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ACache, a flexible PHP cache library

Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

ACache - another PHP cache library.

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$cache = new Radebatz\ACache\ArrayCache();

$cache->save('yin', 'yang');

echo 'yin and '.$cache->fetch('yin');

ACache requires PHP 7.2 or later.


Install the latest version with

$ composer require radebatz/acache


ACache is inspired by the doctrine cache component. In fact, there is even a decorator to allow you to use any ACache instance in place of doctrine cache.

Since some features were hard to add on top of that I ended up writing my own :)


The Radebatz\ACache\Cache interface allows to explicitely use a namespace for any given id.

include 'vendor/autoload.php';
define('MY_NAMESPACE', 'my');

$cache = new Radebatz\ACache\ArrayCache();

$cache->save('yin', 'yang', MY_NAMESPACE);

echo 'my yin and '.$cache->fetch('yin', MY_NAMESPACE).PHP_EOL;

While that works well it sometimes is desirable to do this a little bit more transparent (and save some typing).

include 'vendor/autoload.php';
define('MY_NAMESPACE', 'my');

$cache = new Radebatz\ACache\ArrayCache();
// wrap given cache in namespace
$myCache = new Radebatz\ACache\NamespaceCache($cache, MY_NAMESPACE);

$myCache->save('yin', 'yang');

echo 'my yin and '.$myCache->fetch('yin').PHP_EOL;
// or, using the decorated cache directly
echo 'my yin and '.$cache->fetch('yin', MY_NAMESPACE).PHP_EOL;

Wrapping an existing cache instance in a Radebatz\ACache\NamespaceCache effectively allows to partition that cache without the need to carry the namespace around for all method calls.

Multi level

Sometimes losing and re-building your cache due to a reboot or similar can be quite expensive. One way to cope with that is by using a multi-level cache.

A fast (non-persistent) cache is used as primary cache. If an entry cannot be found in that (for example, due to a reboot) it will fall back to a persistent cache (filesystem, db). Only if all configured cache instances are queried an entry would be declared as not found.

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

// two level cache stack
$cache = new Radebatz\ACache\MultiLevelCache(array(
    new Radebatz\ACache\ArrayCache(),
    new Radebatz\ACache\FilesystemCache(__DIR__.'/cache')

// save both in ArrayCache and FilesystemCache
$cache->save('yin', 'yang');

// lookup will only use ArrayCache
echo 'my yin and '.$cache->fetch('yin').PHP_EOL;

Running the same code again will result in the same output, even if the save() call is commented out.

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

$cache = new Radebatz\ACache\MultiLevelCache(array(
    new Radebatz\ACache\ArrayCache(),
    new Radebatz\ACache\FilesystemCache(__DIR__.'/cache')

// save both in ArrayCache and FilesystemCache
//$cache->save('yin', 'yang');

// lookup will only use ArrayCache
echo 'my yin and '.$cache->fetch('yin').PHP_EOL;

Here the Radebatz\ACache\ArrayCache instance will be empty and the Radebatz\ACache\MultiLevelCache will fall back to using the file based cache to lookup (and find) the cache entry.


Both namespace and multi-level cache instances can be arbitrary nested.


All cache instances can be used as Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface instances by wrapping them in a Psr decorator.

use Radebatz\ACache\ArrayCache;
use Radebatz\ACache\Decorators\Psr\CacheItemPool;

$cache = new ArrayCache();

$psrCache = new CacheItemPool($cache);

$cacheItem = $prsCache->getItem('foo');


ACache comes with a pretty complete set of tests for a single cache instance and also combinations of multi-level and namespace caches.


ACache is licensed under the MIT license.


All issues that break backwards compatibility are flagged [BC].


  • [BC] make namespace last argument of save() method [#4]
  • add changelog to provide upgrade details [#8]
  • add DoctrineCache decorator class [#9]
  • make autoloader use prs-4
  • allow to override defaults in PHPUnit tests [#12]
  • add NullCache class [#13]


  • [BC] allow to configure a default time-to-live [#7] This changes the default of $lifeTime argument of the save() method to null
  • add some sort of GC to ApcCache [#16]


  • [BC] Refactor Apc GC into separat class [#18]


  • Add log support to MultiLevelCache [#1]
  • Streamline multi level cache stack validation


  • Add psr-6 support


  • Add option to allow ArrayCache instances to share a single cache instance [#27]
  • Integrate 'cache/integrationtests' (PHP5.4+ only)


  • [BC] Refactor permission options [#32], [#33]
  • Add hardFlush option to FilesystemCache to allow to delete directories on flush too [#34]


  • Saving expired (lifeTime < 0) should behave like delete [#39]
  • Fix ApcCache::flush() in hhvm [#41]
  • Fix invalid offset warning in MultiLevelCace when stripping unavailable cache from stack [#45]


  • Refactor cache/integraton-tests test classes
  • Fix APC being reported unavailable with PHP7 [#47]


  • drop support for PHP 5.3, 5.4 and remove from test matrix
  • add PHP 7.1 and 7.2 to test matrix


  • drop support for PHP 5.5 and hhvm
  • validate against cache/integration-tests
  • disable chmod/chown/chgrp warnings in FilesystemCache
  • add CS rules
  • update dev dependencies


  • disable more chmod/chown/chgrp warnings in FilesystemCache
