configuration.getConfigurationSection(path);
            if (personSection == null) return null;
            String name = personSection.getString("name");
            // You should always use wrapper types.
            // In case the getInteger method returns null, using
            // "int" as type will throw an error.
            Integer age = personSection.getInteger("age");
            return new Person(name, age);

Now, all you have to do is simply add this bit of code in your main class, before loading or saving any object:

FileConfiguration.addParsers(new PersonYAMLParser());

If you have more than one parser, but they all share the same package, you can also use:


That's it! You successfully created your own YAML parser, and it is now ready to use.


A Java library to handle non-primitive data types in YAML files. It is built upon the Bukkit FileConfiguration system.







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