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The mental model of gg

gg mental model

Compare with gitflow

Both gitflow and gg are based on A successful Git branching model

I didn't know there was a gitflow when i started to develop gg. So gg is just another implement of that model.

I have some new concepts like "trials branch" to improve the model. Also, i have my own style of names for branches and i make some small utilits like gg-comment.

Anyway, i manage my own projects using gg, it's lite compared with gitflow but still covering all my requirements for easy git management.

Install and Uninstall

make install
make uninstall


	change the git repository to have the gg structure (one make a master-develop pair and add a pre-commit hook, no other file changes)
gg-create-new-develop-branch-pair <name>
	make a new master-develop pair: <name>|develop and <name>|master
	we call <name> the dev code
	we call the $develop branch below for
		develop branch(without dev code) and
		<name>|develop branch(with dev code)
	the same with the $master branch
gg-ck [m|d|f]
	ckeckout to the develop, master, and father branch within the same dev code.
		the father branch is available only for trial and issue branches
gg-comment <comment>
	make a empty commit to make some comment
		git commit --allow-empty -m "<comment>"

gg-feature-open <name>
	can use this function in all branches other than $master and release branch
		including detached HEAD commit
	open a feature branch with name
		feature/<name> # if you run it from the $develop branch
		feature/<name>-FromBranch-$father # if your run it from $father(the current branch) other than the $develop branch
	can only use this function in a feature branch
	merge the feature branch to $father and delete it
	can only use this function in a feature branch
	rebase the feature branch to $father and delete it
	can only use this function in one feature branch
	merge the $father branch into this branch (update it)

gg-issues-open <name>
	can use this function in all branches other than $master and release branch
		including detached HEAD commit
	open a issue branch with name
		issue/<name> # if you run it from the $develop branch
		issue/<name>-FromBranch-$father # if your run it from $father(the current branch) other than the $develop branch
	can only use this function in a issues branch
	merge the feature branch to $father and delete it
	can only use this function in a issues branch
	rebase the feature branch to $father and delete it
	can only use this function in one issues branch
	merge the $father branch into this branch (update it)

gg-release-open [<name>|none]
	can only use this function in the $develop branch
	if have no args, list all exist tags to help you make a name for this release
	if have the <name>
		open a release branch with name release-<name>
	if <name> is none
		open a release branch with name release
	can only use this function in a release branch
	merge the release branch to $master and $develop, then delete it
	tag the master with <name> from gg-release-open if <name> is not none

gg-hotfix-open [<name>|none]
	can only use this function in the $master branch
	if have no args, list all exist tags to help you make a name for this hotfix
	if have the <name>
		open a release branch with name hotfix-<name>
	if <name> is none
		open a release branch with name release
	can only use this function in a release branch
	merge the release branch to $master and $develop, then delete it
	tag the master with <name> from gg-hotfix-open if <name> is not none

gg-trials-open [<name>]
	can use this function in all branches other than $master branch
	open a trial branch with name
		$father%trials        # if have no <name> input
		$father%trials.<name> # if have    <name> input
	you can make a trials branch in a trials branch
	can only use this function in a trials branch
	merge the trials branch to $father and delete it
	can only use this function in a trials branch
	rebase the trials branch to $father and delete it
	can only use this function in a trials branch
	detele the trials branch and save the log to .git/../.deletedTrailsBranchs
		so you can use the hash name to again find it before the git gc clean the data


to get this demo

cd demo
make simple

and hit Enter for many times

in this demo

things after >>>> are the commands in the makefile
things after # are the comments

other things are output from gg or git

you can get colorful demo by running it by yourself

demo network plot

demo output

# demo for gg
# first we init a git repository
>>>> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in gg/demo/.git/
>>>> git add makefile
>>>> git commit --allow-empty -m "init a repository"
[master (root-commit) 8717a5f] init a repository
 1 file changed, 539 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 makefile
# make it into the gg structure(have a master-develop pair)
>>>> gg-init
Do you what to git init the directory like this?
	git checkout master
	git commit --allow-empty -m "Init commit as gg repository"
	git checkout -b develop
	cat /usr/local/bin/gg/gg-pre-commit >> .git/hooks/pre-commit
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Already on 'master'
[master 88e28f3] Init commit as gg repository
Switched to a new branch 'develop'
>>>> git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate
88e28f3 (HEAD -> develop, master) Init commit as gg repository
8717a5f init a repository
# we can also make another master-develop pair with prefix like somename|master and somename|develop
>>>> gg-create-new-develop-branch-pair test
Do you what to open a new pair of branches like this?
	git checkout -b "test|develop" "develop"
	git checkout -b "test|master" "develop"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'test|develop'
Switched to a new branch 'test|master'
>>>> git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate
88e28f3 (HEAD -> test|master, test|develop, master, develop) Init commit as gg repository
8717a5f init a repository
# gg-ck to quickly switch between develop and master with the same prefix
>>>> gg-ck d
Switched to branch 'test|develop'
>>>> gg-ck m
Switched to branch 'test|master'
>>>> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
>>>> gg-ck m
Already on 'master'
>>>> gg-ck d
Switched to branch 'develop'
# now make some changes
>>>> echo "in develop" > inDevelop.txt
>>>> git add inDevelop.txt
>>>> git commit -m "add file in develop"
[develop ec08ac9] add file in develop
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 inDevelop.txt
# now checkout to master and try to make some change
>>>> gg-ck m

Switched to branch 'master'
>>>> echo "in master" > inMaster.txt
>>>> git add inMaster.txt
>>>> git commit -m "add file in master" || echo "\tfailed to commit in master"
	You should NOT make a commit in the master branch
		If you have to do so, use git commit --no-verify
* master
	failed to commit in master
# now we stash and go to develop to commint
>>>> git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 88e28f3 Init commit as gg repository
HEAD is now at 88e28f3 Init commit as gg repository
>>>> gg-ck d
Switched to branch 'develop'
>>>> git stash pop

On branch develop
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   inMaster.txt

Dropped refs/stash@{0} (a7e977f94b9d007edc5b91ba16b3d3d1d0f1b8a5)
>>>> git commit -m "add file in master, but we can only commit in develop"
[develop c70c146] add file in master, but we can only commit in develop
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 inMaster.txt
# make some changes and try to make a release
>>>> echo "some changes" >> inDevelop.txt
>>>> echo "some bugs\n more bug...\n bug everywhere..." >> inDevelop.txt
>>>> git add inDevelop.txt
>>>> git commit -m "make some changes and then we can make a release"
[develop fd357b5] make some changes and then we can make a release
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
# now make a release
>>>> git tag -a "someTagName" -m "comments"
>>>> gg-release-open || printf "\e[44m# without input arg, we can have a list of the current tags, which can help us to give a name of our release\e[0m\n"
your are in branch develop, Please input release number
Current tag names are
# without input arg, we can have a list of the current tags, which can help us to give a name of our release
>>>> gg-release-open v0.1
Do you what to open a new release branch like this?
	git checkout -b "release-v0.1"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE
[develop d498a72] Start to release version v0.1
Switched to a new branch 'release-v0.1'
# and then make some changes just for release(e.g. change the version number in README)
>>>> echo "version: v0.1" > README.txt && git add README.txt && git cm -m "modify the version number in README"
[release-v0.1 a6d8690] modify the version number in README
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 README.txt
# you can also do nothing here..

# now we close the release and see what happend
>>>> gg-release-close
You are in branch ||      release-v0.1      ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "master"
	git merge --no-ff "release-v0.1"
	git tag -a "v0.1"
	git checkout "develop"
	git merge --no-ff "release-v0.1"
	git branch -d "release-v0.1"

if you meet conflicts in merges, you should delete the branch manully
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE
Switched to branch 'master'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 README.txt    | 1 +
 inDevelop.txt | 5 +++++
 inMaster.txt  | 1 +
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 README.txt
 create mode 100644 inDevelop.txt
 create mode 100644 inMaster.txt
Switched to branch 'develop'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 README.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 README.txt
[develop e6efba5] Merge branch release-v0.1 into develop
 Date: Fri Jul 22 16:54:39 2016 +0800
press Enter to delete branch release-v0.1
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE
Deleted branch release-v0.1 (was a6d8690).
>>>> git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate --graph
*   e6efba5 (HEAD -> develop) Merge branch release-v0.1 into develop
| * a6d8690 modify the version number in README
* d498a72 Start to release version v0.1
* fd357b5 (tag: someTagName) make some changes and then we can make a release
* c70c146 add file in master, but we can only commit in develop
* ec08ac9 add file in develop
* 88e28f3 (test|master, test|develop) Init commit as gg repository
* 8717a5f init a repository
# Oh!! we find a bug in the released version.. now try to fix it!!
>>>> cat inDevelop.txt
in develop
some changes
some bugs
 more bug...
 bug everywhere...
>>>> gg-hotfix-open || printf "\e[44m# Oh!! we need to go to the master branch to open a hotfix..\e[0m\n"

You must be in the master branch to create a new hotfix branch!

On branch develop
nothing to commit, working directory clean
# Oh!! we need to go to the master branch to open a hotfix..
>>>> gg-ck m
Switched to branch 'master'

>>>> gg-hotfix-open || printf "\e[44m# without input arg, we can have a list of the current tags, which can help us to give a name of our hotfix\e[0m\n"
your are in branch master, Please input the hotfix number
Current tag names are
# without input arg, we can have a list of the current tags, which can help us to give a name of our hotfix
# because last version is v0.1, i give the name of the hotfix v0.1.1
>>>> gg-hotfix-open v0.1.1
Do you what to open a new hotfix branch like this?
	git checkout -b "hotfix-v0.1.1"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE
Switched to a new branch 'hotfix-v0.1.1'
# fix the bug
>>>> sed '/bugs/d' inDevelop.txt > temp.txt
>>>> mv temp.txt inDevelop.txt
>>>> git add inDevelop.txt
>>>> git commit -m "fix bugs in hotfix v0.1.1"
[hotfix-v0.1.1 59c8b5a] fix bugs in hotfix v0.1.1
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
# the bug is reported as a issue #1 in our github, to make it more clear, we can make a issue branch
# issue branch can be made in branchs other than master and release
>>>> gg-issues-open "#1"
Do you what to open a new issues branch like this?
	git checkout -b "issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1'
# fix the bugs
>>>> sed '/bug/d' inDevelop.txt > temp.txt
>>>> mv temp.txt inDevelop.txt
>>>> git add inDevelop.txt
>>>> git commit -m "fix bugs for issues/#1/test/for/multi/slash/name"
[issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1 16d44b0] fix bugs for issues/#1/test/for/multi/slash/name
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
# now close issues branch
>>>> gg-issues-close
You are in branch ||   issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1   ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "hotfix-v0.1.1"
	git merge --no-ff "issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1"
	git branch -d "issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'hotfix-v0.1.1'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 inDevelop.txt | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)
press Enter to delete issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1 branch
press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1 (was 16d44b0).
>>>> echo "version: v0.1.1" > README.txt
>>>> git add README.txt
>>>> git commit -m"close hotfix-v0.1.1"
[hotfix-v0.1.1 3df70cb] close hotfix-v0.1.1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
# now we finish the hotfix
>>>> gg-hotfix-close
You are in branch ||      hotfix-v0.1.1      ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "master"
	git merge --no-ff "hotfix-v0.1.1"
	git tag -a "v0.1.1"
	git checkout "develop"
	git merge --no-ff "hotfix-v0.1.1"
	git branch -d "hotfix-v0.1.1"
	if you meet conflicts in merges, you should delete the branch manully
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'master'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 README.txt    | 2 +-
 inDevelop.txt | 3 ---
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
Switched to branch 'develop'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 README.txt    | 2 +-
 inDevelop.txt | 3 ---
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
press Enter to delete branch hotfix-v0.1.1
press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch hotfix-v0.1.1 (was 3df70cb).
>>>> git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate --graph
*   67b7ba3 (HEAD -> develop) Merge hotfix branch hotfix-v0.1.1 into develop
| * 3df70cb close hotfix-v0.1.1
| *   f56870a Merge issue branch issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1 into hotfix-v0.1.1
| |\
| | * 16d44b0 fix bugs for issues/#1/test/for/multi/slash/name
| |/
| * 59c8b5a fix bugs in hotfix v0.1.1
| *   f85f788 (tag: v0.1) Merge release branch release-v0.1 into master
| |\
* | \   e6efba5 Merge branch release-v0.1 into develop
|\ \ \
| | |/
| |/|
| * | a6d8690 modify the version number in README
|/ /
* | d498a72 Start to release version v0.1
* | fd357b5 (tag: someTagName) make some changes and then we can make a release
* | c70c146 add file in master, but we can only commit in develop
* | ec08ac9 add file in develop
* 88e28f3 (test|master, test|develop) Init commit as gg repository
* 8717a5f init a repository
# now let us try the issues, features and trial branch in the develop branch
>>>> echo "some changes in develop" >> inDevelop.txt
>>>> git add inDevelop.txt && git commit -m "some changes in develop"
[develop 7f976ec] some changes in develop
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
# now we want to develop a new feature
>>>> gg-feature-open fly
Do you what to open a new feature branch like this?
	git checkout -b "feature/fly"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'feature/fly'
# make a empty commit with some comment for this branch
>>>> gg-comment "use empty commit to make a relative loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong description for this branch"
Do you what to open a comment like this?
	git commit --allow-empty -m "use empty commit to make a relative loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong description for this branch"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

[feature/fly 36f29de] use empty commit to make a relative loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong description for this branch
>>>> echo "new features" >> newFeature.txt && git add newFeature.txt && git commit -m "add new feature in feature/fly branch"
[feature/fly 322ec12] add new feature in feature/fly branch
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 newFeature.txt
# while the develop branch is also under development
>>>> gg-ck d && echo "some changes in develop" >> inDevelop.txt && git add inDevelop.txt && git commit -m"new changes in inDevelop"
Switched to branch 'develop'
[develop efde126] new changes in inDevelop
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
# we want to update our feature branch with the latest develop branch
>>>> gg-feature-update || printf "\e[44m# we forgot to change the branch..\e[0m\n"

You must be in one feature branch to update it!
On branch develop
nothing to commit, working directory clean
# we forgot to change the branch..
>>>> git checkout feature/fly
Switched to branch 'feature/fly'
>>>> gg-feature-update || printf "\e[44m# we forgot to change the branch..\e[0m\n"
You are in branch ||   feature/fly   ||
Do you want to update it like this?
	git merge --no-ff "develop"

press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 inDevelop.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
# now add more feature
>>>> echo "more features" >> newFeature.txt && git add newFeature.txt && git commit -m "add more new feature in feature/fly branch"
[feature/fly 91f197b] add more new feature in feature/fly branch
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
# now we try to open a issue in the feature brach and close it
>>>> gg-issues-open "#2"
Do you what to open a new issues branch like this?
	git checkout -b "issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly'
>>>> echo "fix issues" >> newFeature.txt && git add newFeature.txt && git commit -m "fix issues"
[issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly 230641b] fix issues
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> gg-issues-close
You are in branch ||   issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly   ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "feature/fly"
	git merge --no-ff "issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly"
	git branch -d "issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'feature/fly'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 newFeature.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
press Enter to delete issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly branch
press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly (was 230641b).
# add new feature and close feature
>>>> echo "more features" >> inDevelop.txt && git add inDevelop.txt && git commit -m "add more new feature in feature/fly branch"
[feature/fly c7d0029] add more new feature in feature/fly branch
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> gg-feature-close
You are in branch ||   feature/fly   ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "develop"
	git merge --no-ff "feature/fly"
	git branch -d "feature/fly"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'develop'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 inDevelop.txt  | 1 +
 newFeature.txt | 3 +++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 newFeature.txt
press Enter to delete feature/fly branch
 press Ctrl+c not to delete it

Deleted branch feature/fly (was c7d0029).
>>>> git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate --graph
*   5a6b58e (HEAD -> develop) Merge feature branch feature/fly into develop
| * c7d0029 add more new feature in feature/fly branch
| *   e07f040 Merge issue branch issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly into feature/fly
| |\
| | * 230641b fix issues
| |/
| * 91f197b add more new feature in feature/fly branch
| *   a7e2e34 Merge(update) branch develop into feature/fly
| |\
| |/
* | efde126 new changes in inDevelop
| * 322ec12 add new feature in feature/fly branch
| * 36f29de use empty commit to make a relative loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong description for this branch
* 7f976ec some changes in develop
*   67b7ba3 Merge hotfix branch hotfix-v0.1.1 into develop
| * 3df70cb close hotfix-v0.1.1
| *   f56870a Merge issue branch issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1 into hotfix-v0.1.1
| |\
| | * 16d44b0 fix bugs for issues/#1/test/for/multi/slash/name
| |/
| * 59c8b5a fix bugs in hotfix v0.1.1
| *   f85f788 (tag: v0.1) Merge release branch release-v0.1 into master
| |\
* | \   e6efba5 Merge branch release-v0.1 into develop
|\ \ \
| | |/
| |/|
| * | a6d8690 modify the version number in README
|/ /
* | d498a72 Start to release version v0.1
* | fd357b5 (tag: someTagName) make some changes and then we can make a release
* | c70c146 add file in master, but we can only commit in develop
* | ec08ac9 add file in develop
* 88e28f3 (test|master, test|develop) Init commit as gg repository
* 8717a5f init a repository
# release another version
>>>> gg-release-open v0.2
Do you what to open a new release branch like this?
	git checkout -b "release-v0.2"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

[develop ff2afde] Start to release version v0.2
Switched to a new branch 'release-v0.2'
>>>> echo "version: v0.2" > README.txt && git add README.txt && git cm -m "modify the version number in README"
[release-v0.2 b6eb6ee] modify the version number in README
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> gg-release-close
You are in branch ||      release-v0.2      ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "master"
	git merge --no-ff "release-v0.2"
	git tag -a "v0.2"
	git checkout "develop"
	git merge --no-ff "release-v0.2"
	git branch -d "release-v0.2"

if you meet conflicts in merges, you should delete the branch manully
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'master'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 README.txt     | 2 +-
 inDevelop.txt  | 3 +++
 newFeature.txt | 3 +++
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 newFeature.txt
Switched to branch 'develop'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 README.txt | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
[develop 234a448] Merge branch release-v0.2 into develop
 Date: Fri Jul 22 16:54:44 2016 +0800
press Enter to delete branch release-v0.2
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch release-v0.2 (was b6eb6ee).
>>>> git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate --graph --tags
*   61c5763 (tag: v0.2, master) Merge release branch release-v0.2 into master
| * b6eb6ee modify the version number in README
| * ff2afde Start to release version v0.2
| *   5a6b58e Merge feature branch feature/fly into develop
| |\
| | * c7d0029 add more new feature in feature/fly branch
| | *   e07f040 Merge issue branch issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly into feature/fly
| | |\
| | | * 230641b fix issues
| | |/
| | * 91f197b add more new feature in feature/fly branch
| | *   a7e2e34 Merge(update) branch develop into feature/fly
| | |\
| | |/
| |/|
| * | efde126 new changes in inDevelop
| | * 322ec12 add new feature in feature/fly branch
| | * 36f29de use empty commit to make a relative loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong description for this branch
| |/
| * 7f976ec some changes in develop
| *   67b7ba3 Merge hotfix branch hotfix-v0.1.1 into develop
| |\
| * \   e6efba5 Merge branch release-v0.1 into develop
| |\ \
* | \ \   8dd0ebb (tag: v0.1.1) Merge hotfix branch hotfix-v0.1.1 into master
|\ \ \ \
| | |_|/
| |/| |
| * | | 3df70cb close hotfix-v0.1.1
| * | |   f56870a Merge issue branch issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1 into hotfix-v0.1.1
| |\ \ \
| | * | | 16d44b0 fix bugs for issues/#1/test/for/multi/slash/name
| |/ / /
| * | | 59c8b5a fix bugs in hotfix v0.1.1
|/ / /
* | |   f85f788 (tag: v0.1) Merge release branch release-v0.1 into master
|\ \ \
| | |/
| |/|
| * | a6d8690 modify the version number in README
| |/
| * d498a72 Start to release version v0.1
| * fd357b5 (tag: someTagName) make some changes and then we can make a release
| * c70c146 add file in master, but we can only commit in develop
| * ec08ac9 add file in develop
* 88e28f3 (test|master, test|develop) Init commit as gg repository
* 8717a5f init a repository
# last, let's try the trial branch. For test, i will start it on a issues branch of a feature branch
>>>> gg-ck d && echo "some changes in develop" >> inDevelop.txt && git add inDevelop.txt && git commit -m"new changes in inDevelop"
Already on 'develop'
[develop af26b73] new changes in inDevelop
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> gg-feature-open F
Do you what to open a new feature branch like this?
	git checkout -b "feature/F"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'feature/F'
>>>> gg-comment "feature branch to be tested"
Do you what to open a comment like this?
	git commit --allow-empty -m "feature branch to be tested"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

[feature/F eb0382b] feature branch to be tested
>>>> echo "some features" >> newFeature.txt && git add newFeature.txt && git commit -m"new features"
[feature/F 5d136b5] new features
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> gg-issues-open I
Do you what to open a new issues branch like this?
	git checkout -b "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F'
>>>> gg-comment "issues branch to be tested"
Do you what to open a comment like this?
	git commit --allow-empty -m "issues branch to be tested"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F f95d67e] issues branch to be tested
>>>> echo "some issues" >> issues.txt && git add issues.txt && git commit -m"new issues"
[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F c1893a8] new issues
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 issues.txt
# last, let's try the trial branch
>>>> gg-trials-open T1
You are in branch ||      issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F      ||
Do you want to make a trail branch like this?
	git checkout -b "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1'
>>>> echo "some trials" >> trials1.txt && git add trials1.txt && git commit -m"trials1"
[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1 2f81b6b] trials1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 trials1.txt
# let's open another trial
>>>> gg-ck f
Switched to branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F'
>>>> gg-trials-open T2
You are in branch ||      issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F      ||
Do you want to make a trail branch like this?
	git checkout -b "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2'
>>>> echo "some trials" >> trials2.txt && git add trials2.txt && git commit -m"trials2"
[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2 e1f90d8] trials2
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 trials2.txt
# we can also open a trial branch on a trial branch
>>>> gg-trials-open T21
You are in branch ||      issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2      ||
Do you want to make a trail branch like this?
	git checkout -b "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to a new branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21'
>>>> echo "some trials" >> trials21.txt && git add trials21.txt && git commit -m"trials21"
[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21 d7ffa4f] trials21
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 trials21.txt
# now let's good-close a trial
>>>> gg-trials-good-close
You are in branch ||      issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21      ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2"
	git merge --no-ff "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21"
	git branch -D "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21"
if you meet conflicts in merges, you should delete the branch manully
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 trials21.txt | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 trials21.txt
press Enter to delete issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21 branch
press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21 (was d7ffa4f).
>>>> echo "some trials" >> trials2.txt && git add trials2.txt && git commit -m"trials2"
[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2 cbb65da] trials2
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
# now let's good-close the trial from the issue branch
>>>> gg-trials-good-close
You are in branch ||      issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2      ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F"
	git merge --no-ff "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2"
	git branch -D "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2"
if you meet conflicts in merges, you should delete the branch manully
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 trials2.txt  | 2 ++
 trials21.txt | 1 +
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 trials2.txt
 create mode 100644 trials21.txt
press Enter to delete issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2 branch
press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2 (was cbb65da).
# now let's go to another trial branch and bad-close it (drop it)
>>>> git checkout "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1"
Switched to branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1'
>>>> gg-trials-bad-close
You are in branch ||      issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1      ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	Record the ref logs of this branch in .git/../.deletedTrailsBranchs and then
	git branch -D "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F'

press Enter to delete issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1 branch
press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1 (was 2f81b6b).
[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F 9f44563] bad close trial branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .deletedTrailsBranchs
# to finished our demo, let's close the issues and feature branch, make a new release and see the final network plot
>>>> echo "some issues" >> issues.txt && git add issues.txt && git commit -m"new issues"
[issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F eeb0c83] new issues
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> gg-issues-close
You are in branch ||   issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F   ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "feature/F"
	git merge --no-ff "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F"
	git branch -d "issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'feature/F'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 .deletedTrailsBranchs | 7 +++++++
 issues.txt            | 2 ++
 trials2.txt           | 2 ++
 trials21.txt          | 1 +
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .deletedTrailsBranchs
 create mode 100644 issues.txt
 create mode 100644 trials2.txt
 create mode 100644 trials21.txt
press Enter to delete issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F branch
press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F (was eeb0c83).
>>>> echo "some features" >> newFeature.txt && git add newFeature.txt && git commit -m"new features"
[feature/F 353bd27] new features
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> gg-feature-close
You are in branch ||   feature/F   ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "develop"
	git merge --no-ff "feature/F"
	git branch -d "feature/F"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'develop'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 .deletedTrailsBranchs | 7 +++++++
 issues.txt            | 2 ++
 newFeature.txt        | 2 ++
 trials2.txt           | 2 ++
 trials21.txt          | 1 +
 5 files changed, 14 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .deletedTrailsBranchs
 create mode 100644 issues.txt
 create mode 100644 trials2.txt
 create mode 100644 trials21.txt
press Enter to delete feature/F branch
 press Ctrl+c not to delete it

Deleted branch feature/F (was 353bd27).
>>>> echo "some changes in develop" >> inDevelop.txt && git add inDevelop.txt && git commit -m"new changes in inDevelop"
[develop a02441e] new changes in inDevelop
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> gg-release-open v0.3
Do you what to open a new release branch like this?
	git checkout -b "release-v0.3"
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

[develop 2c0cf61] Start to release version v0.3
Switched to a new branch 'release-v0.3'
>>>> echo "version: v0.3" > README.txt && git add README.txt && git cm -m "modify the version number in README"
[release-v0.3 56e9952] modify the version number in README
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> gg-release-close
You are in branch ||      release-v0.3      ||
Do you want to close it like this?
	git checkout "master"
	git merge --no-ff "release-v0.3"
	git tag -a "v0.3"
	git checkout "develop"
	git merge --no-ff "release-v0.3"
	git branch -d "release-v0.3"

if you meet conflicts in merges, you should delete the branch manully
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Switched to branch 'master'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 .deletedTrailsBranchs | 7 +++++++
 README.txt            | 2 +-
 inDevelop.txt         | 2 ++
 issues.txt            | 2 ++
 newFeature.txt        | 2 ++
 trials2.txt           | 2 ++
 trials21.txt          | 1 +
 7 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 .deletedTrailsBranchs
 create mode 100644 issues.txt
 create mode 100644 trials2.txt
 create mode 100644 trials21.txt
Switched to branch 'develop'
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
 README.txt | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
[develop e6d0cbb] Merge branch release-v0.3 into develop
 Date: Fri Jul 22 16:54:52 2016 +0800
press Enter to delete branch release-v0.3
press ENTER to continue, press Ctrl+c to ESCAPE

Deleted branch release-v0.3 (was 56e9952).
>>>> git --no-pager log --oneline --decorate --graph --tags
*   d237af2 (tag: v0.3, master) Merge release branch release-v0.3 into master
| * 56e9952 modify the version number in README
| * 2c0cf61 Start to release version v0.3
| * a02441e new changes in inDevelop
| *   e378ad9 Merge feature branch feature/F into develop
| |\
| | * 353bd27 new features
| | *   95fce41 Merge issue branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F into feature/F
| | |\
| | | * eeb0c83 new issues
| | | * 9f44563 bad close trial branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T1
| | | *   f0c23e1 Merge good trial branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2 into issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F
| | | |\
| | | | * cbb65da trials2
| | | | *   709718d Merge good trial branch issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2%trials.T21 into issues/I-FromBranch-feature/F%trials.T2
| | | | |\
| | | | | * d7ffa4f trials21
| | | | |/
| | | | * e1f90d8 trials2
| | | |/
| | | * c1893a8 new issues
| | | * f95d67e issues branch to be tested
| | |/
| | * 5d136b5 new features
| | * eb0382b feature branch to be tested
| |/
| * af26b73 new changes in inDevelop
| *   234a448 Merge branch release-v0.2 into develop
| |\
* | \   61c5763 (tag: v0.2) Merge release branch release-v0.2 into master
|\ \ \
| | |/
| |/|
| * | b6eb6ee modify the version number in README
| |/
| * ff2afde Start to release version v0.2
| *   5a6b58e Merge feature branch feature/fly into develop
| |\
| | * c7d0029 add more new feature in feature/fly branch
| | *   e07f040 Merge issue branch issues/#2-FromBranch-feature/fly into feature/fly
| | |\
| | | * 230641b fix issues
| | |/
| | * 91f197b add more new feature in feature/fly branch
| | *   a7e2e34 Merge(update) branch develop into feature/fly
| | |\
| | |/
| |/|
| * | efde126 new changes in inDevelop
| | * 322ec12 add new feature in feature/fly branch
| | * 36f29de use empty commit to make a relative loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong description for this branch
| |/
| * 7f976ec some changes in develop
| *   67b7ba3 Merge hotfix branch hotfix-v0.1.1 into develop
| |\
| * \   e6efba5 Merge branch release-v0.1 into develop
| |\ \
* | \ \   8dd0ebb (tag: v0.1.1) Merge hotfix branch hotfix-v0.1.1 into master
|\ \ \ \
| | |_|/
| |/| |
| * | | 3df70cb close hotfix-v0.1.1
| * | |   f56870a Merge issue branch issues/#1-FromBranch-hotfix-v0.1.1 into hotfix-v0.1.1
| |\ \ \
| | * | | 16d44b0 fix bugs for issues/#1/test/for/multi/slash/name
| |/ / /
| * | | 59c8b5a fix bugs in hotfix v0.1.1
|/ / /
* | |   f85f788 (tag: v0.1) Merge release branch release-v0.1 into master
|\ \ \
| | |/
| |/|
| * | a6d8690 modify the version number in README
| |/
| * d498a72 Start to release version v0.1
| * fd357b5 (tag: someTagName) make some changes and then we can make a release
| * c70c146 add file in master, but we can only commit in develop
| * ec08ac9 add file in develop
* 88e28f3 (test|master, test|develop) Init commit as gg repository
* 8717a5f init a repository